Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044664-Reacter
by Jabez
Rated: · Other · Fantasy · #1044664
Story i never finished.
Leo and Claire where experiments of the corporation called the power plant, they’re genetic make up was changed while they still children giving them amazing physical and mental powers. The agent only known as Anonymous wanted to use these powers to take over the world, Anonymous acted as the two children’s mentor until they where teenagers then he quit working at the power plant. Fast forward two years later Leo and Claire are under the guidance of Professor Grant. While in a training one day something unexpected happens. Agent Anonymous who has being gone for two years comes back to take the teens and destroy the power plant but is thwarted by the professor, who takes the two kids away just before Agent Anonymous detonates the bomb in the power plant killing all off the employees Except for professor Grant, Leon, and Claire. The professor gave the two teens over 4 million dollars and told them to go into hiding, the professor himself went into hiding telling the kids that he would get back to them once he gets help from an old friend.

Two years after the destruction of the power plant Leo and I tried to find some peace out of life. The horrific events that changed are lives would come back to haunt us.

“What are you doing?” I asked Leo. “Oh I am just redecorating this room. I wanted a brighter color; it was too dark for me.” “You know there are other rooms, you have been spending all your time in this one room it’s become like your bedroom.” “I know it seems like that but it isn’t. I’m just doing this room first then I will do the others. Don’t worry about me, I will be ok.” I looked into his eyes and he stared back. For as long as I’ve known Leo he never wanted to do decorating. It seemed weird at the time but I thought nothing of it at the time. “Okay call me if you need anything.” “Sure I’ll do that.” I left and went down stairs. Leo and I had bought this house just about a week ago since we had left the power plant behind. The house was big and expensive but with the money we got from the professor it was easy to buy. I opened the basement door and flipped the switch but the light did not go on. I felt my way down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I almost tripped on something. “I know theirs a flash light around here some where…” I said out loud as I felt my way to the tool table I had bought last week, and found the flashlight and clicked it on. I put the beam of light on the thing that I nearly tripped over. “Oh crap!” I had tripped over a bomb and armed it, the timer read (00:10). I ran up stairs as fast as I could to warn Leo, but I knew I would not make it unless…

“Ring, ring.” I looked at the clock next to my bed. It said 2:36 whoever was calling better have a good reason. “Hello Mitch here.” The voice on the phone told me about an explosion at a mansion over at New Port Drive. “Was there anybody in the house at the time of the explosion?” He told me no bodies were found in the house. “Okay I’ll be right there.” I hung up the phone. This case could get me the raise I’ve being wanting.

“Sir the two runaways are taken care of.” “Good now I can focus on building a new power plant, get the men ready, I want to leave tonight.” ”Yes sir, one more thing uh the professor got away. We could not find him after he split up with the two runaways.” “I told you not to bring me bad news!” “I know but.” “No buts, you know I have no tolerance for failure.” “Please no, sirs give me one more chance please.” “Let me think about that, uh, no now die.” “No, ahhhhhh.”

My arm hurt, it felt like it was dislocated. I looked over at Leo. He was still unconscious. I looked at the remains of our house and started to cry. We were lucky. If it wasn’t for my power to teleport we would be dead. “Oh my head, where are we what the…” Leo had woken up and saw the remains of what used to be the mansion. “Are you okay?” I asked, “Yes, how did the house catch on fire?” “There was a bomb in the basement probably from one of the power plant people, I teleported us out of the house but the shockwave from the blast knocked us both unconscious.” “Now what do we do?” he asked. “I don’t know what we are going to do but we better empty out our bank account and find somewhere else to go.” “Then what are we waiting for?”

Claire took my hand and teleported us to the bank where we put our money. “Alright let’s get the money and get the next bus out of here.” She said. “I’ll get the money you stay here; I want to see about some thing.” I let go of her hand and walked into the bank, I could feel her eyes staring into the back of my head. “What can I do for you today?” “I would like to make a withdrawal.” “Very good and your name sir?” “Leon S. Kennedy”
“Hmm your file shows a zero balance, are you sure you don’t want to make a deposit?” The blood drained from my face. “No that’s ok thank you.” I walked out of the bank to find that Claire was gone. “Claire where are you?” I shouted “Hey stop shouting I am over here!” I turned to see Claire was in a red Mazda Miata . “Where did you get that car from?” I asked. “I stole it of course, where’s the money?” “The power plant already got to it. We’ll have to get the back up stash of money we put in the cabin supposing it is still there…” I didn’t get to finish my sentence because a bullet hit the side of the Mazda. I turned around; a man with a black suit had a silenced 9mm in his hand. He aimed for my head. “Get in the car!” Claire screamed. I opened the door and got in, but before I could close the door the man in the black suit grabbed my shirt and pulled me out of the car. He threw me against a nearby wall. When I hit every thing went black. My last thoughts were about Claire.

The guy in the black suit was fast, really fast. He took Leo out of the car before he could close the door. It looked like Leo was unconscious. The man raised his gun, ready to fire. I had one thing to do, I teleported behind the man in the black suit and hit him in the back of the head with my fist. It stunned him then I followed it up with a kick to the gut. He slumped to the ground, and coughed up blood. I ran to Leo and teleported him and me to the car. I started the ignition and pressed down on the gas. I looked through my rear view mirror to see the man in the black suit getting up.

“They have escaped sir. Yes I know what to do this is my life signed in blood; I will not fail you, Agent Anonymous. Yes I know, I've planted a tracer on the boy they will lead me to the old man thank you Agent Anonymous.”

I drove up to the mansion that was on New Port Drive are should I say what was left of the house it was nothing but ash and splintered wood. I walked up to the officer who had called me. His name was Casey. “What happened here?” I asked Casey. “Looks like someone planted a bomb in the basement of the mansion, no bodies were found in the house but there might have been people inside at the time.” “So where are they?” I looked around. “Whoever lived in the house must have gotten out before it exploded.”
“You got the file of the people who lived here?” “No we could not contact the person who sold them the house” “Do you have an address where I can reach this person?” I asked. “Yes I do, it’s over in my car.” We walked over to his car. He opened the door and took out a folder and took out a sheet of paper on it was the address of the contractor. “Here you go.” “Thanks I’ll check it out.” <You’re a little step closer Mitch. > I said to my self.

“Leon, Leon are you okay?” I awoke to Claire slapping my face, really hard. “Ouch stop it am awake now!” I sat up and looked around, we where in the cabin we had bought a year ago. “Did you find the money?” I asked. Claire walked across the room to the old safe hidden in the back of a huge picture of the cabin. She took the picture up and punched in the combination code, it opened. In the safe was the money we put up about two million dollars. “Thank god!” I said. “Are you okay?” Claire asked me. “After being knocked out two times in a row, I just hope I don’t get brain damage. How are you doing?” “I don’t know it’s just that I want Agent Anonymous to leave us alone and stop chasing us.” “He’ll never stop unless we do something to stop him.” “Like what?” “I don’t know but we better find the professor.”

Dr Grant
“Ah here we are my old friend’s place James Sera.” I looked at my watch (1:50). I took out my German semiautomatic pistol named the Luger. “I haven’t used you since world war 2 old friend.” I said to my self. I walked up to the door to James house and took out my tools for opening doors when I dropped one of my picks I bent down to pick it up, just at that moment a shotgun blast ripped threw the top half of the door where I had just been. “CLICK” I checked my Luger and then got up and kicked the door in. a man with a shotgun stood by the window. It was James. “Why did you try and kill me?!” I asked him as I walked inside of the house. “You should know that am not safe with the secrets I Know, and anyway you should have knocked on the door. What brings you here on this fine day?” “I’ve come for your help I got a little problem; it’s your son Jordan his after two kids that he was supposed to train at the power plant faculty, he’s calling himself Agent Anonymous now.” “Hmm, my son haven’t seen him in years, why didn’t you come to me sooner, how long has this being happing?” it took two years for me to find you, you leave every single apartment you had every month, it was very hard to get you. You need to help me take down your son.”

I looked at the file the rookie had giving me. The address of the contractor was 9334 Spirit keyway road. I drove into the neighborhood. It looked rich. I found the man’s home and got out of my car. I knocked on the door. As soon as I did the door creaked open. It looked like someone had broken into the house. I took out my gun, and my flashlight. I pushed the door in slowly, and walked inside. “Hello is any one here?” I called out. No one answered. I felt compelled to call for backup but something in me said don’t do it. I carefully walked up the stairs; strangely they made no sound as I walked up them. When I reached the top I saw that there were 6 rooms including a bathroom. All of the doors where open, I walked to the one closest to me. Before I was going to go inside I heard voices from inside of the room. Quickly I went up against the wall next to the door where the voices where coming from and listened in. “alright lets get rid of this guy and replace him with one of the clones.” “Okay I’ll take that side you take the other.” Sounded like their where two people in the room time for me to get to work “freeze, what the.” There was no one in the room but a man on the floor, was I going crazy? I checked the man on the floor he had no pulse. “I better call for back up.” I said to my self. I turned around, two men where in front of the door. “Well what do we have here?” One of the men said.
“Your both under arrest for the murder of uh, this man whoever he is.” I raised my gun at them. They looked at each other and smiled at each other, then they attacked me I got out of one of the men’s way and kicked the other in the stomach, he went down grabbing his stomach. The other guy punched me in the in the face, dazed from the punch I dropped my gun. The guy who punched me in the face picked me up and threw me out of the second floor window, oh great.

I took a bite from my sandwich and looked into my sniper scope at the two people in the cabin, Leon and Claire. I would get the girl back for making me bleed. I must not forget they are not human; I won't make the same mistake twice.

© Copyright 2005 Jabez (leonre417 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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