Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044633-Darkened-Desires
Rated: XGC · Other · Adult · #1044633
Story contains explicit violence, slavery, bdsm, sexual content, vampires, supernatural
The darkness throbbed around her with her head as she slowly attempted to open her eyes to adjust them to the darkness. The distant voices down the hall had awoken her, and she had learned to wake at that que, making sure she was concious when the keeper and the client came in. By no means did she want to wake up to find herself in a strange area that she did not know again. She sat up slowly , feeling the heaviness of the chains around her wrists. She leaned back against the cold stone wall and closed her eyes heavily. She didn't want to move, didn't want to deal with this now. She flinces as she heard footsteps echo through the long hallway outside her room. She slowly lifted her knees to her chin and wrapped her hands around them. She watches as the flickering shadows took shape and became sharper, smaller in size.
Two gentlemen walked into the room shortly after, one of them being her master, her keeper, the other one apparently being the client. The man wore a heavy black hooded cloak that hide his features and he glided when he moved. They stopped a few feet away from her and continued thier conversation.
"The girl is in very good health. I keep the beatings to a minimum, so there are no lasting scars that mark her body. She's young yet, and stile has a lot of vital life and energy left in her..." Her owner rattled on and on, babbling about this and that feature, trying to persuage the man to buy her. He need the money badly and you could tell by his desperation.
The man interrupted him with a cold, yet smooth voice "The girl....she is bound by chains. Is she not broken?"
The man studdered as he made the point and quickly fetched to mend the mistake "Yes...yes, she's very broken. I simply keep the chains on her as a precaution, sir." Her stopped babbling as the man took a few smooth steps towards the girl. He hovered over her and the girl stood slowly. The owners eyes widened in surprise, for the girl hardly showed reguard or manners to anyone...always gave trouble. The girls stood and eyed him still, with a defiant look in her eyes, her chin tilted upward in a gesture that she still had her dignity.
The man drew closer to her, studying her carefully. He stood inches away from her as one hand came out of the shadow of his cloak and touched her face softly. His finger trailed down the side of her face, tracing the bone structure of her jaw. The girls jaw flinched and tightened and the hand cupped her chin gently. The man looked at her face in deepth. He shifted his hand away and leaned in close to her neck, bringing his face in. She still could not see his face, but she could feel his warm breathe wash over her neck. The moment seemed to last for eterntiy, still and silent....the tension so thick that any one of them could have touched it.
Then suddenly he wasn't there anymore, and hand caught her face hard and the girl stumbled back, tripping on the chains near her feet. She was up on her feet fast, growling in the man's direction, staining against the chains that held her. The man spoke softly above the girls screaming. "I'll take her."
The man, bewildered, noded quickly. After a display like that, normally the client would have walked out in a huff. This man stood still, laid back....his posture seeming as content as a cat. The man walked out of the room to wait out front as the owner prepared the girl for the trip.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The girl awoke to an unusual warmth that didn’t normally accompany her in her homes. Usually there was no reguard for her comfort or welfare. She realized that she did not feel the coldness of steel on her wrists, and neither did she feel the hardness of cold stone. She opened her eyes slowly, taking in the grand bedroom that she was in. She lay on black satin sheets that covered the mattress of a large canopy bed. She was still dirty which was such a contrast to the cleanliness of the room around her. She swung her legs over the bed and stood in a daze as she gazed in awe at the room. She did not notice the man in the cape standing in the corner, watching her carefully, and suddening he was behind her, his long delicate artists hands on her; one wrapped around her throat and the other on her forehead, tilting her head back a bit. He stood there silently, until the girl grew uncomfortable. The silence was deafening. Finally he let her go and she slumped to the floor like a rag doll. She watched as he carefully removed the hooded cape and he bore a simple black suit, no more, no less. His hair was long, and covered most of his back, ending at his waist, close to the length of her own. Then he turned and stared at her. His eyes were black, lifeless. His face did not give away what he was feeling, if he felt anything at all. He made his way to her and he pushed her down gently to the bed. She sat there still, stock still. Why didn’t she respond? Why didn’t she fight with him? She struggled to gain her focus and she narrowed her eyes at him. She swung out, catching his jaw squarely, and shoved him back, running away from the bed, her eyes searching for a door. She felt a slight wind and she saw an open window to her right and then the door to her left. She couldn’t tell if the window lead to anything, and she was unsure of what path to take. But she paused for too long, because suddenly, hands were around her waist, tugging her to the ground. She lost her balance and fell, knocking the breath out of her lungs as she hit her ribs hard, landing on her stomach. She felt as her wrists were quickly taken and jerked backwards and he was sitting on her legs, preventing much of her movement. She felt as he tied her hands with a thick strip of leather that he apparently had on his person. She growled at him, but her voice came out hoarse from the restraint and the fall. She gritted her teeth as she felt him jerk her head back with her hair and she felt his hot breathe close to her ear, his lips barely touching her skin, and his vioce coming out in a whisper.
“Now this is no proper way to treat your host. Instead of acting like a caged animal, why don’t you try acting like a lady. This is my house, my home...Usted respetar eso.“
And in one moment she was on her feet. He pulled her by the arm to the door and swung the door open wide. The hallway was gorgeous, lined with pearl colored decor and high backed chairs of cherry wood. Once they came to an open doorway, he thrust her inside and took a step into the doorway, to block the entrance. She looked around her, and there was a maiden there, and a wardrobe that lined a simple rack. There were three large mirrors, one on each of the remaining walls, and there was a sewing kit, needles and threads of all colors. He gave a quick nod to the woman whom stood across from him, and she started busying herself with things about the room, making preparations.
“Make her look presentable” He trailed off and his face was stern and hard as he looked at the girl. “And you had better straighten your ways, girl, or I will have you eating from a dog’s bowl on the floor, like the bitch that you are acting.” And with that he left, closing and locking the door behind him.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The girl was led to the dining area were her seat was already prepared for her. The room was emaculate, and the table was long and narrow. But the table wasn’t filled with food. There were a few dishes, here and there, and there were two wine glasses, one at each end of the table. But the food was more or less on her side of the table, and the seat across from her end of the table was empty. She sat in the chair, rigid, tempted to get up and run, but for some reason, she held back that urge. She had a feeling that the consequences would not be very good, if she attempted that right now. She had to wait until she knew she had a good chance of getting free. A deep red wine was poured into her crystal glass and the tops of the food trays were lifted and taken away. She wondered idly how many servants and maids he had roaming about the halls. From what she could tell from the high ceilings and staircases, the house was fairly big and spacious. She doubted that he had a family...he didn’t seem the type. And he had willing, paid maids and servants. She assumed that he had bought her for other reasons. That made her hate him even more, and her fist clenched in anger, and she almost got up right then and there, but before she could, he entered the room, his hair brushed past his shoulders and his posture straight and proper. He glanced at her and his eyes trailed over the outfit that she wore and he nodded his approval as he sat down. She was wearing a deep emerald green dress that scooped down her neck line. The material was bunched up and it draped across and off her shoulders, baring her tanned smooth skin. The dress flowed down, hugging her figure nicely and it flared out near the legs, giving it a small train in the back of her dress. Her hair hung long and wavy over her shoulders, at her master’s demand and her green eyes lept out dramatically, complimented by the elaborate green dress she wore. The man stared at her contently, his eyes trained on hers for several moments before he spoke.
“I see you’re cleaned up. You actually look rather nice when your not so filthy.” He paused for a second then continued “What, pray tell, is your name?”
Her voice was strained, behind gritted teeth. “Why would you want to know?”
He arched a brow “Because I’d like to have a name to call you, instead of simply girl.”
“I wasn’t aware that people like you had enough respect for people like me to call me by name” She replied, her voice lessening its strain.“We don’t. It’s just proper. Everything has a name, dear girl. Now my patience is running thin, what is your name?”
She narrows her eyes and spits out “Simone...”
Pleased, he leaned back slightly getting comfortable. He spoke softly, but in a clear voice “And my name is Anthony, or at least, that is what you will call me.”
He looked at her unmoving form “Aren’t you going to eat? You must be famished.”
“I’m not that hungry” She murmured, her body rigid from anger.
“Now, don’t be rude...I am being hospitable and you refuse to show manners.”
At this she stood up and rage thickened her voice “HOSPITABLE?? You call buying me from a slave master and dressing me up like a doll to play pretend with you is hospitable? Well your sadly mistaken, sir.”
Anthony simply sat there silent as she ranted. He broke into a small smile as he stood up and walked to her slowly, stopping only where there was a small space between the two. He took a hand and lifted it to touch her cheek. She flinched and pulled her face back, but he caught it easily, drawing her face in by her chin. He leaned his face in, his lips brushing her cheek lightly, softly. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to fight her urges to run from him. She felt as his finger trailed over the open flesh of her arm, sliding down, down to her wrist. He lifted her wrist to his chest, near his heart, and at first she felt nothing. She paused, confused, until she felt a slight, single drum. Then there was another long pause, a stillness, before the next one came. Her eyes flew open and she gasped, stumbling back, almost falling as she tried to gain distance from him. No human heart beat that slow...it was unnatural. But her response wasn’t so much of fear, as it was of surprise. His face stayed still and unbroken, his eyes cold as he watched her. She took clumsy steps backwards, and ended up catching her dress, falling backwards, landing on her rump. She scrambled backwards still, keeping her narrowed eyes carefully locked on his as she did so. And suddenly, he wasn’t there anymore, but right in front of her, grasping her arm. He pulled her close to him and his jaw tensed. She tried shoving against him, but he didn’t budge and her own face showed anger towards him. He paused for a long moment, staring into her eyes as if looking for a particular something. Then he muttered a soft, single word and her mind began to grow dark. She watched as the inner walls of her sight grew fuzzy and distorted and suddenly, she was no longer capable of sight... and it was a comforting darkness that took her over.
The darkness seemed to surround her...soft...but intangable...for an eternity it seemed this way....her simply floating....and then the darkness began to lift, bringing on a new darkness...but it was a familiar kind. Her eyes fluttered open and for a moment she thought she might be blind...but gradually, her eyes adjusted to he deep darkness around her and she could make out shapes in the room. She could also feel a soft bed beneath her.

Her memories flooded back to her all the way up to the events earlier that night...it was this past night wasn't it? How much time had gone by? She wasn't sure. She slowly rose...her hands resting on the soft fabric. Once more, she did not feel chains around her wrists or ankles. She glanced down at herself...she wore a nightgown of some sort...the material was soft and nearly see through...an offwhite color. It was sleeveless and clung to those soft mounds....and then flowed freely from the empire waistline down to her ankles...the neckline dove in a deep V neckline.

When had she changed clothes? She didn't remember anything past super...and then her eyes widened a little, remembering what had made her freak out to began with...that odd heartbeat....it wasn't human....what the hell was he? She whirled around...her eyes searching the room....of some sign of him...but she seen nothing. It didn't necissarily mean anything though, she reminded herself. She slowly stood up...taking a few steps from the bed, she waited....listening carefully for any sounds of life within the room. Nothing....was the man stupid or simply liked toying with her, by leaving her hands and feet free of binds? She knew it was probably the later, but she didn't care. Being unbound gave her a better chance than being bound.

She moved towards the window....moving the heavy drapes aside. The ground was softly lit by the pale moonlight outside....there was a tree outside her window...she could easily open up the window and escape. She lowered her fingers to the edge of the windowsill and was about to pull it up...but she paused. Why didn't she go? But her curiousity kept her there....she wanted to find out what that man was...she had to know...she glanced towards the door. She could kill him....kill him in his sleep....

She could take his valuables and then run....make a new life for herself....she could...She let out a soft breath and moved away from the window. She would have to go and infiltrate a weapon....a big knife, perhaps...she would make sure that he was dead...whatever he was. She moved slowly to the door...her feet not making a sound upon the floor.

She coiled her fingers around the knob gently....and then slowly turned it...not wanting to make any noise to alert them of her movements. She opened the door a little ways...sticking her head out to peek into the hallway...watching for any movements. She saw and heard nothing, so she slipped out into the hallway....quickly pressing her back to the wall. She paused for a moment...making sure that no one had heard her. When she was sure that there was no one in the hallway with her and that no one had heard her, she headed towards the stairs that led to the first floor. She remembered how to get to the kitchen, for she had passed it on her way to the dining room earlier that evening.

She found the stairs and stopped....listening for any sudden sounds...and then she began to slowly descend the staircase...careful not to make any sound. Her feet lowered unto the next step and there was a soft creaking in the wood. She winced silently...her body freezing it's movements...listening. It seemed an eternity that she stood there...waiting for any signs of life. After a few minutes, she continued her silent, but hasty descent down the stairs.

Finally, she reached the bottom...her eyes taking in the first floor. All the lights were off and it seemed that everyone had retired for the night. She quickly made her way towards the kitchen....pausing in the doorway, she let her eyes adjust once more...for there were no windows to let in the moonlight in here...so it was darker. She finally moved towards the wooden fixture that held the cutting blades...and her slender fingers coiled around the biggest blade....slowly sliding it from it's place. She eyed the blade for a moment...and then held it close to her body...moving silently once more towards the stairs.

She knew that his bedroom chambers had to be on one of the top floors...soon, she had reached the top of the stairs. She eyed the darkened hallway...it seemed to go on forever. She moved towards the room nearest her....stopping just outside of the door...her hand coiled around the knob and she slowly opened the door....but it was just a guest bedroom...small in comparison, even to her own, let alone a master bedroom. She moved away from the doorway and began her search up and down the hallway....all of the rooms simular in size.

She came to the end of the hallway where the stairs let up to the third floor...the hallway at the top however was not very long...there was only one door up here and she knew it had to be his own. She paused outside of the door....her heart beating hard in her chest...she swore that anyone around her would have been able to hear it. She coiled her slender fingers around the knob and turned it...pushing the heavy door open a little ways. Beyond her sight, the first room stretched beyond in darkness...and she could see no movement.

She slipped inside...leaving the door open so that she could easily get through it, had she the need of escape. She took a few steps forward...this room seemed to be only the first opening room....holding an elegant desk and several book tall bookcases..the room was littered with various furniture...a plush one seater chair here...a deep cushioned couch there. She moved silently forward...until she reached a second door that was closed...no doubt, beyond this would be his bedroom.

She moved towards it...her fingers coiling tighter around the blade she held...she opened the door slowly. The room was vast in it's darkness...she could barely see three feet in front of her. She closed the door a little....pausing near the doorway so that her eyes might adjust to the darkness...but no matter how long she stayed there, it did not help...the darkness was too thick. She stepped forward...keeping one hand to the wall...and her other hand clutched the knife as she moved forward. she would follow the wall until she would find the bed, where she was sure that he slept.

She continued forward until her toes hit something hard...and winced silently...gritting her teeth at the slight throbbing pain in her toe from stubbing it. She stood there stock still....her hand moving until it found the headboard of the bed. She leaned forward slowly...

And saw nothing. No one laid there upon the bed....although lavish and large....she knew that no one slept there...it was neatly made...there would have been creases...wrinkles...something. She frowned softly...and then suddenly she gasped, but it was cut off as a firm hand covered her mouth...pressing hard against her lips. She felt as another arm came and wrapped around her slender waist...pulling her back towards his body so that her back was pressed flush against his chest.

"Looking for me? I'm flattered."

*She heard that deep voice sounded softly in her ear...she could feel the warm breath of his words upon her earlobe...sending a chill of fear through her. She tried to scream, but his hand muffled it as it pressed tighter....She began to struggle against his grasp...her elbows trying to shoot into his ribs. His arm quickly slid over her arms....fastening them close to her body as he began to move.

They stopped at the corner of his bedroom...she did not see the door until he opened it...and they moved forward...her hand still clutched the blade and she heard the click of the door shut behind then and then the lock. How had he done it? Both of his hands where on her...she tried to scream again...feeling as he began to move again...but they didn't move long...the room wasn't very big...infact smaller even, then the guest bedrooms on the second floor. She heard the dreaded sound of chains....and suddenly, he pushed her forward...causing her to stumble forward unto a small bed...She could feel him move around her...but before she could do anything, she felt a metal cuff slip snuggly around her wrist. Before he could reach the other one, she lifted her hand and let out an angry cry as she plunged the knife into his shoulder...and then kicked at him...but he didn't even budge.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain as the back of his hand connected with her cheek, sending her back against the wall. She could feel her cheek heating and throbbing with pain....suddenly, she saw a soft flicker of light appear as he lit a candle on top of a dresser...his face illuminated by the soft light...his eyes seemed to glitter in them. Her eyes widened as she could see the knife sticking upright squarely in his shoulder. Her lower lip trembled and she backed herself into the wall...moving back until she reached the corner. Her eyes never leaving him. She could make out the room now...the ceiling slanted slightly were the roof slanted in....and there were no windows to the outside at all. There was this small quaint bed and then the dresser and that was it.

She watched in horror...her heart pounding in her chest as she watched him turn to her...his hand rising...fingers coiling around the hilt of the knife. He yanked the blade out....the blood that coated it shone upon the blade...he shifted his gaze towards the blade slowly...taking it in...as if surprised by the blood upon it.

He moved slowly towards the bed....lowering himself down so that he was seated upon the edge. She pressed herself harder against the corner...but there was no where else to go. What the hell was he? How could anyone just do that? Pluck a knife out of their shoulder like that? Suddenly, he reached forward...she let out a scream and his fingers coiled around the back of her neck....his other hand which held the blade...pressed to her mouth again.

He pulled her forward...so that she was sitting next to him....she felt an uncontrollable tremor pass through her...her fear and dread grew as he brought her closer...his eyes never leaving her own.*

"Shh....don't...make a peep...or I'll return the favor."

*He said...his voice coming out in a soft whisper...he slowly retracted his hand....his fingers coiled in her hair...taking a tight grasp of it so that he controlled her head. He leaned forward closer...bringing the tip of the blade to the nape of her slender neck....his lips barely two inches from her own. He began to trail the tip of the blade over her soft flesh...she almost shuddered at the slight pricking pain of it..a trail of his blood from the blade was left...or was that her own? The trail starting from the base of her neck to the ball of her shoulder...the strap of her nightgown pushed back so that it fell over the edge of her shoulder and rested on her upper arm.

Her chest rose and fell with her labored shaky breaths....her eyes still wide as she felt the blade stop at the ball of her shoulder. He pulled her head back slowly....leaving her neck exposed to him. He leaned in...his nose brushing her neck...he brought his lips so close to her flesh that it merely brushed them lightly...and then she suddenly felt the tip of his tongue against her skin....and it began to follow the blood trail upon her flesh....She whimpered softly as he licked up the blood that had been left there...and then he stopped at the ball of her shoulder....placing a soft kiss there before moving away from the spot.

He lifted the blade once more...the tip of it now resting upon her lower lip as he leaned forward a little....

"I am surprised....and quite pleased...that you did not escape like most would...But...my good mood will only last so long. Do not try to insult me again....or the consequences will not...be...pleasant..."

*He said softly....his own lips barely brushing her own now...and then suddenly, he pressed his lips to hers....his grip on her hair lightening as his tongue pushed past her lips...she let out a muffled cry...feeling as he leaned his body against hers...pushing her back a little...and her fist came out to strike his jaw as she scrambled away from him....pressing herself against the corner...haven't no where else to go.

His eyes flashed angrily and he reached forward....taking her by the arm, he dragged her towards the end of the bed...his hand moving fast as he snapped the second wrist cuff around her slender wrist. He did the same with her ankles and then moved from her....his tall figure looming in the doorway as he stared at her...his eyes glittering slightly.

"You will remain here from now on....you do not deserve the bedroom that I gave you. You will stay at close quarters here to my own bedroom, so that I can keep an eye upon you at all times. I can see your every move...so don't attempt to catch me off guard. It will only anger me. Sleep now...you'll need your rest."

*He said harshly...then turned and closed the door behind him...she could hear the lock latch from the outside as she was left by herself...the light from the candle flickering over the wall with the slight breeze that the door had created. She sat there silently...not sure of what she made of everything...why hadn't she simply escaped? She was stuck here now...not only in chains again...but right next to his bedchambers with no window in this room. She let out a small frustrated sigh and turned...crawling unto the bed. It had no sheets or blanket...simply a small bed with a mattress. She lay back unto the mattress....laying on her back as she stared up at the slanted ceiling....eventually, sleep would claim her...and she would fall into that familiar darkness that awaited her.

Something woke her...but she wasn't sure exactly what. She immediately remembered the events from last night and she let out a small gasp and her eyes snapped open. She let out a sharp scream as she saw him standing there...unblinking...simply watching her at the foot of her bed. she scrambled backwards and her eyes narrowed up at him.*

"What the hell are you doing?"

She demanded...her fear making her heart pound in her chest. He didn't move...didn't flinch. He simply stood there staring at her for what seemed an eternity...and then he finally spoke, his words ringing out commanding.

"Get up. We have things to do today. First, you need a bath."

He stepped around the bed and grabbed hold of her arm tightly...and suddenly, she felt as a thick collar was placed around her slender neck. It was covered mostly with black leather...but deep green velvet trimmed it. Inside there was a steel collar that the leather and velvet covered. She gritted her teeth and felt as a chain was secured to the back of the collar...and then he moved her forward...pushing her out through the doorway.

He silently lead her through his bedroom to another door that was opened...leading into a rather large bathroom. The tub itself was huge...and made of a light almost flesh colored marble. Adjacent to it was a counter and a large rounded mirror...and to the left of that was a large elongated shower, closed off my glass doors. She felt as he pushed her forward...she had to grab hold of the edge of the tub to keep her from falling.

She whirled around and pressed her back against the wall...watching as he moved to the side of the large tub and began to fill it with warm water. He stood there silently as the water slowly filled it...until it was almost full and he turned the knobs, shutting the water off. She followed his movements as he took a step back away from the tub...one hand had a firm grip on the chain that connected to her collar.

"Strip down."

He demanded...his eyes never leaving her own. She narrowed her eyes.*

"What?! No!"

He didn't flinch as he stared at her.

"Strip down or I'll strip you down for you."

He said coldly...She let out a low growl and pressed herself against the wall....her eyes narrowing again. She had no doubt that he would infact strip her down. She didn't have anywhere to run.


She muttered in a low growling voice. Suddenly, he stepped forward...his hand wrapping around her throat tightly as he held her against the wall..preventing a scream from uttering from her lips. His other hand took hold of one of her straps and pulled it down until her upper arm...and then did the same with the other. He took hold of the soft thin fabric of the neckline...sliding his fingers in between her breasts, he yanked the fabric down...almost ripping it...leaving those soft mounds exposed to him as he did so. He paused...his eyes shifting down to gaze upon her...his hand moving slowly to the fabric again as it clung to her hips. He tugged it down...letting it fall to her feet, leaving her body completely exposed. His hand slowly rose....his fingertips trailing up her thigh softly...then over her hands....her arms...his touch so light that it was barely there at all. She felt as his fingers coiled around her upper arm and then suddenly, he threw her into the tub. She slipped and sunk under the water and then surfaced as she found her ground...gasped as she pulled her hair back away from her face.

She let out a low growl...lifting her knees up to her chest as she wrapped her arms around them. She watched as he moved back to the side of the tub...grabbing a loafa.*

"I take it that you will be just as stubborn with bathing yourself as you were with stripping yourself of your clothes. You might be able to live with your own filth, but I wouldn't allow you to."

He said sharply...grabbing the liquid soap, he dabbled some atop of the loafa and began to lather it thick with soap suds. She let out a cry of protest as he grabbed her upper arm and pulled her so that her back was facing him. She tried to pull away from his grasp but he simply tightened his grip, making a sharp cry of pain escape her lips as he jerked her back towards him.

She felt as he began to bath her...passing the loafa over her shoulders slowly...scrubbing her flesh as he moved down to her arms....and then to her lower back. She felt as he lifted the loafa to the back of her neck...and the pulled the chain, forcing her to tilt her head back so that it rested in his lap...her eyes glaring up angrily into his own.

She felt as his hand moved under her chin...and then down lower over her chest and the between her breasts. Then slowly he moved the loafa over one breast...circling it slowly...deliberatly...his fingertips light brushing her flesh for a moment...as if teasing himself with the possibility of touch. A shiver passed through her...crawling down her spine...feeling as he continued to circle her breast with care...his fingertips slipping a little further away from the loafa to pass just under her breast...lightly brushing her flesh. She felt as he moved the loafa across to her other breast...beginning to give it the same treatment....his thumb brushing her niple lightly as he passed the loafa over it.

She gritted her teeth tightly....an eternity it would seem would pass that he did this....and then he began to lower the loafa down her stomach...passing over every inch of that stretch of flesh. She felt as his hand went lower still....she took in a sharp breath...then felt as his hand veered to one side....leading over her hips....washing it carefully...then moving up her leg. He passed the loafa down....starting from her feet and working his way up, until he would reach her upper thigh....getting so close to that forbidden area...but not reaching it just yet.

Her heart beat hard and heavy in her chest...sounding in her ears....she felt as he moved to her other leg....beginning to give it the same ritual that he had done with her first leg. When he had moved the loafa up her thigh....he passed the loafa in slow deliberate circles...forcing her legs apart as he began to wash her inner thigh..slowly descending down....until finally, the loaf stroked that tender area...right between her leg and her lower lips...

She drew in another sharp breath...her body stiffening some...feeling as he lingered there deliberately...his fingers then slowly reaching out past the loafa to lightly brush his fingertips against that stretch of flesh. She closed her eyes tightly...a tremor passing through her body...she wanted to bolt...but she knew that she couldn't go anywhere...he had a hold of her with the collar and he was much stronger than her.

She felt as he slowly moved closer to that spot...the loafa now passing over her lower lips...and he slowly began to pass the loafa up and down over them....he continued this for a few minutes....and then gradually, his fingertips reached out once more...brushing over her lower lips...he began to move his fingers it time with the loafa...gently passing his fingertips over her lower lips lightly. Then slowly...ever so slowly, a finger pressed down a little deeper...slowly pushing past her lower lips...breaking them apart as his fingertips touched that warm flesh just past them.

"Stop...please stop..."

*She uttered the low whisper...her voice shaking. he leaned down slightly...his cold black eyes baring into her own.*

"Why should I?"

*He demanded...his words cold and unfeeling. She let out a small whimper and closed her eyes and suddenly, her arm went out and shoved his arm away from her...she leap back as far as her collar would let her...moving so that she faced him and she pressed her legs together tightly...bringing them close to her body as she narrowed her eyes at him angrily.*

"I said stop! Stay away from me!"

*She screamed...holding out an upturned palm as if somehow that would stop him from coming any closer. She watched as his eyes angered...and his hand shot forward...coiling around her wrist as he yanked her forward. He brought his face close to her own.*

"I will do as I wish. You are my property and will be handled and used at my disposal."

He said sharply...then suddenly pushed her back and stood up abruptly...his figure looming over her as she sat there, a tremble going through her.*

"Rinse off, unless if you wish me to do it for you."

He said coldly...and she hurried to rinse the soap off...she didn't want to feel him touch her again....didn't want to give him an excuse or reason to. When she was finished, she stood and he had a towel waiting for her. She snatched the towel from his hands and began to hurriedly dry off her flesh...goosebumps rising to surface from the cool draft that passed over her skin. He didn't give her a chance to do much else...taking hold of her upper arm, he lead her back into his bedroom. There, he had clothes laid out for her.

He pulled her to the edge of the bed. He took hold of the long off white gown..it was made of almost the same material that her night gown was, only a little thicker. It was meant to hang off the shoulders...the sleeves billowing out at the elbows to the wrists. She felt as he pulled the fabric up and over her head...she slid her arms into each place...glad to have clothes on again. He picked up a dark green waist syncher....a half corset that ended just under her breasts and wrapped around her waist to tie up the back just like a corset. She felt as he turned her around..wrapping the syncher around her waist. She grabbed hold of the edge of the bed as he tightened it to almost the point of making it difficult to breath. He pushed her down so that she sat upon the edge of the bed..and he tied flat sandals to her feet. When he was done, he stood again...coiling his fingers around her upper arm once more tightly as he lead her out of the bedroom.*

"Come...we are going to a semstress and we are having you fitted and cleaned up. One wrong move in public...and I will make sure that you regret it."

He said coldly...tightening his fingers around her arm as he ushered her down the stairs and out the house.

They had rode out into town...visiting some of the more expensive semstresses....gathering her measurements and taking in the orders that Anthony explained he wanted for her wardrobe. Then they had gone to see a woman who cleaned her face....plucked and shaped her eyebrows....groomed her hair. She had placed soft scents upon her flesh and then they were done.

He had kept the collar around her neck...the chain connected...letting everyone know that she was his property. She hated it...but she kept silent. Why did he do such things? Spend such money to prep her? No doubt he had expensive tastes...and he did not like any of his items in his life looking drab and dull, making sure that everything that surrounded him was impecable and of beauty.

He liked perfection...and that is what he worked for. Soon, they arrived back at his estate...and the mansion rose...trees surrounded the home and it was set upon hundreds of acres of land that was in his name....he had much room for seclusion and privacy here. He lead her through the main doors and back up over the stairs and into his bed chambers once more. Evening had fallen...leaving the shadows to stretch upon the walls.

She was lead into his bedroom....she could hear him close and lock the door behind him. It was pitch dark within...just as the night before. She felt as he moved her in once direction...and then there was a flicker of light as he lit a candle...and then he proceeded to light more...all around his room so that there was a soft glow to it. He moved her across the room to another door....endless his bedchambers seemed to be. They walked through and he did the same method...lighting candles as he went. Around them, the room was bare, save for a raised seat and tables...collections of bottles and brushes of sorts...liquid colors in tubes...she felt as he guided her to the chair and fastened her inside...securing metal cuffs around her wrists and ankles as she sat there...then connected the collar to the chair so that her head was secure in place without the ability to move it.

She felt him leave her body...he began to walk around the room...gathering things...instruments...bottles, brushes. He set them all down on the table beside her. He gazed down at her...his cold black eyes never flinching. Finally, he moved...taking hold of a sharp box cutter blade. Her eyes widened and her heart began to pump hard in her chest. He was ever silent...moving infront of her, he leaned in...his fingers grabbing hold of the top of her dress...and he began to cut into the fabric...inch by inch. Cutting away pieces that connected here and there...until he was able to pull the piece of fabric out from under her, corset and all, until her body was left exposed to him once more that day.

He gazed down upon her body...as if admiring it. He was an artist, after all...but she did not know that. He moved from her once more...taking in a brush with one hand...then taking up an easel, he emptied some of the colorful contents unto it. He moved against closer to her...near her face.

"Close your eyes..."

He said softly....and she did so...what the hell was he doing? She did not know....but it made her uneasy...she did not like being nude in front of him...she feared that he would touch her once more...try to know her body. She felt the cool liquid from the tip of the brush as it touched her face. He began to paint....intricate designed...hues of blacks and greens...some hints of gold here and there...he painted an elaborate mask upon her face...the kind of which you would see an upperclassman wear to a ball.

Then he began to work down her body...her body stiffening as he drew close to her breasts once more....intricate tribal designs of black and green littered her body...almost looking like tattoos. For hours it seemed, he worked...making intricate details over her body with the paint. Then, when he had finished, he silently went about the room...cleaning up and putting things away. What the hell was he doing? It all made her very uncomfortable...he didn't seem all there. Who would paint upon a person's body like this? She stayed silent though, for the moment. She heard him leave the room for a short time...then he returned...stepping up beside her. He laid something on the table and then began to unlatch her collar...and then her wrists and ankles.
"Do not move unless if I say to move..."
He said softly...but his voice had a note of threat to it. She stayed still...only moving as he pulled her foward carefully. Part of her was curious as to what he was doing. She watched as he lifted up a corset made of lamb skin...it was almost metalic in nature...a deep green mostly...some parts tribal in design. She felt as he wrapped it around her...fastening it in the back. It lifted up her breasts...making them swell as they were pressed by the lamb skin fabric. Then he proceeded to lift a skirt up...it was heavy...the patches of simular colored lamb skin linked by metal chains. She felt as he lifted each ankle carefully as he pulled the skirt up her legs and settled it around her slender hips.
The clothing looked so odd...she had never seen anything like it before. Then she frowned softly as he took up a peice of lamb skin....and then set it against the lower half of her face. The fixture covered her lips and chin...ending to a point just above her clevage. Her uneasiness grew...what was all this for? She felt as he tightened the neck brace around her neck.
He stepped back...his eyes roaming over his finished product...admiring it...
"Perfect...simply beautiful..."
He murmured...then guided her out of the room. She felt stiff and uncomfrotable as she walked...even if she wanted to get away, there was no way she could move much with these clothes on. She was lead up a set of stairs that was connected to his main room near the stairs that lead down. She hadn't seen it before. She walked with difficulty up the stairs...his hand pressed to the small of her back as he guided her. It was dark in this room as well...she was guided across the room until he stopped her. She heard a click...a small sound of something being opened...and then he ushered her foward. He had guided her into something...a small space...about closet size, if that. She felt as her collar was connected to something once more...and her back was pressed against something cold and hard....it felt metallic.
She gasped under the neck corset as she felt several tiny sharpnesses press against her wrist and something was snapped into place...and then her other wrist was placed in the same treatment. She let out a muffled cry and would have resisted against her braces...but did not out of fear for puncture of that soft tender flesh.
She heard a click as something was closed and then suddenly light flooded the whole room and her eyes widened as she realized she was in a glass case. She was in a display glass box of some sort...and there were other peices of art all around the room. There was a mask displayed, made of human flesh...painted over with colorful designs...beautiful but grotesque. She lowered her gaze and realized that he had barbed wire placed around her wrists...
She let out a soft sob against the material...Anthony stood there silently...simply admiring her. After a few minutes, he stepped towards the glass...his eyes seemed to glitter in the light.
"As you can see...if you try to escape from those binds...those barbed wires will pierce your flesh...tear open your wrists...your blood will flow and it will only add to the perfect art that you are, my dear. So be a good girl tonight, for my show...and you will not suffer."
His lips curved with a cool cruel smile...and then turned from her and walked across the floor...closing the door behind him, leaving her with her torment and fear.
© Copyright 2005 Nehmahati Kerosna (Kala) (nehmahati at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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