Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1044154-Little-David
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Entertainment · #1044154
It all started on the most glorious day of any teeenager's life, Prom.
It all started on the most glorious day of any teeenager's life, Prom. I was a senior in high school and anxious for everything that lay before me. Now, not to brag or anything, but I was one of those drop dead gorgeous, blonde hair, and green eyes kind of gal. So, staying a virgin for seventeen years was a big accomplishment for me. Because I had not lost it yet, I was very eager to do so. I finally did lose it on prom, to the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I will never forget that lustful night. It changed my life forever. A few months after Prom I found out I was pregent. I went to tell my boyfriend, Jake, and all he had to say was "Are you keeping it?". I was disgusted! I could not believe he would even ask. Of course I was going to keep it.There was no way I could kill something that did nothing wrong. It was my fault anyway. No. It was his fault. He pressured me, but when I told him my decision, he was not to thrilled. One week later he left the state of Texas and moved to New York, leaving me all alone to raise a child by myself.
My family deserted me and I did not go to college Like I had planned. I moved to Portland, Oregon, Got a Job at a local bar, and started making payments on a one bedroom, one bath apartment. Then, after nine months in agony I had finally had David. He was the most precious thing I had ever seen in my entire life. He was lucky he was so darn cute though because he did manage to drive me insane. I swear that child would wake ten times a night. Even though I was tired and exhausted, I managed to keep working at Clover Bar. I even got promoted to be manager. I was so excited. Manager was much easier then serving drunk guys more alcohal. I had my own office and David even came to work with me a few times.
On thursdays and fridays he still had to stay with his babysitter, Juli. Before I knew it David turned four and started going to school. He enjoyed it so much and it gave me more time that I could donate to the Growth of Bar. On Thursday, at work, I was stressed out with all the paper work I had to do, when my boss walked in. Charles Was the owner of Clover Bar. He was a serious and quiet man. He rarely even came downstairs to my office. He calmly sat down in the chair across from me and stared at the pile of papers on my desk. "I am moving to California." I was aghast! Charles has never lived anywhere but portland and he even stated once that he was here to stay. "Why!!!!!" I screamed. Charles Was Repulsed. "Wendy! There is no need for yelling. I am moving to California to start a new business." "No!!!" I continued to scream. Charles took a deep breath and continued himself. "I have decided that I am going to give you the bar. You have been a wonderful employee for who nos how long. I know you will do a great job. Good-bye Wendy, and good luck." "Wait." I yelled. There was no response. As Charles walked out of my office, I was reminded of another person who left me once upon a time. So. There I was, all alone, agian, left to do something by myself. I felt betrayed and I didn't know what to do. After sitting in "aw" for awhile I realized I had to go pick up David. We headed back to the apartment and I tucked David in bed. I made myself a cup of tea and laid in my own bed. I picked up my book, "How to Deal." I turned to the page were I had last left off, but something kept me from reading. I could not stop thinking about the bar. I did not know the much about owning or running a bar. I sat in silence and thought untill 3:00 am rolled around. I still had no plan. Then, I finally convinced myself to fall asleep. David came into my bedroom at six and crawled under the sheets with me. He fell right back asleep, but I started thinking again. I decided I was going to pull my act together and figure out what the heck I was going to do. I will tell you that everything went smoothly after that. I hired some new employees and I aslo hired some organizer guy who practically ran the whole place for me. The money just kept rolling in. I made as much money in a month then I had ever made in five years. David and I bought a nice house on an acre of land and had a sensational party to celebrate. Everything went great for about seventeen more years. Even after that it was going great, but I had always wanted to go to college and make something of myself. And now was my chance. I supose I had already made somethin of myself with the bar and everything, but it just didn't seem like enough. I had plenty of money and a wonderful son, who was capable of taking care of himself. By that I mean, he could at least make some macaroni and cheese if I ever came home late. So that was that. I would go to the University of Oregon Starting in a week. David was so proud of me, although he was twenty-two and was already going to college himself. He was going to a colllege a few hours north of home. He still lived with me a drived two hours every morning to make it to school. This was it, my first class in the first college I had ever been to. I took a deep breath, opened the cherry-wood door, and walked inside the classroom. The beell had not rang yet, but the whole class was already there, staring at me. I guess I would feel a little akward too if I was in the same class as a forty-year old. I took the only seat left, that happened to be right next to a young perky gal. The bell rang and I watched as the teacher casually walked into the classroom and said, "Welcome!" He was the most handsome man I had ever seen! Sure I would say my son was the most handsome but.........WOW!!!!!! I was imeadiatly attracted. He kept gazing over at, what seemed to be me, and grinning. I was listening to everything he was saying, but I did not comprehend. I was only focusing on his cute smile. Before I knew it, class was almost over. I had to think of a question,quick, to ask him, so I could stay after class to talk to him. I finally decided to ask him the definition of a word he had talked about earlier in his lecture. I walked swiftly to the front of class and asked him the question. He responded with answer that sounded like bacteria somethings. I did not really hear him I was gazing at his smile again and finally was able to say somethin. Thhhh...ank....ummmmmmmm." "you?" he said, finishing my sentence for me. I studderd slightly, "ya." "How old are you?" I paused. He could not have been over thirty-five. "I am not twenty, thats for sure!"I started laughing, but he barly giggled. "Are you busy tonight." I was speechless! Why was he asking me this? Could he really be interested in me? No. Of course not! Could He? I had to say something quick! "Yes. I mean no, yes!!!!" "Would that be a no or a yes?" He smiled slightly. I giggled and said, "No. I am not busy tonight." "Would you like to go out for a drink or something?" YES!!!!!! He was interested! I remained calm. "YES!! I mean, sure." He smiled again and said, "How about we meet here, at the University. Say about 8:00?" "Sounds great," I said and quickly ran to my next class. I went through with my whole schedule. All the other teachers were okay, but one of them spits a lot, I mean a LOT, when getting in a heated arguments and I was sitting in the front row. Next time I have to remember to sit in the back. I raced back home. I was surprised I did not get a ticket! David came home three hours later then me. By that time i was already to go. I was sitting on the couch trying to figure out out to write my first college paper. David walked in and his jaw dropped. I was wearing a thin velvet dress with my hair pulled up just perfect. "Is it to much honey?" "Well.....were in the world are you goin!!!!" " Goodness sweetie! I would have thought, by now, you would have figured out that I am going on a date tonight." David sat for awhile, staring at me and finally said something. " Good for you mom. You...uhhhhh...look beautiful." "Thank-ya! Oh! Look at the time. I better get goin. Bye sweetheart. I will be back at midnight or so, okay?" "Okay. Bye mom. Have fun." I scappered out the door and before I shut it, I took one more glance at my amazed son. He was smiling. I was driving in my Honda Civic and on my to the university. Then, it occured to me that I didn't even know this guy's name. My bookbag was still in my back seat from my first day at the college. So I rummaged through it, while drivingon the pitch black road, and found my class schedule. First period was Mr.Renolds. Great!!! I thought. I know his last name but not his first. I am going on a date with no name Renolds. Wonderful....not!!! It is all right, I thought. I would just call him Mr. Renolds, until he gave me his first name. I kept driving, until I finally hurled myself into the parking lot. I walked up and down the huge halls. I finally made it to room 111, Mr. Renolds classroom. I gently opened the door and poked my head in. There he was, sitting at his desk, grading papers. I brought my whole body inside and shut the door. Mr. Renolds raised his head and smiled his special smile."You look beautiful," he said. It had been so long since a man,other then my son had told me that. I replied softly. "Thank-you." "Well. We better get goin." "Sure," I said. We walked down the rugged hallway and started talking. "So," I wispered. "So," He wispered back. I better tell him now before anything else happens. What would he think once I told him? Would he ditch me like all the other guys I have tried to tell? It didn't matter, I had to tell him. "So.....ummmmmm, I have a son." "Thats great! I would love to meet the little guy" "Ya! Sure. Little guy!" I started to crack up, but he didn't get it. I decided not to explain. I figured if he was so anxious to meet my son, which is very uncommon in men, I better not push it. There was no way I could tell him my son was twenty-two, and still living with me. He would for sure freak about that, or would he? "Wait! Mr. Renolds, it is really chilly outside and I was wonderin if you had a extra jacket or somethin with you. I forgot mine." "Please call me Zak." And with that, he removed his jacket, placed it on my small shoulders and then, he push the double doors open. And held them open, for me. Zak and I have been dating for two weeks now, and I was meeting him tonight at my bar. It was a crowded saturday night and I had some business to finish down there. So he said he would escort me there. Then, he would wait until I was done with what ever i had to do. We were driving in his big, what I like to call "honkin" truck. We were talking about the weather and how it was suppose to snow tonight and all. We reached the bar and walked in together, hand in hand. I then draged him through the crowd and to the front counter and told the bartender to give him what ever he wanted. "I will be right back." I gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek and started to walk away, but he grabed me by the arm and pulled me back. "I want to meet David." I didn't know what to say. This was the first thing he had said about David since we first met. "K. ummmm....he is probably down here right now havin a drink himself. Let me finish my work real quick and then I will find him for ya." "Sounds good. Hurry up." I pushed my way back through the crowd and up the stairs. My secretary had me sign some checks and I was good to go. As I jogged down the stairs I spotted Zak. He was sitting right next to David and talking to him. I felt good. Now i would not have to introduce them. I scampered over to them. "Hey Wendy! i want you to meet my new pal. This is David. He is actaully goin to school to become a teacher; isn't that great!" I didn't get it was he messing with me. I loooked over at David and he smiled. He knew exactly what was going on, but he did not bother to say anything. Just then, Zak started to dig through his bag. "Look sweetie! Look what I got for you and little David." Zak held up two matching t-shirts. One was my size and the other was fit for a six year old. He had no clue. It was so funny! I immediatly started laughing and David followed right behind. Zak started to yell. "What is so darn funny!" David slowly extended his arm towards Zak's and chuckled. "Hi. I am Little David."
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