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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1043888
Title descibes it. just wanted to try the writing assignment.
"This place is so cramped"

"I agree, but what choice do we have"

That is what I woke up to this morning. Two people I don't know talking about how cramped it is in here. Of course at that time I had no clue what "here" was.

Prior to that I was having this amazing dream about a jungle paradise that I had some how stumbled into. I think I was trying to escape something and had run there to hide.

At any rate as soon as I found safety, I heard those two talking. It was pitch black when I woke up in Jasons arms. He was stroking my hair, when he realized that I was awake.

"Hey baby."

Of course my first thought was, "what the hell is going on" but I only managed a confused.


Before mysterious person numero uno decided to cut in.

"Oh good. You're awake. Do you remember anything? Are you still bleeding?"


I had no clue whether he was asking if I was injured or on the rag. (I was still a little lost at the time)

"Yeah you got hit pretty hard on your way in here."

I completely diregarded the inquery to my injury, I was more curious about where we are.

"Where is here?"

"Bomb Shelter, Eastern Montana... or what was Eastern Montana. You and Jason came running in here yesterday right before we shut the doors. We still haven't been able to get the generator working."

Actually while we were talking to mysterious person numero uno, (Who turned out to be a sheep rancher named Andrew), the other voice I had heard earlier yelled to us and the lights came on.

It was a cold room the size of a small apartment. It looked like a cement cage. nothing on the walls the only thing in there was a generater and 13 people including my self.

After a brief silence Jason made an attempt at communication with the others.

"Um, I'm Jason... who are all of you?"

The red headed boy spoke up first.

"Daniel, and this is Tony and Amber. They're my sisters"

Tony and Amber were probably between six and eight, and they looked nothing like Daniel.

"Andrew, and over theres Yakov"

Yakov was the one who had turned on the generator. He looked like a classic Jewish man, except that he had on jean's and a "Fuck the System" T-shirt.


I'm not one to be frightened easily but when I heard the older woman state her name I jumped. I've never heard a woman with that deep of a voice.




These three men remind me of a pack of wolves, surrounding an unsuspecting meal. The way they spoke was like wind. low, tempting, and malicious.

"Janis... I'm just busy thats all."

This girls eyes shifted back and forth from person to person as if she was making a mental list in her head. Her comment about being busy was made more to herself then to anyone.

"Russle, I read about this shelter, supposedly it has enough supplies to feed 13 people for two years."

I looked around. nothing in this room looked edible. There was a silence and I realized I was the last one to speak.

"Oh. I'm Anjolyn."

Russle was already up looking around. In a few seconds he had opened a door that resembled a crack in the wall. Inside we found what appeared to be a fully furnished apartment complex. It was huge! With 5 adjacent rooms (each has two beds).

The area we had been in was just the generater room. This was the bomb shelter. Russle was right this place had enough supplies to support us all for two years.

Through out the rest of the day we came up with a way to ration the food and necessities. Jason and I ended up shareing a room with Yakov. When every one had found clothes and bedding to their likeing we finally got to go to sleep.

"I love you."

I smiled at Jason.

"I love you."

Despite the war and talk of life on Earth possbly being wiped out I felt pretty good as I curled up and went to sleep.

© Copyright 2005 lyladesdemona (lyladesdemona at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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