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This is Chapters 4 through 6 of Green Light. |
Chapter 4 STUCK IN PARADISE Luckily, Henry’s children were out of school for the summer by now. So, he loaded up the Tahoe and the family went to the mountains in Ruidoso, New Mexico. The scenery was beautiful. Henry had never seen so many trees and greenery. Henry then realized how much he regretted all the years he wasted behind a desk. So determined to be a good employee, he had forgotten about the things that really mattered in life. There were a lot of tourists that time of year. However, not nearly as many people were there as during the winter months. Ruidoso is ski country, and people flock there every winter to hit the slopes. Quaint little shops lined the streets, advertising everything from ski rental equipment to authentic Native American pottery. There was even a museum dedicated to “Billy the Kid,” a ruthless outlaw that roamed Lea County, New Mexico over a century ago. Henry and the family made their way through town and up the mountains to their cabin. The outside structure looked completely authentic and rustic. But, the inside was as modern as any townhouse in New York. The patio deck opened to a beautiful view of pine trees and a small stream trickling down about twenty five feet from the cabin. Henry watched as three does headed toward the stream for a drink of water. They must have adjusted to the tourists long ago because they didn’t even flinch when they discovered he was watching them. Henry headed back inside and called the kids so they could see what wildlife really looked like. The twins, Isaac and Isaiah, were more interested in their PSPs than some silly deer. So, they didn’t jump at the chance. Teenagers will be teenagers. But, Jonathon and Jazlynn ran toward the deck like it was Christmas morning. Jonathon, just hitting the teen years, was still a small boy at heart, and Jazlynn, who was nine going on twenty, was fascinated by anything new and exciting. Patricia followed behind and they all watched the creatures as the does nonchalantly took their coffee break around the stream. After the nature lesson, Jonathon and Jazlynn begged to go play outside. Patricia reluctantly let them go play, warning them to watch for bears, snakes and anything else that she figured would be lurking out there. Henry decided to sit on the deck as the children played, while Patricia went to work on dinner. As Henry sat and watched the children playing, he thought back over the past year and change he had spent inside that prison. He began to understand why it is so hard for criminals to just go into the free world, after years behind bars, and resume life as an ordinary law abiding citizen. The rules of survival are so different and demented in prison. General pleasantries and acts of common courtesy are thrown out the window. Whereas, on the street it is no big deal to give a person a cigarette without expecting anything in return, cigarettes in prison are expected to be re-paid tenfold and have cost some their lives. As Henry snapped back into reality, he noticed Jonathon and Jazlynn playing Hide and Seek in between the trees. Their minds seemed so innocent and free of worries. How Henry wished adults could be as carefree as children. The kids continued to play, full of energy, until their mother called them inside for dinner. They all sat around the dining table and listened to Jazlynn tell of her adventures outside. Isaac then asked Henry whether they would all be going into town the next day. The twins seemed to only have girls on their minds these days. So, Henry guessed Isaac had noticed a cute girl that morning when they were at Wal Mart. Wal Marts had popped up in every town in America, even quaint backwoods tourist spots. There were a few supplies that they had forgotten and Henry agreed they would all go into town the next morning. After dinner, Henry and Patricia watched television while Jonathon and Jazlynn played Monopoly. The twins had retired to their bedrooms to listen to music. Not being the outdoor types, this getaway felt more like a form of punishment to them than a vacation. But, Henry was going to make it up to them tomorrow. There was a huge miniature golf center, with video games and a pizza parlor, in town and planned to take the family there. As Patricia flipped through the channels with the remote, she was a pro channel surfer and controlled the remote like a professional NASCAR driver handled the steering wheel, something on CNN grabbed Henry’s attention. “Patsy, go back to the news!” exclaimed Henry. Patricia flipped back to CNN and there was Chino’s mug shot on the screen. According to the reporter, Chino had escaped from prison and was believed to be at large in the El Paso area. He had been extradited to Federal Court in El Paso, Texas to face indictments on the RICO case from his current home, the Coffield Unit, and escaped while he was being transferred. Chino was said to be armed and dangerous, and citizens were warned not to approach him. Instead, they were advised to call local law enforcement. “Who is he?” asked Patricia. “He was one of the guys locked up with me, and now he is facing charges on that case I worked.” stated Henry. “Why would he escape?” asked Patricia. “Because he is facing two life terms and he has a price on his head. He knows he won’t make it in there anymore. He is probably in Mexico right now as we speak.” stated Henry. Henry grabbed the phone and began dialing. He got Agent Holland’s voice mail and asked him to return his call. As Henry and Patricia watched King of Queens, the phone rang. “Hello?” “Henry, this is Eric. I guess you heard about Chino’s escape?” “Yeah, how did it go down?” asked Henry. “The transportation officers were bribed and let him out while they stopped at IHOPs to get breakfast. They showed up to the federal courthouse and opened the cargo doors like they expected him to be in the van. All that was left were his belly chain and leg irons. The handcuffs were found in some bushes at IHOPs. The guards finally admitted everything when they realized what they were facing if they didn’t cooperate.” stated Agent Holland. “They believe he headed for Mexico. But, I’m not so sure. I just have a gut feeling that he is not south of the border.” He continued. “Come to think of it. You are probably right.” stated Henry. “The TS and the Barrio Aztecas are at war right now, and Juarez is infested with Aztecas. So, Chino would be a fool to go there. He wouldn’t last through the night.” stated Henry. “So, where would he go then? asked Eric. “Did he ever speak of anyplace in particular when you two were locked up together? He continued. “Not really. But, he did seem fascinated with Ruidoso when I used to describe it to him.” stated Henry. “Do you think he might head toward this way?” Henry asked, more to himself than to Eric. “How should I know? asked Eric, “You are the gang expert aren’t you?” “This isn’t really a gang thing. It’s more of a survival thing. But, tomorrow I’ll contact you so you can fax me a mug shot and escape flyer. I’ll get em posted up around town just in case.” stated Henry. “Ok. Talk to you tomorrow then.” Eric stated. After Henry hung up the phone, he asked Patricia if she wanted to run into town with him. Patricia was already intrigued with a movie on Lifetime Network, another story of a woman’s survival against all odds, and decided to stay instead. Jonathon was ready and willing to get out of the cabin though, and he jumped into the Tahoe with his dad. The downward slope of the mountain’s road was eerie in the dark of the night. But, Henry didn’t want Jonathon to know he was a little nervous. Movies like Friday the 13th and Urban Legend kept coming to his mind as they slowly drove down the winding trail. Henry could just picture some psycho jumping out onto the roadway in front of them, or someone rising up from the back seat with a machete. Henry’s imagination always got the best of him. If movies were half as scary as the things that popped up in his head, the studios in Hollywood would make a killing. Just as Henry about scared himself to the point of screaming, they began approaching street lights. Even at nine o’clock in the evening, the town of Ruidoso was hustling and bustling. Hundreds of Tourists were walking up and down the sidewalks window shopping and gazing at the store fronts. The night air was cool, but most people were wearing shorts and tank tops. As they passed through the main street, Henry tried to find some 7/11 or other familiar convenience store to no avail. He knew there was one somewhere because he saw it when they first came into town. But, Henry was never good with directions. The only the store he truly remembered was Wal Mart. For some reason, Henry could find a Wal Mart anywhere. He could probably find one in the middle of the Sahara if need be. “Dad!! Did you see that Hummer pass by?” yelled Jonathon. “It was a white one. When are we going to finish fixing up our Blazer?” Henry had always been a car enthusiast., especially when it came to lowriders. He had always had a lowrider. Even as a teenager, he turned his first car, grandma’s 74’ caprice into a lowrider. His father was furious. But, through the years he learned to adjust and accept Henry’s passion for cars. He and Jonathon were currently working on a GMC Jimmy before Henry went to prison and began his assignment. They had completed nearly every aspect of the customization. But, they still needed to add the hydraulics and fiberglass interior. The twins, Isaac and Isaiah, were more interested in the Euro type cars, Fast and Furious was their thing. But, they did enjoy going to the car shows. Henry had not been to a car show in over two years. This was a hard thing for him, because Henry had religiously attended every car show within grasp since he was fifteen. The Tahoe slowly emerged onto the Wal Mart parking lot. There were a few shoppers. But, nothing compared to the tourists walking through Main Street. Henry passed through the parking lanes looking for that perfect spot. Henry, like many other Americans, could not stand passing up a good parking spot. He would drive up and down the parking lot five times just to get a space two spots closer than the last. Eventually, Henry found a spot to his satisfaction and pulled the Tahoe to a stop. As they walked inside the Superscenter, Henry noticed the all too familiar Missing Children bulletin board. Henry scanned the pictures and noticed a familiar photograph of a teenage girl from Balmorhea, Texas. The girl had been missing for approximately two years now, and there had apparently been no new developments. As soon as they entered the store, Jonathon ran toward the Sporting goods section, calling Henry to follow him. Henry slowly followed Jonathon and found him gazing at the paintball accessories. Jonathon loved playing paintball with his friends and always tried to keep up with the newest trends. Fortunately, this Wal Mart was not as up to date on those things. So, Henry would not have to leave without his wallet. He did pick up a 1000 rounds of paintballs for Jonathon, promising that they would have a paintball war in the woods before they left. Henry and Jonathon continued to shop throughout the store, picking up some necessities and snacks for Patricia and the kids. As they were contemplating which flavor of Munchies Jazlynn would like best, Henry noticed a man staring at him from the next isle. Every time Henry would glance back, the man would turn away. This continued for a few seconds. Finally, Henry approached the man and asked, “Do I know you?” The Hispanic man’s head was shaved and his arms were fully sleeved with tattoos, all surrounding the big TS on his forearm, and Henry could tell he was totally out of his environment. “Huero, it’s me Carlos. I was in the same cell block with you last year. I just got released four months ago” “Oh yeah!” exclaimed Henry, who was now extremely nervous. “When did you get out?” asked Carlos. “I got out last month. I finally got my appeal and they overturned my sentence.” Responded Henry. “That’s great!” Carlos continued. “So, what are you doing way down here?” asked Henry. “You heard about Chino right?” asked Carlos. Just then, Jonathon joined them and asked, “Hey Dad isn’t Chino the name of that guy that they showed on the news?” This did not exactly help Henry, as he wanted to play the whole thing off as a mystery to him. “Yeah, I saw his picture on the news.” Henry reiterated to Carlos. “Well, that is what I’m doing here” stated Carlos. Jonathon was bored with the conversation and decided to go find the toy section. Carlos continued, “The Big Homies have spread us out between Texas, New Mexico and Mexico. So, we can take him out before the feds get to him.” “But, why would he even want to escape? I mean he is safer locked up than he is on the streets.” Henry contemplated, more to himself than to Carlos. Carlos answered his question anyway. “We had a hit set up for him in federal court and somehow he got word. Chino has a hit, but he still has a lot of followers. So it’s hard to keep things like that under wraps.” “I’m surprised you haven’t been given orders on this mission. Didn’t you report to anybody after you got out?” stated Carlos. This was a golden rule with the Syndicate. Every member had to stay in contact even after they are released from prison. Henry had to think about his response quick. If he said the wrong thing Carlos would become suspicious and Henry could end up with a green light on his head. “Well, considering the fact that Chino is the one who inducted me into the family, and he is no longer in good standing. I didn’t know who to contact.” stated Henry. “That makes sense I guess.” stated Carlos. Lucky for Henry, Carlos was not the sharpest pencil on the desk. So, he would be fairly safe, until Carlos mentioned their meeting to someone with a little more common sense. They continued with small talk for a minute. Then Henry bid farewell to the ex-con and began his search for Jonathon. That little encounter made Henry real uneasy, and he had a bad feeling in his gut. He found Jonathon looking at the model cars. “Okay, Jonathon it’s time to go.” “Can’t we look around just a little bit longer?” pleaded Jonathon. “No, we need to get back to the cabin.” “Man! I never get to have any fun.” exclaimed Jonathon. Jonathon headed toward the parking lot, as Henry paid for their items at the register. Once they adjusted themselves inside the Tahoe, Jonathon asked, “Dad, who was that guy?” “Just a guy I know.” “How do you know somebody all the way out here?” “He’s not from here. He is just visiting, like us.” “Oh.” stated Jonathon. As they began to drive off, Henry noticed Carlos getting into an extended cab Chevy truck. Henry memorized the license plate and jotted it down on a napkin as they came upon the first stop light. He was so involved in his activities that he almost hit some guy on a bicycle. He wondered whether Carlos had gotten his plates as well. Henry needed to brainstorm. There was something in this puzzle that he was missing but he couldn’t put his finger on it. As the Tahoe came upon the trail leading up to the cabin, Henry noticed headlights coming up behind them. The Tahoe climbed the steep road but the headlights remained at the bottom. Henry figured it was probably Carlos. However, he elected to blow it off until he could get a better handle on things. Henry and Jonathon entered the cabin and found Patricia eating popcorn and watching the same movie. “Here’s a pickle to go with that popcorn.” Henry stated, as he handed it to Patricia. “What took you guys so long?” she asked. “Dad ran into a guy he knows at Wal Mart.” stated Jonathon, as he headed toward his bedroom. “What guy?” “It wasn’t a great reunion. He was locked up with me and he is TS. Claims he is here to find Chino.” stated Henry. “That guy on tv?” “Yeah, the one and only.” stated Henry. “So, what did he tell you?” asked Patricia. “He was really casual about the whole thing. I played it off and said I had my sentence overturned but I’m not too sure he fell for it.” stated Henry, as he ate some of the popcorn. “Are we going to have to leave?” asked Patricia. “Not yet, at least I don’t think.” stated Henry. Henry then picked up the phone and began to dial Eric’s number. “Hello?” responded Eric in a sleepy voice. “Eric, it me Henry. What are you doing in bed so early?” “I was watching the boob tube and I fell asleep.” stated Eric, who was still groggy. “Well, just wanted to let you know who I ran into at Wal Mart down here. His name is Carlos Ensinas, a soldier for the TS. He is down here on a mission to find Chino before the feds get to him. At least that is what he claims.” explained Henry. “I have the LP of the vehicle he got into. Can you run it for me?” “Sure, spit it out.” Henry rolled the license numbers out and Eric said he would get right on it. After Henry hung up the phone, he asked Patricia if she wanted to sit outside on the patio deck. The movie was over, so Patricia grabbed her popcorn and pickle, as Henry grabbed two cans of Pepsi from the fridge. The night was beautiful but chilly and they sat in silence just listening to the different sounds of the woods. “Henry, when will this all be over? You said your job would be easy after the prison thing. But, it seems like you got in too deep this time.” asked Patricia. “I know. I know. But, this whole thing with Chino has thrown a loop in the plans. Plus, seeing that idiot at Wal Mart doesn’t help any.” Stated Henry, knowing he didn’t reassure her at all. As they sat there, the phone rang. Henry knew it would be Eric. But, he wasn’t prepared for the information Eric was going to throw at him. “Henry, this is not good.” “What are you talking about Eric.” “That truck that Ensinas got into belongs to Jaime Avila, Chino’s defense attorney.” explained Eric. “So, Avila is in on the hit?” asked Henry, who was totally perplexed. “Looks that way.” stated Eric. “This is definitely not good.” stated Henry. “Tomorrow, we are going to send a team up there. If Avila is involved, then there is a good chance that Chino really is in that area. Chino probably contacted Avila after he escaped and told him where he was heading.” explained Eric. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you guys tomorrow then.” stated Henry. “Well, I’m not going up there. I have another case that I have to finish. But, Agent Hernandez will be going. You remember him don’t you?” asked Eric. “Yeah, I remember him. I’ll keep you updated anyway by phone.” stated Henry, concluding their conversation. After Henry hung up the phone, Patricia said she was cold and ready for bed. They went inside and began to turn off the lights before retiring for the night. After making love, Patricia fell fast asleep. Henry stayed awake staring at the ceiling and trying to make sense of everything that had transpired over the past few hours. How could the TS find Chino’s location so quickly? Even if Chino’s lawyer was involved, Henry doubted Chino would have told him his intentions in the first place. Chino knew his lawyer could be bribed to give information to anyone if the price was right. But, who else would know of Chino’s whereabouts? This question was the last thing beating at Henry’s brain as he drifted to sleep. Chapter 5 I’M YOUR PUPPET Chino was freezing his ass off. He didn’t know where Henry got the idea that Ruidoso was a beautiful place in the summer. Granted, he wasn’t actually in Ruidoso yet. But, how much different could the climate be twenty five miles away. Chino was not used to the outdoors. He had always been more of the city boy type. Hell, he had never even been camping before. Chino stopped to rest on the shoulder of the highway, as another car approached. Thumb up again!! The driver didn’t even slow down. Man!! Can’t people hitch hike a ride anymore? He had only gotten two rides since he escaped, and they didn’t help much. One was in the back of some farm truck going from Anthony, New Mexico to Roswell. Then, outside of Roswell, a trucker took him fifteen miles before Chino realized it was in the wrong direction. Of course, the trucker didn’t offer to take him back. So, he just added fifteen miles to his trip. The rest of his trip consisted of walking and jogging. Luckily, he was in fairly good shape and he was able to jog most of the way. Chino was already tired and hungry, in addition to being awake for at least twenty four hours straight. He decided to sit down along the embankment near the highway and rest for a little while. As Chino sat still, he began to hear all sorts of noises. Different insects, birds, and once he swore he heard something growl. The noises were beginning to drive him crazy. So, he got up and began his journey once more. After walking about three miles, Chino spotted some lights originating in the woods. He then began to head in their direction like a lion approaching its prey. The ranch house looked rustic and didn’t seem to be occupied at the moment. Chino slowly crept up to the door and listened for any movement or voices inside. After about a minute, he was certain the place was empty. Chino then slithered around to the back and discovered a ten speed bike up against the support post near the door. What the hell, compared to his other crimes, theft of a bicycle would be nothing. After, scrounging up his transportation, Chino hit up the storage shed. It was pitch black inside the old shack. However, he was able to make out the shapes of various tools and farm supplies. Finally, Chino found something worth taking, a huge hunting knife. Now, Chino was all set and off he went. Chino was now going full speed ahead toward his mission. Take care of Henry before anyone else gets to him. Fortunately for Chino, people never knew how to keep their mouths shut. So, he knew exactly where he could find Henry, the ex-con or undercover agent? It didn’t really matter anymore, because Chino had some unfinished business with him. The bike seemed like a great idea at the time. But, going up and down those steep roads wore him out faster than running. The bike did have an odometer, so Chino knew exactly how far he had traveled. After what seemed an eternity, Chino finally hit the twenty mile mark, and he began to see the light of Ruidoso in the distance. The last five miles seemed to drag on even longer than the first twenty. However, Chino finally made it into town. He had no money, food or clothing. So, his first stop in town would be a quiet little convenience store. Maybe he could pick up some quick cash and snacks. The closest thing he found to a convenience store was a Texaco station. There were no snacks, except for packs of gum at the counter. But, the cash should be the same as anywhere else. The clerk was a lanky pimple faced teenager, who seemed to enjoy his Game Boy more than his occupation. The clerk hardly glanced up as Chino approached the counter. Until, chino pulled the knife and demanded all the money in the register. The electronic game dropped to the floor, as the clerk began to tremble and stutter. “Loo..look man!! Don’t kill me. We have less than fifty in the register like the sign says.” All convenience stores attempted to curtail robberies these days by having drop boxes for the big bills. But, Chino had just watched another customer pay for his gas with a hundred dollar bill and the clerk hadn’t dropped it yet. Chino brought this piece of information to the clerk’s attention, and advised him not to lie again or he would be dead. The clerk agreed that lying was not the best idea and opened the register. Chino made away with approximately one hundred and fifty dollars, a Game Boy and half eaten bag of Lays potato chips. As he peddled out of the Texaco entrance, he was almost run over by some guy driving a Tahoe. After a second look, he was almost positive the guy was Henry. It looked like Henry was with some kid, but Chino wasn’t positive. Chino watched as the Tahoe turned into a backwoods looking road that led up a mountain. Then a truck came from the other direction and seemed to be following the Tahoe. Chino knew he could not keep up with Henry on a bike. So, he decided to wait until daylight to find Henry’s SUV again. As Chino headed down the main street, he scouted for a cheap motel to rest for the night. He always looked for really cheap motels because they were not as strict about identification. As he was looking, Chino spotted a Dairy Queen that still seemed to be open for business. He hadn’t eaten for two days, and he hadn’t eaten a fast food burger in an eternity. So, he decided to quell his hunger and quench his thirst with a burger, fries and coke. As soon as Chino entered the establishment, the little teenage girl at the register headed toward the back. Seconds later, a middle aged white man appeared and stood by the register. “May I help you?” the man stated in a cautious and condescending manner. “I’ll take a Hunger Buster meal with a Coke, and cut the onions.” The employee seemed taken aback by the simple request. But, he rang up the order and gave Chino his total. Chino pulled out a twenty and paid the man. While the order was being prepared, Chino visited the restroom. He attempted to wash his face and clean up a bit. So, he wouldn’t appear as menacing when he tried to get a motel room. Just as he exited the restroom, his number was called through the intercom. Chino then grabbed his meal and left. As he began his journey one more time, Chino looked back toward the Texaco that was now about three blocks away and noticed flashing lights all over the place. He guessed the clerk finally called the police. He knew the kid would eventually get to a phone even after he yanked the store phone from the wall, cord and all. Chino knew he definitely had to get a new set of clothes now. The clothes that the guards gave him before they let him out of the van in El Paso were fine. But, since he did the hold up, cops would be looking for a tattooed Mexican in a white t shirt and blue jeans. Come to think of it, that guy at the Dairy Queen was about his size. Wonder, if he has a jacket? Chino thought about it again and came very close to returning to the Dairy Queen. But, decided against the idea because he would only have additional people that could identify him later on. Chino began to ride through alleyways instead of the main road, until he saw a neon sign flashing vacancy through the buildings in front of him. Chino knew the place had to be a dump because no self respecting motel manager or owner would use a tacky sign like that in this day and age. Chino waited in the shadows on the corner of the street till he was sure there was no oncoming traffic at all. Then he darted across the street, pedaling as fast as he could. He gained so much speed that he almost flipped the bike when he squeezed the front brakes. Chino left the bike in arrow of bushes next to the main office, and walked inside to get his room. No one was at the front desk, so Chino rang the little service bell at the counter. A wiry scum of the earth type came out of the back room. Chino noticed the tracks on his arms and knew the guy was a junky. Hell, one of the spots was bleeding, so chino could only imagine what he was shooting up in the back. The guy’s greasy hair slightly covered the swastika and lightning bolts tattooed on the side of his head. But, Chino spotted it anyway and knew the guy had done time before. This was Chino’s lucky day he thought as he looked over the ex-con. “You want a room for a coupla hours or for da whole night?” he asked. “I want a room for the whole night.” stated Chino. “That’ll be twenny two fity.” stated the clerk. “How much more to keep your mouth shut about me being here?” “You talking about from your old lady or cops?” “Cops.” stated Chino. “That’s on the house. I can’t stand po po’s.” “Even if they throw a reward at you?” asked Chino. “Okay, give me fifty and I’ll make sure my mouth stays shut.” “Like they say in the big house, hear no evil see no evil. Right?” stated the clerk as he snickered. He gave Chino his room key and bid him a good night. Chino still didn’t feel very safe, because he knew the guy was a junkie and would do anything to pay for his next high. Hopefully, he would get so wasted that Chino would be far from his memory by the time cops started snooping around. Even that thought didn’t ease Chino’s mind. He decided to wait a few minutes. Then he slowly crept back inside the office and slid over the counter. The room keys were inside a small cabinet that was wide open. Chino just grabbed four different room keys and left. The room numbers were imprinted on a small plastic key chain. So, Chino easily found a different room. He realized the cops would just go from room to room searching for him anyway, if the guy ratted him out. But, at least they wouldn’t get him on their first try, and he would hear them knocking on the doors adjacent to his first. Maybe that would buy him some time to get out the bathroom window or something. As an extra precaution, Chino shoved the small dresser in front of the door. That would definitely wake him up if someone tried to barge in. Chino finally got settled in after eating his burger and fries, and crashed out within seconds. The next morning, Chino woke up feeling like a new man. He got dressed quickly and out the door he went. At least he was warm now. Someone, he guessed one of the maids, had left a windbreaker in the room, and Chino decided to take advantage of his five finger discount card. It seemed like the mornings were even colder than the nights around this place, chino thought as he peddled toward the road Henry had taken the night before. There was little traffic at seven in the morning. So, Chino was not as cautious as the night before. The road was so steep that Chino had to walk the bike up part of the way. After passing a few cabins, Chino finally found the SUV that Henry was driving the night before. Chino decided to hide under the cover of the trees for a while and just watch. He didn’t see any movement at all for nearly three hours. Then, an extended cab truck pulled to a stop about fifty yards down the road from Henry’s cabin. Shortly after, Chino could see some guy in a dark suit walking toward the cabin. He didn’t recognize the guys face. But, figured he must be a fed because of his attire. The guy only stayed a minute. Then he headed toward the truck and departed. Chino again watched in silence for hours. Then, Henry came out with what Chino supposed was his family. They all got inside the Tahoe and drove away. Chino decided to wait there and make his move on Henry when they returned. Chino was growing weary. Darkness began to fall upon the mountainside. He knew the sun hadn’t quite set yet, but the trees made the place seem nearly pitch black to him. Finally, Chino saw headlights approaching. The Tahoe pulled into the circular drive in front of the cabin and everyone went inside. Chino started to slowly move toward the dwelling, when he heard the front door open and voices come alive. Chino recognized Henry’s voice instantly, and he believed the other voice was that of a child. Then he heard someone counting aloud 1..2..3..4..5..6.. As Chino tried to focus, he saw the silhouette of a man coming toward him at a high rate of speed. Then, the man jumped behind a tree stump and stayed there. Chino recognized Henry’s face, as he jumped behind the stump, by the light of the moon. Chino decided to make his move now. He rose and began to walk toward Henry, with his knife at his side. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain at the back of his head, then total darkness. Chapter 6 STAND BY ME Henry felt a chill as he awoke from his deep sleep. The kids must have already been running in and out of the cabin that morning. Patricia was already up and Henry could smell the eggs and bacon’s aroma floating through the air. As he walked into the kitchen, Henry also began to sneeze. Patricia must have added Jalapenos to the mix. As Patricia handed Henry his plate accompanied with a kiss, Henry knew he was right. She had cooked one of his favorite dishes, an egg omelet with Cream of Mushroom and chili peppers. The taste was to die for. Henry gobbled up two plates full before the kids started getting anxious about going into town. Once they realized everyone had to shower and dress before going anywhere, the children raced off to get ready. Henry sat at the island bar just taking Patricia’s beauty into his eyes as she began to clear the dishes off the table. Patricia was and always had been the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on. Her dark hair enveloped the back of her neck as she turned toward the sink. Henry loved to watch as she flowed through the kitchen. At five foot four, Patricia was not a physically strong woman. But, her determination and strong will made her a superhero to Henry. She had endured a lot as a child. Growing up in a single parent household, Patricia had learned to survive on her own without a man in her life. Her father had left the family when she was toddler, and she developed the traits that made her so beautiful to Henry now. Her childhood and a previously failed marriage caused Patricia to become so determined to be self sufficient, that Henry had a hard time to get her to fully trust him. Patricia seemed almost afraid to depend on Henry, as if she expected everything to fall apart around her, and she did not want to be vulnerable in such a position. Sure, they had their problems, like any married couple. But, Henry knew that they would be sitting on some front porch growing old together years from now. Patricia occasionally pulled away, but Henry was ever so patient as she found her way back, because he knew they were meant to be together forever. After Patricia cleared the dishes, Henry helped her wash them. Once the task was complete, they both sat down and watched television while the kids got ready for their trip to town. Just as Henry became entranced with a talk show, there was a knock at the door. Henry answered the door and discovered agent Hernandez standing at the step. “Henry, just letting you know, we are here and we will be setting up a command center at the Motel 6 north of town. We are in room 224.” “How did you know where to find the cabin?” asked Henry. “Eric told me.” “Oh. Well, I’ve got to take care of some things first. So, I’ll run down to the command center later this evening.” stated Henry, as he bid farewell to the agent. Henry went back inside and began to get ready for their trip to town. He decided to take along his Glock, just in case. It seemed like things were beginning to get hairy again. After everyone was changed and ready to go, they all loaded up in the SUV and headed for town. As they came to the first signal light, Henry noticed a truck in front of them. It was the same truck that Carlos had been in the night before. The windows were tinted to dark for Henry to distinguish the figures inside the vehicle. However, he could see there were at least three people inside. He figured the truck had been somewhere near the cabin, because this road only led that direction. Patricia and the kids were hungry since it was around noon. So, they stopped at Pizza Hut before heading to the miniature golf course. Henry imagined they provided some type of eating establishment at the fun park, but he also imagined ridiculous prices. Thus, he figured this would be the easiest way, budget wise. The family had arrived just in time for the daily lunch buffet. So, they all grabbed some plates and started loading them up. As Henry and Patricia walked around the buffet, Patricia placed her hand on his waist and felt the pistol holstered near the small of his back. “Why did you bring that?!” she whispered in an irritated voice. “It’s just a precaution. It seems like things are going to get out of control pretty soon and I don’t want to be caught with my pants down.” “You promised me that this would all slow down after you did that undercover thing!” Patricia yelled in a whisper. “I know. But, until it goes to trial, the case really isn’t over.” explained Henry. Then Patricia ordered, “You are not taking that thing into the miniature golf course!!” “Patsy, you don’t know these guys. They don’t care where it is. They have no morals when it comes to these things.” Henry pleaded. “Well, if it’s that dangerous. Then, maybe the kids and I should just go back home.” stated Patricia. “Look, I didn’t say anything was going to happen. But, wouldn’t you rather I be able to protect you if it does. Then just have me standing there like an idiot if someone tries something?!” exclaimed Henry. “I guess, but I don’t know if I can take much more of this.” They finally filled their plates and sat down at a table the kids had picked for them. Both sat quietly and ate. The only one that spoke throughout the meal was Jazlynn. The boys could sense something was wrong and elected to keep quiet. After everyone finished eating, Henry went to the register and paid. Then everyone jumped back into the Tahoe and Henry drove toward the miniature golf course. As they approached the course, the boys realized their destination and became excited. The fun park had everything from miniature golf and video games to go cart racing. The twins headed straight for the video games, while Jonathon headed for the race cars. Jazlynn wanted to play miniature golf first. So, Patricia and Jazlynn went to grab some clubs and start their tournament, while Henry followed behind Jonathon to race him for pinks. After spending the day at the fun park, everyone was exhausted. Patricia had calmed down and began talking to Henry again about three hours earlier. So, they discussed what to have for dinner as they headed back toward the cabin. Once they arrived, Jonathon decided to hold Henry to his promise about their war games. Henry kept his word, and asked whether anyone else wanted to join them. But, Isaac had phone calls to make while Isaiah wanted to watch an Ice Cube movie on television, it was one of the Fridays, Henry wasn’t sure which one. Jazlynn was going to be a little helper and assist Patricia with dinner. So, Henry and Jonathon put on their gear and headed outside. The sun had just begun to set. However, it seemed much later in the evening with all the trees blocking the light. Henry told Jonathon he was going to head into the wooded area, and Jonathon should begin searching for him after counting to fifty. Jonathon agreed and placed his head, with his hands covering his eyes, against the side of the SUV. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..15..20.. Jonathon could hear twigs and leaves crackling as Henry drew farther and farther away. Jonathon turned around after he could no longer hear any noises, and found no one in sight. Slowly he began to head toward the woods with the caution of a skilled hunter. Henry was running as fast as he could. However, the steep embankments slowed him down quite a bit. He finally found a hollowed tree stump about seventy five yards away from the cabin and hid behind it. Henry hated waiting and it seemed to take Jonathon forever to catch up with him. Suddenly, he began to hear someone coming. Henry slowly peaked around the fallen tree log and saw the silhouette a large figure about fifteen yards away. The figure was slowly walking toward him in a crouched position. From time to time, Henry caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a large knife in the figure’s right hand. Suddenly, the figure fell and another figure was standing behind him. Henry quickly grabbed his flashlight and shown it toward the silhouettes. The man standing was Agent Hernandez, but Henry couldn’t make out the person on the ground. “Henry, it’s me Hernandez!!” shouted the agent, when he realized the infared light from Henry’s scope was glowing on his chest. The light disappeared and Henry yelled, “What the hell are you doing here, and who is that on the ground?!!” “That’s Chino. I followed him up here. I think he was going to take you out.” “So, where is the rest of the team?” asked Henry. “They are still at the motel room waiting on you.” “I told you guys I would be down there later.” stated Henry. Henry then felt a sharp pain on his stomach, and simultaneously heard Jonathon yell, “Hey Dad I shot you!! I won!” “Jonathon, go inside okay. Daddy has to take care of some business.” “Awe man!! I never get to have any fun. When are we gonna finish another war game?” “Maybe tomorrow son okay?” “Okay!!” Jonathon yelled back as he headed inside. Henry then returned to the problem at hand. “So, how did you see Chino coming up here?” asked Henry. “I was driving up here to see when you were going to report to the command center, and I noticed him walking on the side of the road. I just drove up the road a ways and doubled back on foot.” Agent Hernandez had already cuffed Chino, who was still unconscious. “Do you want to call for backup, so he can be transported to the jail or something?” asked Henry. “No, I’ll let him wake up first. Then I’ll drive him back myself.” “Well, let me change into something a little more proper and I’ll go with you.” stated Henry, as he started to head toward the cabin. “Okay. I’ll wait for you.” stated Agent Hernandez. Henry ran inside to change and found Patricia in the kitchen. “Hey they captured Chino!!” “Where at?” asked Patricia. “Right outside our cabin. It looks like the asshole came here to kill me. But, Agent Hernandez spotted him before he could do anything.” stated Henry, both afraid and excited. “Oh shit!! But it’s over now right?” asked Patricia. “It should be. I mean there is still work to do. But, the real threat appears to be gone for now.” stated Henry with a sigh of relief. Henry quickly changed into a collared shirt and slacks and headed out the door. He headed toward Agent Hernandez’ direction, when he heard Hernandez suggest they call for a unit instead. Agent Hernandez stated he had thought about Chino’s capabilities and decided it would be better to transport him in a secure vehicle. Henry dialed the local Sheriff’s Office on his cell and had them dispatch a unit to the cabin. Approximately fifteen minutes later, a unit rolled up onto the driveway. Agent Hernandez had already brought Chino back to consciousness and escorted him to the patrol car. Henry offered to give Hernandez a ride to his vehicle. But, Hernandez decided to walk instead because it was such a beautiful night. Henry watched as the patrol car drove away. He could tell Chino’s eyes were piercing through him as he looked from the rear window. Henry then went inside the cabin and kissed the family goodbye before heading toward the Sheriff’s Office. He was at the Sheriff’s Office for over half an hour before Agent Hernandez arrived. Chino was being booked in while Henry and the Agent discussed what to do next. “I think we should just house him here at the jail, until morning.” suggested Henry. “I think he is too vulnerable here.” stated Hernandez, “Did you see that Barney Fife character that picked him up? They wouldn’t know what to do if someone came in here to take him out.” “Maybe you have a point.” stated Henry, “But, where will we keep him?” “We can keep him secured at the motel where we have the command post set up.” stated Hernandez. “Henry then looked down the hallway where Chino was being fingerprinted. Chino glared at him and began signing with his free hand. Henry had learned most of the hand sign codes while he was locked up with Chino. However, he was having trouble understanding Chino’s message this time. He knew the words “you’re a dead man” but he couldn’t quite decipher the rest. There was something about being two faced, and set up, as well. But, Chino just wasn’t making sense. Henry decided to blow it off because Chino was probably just threatening him for being betrayed. Many criminals felt that way toward undercover agents because they allow them to get so close then all of a sudden Bam!! All the paperwork was completed and Chino was signed over to Agent Hernandez’ custody. As they escorted Chino outside, Henry noticed Agent Hernandez was in an unmarked car with a separation cage. “I thought you didn’t have a cage?” asked Henry. “I went to the motel and switched cars.” stated Hernandez. Henry blew it off and began walking toward his Tahoe. Hernandez placed Chino in the back seat and walked around to the driver’s side. “Henry stared at Chino, who began signing again. This time, Chino was able to use both hands and Henry understood completely. Henry pulled up aside Hernandez’ car and told him that he was going to get something to snack on first. Then he would meet him at the motel. Hernandez agreed and they parted ways. Henry immediately tried to get agent Holland on his cell phone. After three tries, Eric finally answered. “Eric, where are you at?” “I’m still in El Paso, we are not sending a team up there until tomorrow morning.” “So, there is no team up here at all?!” asked Henry. “No, like I said we will be showing up in the morning.” “Then what the hell is Hernandez doing here?” “Hernandez? Agent Hernandez of the FBI?!” asked Eric in amazement. “Yeah, one and the same.” “I have no idea.” “Well, he just took custody of Chino and he’s headed toward a motel 6 where he claims the command post is set up.” “Chino?” now Eric was truly bewildered. “How did ya’ll find Chino?” “Actually, Chino found me and Hernandez got to him before he got to me.” “Henry you’re confusing me. Anyway just hold tight. I’m going to round everyone up and we will head in that direction within the hour. I figure we will be there in about five hours.” “Okay, I’ll see you then. but, what do you want me to do in the mean time? Hernandez is expecting me at the motel.” “Go meet with him I guess.” “Okay I’ll talk to you later.” Henry did not know what to do next. If Chino’s information was true then going to the motel was a bad idea. Henry decided to go back to the Sheriff’s Office and get some backup. Henry only found one deputy on duty and he did not feel very confident about the officer’s abilities. The guy was overweight and seemed to care more about his chips and dip than anything Henry had to say. Henry decided to go to the motel alone. The motel was toward the outskirts of town and there was very little traffic in that direction so late at night. Henry had an eerie feeling inside his stomach and knew this was going to be a long night. He spotted Agent Hernandez’ car parked right in front of the designated room near the rear of the motel. Henry also noticed something else, the truck that he saw Carlos get into the other night. This was definitely going to be a bad night. Checking his pistol as he knocked on the door, Henry could feel the adrenaline begin to pump through his veins. Agent Hernandez cracked the door, looked around. Then he allowed Henry inside. Agent Hernandez and Chino were not alone. Carlos had joined the party as well. Agent Hernandez showed his true colors and pointed his gun at Henry. “I guess you know this isn’t a run of the mill command post now huh?” “What’s going on Hernandez? I thought you were on the up and up.” |