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Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1042995
This is a short story about me and my best friend.
You know, friends are great. I mean, they're always there when you need 'em. They've got your back when you're in trouble. See, my best friend-I've practically known my whole life. Since we were kids. Back then he was like a regular friend. Now I think he's my best friend. His name? It's Jamison. We're about the same age (he's two and a half months older), we like about the same things. Star Wars, video games, and some other stuff. I think of him as a brother. A better brother than my own because my own is quite annoying.
He's got two brothers and three sisters. I've also got two brothers, but only one sister. Now I'm going to tell you the story of me and my friend (most of this is true, but not all of it). This part starts from what I remember most, which is about a year ago.

It all started last year when I began Seminary. Seminary, for those of you that don't know, is something before school that we do at my church. It's somewhat like school, but church-related. "Why don't you come to Seminary?" Jamie asked(his nickname) one Sunday at church(a week after it had started). "I dunno," I said. "I'll go if someone can come pick me up." He told me his mom could, seeing as she would be teaching it.
So, the following Monday morning I awoke at 5:35a.m. I dressed, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. Then I waited. Seminary was to start at ten minutes after six. Finally they arrived. I walked out and closed the front door behind me. I walked to their mini-van and got in. We left. We arrived at the church ten minutes later. We set up our little desks and began. This process continued throughout the week. On Friday, at the end of the class(7:00a.m.), we had to put the desks up. Oh yeah, there was around four people attending. That includes myself and Jamison.
Sometimes we would get breakfast from somewhere after the lesson. About twice that year we just didn't have a lesson and we went to Shoney's. This was when we lost a student or two. And, every once in a while, on the first Friday of the month my mom's cousin would come cook breakfast for us. He lived across the street from the church.
After sometime it became mostly just me and Jamison attending the class. I don't know why. Our other friend, Matt, would sometimes come. I remember one day Jamison's mother got mad at him for interrupting the class. There were some crows outside flying into the door. She stormed out and we left early. I got to school fifteen minutes before the gate was even open. Something like that didn't happen again the rest of the year.
Anyway, the first week of November, I was being brought to school. Jamison's mother asked me if I'd like to go to Six Flags with them. I didn't expect that. "I'll have to ask my mom," I told her. She said that was fine. When I got home that evening I asked my mom. She asked when. I told her it would be that weekend coming. She said it was okay.
The weedend came. I was picked up around ten in the morning. When I got into the van I saw Jamison's mother, father, little brother, and little sister. I saw one other person too. It was his brother's friend. Before we went to Six Flags, though, we had one more stop to make. We had to pick up his little sister's friend. Each of them were able to bring one friend. I was thankful that Jamison chose me to go with them.
And so, we left. We arrived at the park, went through the gates, then split up. It was me, Jamison, his brother, and his brother's friend together. His little sister and her friend went with his parents. I didn't ride many rides that day. I rode the wooden roller coaster and it gave me a headache. I didn't get home until around nine or ten that night. The way I see it, it doesn't matter if I rode that many rides or not. I still had fun because I was with my best friend.
2004 soon turned into 2005, and February came. At the end of February I went to Disney World. If it wasn't so much money I would've asked Jamison to go since he's never been. I've been five times. That came and went. March 15 arrived(that's his birthday). It wasn't much but I did give him a dollar. It's all I had at the time. That came and went also.
March then turned into April, and April turned to May. That meant the end of the school year and the Seminary year. The year ended and June arrived. That meant my birthday. Not until the twenty-ninth, though. For a church activity that day there was a little swim party. I didn't swim because I just didn't feel like it. I think they had a kind of party for me too. They did sing "Happy Birthday."
June ended and July began. At the end of the month our church had a Youth Conference. The Picayune Ward and two others attended. It was held at Fontainbleau State Park. When I arrived Jamison was not yet there. He rode with our friend, Matt. The three days passed and we returned. That was the end of July.
The start of August meant the start of school and the start of Seminary. This year we had more people. Jamison's little brother and two others. But, just three weeks into the year everyone left. Monday, August 29, 2005. A Category 4 hurricane struck. Its name? Katrina. The city of New Orleans was flooded and the Mississippi Gulf Coast was destroyed.
School and Seminary wasn't to restart for another three weeks. Even then, nothing would be the same. When it did start I was glad to be back. I was glad to see my crazy friend.
September and October zipped by. November came with Thanksgiving. That would be our first actual holiday of the new school and Seminary year.
November left and December took its place. On the second there was a Christmas thing at the church. Jamison left a little before it was over. He went to the movies. What did he go see? Of all things, Harry Potter. Harry Potter! One of my most favorite things. That kind of upset me. But, I did tell him about it.
Now, just one last thing before I end my tale. When I get married, I think I'm going to ask him to be my best man. Yeah, I'm going to do just that.
So, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
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