Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1042844-How-our-world-was-saved---ch-1
Rated: E · Chapter · Children's · #1042844
The exciting tale of the history of a world.
A very long time ago, in a world much different then ours, there was a horribly evil man. He was hungry for power and he thirst for the dispair in others. This world was aways filled with color and joy. But with him in control of the land it was grey and dark. The good people of this world, scared and anxious, took to hiding at all times. The only movement you'd see was from the foul creatures that prowled around under the orders of their vile leader. The wonderous land was polluted with hazardous swamps and man eating woods. The people slowly realized they would forever live in misery and the life they once led would be lost evermore. But fortunately, unknown to the enemies, the people remembered the mysterious beings who also lived in this world. These beings were unspeakably intellegent and had a mystifing power. The people knew that if there was ever going to be a way to stop this destruction, they would know how to do it. The thing was that these mystifing beings were extremely hard to find. They lived in the most hidden of places. The only way people in the past have found them was when they happened upon them without searching for them. The people prayed that the divine beings would save them. The only thing they could really do was wait. At least that's what most of them believed. Until one day a young man snuck out of his home unnoticed. He was determined to find the most high of all beings, The One Ununtterable Being. His quest was long and difficult and very exciting. But that is another story for another time. Luckily his journey wasen't in vain. He did astoundly enough found help. It wasen't the One Ununtterably Being he found, but the apprentice, a holy Seraphim. I am delighted to tell you that the Seraphim and the young man went back and captured the evil lord. This task was actually quite easy. You see when his revolting band of creatures caught sight of the Seraphim heading towards them they fled in horror. They scattered in every direction across the land and became hidden. Enraged, their master was left to fight the Seraphim himself. He knew some dark magic but nothing that could surpass this imposing being. The Seraphim was close to perfection but it was terribly fond of mercy. It loathed killing. Even if to distroy someone as evil as this man. So instead of ending his life the Seraphim created a large magic mirror. Sealing the evil lord inside,the Seraphim took the mirror and hid it in a large room carved inside one of the great mountains, hoping he would never be found. The people all over the land rejoiced in hearing the news of his capture. The young man became a great hero and on that day every year all the creatures, human and animal had a huge celebration praising the Seraphim that saved them all. Hundreds of years passed in this world. History became legend, legend became myth. Soon the celebration became nothing more than a childish game. Everyone would eat, dance, and make up stories. Stories about a young man and a sacred Seraphim who saved their world from eternal dispair,or something like that...
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