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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1042842
Part two of the man and his quest to save the world
It was a friday afternoon and the tall man was sailing on his huge 100 feet boat towards the South Pole. It was a nice quiet day with sunny spells and he was sitting on the deck eating a DIY cream eclair. That sure tastes good, he thought by himself. That tastes so good, I am going to make another one. I have to be prepared physically for when I arrive at the South Pole. After 3 eclairs he went downstairs to study his globe.One of the big advantages of the boat was that it had an automatic pilot. The man just had to programme it to wherever he wanted to go and the boat took him there.
This was of course great but he still liked to study his globe to see where he was going. Wow!he said. This is going really fast! I am already near Kenia. If all goes well, I will be at the South Pole in two days!This calls for a celebration and he went to the kitchen to cook a nice lamb curry.

After dinner he sat on the deck,drinking a beer and looking at the stars. Hey you! he suddenly heard. It was the dutch dolphin. Hello dutch dolphin, the man said. How nice to see you. How are you doing?Yes, I am fine the dolphin replied but unfortunately that does not go for everyone.
Oh my God! the man shouted. What do you mean? Has that tiran Mister C started with his outrageous evil plan already? I am afraid he has, the dolphin said.
He has emptied the North Sea completely. He used his evil pegasusses, they carried big containers and filled them with water until the sea was empty.
After that it was just a matter of time until all the animals and plants died. This was a total shock. The tall man got tears in his eyes. He had to do something about it! Maybe the North Sea was gone but it was not the end of the world yet and every living creature on the planet was counting on him now.He waved his fist to the moon and shouted, I will get you for this Mister C! You and your evil pegasusses! You will not succeed! Good luck, the dolphin said.If everything goes well, you will arrive at the South Pole in 2 days.Believe in yourself. I am sure you will defeat Mister C and save the world. I will be going to the Atlantic Ocean to try and find assistance for your dangerous quest. I will see you soon! And the dolphin turned around and went on his way.

It were two unpredictable days. On the first day the tall man barely escaped dead when hurricane Beta pasted on just 5 km by his boat. Lucky his boat was also hurricaneproof. The second day went without any noticable trouble and it was not before long he saw the big masses of ice and snow of the South Pole.It looked amazing but also very very cold. And since the tall man was already suffering from a terrible cold which could maybe even kill him, he quickly put on a thick coat, gloves, scarf and a black woolly hat. Ok, he thought, this is it. This is my one and only chance to destroy Mister C and his igloo and save the world.Everybody has put their faith in me, now it is the time to proof they are right! 10 minutes later he went on land. Woh, it is slippery! Lucky I have my anti ice/snow boots on! Ok, best if I explore the surroundings a wee bit but must not go too far from the boat. It will be getting dark soon. It is best if I start looking for a place to make camp tomorrow.

He walked around for about a hour when out of the sudden he heard a barking sound. To his surprise he saw 12 husky dogs with a sleigh. The man smiled because he loved dogs. He loved all animals even the wee fluffy ones. Hello dogs! he said, what are you all doing out here? The dogs greeted him by wagling their tails.As he was walking closer to the sleigh he noticed that it was not just a sleigh.It was actually a wee house with a bedroom, kitchen, livingroom and a toilet. This is totally amazing he said. It even has a fridge with all kinds of food and drinks! On the fridge he found a note which said: Hello tall man, here is something to help you. Remember, you are doing it all for a good cause. Good luck! Love, the dutch dolphin.What a nice surprise the tall man said. That dutch dolphin really is a nice dolphin and smart too, she even put a wee DIY eclair making machine in the kitchen! But I am pretty tired, best if I go to bed.The next morning he woke up feeling all fresh and fit, ready for his big adventure. He ate breakfast, fed the dogs and then went on his way.

Hmmmmm he thought, it would be clever to somehow mark certain spots so I know where I am going and do not get lost. I could use the red ribbons for it I have on the boat. He went back to the boat and collected the ribbons, clothes and some other necessary stuff.The first red ribbon he tied on the big lamppost that was standing on such a recognizable place he would never ever not see it. Then he got on his sleigh. He drove for about a hour and although it was very cold, he enjoyed every minute of it.This is truelly an adventure, I feel even taller then I already am, I feel like I could concour anything, I feel unbeatable!!

But then out of a sudden he saw something moving in front of him. It was waving at him. Hey! he heard shouting. Finally you are here! Hurry, we do not have much time! And there the tall man saw a pinguin, a pinguin that was wearing boxing gloves on his wings. Who are you? the man asked. And why are you wearing boxing gloves?My name is Hakido, the pinguin replied, leader of the kickboxing Pinguin Squad. We are an antient old organisation, fighting against crime.
And now we are here to help you with your fight against Mister C. Thank you, the man said, I can use any help I can get. I have been driving here for a while now and although I enjoy every minute of it, I have not find any clue of the whereabouts of Mister C's igloo.I know, Hakido said, me and my squad have been following you since you arrived here. We know where the igloo is. Great! the man said. Could you take me there? Yes we can but not now.It will be getting dark soon and we have to make a plan. Are you famillair with any of the marterial arts, like kungfu or kickboxing? Aye, I did a bit of boxing when I was younger the man said. Ok, that is good, Hakido replied. But Mister C's helpers are strong. We will start some training tomorrow. We have a special fast learning technique to bring you up to date with all kind of material arts but you have to promise that you will keep it a secret. If you will not, unfortunately we have to kill you. Yes I understand the man said. Ok, hakido replied. And after that we will develop a plan to destroy Mister C's igloo. Now it is time to sleep and they went to bed, not knowing what the next day would bring....
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