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Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1042839
A man and his quest to save the world
The Tale of the Seven Seas (Part one)

Once upon a time in a country far far away there was a man. He was a very very very tall man and because he was a very very very tall man he lived in a huge house. It was a beautiful house with on one side a view on the ocean and on the other side a view on the woods. The man loved the woods because one of the things he always wanted was a tree and now he had plenty of them.
Despite all this the man was not 100% happy. He felt like he was missing something. So one day he decided to go to the doctor. He got into his car and drove the road from hell. Every time he drove that road was like a gamble with his life and lucky he got to the doctor alive.

After waiting 30 minutes in the waitingroom the doctor asked him to come in.What seems to be the problem? he asked. Well, the tall man said,I live in this huge house with views on the ocean and the woods, I have a great job with lots of power and money but it feels like there is something missing. Maybe it is an age thing, I do not know, I am almost 34 but is that not a wee bit too young to have a midlife crisis?Hahahaha, the doctor laughed, you funny man. No, you are way too young and vital to have a midlife crisis. No, that will probably happen when you are around 45. Ok, the man said, but what is it then?I think what you are missing is some adventure, the doctor said. Something out of the ordinary, something completely wild and spontanious! But how can I do that? the man asked.I have my huge house and my job with lots of power and money. I cannot just give that up in search of adventure! Oh yes you can the doctor said. Oh no, I cannot, the man replied.This went on for almost 20 minutes. This is going nowhere, the man said. I will go home and think about it. That is while I am not breathing. Good idea, the doctor said and they said goodbye.

That evening the man sat on his huge couch with a non-alcoholic drink, because he had sworn never ever to drink again, and thought about the advice the doctor gave him. What could he do? He decided to call his arab friend. Hello my arab friend, I need your help and he told him what the doctor said. Well, my tall friend,the arab said, as it says in the Koran every man has to make a journey before reaching adulthood.What kind of journey?the man asked.That I cannot decide for you, it has to be your own decession. Right, that was not exactly what the tall man wanted to hear but his arab friend had a reputation of talking in riddles. Thank you he said, I will think some more and he hung up the phone. Maybe it was best to go to bed and think about what he wanted when he was all fresh and clean the next morning. And a miracle happenend. He woke up the next morning with a great idea. He was going to buy a boat and sail the seven seas of search of adventure.

After he ate his breakfast he went to the boat-shop and bought a huge boat, 100 feet with all the things a man could wish for like a huge fridge to keep in beer for when guests came over and a DIY eclair making machine in which he could make his own eclairs whenever he wanted to. Yes, it truelly was a dreamboat.
He called his work and asked for 6 months of which was no problem at all since he was such an important employee he could basically get away with everything.
Then he went to that beautiful shop called Morrissons to do some shopping. He bought lots of food and drinks and other things you need on a boat.
So, he was all ready to sail the seven seas. He put on his captain's hat and sailed away.

The weather was beautiful and sunny and the tall man sat on the deck drinking a cold beer and eating a chocolate eclair.This must be paradise, he thought by himself but not very adventurous yet. Well, you never know what will happen next. And just when he thought that thought he heard a sound. It was a weird sound coming out of the water next to the boat.What is that? the man wondered and he looked over the railing of his huge 100 feet boat.
Help, he heard,help, cough cough. Where are you! the man shouted. Do not worry, rescue is on the way and he put on his rescue gear.
No no, the voice said, I am an excellent swimmer, I am a dolphin. A dolphin? the man said sounding surprised. But you can talk! Yes, I know, the dolphin said. That is because I am dutch and therefor very smart.Ah yes, that explained it all. The dutch were well known for their intelligence, subtlety, modesty and their great sense of humour. Also they talked sense a whole lot of times AND they knew 98% of everyting. (all this only refers to the female Dutch)

What is the problem? the man asked. I need your help the dolphin said. In fact, all the creatures of the seven seas need your help.
We need you to fight against the evil Mister C. Mister C? the man said. Yes, Mister C. Do not ask what the C stands for, no one knows.
Mister C is an evil evil man. He even had connections with the former evil queen of Iduas. A woman I think you can remember very well.........Yes the man did remember her and his heroic rescue of Iduas and the wee fluffy animals.Mister C developped such an evil plan. It will the end of all if he succeeds.The case is Mister C hates water. He does not even use it for cooking or taking a shower. He now wants to destroy the seas and everything in it. He wants to make it all land and build a giant amusementspark on it. Oh my god! the man said. That is awful! Aye, it is, the dolphin replied. That is why you have to go and destroy him. Ok, I will do that the tall man said. I came here for adventure and this is totally an adventure! But how do I destroy that Mister C? And where is he? He lived in an igloo on the South Pole. An igloo? But that is made of ice, frozen water! Yes, it is weird but although he hates water, he loves ice.
That is why he wants his amusementspark to be a big icy amusementspark! The tall man got cold just thinking about it, what a disaster that would be, no more seas but ice everywhere!

This igloo is very special the dolphin said. It is very special because it is the heart of this evil Mister C. If you melt down the igloo, Mister C will go down with it. But be careful! He got the place surrounded with his soldiers. Are you sure you could take on this huge responsibility of saving the world? I cannot answer that question the tall man said but I have to try otherwise I will regret it for the rest of my life, that is if I still be alive....
And he sailed away to encounter his biggest adventure yet.....
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