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by Hagar
Rated: · Other · Experience · #1041263
figurative speech decribing the state of a troubled soul
Soul has had enough of this once again. Heart has gotten into alot of trouble lately. There was something that wasn't right in the way life is,and she is extremely agitated. Mind tries to offer her some of his logical advices, but her passions are beyond philosophy.Lately soul has been extremely disturbed becuase he cannot keep a steady balance with all these raging wars between the Mind and the Soul. So one day the boat in which the soul is responsible for drifts farther into the endless ocean. "See, look where you all took me," Soul snapped. "**** you for this."
"I tried to tell her that it is just hormones, chemical imbalances; I tell her to stop her murmuring and whining; I know what's wrong with her; I control the body;I know what's best."
" It's all your fault,"Heart screamed, "That I am like this. You listened to the world mind, you absorbed their ****, and it hurts me so. Why did you have to take it in? Huh? You brought to me and I can't handle it! you know I can't handle it yet it came to me. You should have made it so that the EArs will shut the world out so it can't hurt me."
"If I shut the world off, then what would Soul do? Soul is borught into this world to LIVE, Heart, and I'm here, his medium in which he keeps in touch with the world. For, if,I lack the ability to perform my purpose, then every pump of blood that keeps you ticking heart is a waste of what has been a dear price for the Creator to bring forth into this world."
"Shut up! You don't know the pain, to experience happiness just to find out it was mere deception and plunge into that hole agian. You don't know!"
The arguments between mind and heart has gotten even more intense as time wore on. Soul has been quite vexed for some time, but now annoyance has turned into nervousness and fear. He realizes that the boat he is controlling is quite unsturdy,and the shaking, twisting and jerking of his boat is agitating the surrounding water. The incompatibility, the tensions, the failure of Mind and Heart to come to a resolution has caused soul to lose control of the boat. The waters grow more violent,and its arms tosses the little boat around. Poor soul couldn't get hold of the boat, but he really tried. He tried to fight the surrounding water, but Mind and Heart just wouldn't stop. Finally Soul knew. He Knew things wasn't right the way they were, not if these two behave in such ways. Finally the waters have torn the boat into peices. Soul gave up his last struggle and let go. Heart and mind realizes they are no longer above waters and that they are slowly sinking. They cry and reach out for something to grab on, struggling for help. The ship sinks even deeper into the abyss. All this while they cry for soul to help them, but he can't becuase he is sinking too. Before the waters take all of him, he says "I'm sorry I'm sorry I couldn't hold you both. I had to let go. I'm sorry."

I run away into the middle of nowhere becuase for a lonely heart there is no such thing as home. My soul treads on troubled waters, for it has been ravaged by the world it has been brought up in.I know that are are many times that I have been stranded in this storm in the middle of nowhere, for I have no home; God is right when He says 'foxes and birds of the air have a nests and holes to go to, but man has nowhere to lay his head. My head knows that I'm suffering ,but it lets my heart know. My mind rules with reason and philosophy, but my heart directs with passion and will. When my mind offers reasonable logic, my heart shots it down. Therefore in this house, this system that has been created with such a great price, no longer operates uniformly. In this soul, the mind and the heart does not cooperate. Therefore when My soul is on troubled waters, it will sink. It will lose in the battle called life and it will sink into the abyss. It is hard my friends. It is difficult. I break when I lose what I use to have. So suddenly I lose all that I know. I can face it. It's hard.
© Copyright 2005 Hagar (huyen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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