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my 1st story, multi part, a man's hypnotic control over his wife. |
Forgive me my injustice to the english language, but I feel I've been a lurker long enough and have to give something of myself back to all of you that I have been deriving some sick pleasure from. Also don't get mad if a little of all of you MC writers show up here, I mean it only in the deepest form of flattery. Oh yeah, if you aren't 18 or aren't old enough in the state you live in to view such material, please don't. It is in your and our best interest. Besides we'll still be here when you are old enough, I hope. And one more thing if you don't want to read about graphic detail, or want to see any profanity, don't go any farther, because it will be present, also of note this is a first person perspective so anything I say probably won't be in quotations, but you'll just have to live with that. Now I've been reading stories off of the internet for years now; Mesmer, Juni, Vargas, Mountain Man, JParz, Stormbringer, Mr. Grey, and a whole slew of others, to many to name, and I've loved them all. But now I am going to tell a story about how one guy broke the rules, He broke the first rule of our mind control genre and tried to implement it in real life. He tried to take the fantasy realm we dive into every little bit and put it in the real world, and you get what you ask for, not that his has turned out hat bad mind you, but it isn't what he was trying for as far as he knows. But I get ahead of myself, lets begin at the beginning, a logical place but where better is there, I am not G. Lucas after all. Part 1 Let me describe myself and my wife to all of you. First off we are not models or drop dead gorgeous. We are better looking than average I guess, but nobody is really as beautiful as the one you love. My name is Veron, which translates from Russian as Raven, ( don't ask me, my parents did it ), I just turned thirty-one, I am six foot even and am one hundred and eighty pounds, dark reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. I do have a slightly longer than average penis, almost 8 inches, we guys have out pride and yes the penis is an issue. I consider myself pretty smart, except when it comes to English, then I am not, I can speak it well, and read it well, but I never have been able to grasp it well, but I make up for it when it comes to electronics, mechanics, or the raw understanding of a concept. But enough about me, now to my wife. My wife, Charlie, is five foot six and around 130 pounds, she never will give me the true value, no matter what frame of mind she is in and is thirty-eight. She has thirty-four C breasts and a twenty-eight waist, really really long red hair and hazel eyes. She isn't as smart as me, at least in the same way. What I have in knowledge she makes up for in common sense and artistic merit, she can paint like nobodies business. My wife and I agreed when we first started going out that she was not a good slave and that type of relationship was not what we are going to have. So I put away my Master personality with the understanding that I would have to have an outlet for this dominate mentality of mine, she did agree, and has not given me any grief over wherever I find my outlet, mainly the stories of my piers, or their captioned pictures. Don't get me wrong she is rather submissive, but has a definite idea of how things should be. She does have a few problems however, she does tend to drink more than she should, not just occasionally like the rest of us, she does so two to three times a week, she also has a problem reaching orgasm (no matter how hard I try to bring her to one). And because of my love for her I want to help her with them. The problem is that once I get her to the point of being able to help her will I be able to restrain myself from making other suggestions to make my life better. I guess not, otherwise why would I be putting it down in letters to share with the rest of you. The first thing I did is to pour through the internet looking for herbs and other readily available ingredients that would produce an altered, more relaxed, perhaps hypnotic, state of mind. You have to love the internet, I found so many things that it was hard to sort it down to just a few, of course they were the most effective. I then dried out my 'found' ingredients, plus some ground up sleeping pills ( 1/3 per dose, just to make sure), and put them into a tea bags. The next step is to get her to drink it, I did taste it when it was done and other than needing some sugar it was really good. Luckily she likes to have a cup of Chamomile before bed, which is high on the list by the way. It was getting late and Charlie was getting ready for bed, when I offered to make her her tea while she bathed. This, not being unusual, was accepted as me being nice. I told you I loved her and only wanted the best for her, and if I could some for me to, that would be icing. So I made her some of 'my' tea. After a nice relaxing bath a dose of 'the tea' should be even more effective, especially when she already had a six-pack. “This tea tastes different. What is it?” “I added some herbs to make it more relaxing for you. I tasted it and it was still good, so I thought you might like to try it.” 'It is good, I like it. but I don't think I want it every day, it has a slightly bitter after taste.” Hmm... find an herb that'll sweeten it up a bit to cover for the sleeping pill. “Sorry baby, I should have put a little sweetener in it for you.” “That's O.K., it is rather relaxing.” “Good, I'm glad you like it,” really, really glad. After finishing her tea and beginning to fall asleep, I decided that I that now was when I needed to bring up her desires to conquer some of her issues. “Do you remember how you said you wanted to find a way to get control of your drinking?” “Yeah... I just don't have the focus I need to do so.” “Well, I've been reading up on hypnosis. And I think that I could get you to control it it, if you let me.” “You want to hypnotize me?” “No, I want you to hypnotize you, I am just going to help you direct yourself to get what you want.” “I don't know, I'm a little scared of giving up that control. Besides I've seen some of the sites you go to. You may try to make me a sex slave or something.” “Do you want to be a sex slave?” “No.” “Then I won't be able to make you one, as I said, you are hypnotizing yourself, I am just a guide to help you get what you want out of it.” “I am in control of it?” “Yes, you are.” “Then I guess I can do it. you want to try now or tomorrow?” “Are you relaxed now, because if you are now would be the best time.” “I am very relaxed right now, so if we are going to do this tonight then we have to do it now or I'll be asleep.” “Very well then, let's get going.” “O.K.” “Great, then I want you to close your eyes and start counting down from one-hundred, taking a slow deep breath between each number. I want you to concentrate on how relaxed you are while you count down.” “One hundred,”. .breath... “ nighty nine,”...breath... ...”eighty-seven,”.. “You're doing great, now after each breath I want you to say 'I am completely relaxed', you can do that, can't you?” “Yes, I'll do that,”...”eight six,”...breath, “I am completely relaxed,”... “eighty-five,”... I am completely relaxed... “seventy-two,”...breath, “I am completely relaxed.” “You are doing so well baby, now I want you to say after each breath 'I am relaxed and hypnotized'.” “Seventy-one,”...breathy, “I am relaxed and hypnotized.”... “Sixty,”...breath, “ I am relaxed and hypnotized.” “I am so proud of you for doing so very well. You are relaxed aren't you?” “Yes I'm relaxed and hypnotized.” “Very good, now I want you to say, after each breath, 'I am fully hypnotized and ready for suggestion” “O.K. ... fifty eight,”...breath “I am fully hypnotized and ready for suggestion.” ... “Fifty-one,”...breath “I am fully hypnotized and ready for suggestion.” “You are doing so well. Now as you count down getting more and more relaxed with each passing number, becoming more fully hypnotized with each breath,. The next number in you count down is going to be harder and harder to remember. Don't worry about the number if you can't remember it, just skip down to the next one you remember.” “Fifty,”...breath, “I am fully hypnotized and ready for suggestion.” ... “Fourty-four,”...breath, “I am fully hypnotized and ready for suggestion.” “Now as you skip numbers, I want you to to become as relaxed, fully hypnotized and ready for suggestion as if you said the numbers. I also want you to start saying, Like it is a fact, after each breath, 'I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion'.” “Fourty-two,”...breath, “ I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion.”... “Thirty-six,”...breath “ I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, I am completely open to suggestion.” “When you can no longer remember the next number or you have reached zero, I want you to say, 'It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion'.” “Thirty-three,”...breath, “I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion.”... “twenty eight,” ...breath, “I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion.”... “Twenty-two,”...breath, “I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion.”...”Ummm... twelve,”...breath, “I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion.”... “Ummm...fffffour,”...breath, “I am totally relaxed body and mind, I am fully in a deep hypnotic state, and am completely open to suggestion.”... “Ummm...”... “Ummmm...” ... “It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.”... “It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” I let her continue on saying so for a few minutes, “ Every time you say it you know it is more and more true, the more true it becomes the higher your right hand will point in the air. When it is pointing strait up it will be one-hundred percent true, you are hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” “It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” Her right hand jumps up to half-way immediately. ”It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” Her hand raises another couple of inches. ”It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” Her hand is almost straight up in the air now. ”It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” Her hand is directed towards the ceiling. “It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” As she says it her hand vibrates trying to get more strait up in the air. “It's true, I'm hypnotized and very open to suggestion.” Her right shoulder starts to lift off the bed as she confirms that she is hypnotized and open to suggestion. “You may stop now, Charlie, I know that you are very, very hypnotized and completely open to suggestion now. Your hand may return to a relaxed state, wherever you want it to.” Now to bring her a little deeper and separate her conscience from what I want her to do, so that I can defy conflict. “Now you are as deep as you can go with your 'waking self ' with you, so what I need you to do is to see the 'waking you' and the 'base you' standing beside each other and the top of a flight of stairs. Can you see that?” “Yesss... I can see the waking meee...” “Good now what I want you to do is direct the 'waking' you to sit down on the nice comfy couch on the landing. Is she there relaxing nicely?” “Yess shhee is there.” “Now what we are going to do is head down the stairs to the lowest level of your mind, the lowest relaxation level you can reach, the most hypnotized you can be. There are thirteen stairs to get there if you listen to my voice I can guide you and get you there, are you willing to go?” “Yeessss.... llleeet'sss gooo.” “With each step we take, your 'waking self' will have less and less control over you. Don't worry she can't go past the landing. With each step ever worry you have about what we are doing goes farther and farther away. Are you ready to begin?” “Yeesss lleet'ssss beegiinnn.” “thirteen... you are not troubled by what we are doing, your 'waking self is resting safely on the couch-out of range of controlling you... ten... any doubts of the good that will come of this are long gone, the 'waking you' is asleep on the couch oblivious to what we are doing... four... there is only you and my voice now... three... my voice is your voice... two... think of my voice as your base voice right now, speaking what you know is true... one... we are at the last step. Over this last step, my voice will become your thought, your thought will become your truth, for as your 'waking self' seemingly controls you, she uses the truths stored in you to do so. When we cross this last step, we can change how the 'waking you' thinks because we can have different truths for it to use. By doing this we can achieve the goals that you want. Are you ready to take that step, the step that changes everything, the step that allows us to help yourself?” “Yeesss, III waannnt tooo taake thaaat steppp....” “Zero, you are past the threshold to the stairway of everything that can change the way you want to be, from here you can effect the out there by changing yourself, the true you, the 'base' you, all you have to do is close the door to the steps that you have discarded everything but the true you so that you may never have them effect you again. While in here with the door closed, whatever we do is blocked from everything out there, the waking you won't know unless we want it to. Don't worry the waking you is on her couch waiting patiently for your return on the landing. Are we ready to begin our truth saying?” “Yes we are. I am closing the door and locking us in now. What we do now we do alone, what we do now effects everything else. I am ready to learn my truths together with you.” I can't believe that this has really worked, she has gone as deep in one session as I have read chapters to get to. This is everything I had hoped for, my fantasy reveled, can my desire to take what I want overcome my undying love for this most beautiful creature before me awaiting my perversion of her ideals. I have to tell you, that as much work as I have put into getting her to a state that I could 'have my way' with her, I am doubting whether or not I should. She loves me and I love her, she trusted me, however influenced, to bring her here, I wouldn't want to be where she is ever. I wouldn't trust even her if I were there. I guess this is why all of the Mind Control shit is really just fantasy, and not reality. Because if you were able to be able to get someone to a point that you could change them, you really couldn't, because you would have to reach a point that they meant more than some silly little story. Dammit!!! This is what I wanted, this is why I went through all the trouble to get her here. ...What am I thinking? I brought her here to help her and me. Great, I get what I want and I almost chicken out at the finish line, ...“Charlie, can you hear me?” “Yes, I hear you.” “You like being here, being here can help you, you want to come back here. Don't you?” “Yes, I do want to come back here to help myself, more than anything.” “Then I want you to say to yourself, knowing that each time you say it it becomes more and more true, more and more ingrained into you. So much so that there can be no other way but for it to be true; 'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here. When you have fully accepted this truth, we'll call it your trigger, you will add, 'it's true' to the beginning of it.” “'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here.” ...”'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here.” ...”'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here.” ...”'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here.” ...”It's true. 'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here. “ “Very good Charlie. Now each time you return here you will be more deeply hypnotized, relaxed, and open to suggestion. So we need you to say until it's true, 'Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.' Please start.” “Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.” ...“Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.” ...“Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.” ...“It's true. Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.”... “You're doing great, Charlie. You like learning these new truths, so we can help you improve yourself. Now what we are going to is wake up and bring you right back. Are you ready to use your trigger to come back?” “Yes, I am ready. So long as we come right back, I like being here, learning my helpful truths.” “Good, now I am going to count backwards from ten. With each number you will become more and more awake and when I say zero, you will be completely awake.” “Ten. You are out your door and heading up the stairs.” “Nine. You are almost to the landing.” “Eight. You are at the landing and are preparing to join with the 'waking' you.” “Seven. You have joined the waking you and are becoming more alert.” “Six. You are drifting up now.” “Five. you can feel yourself becoming more and more awake and back into the 'physical' you.” “Four. You are more awake now, you can feel the bed under you.” “Three. You are starting to hear the little sounds that are around you as you become more and more awake.” “Two. You are getting more and more in-tuned with your surroundings.” “One. You are almost all the way awake now.” “Zero. You are wide awake now...” “So, how are you feeling baby?” “I'm feeling pretty good. Still kind of groggy though.” “That's O.K. because it's 'sleepy time for Charlie' now.” Charlie's eyes glass over and a wave of relaxation passes over her as she drifts off down farther and farther into her trance. “That's very good, Charlie, where are you now?” “I'm just leaving the 'waking' me on the landing and heading down the steps.” “Very good, now as you descend you remember that you are going even deeper than last time, you want to be open to what I have to say so that we can help you be the most that you can. So we can help you help yourself be more than you were. Now go through the door and close it behind us. Are you here with me?” “I am here, and the door is closed.” “Perfect you are doing perfectly. Now I want you to say to yourself that it gets easier and easier to get back here every time you respond to your trigger to do so. Don't forget that every time you say something it is more and more true.” “Yes, I won't forget. It is easier and easier for me to come back with my trigger. it is easier and easier for me to come back here with my trigger. It's true, it is easier and easier to come back her with my trigger.” “Soon you wont even have to do anything but say your truth once and it will be true.” “Good, that would be so much simpler.” “Then say it and it will be true. Say, 'Whenever I repeat what I'm told to, it will immediately be completely true'.” “Whenever I repeat what I'm told to, it will immediately be completely true”... “It's true. Whenever I repeat what I'm told to, it will immediately be completely true.” “Now the first thing we are going to take care of is your drinking problem. Are you ready to conquer the control alcohol has over you?” “Yes, I am ready to take control over my drinking.” “Good now I want you to say the following truth, 'I no longer have the desire to drink beer or liqueur to excess. I no longer feel the need to drink them every day.” “I no longer have the desire to drink beer or liqueur to excess. I no longer feel the need to drink them every day.” “You've said it and now you know it is true. What we are going to do now is bring you back-out of this trance and put you back in it again. But first we are going to say all of your truths again. Ready, start.” “'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here.” “Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.” “Whenever I repeat what I'm told to, it will immediately be completely true” “I no longer have the desire to drink beer or liqueur to excess. I no longer feel the need to drink them every day.” “You are doing great, Charlie, now I am going to count to five, as I count you are going to go through the process of waking up again. One... Two... Three... Four... Five.” “”Wow, I thought I was awake and then I just went right back. I'm sorry baby, I guess I just really like being that relaxed.” “That's O.K. Luv, Do you want to go back now?” “If that's O.K., I want to, I really do, I'm already feeling better about myself.” “Then I guess 'it's sleepy time for Charlie', then.” After a very brief fluttering of the eyelids, Charlie perks up, “We're back and the door is closed.” “Now we are going to tackle many obstacles for you, are you ready?” “I am ready to overcome anything with your help, here.” “That's great, Charlie. First, repeat this, 'I know and can perform what it takes for me to eat and exercise correctly and healthily to obtain and maintain the weight and size I desire'.” “I know and can perform what it takes for me to eat and exercise correctly and healthily to obtain and maintain the weight and size I desire.” “Now we are going to work on some of the difficulties you have expressed about sex. there are two things that you have expressed concerns over, one is that you tend to dry out, the other is your frustrations about achieving orgasm. While we are here they are no problem what so ever, we can easily overcome them. Are you ready to?” “I am so ready to overcome them. I do so enjoy sex as it is, but I think that I could enjoy them even more if I could get over those hang ups.” “Very good, now I want you to repeat after me, 'My vagina is always well lubricated when I am sexually aroused'.” I read somewhere once that you have to be a clinical or direct as possible when talking to the sub-conscience, as it can take things rather literally. “My vagina is always well lubricated when I am sexually aroused.” “Now, say, 'I am multi-orgasmic, each orgasm is stronger than the last one.” “I am multi-orgasmic, each one is stronger than the last one.” “Very good, now say, 'It is easy for me to reach orgasm'.” “It is easy for me to reach orgasm.” “OK., now we are going to repeat all of your truths again before we wake you up. Begin.” ”'Whenever I hear 'sleepy time for Charlie' ,I will instantly return here.” “Every time I return here I am more relaxed, hypnotized, and open to suggestion.” “Whenever I repeat what I'm told to, it will immediately be completely true” “I no longer have the desire to drink beer or liqueur to excess. I no longer feel the need to drink them every day.” “I know and can perform what it takes for me to eat and exercise correctly and healthily to obtain and maintain the weight and size I desire.” “My vagina is always well lubricated when I am sexually aroused.” “I am multi-orgasmic, each one is stronger than the last one.” “It is easy for me to reach orgasm.” “That's perfect, now I am going to count to three while you return to consciousness. When I reach three you will be completely away, but ready to go to sleep. While you are asleep you will repeat to yourself, in your mind, over and over again your new truths. Your 'waking' self will not remember it or what we have said at all. You have no doubts about the good we have achieved today.. Are you ready?” Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that I have cured her, yet. For these commands to truly take hold will take many, many reinforcements, but it is a good foundation. “I am ready to wake up and go to sleep. I will re-enforce my truths while I sleep. I will not let the 'waking' me know what we did here.” “Very good, Charlie. One... Two... three...” “Hmmm.... that was lovely honey, we have to do that again, but right now I am going to really sleep. I love you baby, good night.” “Good night, Charlie, I love you too.” End Chapter 1 |