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Star Trek and Star Wars make contact and a war breaks out. |
Writer's Note: I am an avid fan of both Star Trek and Star Wars so I tried to make both Star Trek and Star Wars seem equal when writing. STAR TREK @ STAR WARS: The Intergalactic War Chapter One A trio of Imperial Star Destroyers sat in close proximity to an even larger Executor class Super Star Destroyer. On the huge ship’s massive bridge, a lean officer stood gazing out the view port. An officer in the black uniform of a navy trooper approached. “Grand Admiral Needa, our TIE Interceptors have entered the cloud of whatever it is.” The gray uniformed Needa, nephew of Captain Needa that died at Vader’s hand right after the Battle Hoth, had five years ago been made Gilad Pellaeon’s second in command. Under Pellaeon, the Empire had become more and more apart of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Needa and many of the Imperial commanders had secretly moved into the Unknown Regions with parts salvaged from the remains of Tipoca City on Kamino, enough in fact to build a new coterie of cloning cylanders. After a secret trip to Myrkr to pick up ysalamir to place in the cloning chambers, the secret operations began building a massive army. Droids were built and they build factories that turned out tons of resources and war machinery while the cloning facilities turned out hundreds of new stormtroopers each week, since the ysalamir enabled the cloning to be completed at a super pace, just as Thrawn had done so many years ago. Recently, Needa had sent some of his scientists to Valc VII and they had restarted the Dark Trooper project. Needa was awaiting the chance to launch his new fleet and army against the Alliance. Most of all he wanted to destroy Han Solo whose excellent piloting skills had gotten his uncle executed. Needa spoke to the officer. “Commander, order Captain Vorcth to move the ship into the cloud. The huge thirteen kilometer ship disappeared into the anomaly, followed by the three smaller Star Destroyers. Needa watched out of the view port as a swirling surrounding conduit glowed and sparkled in bright blue and white. Similar to hyperspace, yet not so. Then the starry background of space once again filled the viewports. “Captain Vorcth, where are we?” “I am not sure, Admiral. None of these star configurations match anything in our databanks.” An officer from the port crew pit called up. “Admiral, we have a space station on sensors. It is very alien to anything we have encountered, even during the Vong War.” Needa walked to a view screen. He saw an object. It was circular and had three separate pylons jutting a small way out from it. It was fairly large, about the size of a Golan Orbital Station. It had an emerald hue. “Admiral Needa, we are receiving a transmission from the strange station.” “On comm.” “Ships! Identify yourselves.” A humanoid face with pointed ears and a v-shaped formation above his eyes appeared on a view screen. “I am Commander Valek of the Imperial Romulan Starbase 243.” At that instant three emerald hued bird shaped ships suddenly appeared from nowhere. “Admiral Needa, the new arrivals are powering up plasma type reactors, possible powering whatever weapons they employ.” The tactical officer called up to the command walkway. Needa turned toward the comm. “Commander Valek, I am Grand Admiral Needa, military ruler of the Galactic Empire. We do not seek a battle with an unknown foe. Maybe we can work out a deal. By the way, where are you located in the galaxy?” “The Romulan Star Empire is located in the Beta Quadrant. Capital: Romulus. Bordering powers include the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, and Cardassian Union.” “I have not heard of these planetary organizations.” Needa replied. “Our empire and the surrounding powers are no mere planetary organizations, we and the other powers consist of hundreds of star systems.” Captain Vorcth looked quizzically at Admiral Needa. “Admiral, I think we have found another galaxy.” Needa turned to the captain. “I think you are correct. An extragalactic ally is just what the Empire needs.” Needa and Vorcth smiled as they thought of the many surprises the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances was going to get pummeled with. Needa turned to the view screen. “Commander Valek, I think that with your help, the Galactic Empire and the Romulan Star Empire will become friends.” It had been several years after the recapture of Coruscant from the Vong. Instead of the Vong architecture, Coruscant quickly had returned to the metropolitan planet it had been during the glory days of the Old Republic. Looking out of the windows of the council chamber of the newly constructed Jedi facilities, Luke Skywalker stood with his son Ben. Ben was a Jedi apprentice and was showing all of his father’s and grandfather’s promise as a Jedi like a solar flare. Airspeeders whizzed alone the skylanes. “Well, son, let’s go see Aunt Leia. She should have some info on the special rifts we have been encountering in the Unknown Regions by now.” Leia was now an ambassador for the Alliance. She went to various places to quell arguments and deal with other states of power outside the Alliance. Her position entitled her to receive classified information and other info on government and security issues. Just then Kyp Durron walked in. “Master Skywalker, the Chief of State has received some extensive science reports on the anomalies.” “That’s good,” Luke responded with a smile and the three Jedi walked to one of the docking bays of the temple. The large air speeder shot into the skylanes. In the distance the huge government complex became visible. “It appears Leia has come to meet us.” Luke said as the speeder came in toward the main landing platforms. The Millennium Falcon sat gleaming in the sun on one side of the pad. Leia and Han walked out of the Falcon and met Luke, Ben, and Kyp. “Here’s the report. General Antilles transmitted it over our personal channel right to us and told us to take it directly to you. He said that way Alliance security wouldn’t take a hundred years analyzing it before it got to us.” “Good Ole Wedge,” Luke grinned. “How about a viewing in you office Leia?” “Good idea,” the ambassador replied. Captain Geordi LaForge sat in the ready room of the Enterprise-E. “Captain’s Log: Stardate 54672.37: The Enterprise has been dispatched to the edge of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants to investigate a newly discovered wormhole. It appears to be stable, much like the Bajoran Wormhole only it appears to be natural instead of artificial.” The chimes on the door sounded. “Come,” Geordi turned to see Commander Wesley Crusher. “Yes, Wesley, what is it?” “We have received a dispatch from Starfleet ordering us to explore the wormhole. They are sending the Akira class starship USS Washington and the New Orleans class USS Texas. They will arrive tomorrow and then we have clearance to go.” “Very well, get the ship ready.” Luke Skywalker studied the reports from General Antilles. “It seems like some kind of hyper rift. It is similar to hyperspace inside but not the same. More of a conduit that speeds travel from one place to another.” “Wedge said we could go out there and see for ourselves and look at it.” Han said. “Excellent idea,” Kyp said. “Field studies sound excellent.” “Okay, Falcon taking on passengers for the trip.” Han said eager to go on another gallop through the stars. He hugged Leia and walked out of the room followed by Luke, Kyp, and Ben. The Millennium Falcon rose into the star field above Coruscant. Its engine drive glowed blue as it blasted away from the planet. Luke sat in the copilot’s seat thinking to himself. He finally spoke after several hours of hyperspace travel. “Han, has the Empire been after the rest of the Alliance to leave the area since that series of transmissions a week back? They seem to think the phenomenon is an ill omen.” “ They’ve been after Cal Omas several times as a matter of fact. They seem very flustered about the phenomenon, almost as if they knew what it was.” The Corellian grinned. “Besides, if it were the other way around I think we would be doing the same thing.” In the back of the ship R2-D2 was going over the data and forming multiple theories. C-3PO sat and watched Artoo’s dome shaped head move back and forth. “Beep Brup,” Artoo said in his language of beeps and other noises. “Well, how should I know how long something like this conduit could be?” The golden plated droid looked at his counterpart who responded with more lines. “How dare you! I am a protocol droid, not a computer.” Artoo turned his domed head to face the golden droid. Artoo blatted out a series of beeps and trills. “What do you mean by ‘then stop trying to be one’? Really, I have better things to do that listen to your insults. Threepio couldn’t leave the room in time before the small squat astromech droid sent another line his way. “Why don’t you get back to your hypothesizing, not that it will do you any good.” With that C-3P0 stormed out of the room. The Corellian freighter shot out of hyperspace. Twenty kilometers away rested a huge organic looking Mon Calamari Star Cruiser. The Independence was General Wedge Antilles’s command ship. One of the more powerful Calamari starships, this one packed almost as much firepower as and Imperial class Star Destroyer and held slightly more shield power. Several Bulk Cruisers and a couple Assault Frigates were stationed around the Independence. The nearby anomaly was open due to the trio of Corellian Corvettes that were right near the mouth of it making studies. “Luke! Ship coming out of the mouth of that thing.” Han jumped out of his seat and ran to another console. “It is unlike any I have ever seen!” The Enterprise moved into the wormhole followed by the two other vessels sent by Starfleet. “Ensign,” Captain LaForge turned to the helmsman. “Continue through the wormhole at warp six. Signal the other two ships to keep up with us.” Commander Crusher studied the readouts on his console. “Captain, the walls of the wormhole are the same as that of the Bajoran wormhole, only stronger, which would indicate it is much longer.” Wesley continued to study. For six hours the three Federation ships shot through the wormhole. Then they shot out of it. “Captain! Borg Cube at sixty kilometers! It is moving toward a group of strange ships I don’t recognize.” The Calamari cruiser Independence moved to meet this new threat, a huge dark gray cube. As it moved in range, a long beam of greenish energy shot out from the cube and strafed across the shields of General Antilles’s flagship. “General, three new arrivals from another anomaly that has opened at eighty kilometers. They are starkly different from this one we have engaged.” A crewman shouted as a panel exploded. The Independence fired a barrage of turbo blasts that turned the cube into a ball of evaporating metal. Captain LaForge stood in complete shock. Had it happened? Had one ship obliterated a massive Borg cube in one salvo? If they were hostile, he knew the three Federation vessels under his command didn’t stand an ice cube’s chance in a bonfire. “Tactical, hail that ship,” He ordered and sat down, still not half believing the event he had witnessed. A voice broke over the comm. “This is General Wedge Antilles of the Galactic Alliance of Independent Systems. Your ships are strange to us. Please identify yourselves.” “General, I am Captain Geordi LaForge of the United Federation of Planets, we are unfamiliar with you and we come in peace.” “I am pleased to hear you are peaceful. We will come alongside so you can shuttle over.” “We can transport directly to your location. From your talk you are not familiar with transporters. We will be there shortly.” Before Wedge could respond the channel was silenced. A minute later he jumped as a light appeared on the bridge and materialized into two men in black uniforms with gray across the shoulders. Captain LaForge approached General Antilles. The two stared at each other. Both human, both from different galaxies trillions of light years apart, both from a government where freedom reigned, and both from galaxies with long bloody histories. “Where are you from?” Antilles asked. “We are from the planet Earth. The coordinates are as follows.” Geordi walked to a console figured it out, tapped into the Enterprise’s computers and brought up all the information on the Milkyway.” “Captain LaForge, after viewing this information I must conclude you are not in your home galaxy.” “Geordi, that would be logical considering the length and composition of the wormhole.” “Wormhole?” Antilles queried. “The conduit rift anomaly we came here via.” “Ah! You are familiar with those.” “Yes, we are very familiar with wormholes. We can transfer our science info on them to your databanks.” “We are grateful. We have just discovered these anomalies and were very curious.” Wedge was undoubtedly as relieved to find some of these new peoples were peaceful. Geordi LaForge was feeling the same. Then Luke Skywalker entered the bridge area. He gazed at LaForge and Crusher for several seconds before introducing himself. But Luke was mystified. The visitors were blind to him. The Force simply was not in around or present in these beings. This was more a mystery to him that the unknown galaxy Captain LaForge was from. “General Antilles, I see this man has business with you. If it is practicable to you I will suggest that my government prepare the necessary measures to begin negotiations between us.” “That idea is most pleasing to me.” “May our peoples become fast friends. I will return with Federation ambassadors within the week. But first, that wormhole the cube came through must be collapsed.” After collapsing the wormhole the Borg cube had emerged from, the Enterprise departed ending the first meeting between two legendary galaxies. Chapter Two Hanging in space, the blue atmosphere of Earth gave it a soft peaceful glow. Starfleet Command Spacedock was surrounded by a coterie of defense ships. In the main control areas, Admiral Riker was ready to drop where he was and sleep. “Attention, Admiral Riker please report to the surface.” The controllers of the huge orbital station came over the comm channels. “Admiral Lewis and President Serek wish to meet with you.” “Oh boy,” he groaned and made his way to one of the transporter rooms. After transporting to Paris, he entered the President’s office. President Serek was a Vulcan ambassador that had been named after Serek, Spock’s father. He had just been elected to President seven months ago. “Admiral, please sit down,” President Serek said. “Two days ago Captain LaForge made contact with another galaxy. Most intriguing is that their appears to be a human race in this new galaxy. The government, the Alliance proposed to begin negotiations at the planet Bastion. Ambassadors from the Federation, Klingons, Romulans, and Dominion will join Alliance ambassadors to discuss a treaty.” “Mr. President, what exactly is the Alliance?” “From reports, it is a lot like the Federation. Its name is the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances and its main members are the New Republic remnant, Imperial Remnant, Chiss Empire, Mon Calamari, and the Hapes Consortium. Each member provides the Alliance with military forces. The ships designed by each member of the Alliance are unique but share basically the same technology. The summit will be held in a week. You will escort Ambassadors Spock, and Worf to the conference.” Deep in the Unknown Regions, at a remote planet named Kevrex, Grand Admiral Needa’s Super Star Destroyer sat menacingly in orbit. A shuttle left the huge hangar bay and moved toward the planet. “Admiral…” “Yes,” the human in the command seat scowled. “We are approaching the base.” The shuttle moved to a landing pad. The ramp opened releasing the hydraulics with a hiss. White uniformed Needa walked pompously toward the base. Several stormtroopers snapped to attention beside an E-Webb repeater blaster on a tripod. He passed into a bunker and down a hall, troops snapping to attention as he passed. He came out into an observation platform. Constructed like a bunker with three E-Webb emplacements and a quad turret, it provided a view of a huge field below. On the far side of the field, five kilos distant, a huge shield generator sat tranquilly. And… in the field below… the massive Imperial Army marched in parade. Row upon row of white armored warriors trained for war. Modified Imperial Star Destroyers sat in the field with added landing ramps and huge landing legs. Stormtroopers, All Terrain Attack Transports, All Terrain Scout Transports, Bulk Tanks and even a few TIE Crawlers moved up the ramps into their ships. Mobile turbolaser cannon batteries and Biker scout units moved in a long parade line. At the edge of the fields, holding on massive repulsors, more of the landing capable Star Destroyers waited patiently. One Star Destroyer moved into the air, landing legs pulling up into the modified hull. One of the waiting destroyers took the departing ship’s place and began to take on its complement of troops. “General Kotrav,” Needa approached a gray uniformed officer overlooking the massive army. “Is this location and our operations at Csilla, Mobus, and Valc VII still unknown to Pellaeon?” “Yes, he and the Alliance have no idea this force even exists. But, Sir, I must question. How can we resurrect the Empire without a Starfleet?” “We have one. My second in command, Grand Admiral Gol Vawn is overseeing the final preparations of the fleet in the Klasse Ephemora. The shipyards in orbit are still spewing out vessels at a very rapid pace as well as the Chiss yards at their homeworld and at Mobus.” “Grand Admiral, message from intelligence. The Alliance, General Antilles to be exact, made contact with an extragalactic race.” A younger officer approached. “Oh no, we get a massive force build up and then we have to get it shot up and decimated in a replay of the Vong Wars.” “Calm down, General. Remember, we have an extragalactic ally of our own. “Grand Admiral, apparently they have agreed to a summit peace conference. Gilad Pellaeon has already voiced his approval for a treaty.” “Pellaeon is a fool. He’s getting so old he can’t think straight. I will enjoy the day I get my hands around his neck.” Needa appeared calm and unwavering. “If the new contacts are peaceful, then they shouldn’t be much of a threat to us and we can take their galaxy as well when we launch our campaign.” “By the way, Pellaeon sent a message to your presumed base on Nirauan. You as second in command of the Imperial Remnant are to be present at the summit on Bastion in four days. Also one of the extragalactic powers mentioned is the Romulan Star Empire, they have sent us a coded message telling us they will go along with the conference until we make our move.” Needa smiled. “Excellent. As soon as the conference starts I will have our rebuilt Death Squadrons attack Bastion and escort me to safety while they proceed on into Alliance Space. Prepare for war gentlemen. The resurrection of the Empire is at hand.” In the council chamber on Coruscant, Chief of State Cal Omas, Ambassador Leia Solo, and Supreme Admiral Traest Kre’fey were making preparations for the conference on Bastian which was only two days away. Soon they were ready and transports had been leaving the planet for the past day on route to Bastion. Han entered. “Leia, the Falcon is ready to go,” Han glanced at Kre’fey. “That is if a certain Bothan does not have any security issued with a councilor riding with her husband to the conference?” “As a matter of fact…” “Traest, I see no problem with Han taking the Councilor.” Cal Omas interjected. The Bothan’s snout moved slightly as he expressed his annoyance. “I’ll be fine, Admiral.” Leia followed Han out of the room leaving behind a smiling Chief of State and an irritated Bothan. “Don’t worry, Traest. She’s safer with Han than if she were being escorted by a thousand Star Destroyers.” Cal Omas turned back to his computer terminal. The Millennium Falcon shot away from Coruscant and vanished to hyperspace. It reappeared a day later in Bastion Space. The main seat of the Imperial Remnant, Bastion sported an excellent climate and atmosphere. Grand Admiral Gilad Pellaeon’s headquarters was located on Bastion. Pellaeon was aging and his military days were about over. The Corellian freighter soon landed. Luke had arrived the day before on Bastion and he walked out to meet Han and Leia as they disembarked from the craft. “Hey, Luke, any snags in the diplomatic process?” “Just the fact that the extragalactics have no presence in the Force whatsoever, they show no signs of even emitting the Force. I think that the Force really does not exist in these beings.” The trio, followed by Artoo and Threepio, made their way into Pellaeon’s majestic citadel. They were led by a guard of stormtroopers into a huge antechamber. Luke led Leia and Han to a group of people sitting on the right hand area of the massive room. “Master Skywalker,” a number of them stood.” “Leia, these are some of the representatives, I believe from the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, and the Dominion.” Present were Ambassadors Worf and Spock, Generals Kurn and Bek’ta, and Commander Weyoun. After a series of introductions, the group quickly incorporated Han and Leia into the conversation. Leia and Spock quickly found they had the same views on many important issued to be discussed at the treaty. Han and Worf found similarities in their rogue streaks. Then the main doors opened and in walked Needa and Vorcth. They joined Admiral Tomalak from the Romulan Empire and Gul Yusad from the Cardassian Union. Worf scowled. “It seems some of your Imperial friends have found friends among those Romulan and Cardassian targs.” Han glanced over. “Well, that’s the Empire, except for Pellaeon, their leader. He at least had some sense.” Out of another door came Pellaeon and Admiral Kre’fey. “Attention, we are ready to start the summit. All representatives and their personal aids and guards may now step inside.” The delegates filed into the large conference room and took their seats at a large wooden oval table. Representing the Galactic Alliance were Leia Organa Solo, Admiral Traest Kre’fey, General Wedge Antilles, Senator Treeibak, and Luke Skywalker. Representing the Empire were Grand Admiral Pellaeon, Grand Admiral Needa, and Captain Vorcth. Representing the United Federation of Planets were Ambassadors Spock and Worf. Klingon representatives were Generals Kurn and Bek’ta. Romulan delegates were Admirals Tomalak and Sela, and Gul Jusad represented the Cardassian Union. Luke Skywalker took the head of the table to serve as mediator. Just as the conference began, Tomalak slipped Needa a datapad saying that two squadrons of cloaked Romulan warships were on the fringe of the system. Needa gave Tomalak a “good job” nod. Then Luke spoke, “Delegates, we are about to embark on a new era. We are here to discuss treaty amendments and to make new alliances with newfound galactic, or as I should say, intergalactic powers. I will yield the floor to Council Solo who will begin the process of peace talks.” Leia stood. Behind her seat, Han fidgeted in his diplomatic finery, Waroo and Lowbacca stood to either side of Han. “I have been authorized by the Galactic Alliance Senate to procure an olive branch to our new extragalactic associates.” Leia pulled a datapad out of the compartment at her seat. “This datapad will record all those who wish to enter into a commercial and military alliance.” She passed the pad to Ambassador Spock who immediately entered his name. Worf received it next also entering his signature. It continued around the table. Pellaeon entered his name and passed the pad to Needa. Needa stared at the pad and what he was signing. He saw on the pad. Military Alliance: Bounds all who participate to a military alliance and those who sign must provide military assistance to other members of the alliance if and when they come under attack. Needa scowled. “I suppose a military alliance also means that each signer share their military technology? The Empire wishes hard collateral in any treaty.” Pellaeon stared at his subordinate. “Admiral! Military secrets are not in question. Those matters can be decided later.” “I’m afraid not. I must request that military technology must be exchanged.” The conference soon became a heated argument, all representatives contributing. In space, the USS Enterprise-E and the USS West Virginia-B sat tranquilly in space. On the bridge of the West Virginia Admiral Dollison sat and watched the debates on the planet below on the screen. Behind him on the raised part of the bridge stood Commander Jon Nelson and Captain Max Evers. Jon had in the last year become an agent of Section 31. He had a standard Starfleet uniform only it lacked the gray across the shoulders leaving it all black except for the insignia indicating his rank. His personalized compression rifle was mounted on a rack near his console. The tactical officer, Lieutenant Kal, a Reman, spoke. “Admiral, I have picked up a transmission from the planet, it is strangely coded. There is also five tetreyon emissions on a course for the planet.” “Cloaked ships! Notify Admiral Riker and move the ship on an intercept course.” The Prometheus class ship shot into action. The Enterprise was hot on its heals. Then space filled with ships. Two huge Super Star Destroyers, dozens of Imperial and Victory class Star Destroyers, hundreds of Carrack cruisers, Lancer frigates, Nebulon frigates, Corellian corvettes, and thousands of fighters joined the scores of decloaking Romulan ships. Flights of TIE Fighters, Bombers, Interceptors, Predators, Advanced, Defenders, and Chiss Clawcraft joined the squadrons of Scorpion fighters launched from the larger Romulan starships. The two Federation flagships were targeted by advanced groups of fighters. Jon Nelson and a squad of Federation Marines were transported to the surface to help with the eminent evacuation in a type 11 shuttle. The conference was falling apart. Suddenly the blast doors swished open and in rushed dozens of black uniformed Imperial Navy troopers and the dreaded stormtroopers. Needa shouted. “You are all prisoners of the Galactic Empire. Surrender your side arms.” He walked to Han Solo. “I will have fun seeing you die. My uncle was killed because of you. If he had captured you after the Battle of Hoth Vader would not have executed him.” “I sorry but I must deny you the pleasure.” Han’s foot shot into Needa’s stomach. His blaster was out a second later and a charging stormtrooper got a laser bolt in the chest. Lowbacca’s lightsaber was out a second later and it cleaved two Navy troopers in half. Waroo’s bowcaster blasted another stormtrooper. Needa ducked under the oval table and Lowbacca’s second swing just caught the heal of Needa’s boot, doing no bodily harm. Luke Skywalker’s green blade flashed as he deflected a series of bolts into the wall. Worf, Kurn, and Bek’ta each had taken down a trooper with flashing fist blows. Kurn’s knife found the chest of a Navy trooper. Then Jon Nelson and his marines charged in, quickly finishing the Imperial troops with a blaze of phaser fire. Needa and Vorcth escaped through a secret hatchway followed by Tomalak, Sela, and Jusad. “Delegates, we will escort you to the docking bay. A joint Imperial, Romulan attack force is in the system.” Pellaeon gaped. “Leia, Admiral Kre’fey, I don’t know anything about this. Honest!” “Very well, Admiral. Come with us on the Falcon,” Han said. At the docking bay, Jon and his marines were taking up defensive positions. Waroo, Lobacca, Luke, now joined by Mara, Han, and several YVH security droids stayed behind to help them. Leia was escorting a flustered Threepio onto the Falcon. “Mistress Leia! What do you mean a battle?” Just then the stormtroopers arrived, complemented by Reman shock forces sent down by the Romulan vessels. As energy bolts and beams burst against the hull of the Corellian freighter, Threepio wailed. “Oh my! Not stormtroopers again.” The YVH droids blasted away the first ten Imperial troops. Well placed fire from Reman pulse rifles tore apart one droid and then another until all three were smoking debris. One of the marines gasped and fell. Jon sent a shot at the enemy felling a Reman. Lowbacca, Luke, and Mara were deflecting bolts in all directions, one occasionally bouncing back into the enemy trooper that fired it. More stormtroopers were flooding through the docking bay door laying down a barrage of laser fire. The Millennium Falcon’s dorsal quad turret released a linked shot sending four powerful laser bolts into the enemy, many of them vanished in the fireball. Imperial landers were now visible in the atmosphere. They launched speeder bikes before they landed and the scout craft pounded the ships still on the surface. The last of the delegates ships pulled into the air. The Federation marines darted for their shuttle and took off, leaving four dead on the docking pad. The Falcon was the last one off Bastion. “Han, can you get by those Star Destroyers again?” “If I can land on one Needa’s Star Destroyer I can do it to this one.” Outlying Federation, Alliance, Dominion, and Klingon starships had warped or micro jumped to the system. About a hundred ships in all made it to the battle. Within five minutes the Imperial and Romulan ships had broken and scattered them. Ten Federation , five Klingon, two Dominion, and fifteen Alliance ships were lost as they scattered. The Imperial and Romulan fleets began an onslaught toward the border. And on into Alliance space. Chapter Three The survivors of the Bastion route rallied at Dubrillion, a planet just across the border from Bastion. More Klingon ships that were farther from Bastion at the time of the battle also joined the rallying forces. Commander Vo’jak volunteered to have his two hundred Klingon ships fight to the death at Dubrillion, delaying the enemy onslaught long enough for the Alliance and Federation reserves to get to the area. Dubrillion itself was in a state of ruin but it had several functional planetary defense turbolasers and elite Klingon warriors took sniping positions in the rubbles of Lando Calrissian’s pre-Vong War business center. Smaller Klingon ships took up ambush positions in the infamous asteroid belt. Dubrillion’s moon provided another in system obstacle. As the Alliance, Federation, and Klingon high command ships warped or hypered out, Commander Vo’jak placed his vessels in positions within the range of the planet’s surface to space weapons. The Imperial fleet arrived. The Imperial commander of this force, Grand Admiral Gol Vawn, a Chiss, moved his Super Star Destroyer toward the Klingon ships. The massive wedged shaped vessel began to pour turbolaser fire at the Klingons. The massive turbo bolts vaporized the smaller cruisers and the larger Negh’Var, Que’Ral, and K’tek battleships held for a while before their shields buckled. Drop ships filled with stormtroopers dropped out of the cavernous bay of Gol Vawn’s flagship. Gol Vawn sat on his bridge. Second in command to Needa, he had been given command of this offensive while Needa went back to… well he said he had to talk to someone vital to the war effort. Meanwhile, he had a battle to win. “Tactical, open a path for the landers and drop ships. I want Dubrillion cleansed of these extragalactics in three hours.” The Chiss commander walked to command room to relax while his forces gave him a seemingly easy victory. On the surface of the planet stormtroopers moved through the streets. Every few blocks a volley of disruptor beams would tear down the leading troopers only to have the houses the fire came from blasted to oblivion by TIE and Sctimitar Bombers. AT-AT walkers lumbered across Dubrillion, eradicating pockets of brave warriors. Navy troopers and technicians moved into abandoned military buildings and began to bring systems online. Soon Dubrillion was an Imperial fortress. The Klingon snipers and defenders were all neutralized and the Klingon fleet in orbit was a mass of floating debris. Grand Admiral Needa’s flagship, the Super Star Destroyer Raptor Claw, appeared in the Valc System. The seventh planet in the system, Valc VII was the destination of the behemoth starship. It entered into a high orbit. Needa’s personal shuttle dropped from the hanger and slid into Valc VII’s atmosphere. The shuttle flew into a huge canyon near the south pole. The white walls of the canyon reflected the sunlight. A dead end lurked ahead but a huge white blast door began to rise revealing a cavernous bunker. The Lambda shuttle came to a rest in the bay. The steam from the hydraulic system vented out as the landing ramp lowered. Needa still wore his gray uniform, preferring it over the, in what he termed, a “to flashy” white uniform. He was met by two Royal guards in their bright red cloaks and masks. “Admiral, you are expected.” A turbolift carried the three several kilometers through the ice. Needa left the tube. The guards left and Needa was met by two more. Entering a huge room, Needa saw through the huge window on the opposite side of the room and onto a huge ice field. He walked toward the large chair that faced the window. “I hope your personal bunker the Empire spent a good bit of credits on is acceptable.” Needa said. The chair rotated around. In it sat a figure in an all black cloak with a hood over his head. From his sleeves two blue skinned hands were visible and two piercing red eyes in the middle of a blue face glared at Needa. “Admiral, you mock me. After all, I am the future of the Empire. What other good would those credits have been?” “Another Star Destroyer for one.” “Your capital ships are not my concern. You just make sure some Jedi show up here sooner or later.” “I trust that when they arrive, that the locations of the Dark Trooper facility near the equator will remain secret?” “At the rate you are going, there will be enough Dark Troopers to defend the entire planet before any Jedi appear.” “I will do my utmost to ensnare some. Any particular ones?” “I am most interested in Jacen Solo.” “That will be a pleasure. To let you destroy the son of my enemy will be an honor. I must go now, Lord Spectrus.” Needa turned and walked out of the room and back on the turbolift followed by two guards. “Master, do you wish me to go and hunt other Jedi?” A cold voice sounded from the shadows near the wall. Spectrus shifted his head slightly. “You may go, my Apprentice.” A form moved from the shadows revealing another cloaked figure. Under his black hood there was visible a red face with jagged yellow lines across it. Two yellow eyes shown against the hideous face. “My young Apprentice, I have long studied the history of the Sith, there was another like you once, the same race. He was killed by a Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi. Kenobi died later at the hands of Lord Vader.” “I am familiar with Darth Vader, Master.” “The one like you, named Darth Maul, was an excellent stealth hunter. I am confident it will be the same with you. May the Dark Side be with you on your hunt.” The dark apprentice motioned and a door opened revealing a docking bay that held a heavily modified Chiss Clawcraft starfighter. He climbed into the cockpit and a minute later soared across the polar glaciers and out of sight. A lone Golan II battlestation sat in deep space surrounded by dozens of starships. A trading outpost along the Hydian Way, it served as a fairly major commerce center. More Alliance starships dropped from hyperspace. A squadron of Federation cruisers, including Galaxy, Ambassador, Excelsior, Curry, and Mohawk class vessels appeared as well, followed by another wing of ships led by the Enterprise. Space Station 213 had become a rally point for retreating Federation, Klingon, and Alliance vessels. The Imperial fleets had advanced almost to the Hydian Way. The planets of Dantooine, Morishim, Ord Biniir, Generis, and Bimmiel had all seen small skirmishes but the heavily outnumbered defenders, unprepared for the attack of the massive Imperial fleets, had quickly fled leaving the worlds to the Empire. Last reports had Imperial squadrons moving toward Agamar, Dathomir, and Ithor. General Antilles had arrived with the Star Destroyer Mon Mothma to lead a delaying action at the station. All civilians and nonessential personnel had already been evacuated. Wedge had beamed to the Enterprise to coordinate his defense with Admiral Riker, who had attached himself to the Sovereign class ship and which didn’t bother Captain LaForge in the least. “Admiral, the Imperial fleet will not leave this base behind, they will attack. Our objective is not victory, only to hold them off for a while and inflict casualties. More squadrons are hurrying to this region from Corellia, Mon Calamari, Bilbringi, and Kuat. Admiral Kre’fey has returned to Coruscant to direct placements of fleets.” Riker spoke. “Admiral Dollison has returned to our galaxy to activate the Federation fleet. There should be several more squadrons here in a few days. The Klingons will be sending a large group of warships as well. I am not sure whether the Dominion will join us or the enemy.” Klaxons began going off. Antilles beamed back to his flagship and the defenders prepared for battle. A Super Star Destroyer led the Imperial fleet. Close to sixty Imperial and Victory class ships and several hundred smaller cruisers and frigate bore down on the Golan battlestation. The Enterprise’s wing pulled into a dagger formation. Admiral Riker opened the war channel. “All Federation ships, our shields cannot hold their weapons so we will make hit and run strikes on their formation. All ships attack on my mark. Attack!” The Sovereign class battleship shot ahead followed by several hundred starships and close to a thousand fighters. The fighters quickly outdistanced the destroyers, cruisers, and battleships and hit the advancing formations of TIE fighters hard. Pulse beams and green laser cannons turned the starry picture into a dazzling scene of destruction. The Enterprise bore down on the enemy, a Star Destroyer receiving a hail of phasers, photon, and quantum torpedoes and it blew apart. Numerous smaller ships were blasted by the hails of energy fire. The Federation ships spun around and headed for the battlestation while General Antilles, a quick learner, led his ships, more on equal terms with the Empire’s tech in the same sort of maneuver. Gol Vawn sat on the bridge of the Super Star Destroyer. He grinned at the screens and tactical displays. So the enemy was going to finally fight, and cleverly too. “Tactical, have wing three pursue the extragalactic squadron.” A dozen Star Destroyers and about a hundred smaller craft followed a thousand fighters after Riker’s regrouping fleet. They struck the fleet hard and dozens of Federation ships began venting flame and oxygen while dozens more exploded. The Imperial squadron turned to begin pummeling the battlestation. The bridge of the Enterprise was a solid mass of steam and scattered metal parts. At least five crew lay dead, and wires hung from the ceiling. Admiral Riker stumbled his way to the operations console and sat down, the operator one of the casualties. He brought up a damage analysis. Not too bad. No hull breaches or critical systems were damaged. Several dozen casualties total were reported from various areas of the vessel. Geordi LaForge was suddenly by him. “Admiral, we’ll have this smoke out of here in a minute.” A small flame burned on the left side of the bridge. “Geordi, we need to get reformed,” Riker said. “Admiral, Antilles sent a message to get our ships out of here. We’ve lost over half of the squadron.” “Where do we go?” “He said there is a repair yard at Ossus. I have the coordinates and they are logged in. The Alliance ships can still old a while.” The screen was now visible and they could see the Imperial fleet pounding the station, Alliance ships engaged in the midst. Small explosions could be seen indicating destroyed starfighters and every five seconds a capital ship would burst into flames. Then a blinding flash covered the screen. The station had self destructed taking with it a dozen Imperial vessels and scores of fighters. The station’s destruction had also scattered mines into space. As they locked on to Imperial ships, more explosions engulfed the area. “Federation ships,” Wedge Antilles came over the war channel. “Fall back, the Empire has paid steeply enough for their victory. We are withdrawing too.” Within a few minutes the Imperial fleet was alone surrounded by clouds of debris and burning hulks. Across the universe, Gul Jusad’s Keldon class battleship joined a host of other Cardassian warships. The rebuild fleet was ready to strike. “To all vessels, this is Gul Jusad, for the glory of Cardassian, to battle and victory.” With that, all across the Demilitarized Zone Cardassian forces moved toward Federation Space. Odo walked into the Promenade on Deep Space Nine. Word of the battles in the other galaxy had reached the Federation a mere three hours before and the Federation’s declaration of war on the Galactic Empire an hour later. The Changeling approached the bar. A concerned Ferengi stared at him. “All right, Quark, I’m here, make it quick.” “Odo, I want to have Nog thrown in the brig. No one has been buying anything all day and he is the only one besides you that would play a trick on me, and you are too busy to do it.” “Quark, did it ever occur to you that Nog is on the Defiant with Captain Sisko on inspection?” “I… that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have done it.” “Quark, maybe you haven’t heard that the Federation has gone to war. I am very busy and don’t have the time to deal with you.” Odo turned and walked away. Quark muttered. “At least he can’t imagine me into the brig.” Captain Sisko was inspecting the Minos Corva base in an annual inspection of the facilities along the border. He was aware that many of the ships along the Cardassian Border were going to be pulled out to fight in the other galaxy. The USS Defiant was preparing to leave the Minos Corva starbase. “Lieutenant Nog, prepare to take us out of space dock.” The Ferengi nodded and the small destroyer began to moved toward the open door on the outside of the starbase. “Captain, I am receiving a message from spacedock control.” Chief O’Brien said from the tactical console. A commander appeared on the screen. “Captain, we have detected a large concentration of Cardassian warships approaching very quickly.” The Defiant swiveled around as soon as it had exited the starbase. There, coming in a huge phalanx formation, came scores of yellow-orange starships and fighters. “Shields up, all hands to battle stations.” Sisko ordered urgently. The Cardassian ships moved in firing powerful yellow energy bursts. The small cluster of Federation ships around the starbase returned the fire. A Curry class cruiser exploded and a Galaxy class began venting air and debris. Keldon class battleships bombarded the starbase with volleys of photon torpedoes. Soon, flames licked from holes in the starbase’s hull. Two Sabre destroyers were lost and a Steamrunner ship exploded, but detonated all of its tri-cobalt warheads destroying five smaller Cardassian cruisers and disabling two larger Galor battle cruisers. “All surviving Federation ships, retreat to Deep Space Nine at once,” Sisko ordered through a war channel. Just then a fireball appeared in the middle of the starbase separating the huge saucer part of it from the elongated section. The two sections disappeared a moment later in a vast cloud of expanding fire. The Defiant and a few survivors sped for Bajor, the heart of Cardassia pouring starships after them. To be continued... Due to the space allocation, I only put a small part of the story here. see www.freespaces.com/st_vs_swstories/index.htm for the rest of the story. There will be a special page added that will include just the continuation of the story. PLEASE READ BELOW: Upcoming stories continuing this timeline and for databank entries for the characters I added to the story. PLEASE NOTE: The site listed above is new and It will be a few weeks (hopefully no longer) until the databank is online. Additional stories will be posted on that site as they are finished. |