Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1039783-Girl-Next-Door-vs-Brat-Down-the-Street
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1039783
This is a novel about two types of girls. The
It was the morning of October 31, and I ,Brittany Parker, was ready for Halloween! My boyfriend, Jake Allen,was going to be picking me up and taking me to school.
While I applied the last of my mascara, I heard a horn honk right outside my window. I grabbed my purse off my doorknob and hurried out the front door. There was Jake in his new Jaguar, looking as adorable as usual. I hopped in the car as he sped off at an incredible speed.
When I arrived at school, I was flagged down by my cheerleading coach. "Brittany, Brittany,come here, we're doing a pep rally in the gym today." I dropped my bag off with Jake, then hurried over to where she was. She told me the cheers and stunts we would be doing then muttered something about coffee and hurried away.
I laughed and went to stand with my group of loyal followers. By the look on their faces, they had obviously gone to Jason's kegger last night. They all looked pathetic and hung over, so I had to give them all a speech about how a cheerleader was a rolemodel. About fifteen minutes later,we headed off to our first period home ec class.
As I stood behind my little cooking table, I heard Becky say something to Candace like,"Can you believe Brittany's little stunt she pulled this morning with us?" I looked over at her, winked, then said, "Honey, it's a shame that I have to suspend you from the squad for two weeks, but I guess that's what it takes when you pull a little stunt like that." She scoffed at me then went back to her chocolate fondue. I giggled and elbowed Elle in the ribs. She looked at me and smiled.
At lunch I saw Jake and Jason standing together in line, so I scooted in between them and grabbed a chicken salad and some sort of diet drink. Jake leaned over and gave me a quick kiss then went back to talking to Jason about last night's game. I rolled my eyes and headed over to the cheerleaders segment. Our school cafeteria was very different.It had rooms attached to the walls that looked just like plain concrete apartments, but if you were in an important group like the cheerleaders, then you got to spend your lunch hour in a segment just for your group.
I carried my tray over to our segment, typed in the passcode, and pulled open the door. The inside of our segment was decorated with pink and orange cloth that decorated the ceiling and walls. The floor was white carpet so we had to be very careful not to spill anything. When I stepped inside and closed the door, I saw Jailin and Shailin(twins), Claudia, and Elle. They were all glued to the television watching a national cheer competition.
They all said hi and Elle, the co-captain moved over on the couch to give me a seat. I said,"That was so funny in first, when I gave Becky a two-week squad suspension." The twins turned to me and Shailin said,
"That is uber-funny. I can't even believe Courtney picked her last year." Courtney was our former captain, and a real dimwit to boot. I nodded to Shailin and began to eat my salad. About halfway through a peice of chicken, we heard the speaker click on. Over our small P.A. system we heard Becky say,
"Let me in you guys, people are starting to stare at me."
I giggled and said into the speaker,"You didn't forget that you are on squad suspension did you? Because you know that you can't eat in the cheerleader segment when you're on suspension." I heard a soft sob and heels clicking as she walked away. I gave Claudia a high-five, dumped my tray in the trash deposit, then went to use our segment bathroom.
When I came out, I went over the day's pep rally plan with the girls. We decided to leave lunch with thirty minutes to go, and head out on the lunch field to practice our cheers.
When we arrived, Becky and Candace were already practicing. I looked at Elle and said to Becky, "How many darn times do we have to go over this? You're on squad suspension." She gave a pathetic "I'm sorry" look and headed off the field. I smirked and began to call out cheers and stunts.
When the lunch bell rang, I hurried to meet Jake for study hall. He met me down the Senior hallway, and he grabbed my hand as we headed to the auditorium. We headed to the seats beside Elle and her boyfriend, Thomas. We all talked about how exciting the pep rally would be and then Jake made a comment, " I can't wait to see you out there shakin' your thing like your mamma taught you."
Elle and laughed until we both about cried.
When 7th period rolled around, Elle, Claudia, the twins, Candace, Nikki, and Jada all headed to the girl's locker room. I, as captain, had decided that we would wear our midriff top, with the carwash skirt. We all headed out into the gym and were greeted with a huge round of applause and a ton of whistles from the jock section. I smiled my little seductive smile and called out our first cheer.
"When I say, do you wanna hear a secret, you say what what. Ok? Ok!," I yelled to the stands. "Ready, ok! Do you wanna hear a secret?"
My schoolmates all yelled the chant back to us everytime until the cheer was done. Then, we all raised our hands into a high "v", then I did a back handspring into the twin's arms, where I was swung up into a liberty. "Eagles, Eagles in the stands, stand up and clap your hands!" I chanted.
Chapter two. As I stood in the crowd and watched Brittany, the cheerleader, yell her little spells, I glanced longingly in the direction of Jake, my dream guy. Even though I knew I would never have a chance with him, it didn't stop me from dreaming. He was so manly and strong, and his eyes, oh, God, his eyes were delicious.
Brittany and I were just the oppostie, she was preppy, and pretty, and I, well, I was just a chess-playing band-geek. I was relatively attractive, I had jet-black hair and a pale complexion, and I had always heard people say how pretty I was. I knew that if I had a little self confidence, my world would be a lot better. But, looking down at Brittany and her minions made me want to hurl.

© Copyright 2005 Queen Elizabeth (skybaby3534 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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