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Rated: 13+ · Serial · Romance/Love · #1038319
Hidden feelings, crossdressing, pastlives, what's a High Schooler to do (Chapter 2 up)

Chapter 1

An Encounter With Narcissus

The all boys' school is directly next door to the all girls' high school. A rather dumb idea, why not just intergrade the genders and create one big school?
Of course, that would defeat the purppose of him attending Seika High, The all-girls' school, Tsuki though, brushing a lock of long silvery hair out of his eyes. Making his way to the group of two who were his only friends that didn't mind that he was a guy wearing a skirt,( Hey! It was the mandated uniform!), attending an all girls school.
And so, The cropped brown-haired girl known as Hoshi started her daily regimen of pointless babble.
"Hey, Tsu-chan, Didja see the new hottie at Seito High?", She said, looking across the yard into the boys' campus.
Tsuki's silvery-blue gaze followed suit, until he caught sight of someone whom he hadn't seen before, "Y'mean the one with the green hair?"
Hoshi nodded, "Yeah, that's the one."
Tsuki studied him calculatingly for a moment before speaking up again, "I think it's only his looks. And from what I can tell from over here, he looks like a jock. The kinda person who only cares about looks, a real narcisist."
"Wow, Tsu. You're real great at readin' people.", Taiyo, his other friend, a girl with unruly shoulder-length blonde hair and miss-matched eyes said as she butted into the conversation.
"Yeah, you can say that I guess, Tai."
"No duh I can say it, I already did!"
Tsuki and Hoshi exchanged glances before bursting out in laughter, honestly, Taiyo could be so dense! She really was like a kitten, odd eye colour and all. Taiyo just glared at them for a moment, that was until the 'hottie's' bag flew over the fence dividing the campuses.
Tsuki wasn't the only one to notice this, but he was the only one who dared go and retrive the article, Honestly, girls could be so stupid sometimes-All a guy had to do to get one in this school to stutter and blush like mad was simply walk past them, it was good then for him that he rather looked like one.
Retrieving the bag and handing it back to the 'narcissist' as he had dubbed him, Tsuki earned a couple odd glares from the soon to be 'narcissitic-boy's-fanclub', and an apology from the 'narcissist'.
"Ah...Sorry about that...miss?", The green haired boy asked, taking the bag from Tsuki, jade coloured eyes mirroring the question.
"Tsuki...", He paused, trying to remember his surname....It'd been far too long since he'd needed to give that information out.
"Ahhh....Sorry 'bout that miss Tsuki-chan."
"No problem, if I wasn't here today this lotta chickens wouldn't of returned it, just doing what anyone, well anyone that isn't madly in love with you, would've done."
"Madly in love with me?", The green haired boy asked innocently, Okay, so maybe he wasn't as much of a narcisist as Tsuki had him pegged as.
"Yeah, you've got quite the fanclub brewing over here mister.....", Tsuki trailed of realizing that the other boy hadn't yet shared his name.
"Rei Motosua.", The jade-eyed boy supplied helfully.
"Motosua-san, what I said is true. You've got a developing fanclub over here."
Rei smiled broadly, white teeth flashing in the morning sun, "So, it's happening again? Are you one of the fangirls, Tsuki-chan?"
Okay, scratch that last thought about Motosua not being such a narcissist as he had thought. He had quite an ego.
Tsuki snorted at that. Raising an eyebrow he looked at Rei cautiously, "No.", He replied, tone going monotone, "They..",He guestured towards the thirty or so girls that were glaring daggers at himself and then trying to catch the 'hotties' eye with rather flirtatious gestures, "Are members of your developing fanclub."
Rei nodded, smile still in place. "Are you sure you ain't a parta that fanclub?", He asked, tone rather on the cocky side, which annoyed Tsuki immensley.
"I'm quite possitive. I was never quite fond of Narcissus, or the way he fell in love with his reflection. A rather idiotic act, and if only he had touched the water he could have distilled the image; But he was too in love with himself."
Rei looked impressed for a moment, "Wow, a smart and perceptive chic. I like you."
"The feelings not returned, Motosua-san.",Tsuki said, about to walk off.
"Ah! Wait, just call me Rei, Motosua-san makes it sound like I'm a teacher or sumthin'."
Tsuki rolled his eyes, "Thank the gods you're not, Rei-san.", He was about to leave but the other male made him stop again.
"Wait, Tsuki-chan, I think I saw you before, but where?"
Tsuki rolled his eyes again, vaguley wondering if they'd get stuck, "And I think we're neighbors. How unfortunate that I'll have to see you again around my home as well as my outdoor classes.", He said sardonically, sarcastic pity dripping from each word.
What? Rei thought, All his neighbors were guys, weren't they? "You are a girl, aren't you?"
"Or an angel.", Tsuki joked, then turned serious, "I guess you could say something like that. Anyways, the bell's about to ring and I have no desire to be scalped by the dean again for tardiness, so I best be on my way.", He said, running off; Giving the narcissistic boy a rather nice glimpse of his underwear as he ran off toward the opening of the school.
Not a minute later did the bell actually ring, 'Damn.', Rei thought as he ran off in the opposite direction of the silver haired teen, visions and questions of her plaguing his mind, 'How did she know? She wasn't even wearing a watch.', He thought, as he made his way into the building by the third toll. Just in time to not be completely late for his first day at an all new high school.
Edited! ^^

~Chapter 2~
*Despite ourselves, The Fates keep rolling on*

"So...Tsuki, didja get hotties' name?", Hoshi asked when they had been seated in their first instillment of torture for the day, also known as a 'class'...but they really weren't a category, and so referring to them as 'torture' seemed all the more appropriate as all they did was pound your brain with rapid information that you couldn't possibly hope to soak in if you wished to have even a tenth of a semi-decent social life.
He nodded, "Yeah.", He said and then resumed half-heartedley scribbling some notes in an un-translatable language.
"And...?, Hoshi inquired, threatening him with a rubber band that she had procured from her pocket.
Tsuki, of course, wasn't phased in least by this as it was rather a daily method of threat from Hoshi, sometimes she'd threaten to make him show her his homework, other days to just tell her what's happening in the boys' school as he sat right next to the window. "And?", He reiterated.
"Idiot! What's his name!?"
"Rei Motosua, Narcissus in his past life."
"Cut that out, will you!? Not all of us have such a fetish with Greek Mythology as you do."
"Did ya know that bisexuality was a big thing in Ancient Greece?"
Hoshi blanched at that,"And that has anything to do with Mythology....How?"
Tsuki smiled, "It doesn't, It just proves that it's not unatural...and yeah...."
He nodded, "Good. Now, kindly shut up and let me return to my story."
If murder wasn't against the law Tsuki would have been hacked up into microscopic pieces and hidden between the floorboards by the look Hoshi was giving him. "Story!?", She reeled, "I thought you were taking notes!"
"Nope...now...where was I...? Oh! I remember...", He trailed of as his pen begain sailing the paper again. Moments later Hoshi actually looked up to the front of the classroom and to her surprise she saw Taiyo up there assisting the teacher with explaining the lessons.
"...And this is the way we conjugate this verb....", It then dawned on Hoshi why Tsuki wasn't giving the lesson the least bit of mind, it was their German class! Stupid brat was fluent in the god-forsaken language when Hoshi couldn't even wrap her head around the vaguest of concepts! She had just gotten the resolution to start paying attention when the bell rang for the next class.
Dante had noticed something wrong with his friend all morning; He had a glazed expression on his face and was holding onto his bag like it held his life in it-The sandy-blonde haired boy wouldn't of been surprised if it did.
It wasn't until late in the day(And ten incidents of Reis' face colliding with the wall) when Dante figured it out-His friend was either very 'doped up' or in love.
And seeing as he really had no idea what 'doped up' meant for real, they both meant that the green-haired teen had someone of romantic interest on his mind.
Dante solemnly vowed to discover who it was by the end of the week.
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