Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1037857-The-Autobiography-of-Mia-Saxon
Rated: XGC · Non-fiction · Erotica · #1037857
OPP is the one thing we all want, even if for a little while.
... This item is no longer being updated. Pls refer to the 2nd file (book file) for the continuance and completion of this story.


Sexy, scandalous and true, this is a compilation of my life from elementary school to today. I have met a lot of interesting people, and this story tells how my family, friends, and your family (husbands) & friends (boyfriends) helped shaped my life into what it is today. Read on, surprisingly unknowing to you, we may have already met.

Chapter One

I love Men! I don't know how it all started, but I just know I love everything about them. If they belonged to someone else, I loved them even more! Apparently, when I was 2 years old and we'd see momma’s male friends out on the streets, "Dance Mia," she'd say, and I’d do a li'l jiggle and wiggle and wouldn't stop dancing until everyone was holding their stomachs from uncontrollable laughter.

Of course, I don't remember any of this happening. What I do remember is when I was in the second grade, instead of going straight home after school I walked past my house and went with William to play at his. William wasn’t good looking or anything, he was just a friend. I finally got home around 5:30. Momma was so angry, you'd think I stepped on the dog's paw or something. She was getting ready to call the po-po to report me missing.

There are six kids in our family and I’m the baby. Jim joined the Navy but got out after four years and got a good job working for the Port Authority as an Accountant. I guess the job was too damn good because soon he was counting dollar bills to see how much drugs he could buy to get him through to next payday. It was all downhill from there: failed marriage, in and out of rehab programs, he jumped from job to job, hid from the man, so on and so forth.

Under him was Lewis. As far as I remembered, Lewis ain’t never had no girlfriend but he had millions of pictures of his girl friends taped to his dresser mirror. How the hell could he have so many girl friends but no girlfriend? Where she at? Lewis was the one person we always depended on to do anything we asked of him. He was soft spoken, kept to himself, and for the past 20 years he still worked at the same place. Now that’s the kind of man we all need! Oh sure, he smoked his little weed in the back bathroom and outside in the back yard but he never hurt anyone.

Happy was the next in line. This kid was always happy-go-lucky, never sad about anything so the name suited him perfectly. The only thing I have to say about him is that he had no taste in women, whatsoever! His first girlfriend was very beautiful and his baby momma was really nice, very classy and beautiful, but all those other dogs he brought around, I don’t know what pound he found them at. Why the hell he brought them home is unknown to me. I bet the SPCA didn't care either, they wanted those dogs gone! He probably he felt sorry for them. Hell, how many strays and head cases do you need to pick up off the street before you learn your lesson, boy? One girlfriend called him Hercules; I wondered what his pet name was for her. I could give him a couple of suggestions, let’s begin with Buster, WOOF!! Happy always kept a job, though, I’ll give him that, and he kept the house looking good for momma, putting in bay windows, kept the landscape looking fresh, something was always going on with that house.

Under him is Deena. She never let me hang out with her and her friends. When she and Lydia went to the baseball games on the Hill, I had to beg and plead to go along and sometimes daddy made her take me along. Not until many years later after I joined the Navy did Deena and I really start hanging out together when I came home on the weekends. She was in love with a tall, bony ass dude, got pregnant by him but had a miscarriage. I was young and didn’t really understand what happened. Her boyfriend had sickle cell anemia and he died some years later.

Duck is the baby boy and he’s as blind a bat. Ever since the second grade he wore those coke bottle eyeglasses. I hung out with him more than with Deena. We went everywhere together, had the same friends. Duck married his high school sweetheart, Sheryl, and they had six kids. Damn, didn’t they believe in birth control?

Lastly, there is me, Mia. Some called me red bone, some called me Mitch, but most called me a spitting image of my momma.

Daddy was a Mess Specialist in the Army and retired in the late sixties early seventies. He had an 8 x 10 picture with his crew cut haircut and looked exactly like Sergeant Carter. Sometimes we felt maybe daddy still thought he was in the Army because there were many times I fell asleep under my bed because I didn’t want to clean my room. Many more times I was up at three in the morning washing dishes because I left a pot undone. Dude woke us up and made us put those pots on the stove and boil the burnt food off the bottom of the pot. "C'mon, man!" One good thing about daddy being a cook in the Army though, between him and momma we always had good food to eat. When daddy cooked you didn't know it because all the dirty dishes and pots he used were washed and placed back in their proper places the moment he was done using them. Had to be that military training!

Momma was a private duty nurse and always had jobs taking care of sick white folk either on the Battery, across the Ashley or downtown somewhere. I don’t recall her ever accepting a position to take care of a black person. Still today, you cannot tell her she ain’t white and that she ain’t pee-teet.

Although we all had our own circle of friends, we were a close knit family. Duck wrote poetry, wrote a little something every now and then but never really took his writing seriously. We sat on the side steps in the back yard with pen and paper, wrote poetry and sang Bee Gees songs many times. I remember the day we buried grandmammy, Wake Up Everybody by Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes was on the radio and it played in my head for days and days.

Back then, we only had one car in the family and I clearly remember me and momma walking three miles to the eye doctors to get my glasses. We walked by my school and I was so happy I didn't have to go to school that day. I remember my teacher, she reminded me of Florida on Good Times.

I had the usual friends, you know, the ones you fight after school then sleep over at their houses on the weekend like nothing happened. I kicked Mabel’s ass more than once and each time she brought her sisters along for support. I had my girls too and we always sent them home bruised and bloody.

There was a white church in front of our house with a playground and they did not want us younguns playing in their playground. Shoot, they didn't scare us and everyday we swinged, ran from swing to see-saw to monkey bars, until Chuck came around with his big black dog. We were so afraid of that dog! The stupid dog was harmless but it was so black and that made it more frightening. It was a black lab retriever and he chased us up the monkey bars and barked at us for no reason. Chuck thought it was funny but we were scared as hell, and every time we tried to come down from the monkey bars that fucking dog chased us back up again. Our house was right across the street but we were too scared to even risk jumping down and running home. Chuck’s grandmammy and momma were close friends, still are today.

Next to the church lived the Thompsons. Duck and I were very good friends with Sharon and Marvin, their little brother Billy and their older brother Mikey. Little Billy was like DeeJay on Roseanne, he was always in our space, getting into everything. Sharon’s dad had the biggest nuts I’d ever seen in my life! He was out in the front yard doing some gardening one day and I tried to help him. Not that I was interested in gardening at all, I stared at his nuts! Good gawd, I didn’t know they made them that large! Many times Duck and I slept over at their house or they slept at ours. We were like brothers and sisters until they sold their house and moved away. Duck still talks to Mikey every now and then. I hear he’s doing well for himself these days, got himself a string of pawn shops.

In the sixth grade or so, that's when I really started to blossom. Duck helped coach the softball teams and he also helped out in the community center with the after school and summer programs. I soon got involved with helping out at the community center, and I played on a softball team and eventually helped coach as well. At one point I coached the little pip squeaks, then suited up for my own game later in the day.

My positions were right field and catcher. I loved the umpires kneeling down behind me and the smell of their cologne. When I was at bat, I made sure I got a good look at the ump and his clean shaven face. If only he knew that homer was for him! Damn, those huge mosquitoes! My running partner, Shaylia, came to the games and cheered me on. Momma came out every now & then and once my oldest brother, Jim, came home from the Navy and watched me play. Dude should've stayed his ass in the Navy, more on him later. I think that was the day I got hit in the head with the ball.

Judy and I were on the same team and I became good friends with her, her brother Paul and their parents. Oh my gawd, I had this huge crush on Paul because he reminded me of Paul McCartney who, by the way, I also had a huge crush on so it kind of went hand in hand. Hey, to me it made sense, ok? I must’ve made Paul McCartney a millionaire that year because I bought every fucking cassette he had out at the time and memorized the words to all his songs!

I sat at the dining room table for hours trying to draw Paul’s car. He drove an Elite, then a Cougar. From our front door you could see the main highway and I stood at the door or sat outside looking for him to drive by. My nose was wide open and damn, I wanted that! He looked at me as a kid, I’m sure, but this kid eventually grew up into an 18 year old and he finally gave me what I was waiting for. We finally had sex at his place, and he was horrible! I don't even know why I went back for seconds. Uugghh!

As I was saying, Shaylia and I became good friends with Judy and her folks and we dropped by their house all the time. Judy's mother was a hoot! She kept us laughing so much all the time. Shaylia liked Judy's dad, and for the life of me I still don't know what she saw in that man. Tall, bony, had no looks whatsoever just some tall, plain old white man.

Driving back home from their house, “Shaylia, what do you see in that man anyways,” I asked her one day.

“He has nice lips,” she responded.

We drove by Paul's house all the time too, checking to see if he was home and most of the time he wasn't. When he was home we banged on the door and he wouldn't let us in.

Chapter Two

Our cousins were always at the house and I don't think there was ever a day when someone wasn't over raiding our fridge or looking for some dinner.

Sometimes on Saturday nights, my cousins Tommy or Matt slept over with me and Duck and then we all went to church in the morning giving them back to their parents.

While the grown folks sat around in the adjacent room either playing cards or watching TV and drinking Miller Lite, we were in the back room already bathed and in our pj’s and played in the sleeping bags. We were about thirty feet away from them so they really couldn’t see what we were doing.

Playing in the sleeping bag with Tommy was always fun for me. Every once in awhile he rubbed his cock up against my ass and I really didn't think anything of it at first until that one night he tried putting his hand up my pajama top.

Ah hell, it’s on now! I punched him hard, too.

"Stop it,” I screamed.

I wanted him to stop touching me because it just wasn’t right for him to be touching me like that, and so we start wrestling. Tommy was a year and a half older than me and undoubtedly bigger. Being stronger, he always overpowered me and I ended up on my back with him straddling me. He held my hands and arms down up over my head.

"Shut up, and stop kicking me!” he said.

"No, let me go and get off of me NOW!!" I yelled back at him.

“Say uncle first!” he ordered, leaned into me and lightly pressed his semi-stiff cock against my virgin pussy.

I don’t think he meant to be leaning against me like that down there and why did his cock feel like it was getting hard?

"Say uncle!" he ordered again.


“Say it!” he commanded.

“NO! You’re a dodo bird. Make me say it,” I said to him.

With all my might I wiggled and squirmed to get loose but then I realized Tommy’s cock was very hard and he purposely rocked into my pussy. What’s going on here, I wondered. This is my cousin.

“I’m gonna make you say uncle right now, girl, don’t move.”

He paused, just long enough to look over his shoulder to see if the grown folks were watching us. When he saw that they weren’t looking he leaned more into me and pressed harder, grinded into me much slower and pushed upwards into my pussy. Slowly… slowly… he rocked slowly, rocked upwards, back again, upwards again, slowly, back and forth, he rocked me slowly. His breathing was steady and warm against my neck, he went on and on. With every slow grind into me, something unfamiliar within me awakened.

“You liked that?” he asked.

“NO, I hate you, get off of me now!” I yelled back.

“Then you better say uncle right now, girl.”

“I said you can’t make me. Get off of me, stupid!”

"Ok, ok, he promised, stay still and I’ll let you go."

Like a dumb ass I believed him, stopped kicking and laid still. He took advantage of that and lied completely on top of me, pressed harder into me, secretly and quietly humped me in the sleeping bag.

I didn’t quite understand what I was feeling down there but whatever it was, damn, it felt so good! Pretending not to like it I kicked, writhed and tried to get loose but I knew damn well that the more I moved, the wider my legs opened to accommodate him.

With my legs opened wider now giving him more room, he held both of my hands together with one of his, slightly lifted up his ass to adjust his cock for better placement, then lowered his body onto me again. He pressed harder into me and moved a bit faster than before.

Every few minutes or so he stopped to look over at the grown folks and to make them think we were still wrestling he pinched me and made me scream.

With his cock strategically placed against my pussy, he rocked me some more. He slowed down when he thought we were being watched then pumped faster into me and made semi-circles with his hips.

Tommy held both of my hands again with his one hand and used his other hand to support him to place his body directly over mine and placed his cock dead center on my pussy. I moved in the opposite direction to try and get away.

“Don’t move, girl,” he whispered in my ear, “One more minute, I’ll let you go.”

He held me down by my sides and pumped straight up into my pussy as fast and hard as he could. Up and in, he went on like this for a very long time and even though I still acted like I was struggling to get out from under him, I loved the feeling!

Tommy lifted his ass up again, placed his hand down into his pj bottom and stroked his cock. He rubbed and stroked it, made it get harder and harder. When he was satisfied with its size and stiffness, unexpectedly, Tommy slid his hand down into my pj bottom, fingered my pussy and then licked my juices from his hand.

“Pussy good, Mia.”

Then, after one final look over his shoulder, Tommy quickly gave his cock one last tug, yanked his pj bottom down freeing his cock from restriction, “Shhh," he whispered, his lips on my ear, and jammed his bare cock into my pussy as far as my pj bottom will allow!

Over and over and over, faster, VVVOOM! He pumped, harder, faster, pumping, VVVOOM! Pumping, over and over, harder, faster, pumping, VVVOOM! Pumping! Pumping! Pumping! Pumping! VVVOOM!! Pumping...his breath is like fire along my neck, oh fuck, my pussy contracted and pulsated, and my hips bucked, I wanted to feel his cock inside of me.

"Fuck me, Tommy. Oh shit, FUCK me inside!! Put your cock inside me, pleaseeeeee!" I need to have you in me now!" I thought to myself.

If not for the barrier of my pj bottom we would be fucking for sure because with each thrust he tried to push into my pussy. By now the grown folk were drinking beer, watching Comedy Night at the Apollo and laughing their asses off. The TV was loud, they were talking and laughing loud, the lights were out too so they really couldn't tell or hear what we were doing. For all they knew, we were just being kids, wrestling.

After awhile, the lights came on where the grown folks sat. Tommy stopped pumping into me. FUCK!! Why did they have to finish so soon? Why!

“Next time, girl, I’m gonna get you good,” Tommy promised, again licking his fingers.

Tommy knew I wanted him to fuck me despite my persistence.

“Shut up, I snapped, “You ain’t getting nobody, stupid!”

All the grown folks got up to leave and told Tommy to behave himself. I walked to the door with them all and sneaked my first swallow of Lowenbrau from the table. It was warm but wet and that’s what I needed after sweating under Tommy for the past forty-five minutes.

It quickly became a ritual where we looked forward to those sleep-overs to play wrestling and it always started and ended the same way, Tommy pumped his hard cock against my hungry pussy through our pj bottoms. But it never lasted long like that first time, maybe for a minute or so because we always got interrupted with people walking by or the lights were on.

Aunt Carol sold her house and bought a bigger one in West Ashley to get closer to her job at MUSC so I didn’t see Tommy for about ten months later and that’s when it nearly happened.

She came to visit momma and daddy one evening. I was in bed under the covers with the door closed lying on my stomach at the foot of the bed watching ‘The World’s Funniest Videos’ and Tommy came in to play with me. I hadn’t seen him in awhile and it looked like he was taller or bigger somehow. It also looked like he was hanging to the left. Why did I even look at him like that? No doubt about it, I was very happy to see him. Tommy shut the room door.

“Get out of here, stupid, no boys allowed,” I ordered him.

Ignoring my plea, he kicked his shoes off and got under the covers with me. We lay on our tummies watching TV together, laughed and talked about the big dog letting a tiny kitten ride on his back.

Minutes later he unzipped his pants but continued just watching TV and laughing & talking with me. During the commercials I noticed he stroked his cock but I pretended not to see anything. Each commercial, he stroked and stroked his cock more. Didn't he have any shame? I didn't know his cock was out of his underwear.

About twenty minutes into the show, Tommy hit me playfully and I smacked him back. He stole the remote from me and changed the channel to make me fight with him. I pounced on him and smacked him in the head with the remote by accident. He grabbed the remote and turned up the volume a bit more so they couldn’t hear us. I tried to get the remote from him and he turned onto his back and held the remote in the air challenging me to take it from him.

Trying not to stare at his exposed cock, I reached for the remote and he pulled me down on top of him and pressed me against his cock. I got loose and sure enough, he fell on top of me and pressed his hard cock against my ass through his opened fly and through my jeans. His hand was in my shirt trying to get at my tits. He put his hand between my legs and I pretended to try getting away from him but loved it at the same time. I instinctively opened my legs without resistance.

“I told you I’m gonna get you next time, right?” he asked me.

Tommy undid the button on his pants, freed his hard cock, and continued humping my ass. I yelled for him to stop and momma yelled at us to quiet down.

“Yea, shut up. You like me?” he whispered.

“You’re stupid, get out of here!” I said, and laughed.

He put the pillow over my head to stifle my screams and continued humping my ass but faster. He loosened my pants button, struggled with my zipper, then pulled my pants down just below my ass and slid his hand down into my panties and fingered my pussy.

On my ass, he grinded slower and pushed through my panties still fingering my pussy. Oh Jesus, it felt so good!

Grinding slowly, he talked very low into my ear almost whispering, "I got you now, right? You stuck, you can't go no where. What you gonna do now? Keep talking smack and I’ll give it to you good. What you got to say now, huh?"

His fingers expertly worked my pussy while he continued the slow grind. Slowly... around... up and in... around... and around... and around. Slowly... slowly... He finally removed his fingers and sucked them clean. He turned me over on my back but I really wanted to stay like we were because it felt terrific!

I screamed like crazy for him to leave me alone. We got yelled at again to keep it quiet. I don’t know how it happened but before I knew it, my pants were down to my ankles and Tommy was pumping my pussy hard through my panties with his bare cock.

“Open your legs, girl, stop playing!” he demanded.

One hand covered my mouth to stifle my screams and another squeezed my ass hard. I don’t know how or where he learned to do this because it was very different from anything we’d ever done in the sleeping bag. It was rough, frightening, but still felt incredibly good at the same time.

He went on forever, tried to go deeper into me. He rocked me fast, slowed down making those semi-circles with his hips again like in the sleeping bag, and then he went faster again. Goddamn, how the hell did he learn to do this? It felt wonderful! I knew he, Duck and Matt had girlie magazines hidden in the back room but I didn’t know where he learned to move like that. What had he been doing those past ten months since the last time I saw him?

I stopped screaming. He tried to put his cock through the sides of my panties but I moved around too much for him to get in.

“You want it and you know it. Stay still or else,” he whispered in my ear.

“I hate you! I hate you! Get off of me!”

I lied and he knew I was lying because I stopped fighting him ten minutes ago. His hard cock found its way into my panties and rested against my pussy. He pumped forcefully but didn’t penetrate me. He kept pumping and pumping and pumping me, on and on and on, faster and harder! Again, my pussy pulsated and my hips bucked with his every thrust. He shot his cum on me and wet my panties. I knew what happened, but was confused at the same time.

In a serious tone I never heard him use before, Tommy said, “The next time I come over here, you gonna get it good, girl, and I ain’t playing."

Standing over me he stroked his wet cock right in front of my face, shameless. He looked at me with a look I never saw before. Suddenly I knew exactly what he meant! Was he serious? Would he? But we're cousins, just playing around. Who was this person standing before me now?

Don’t let me catch you here,” he warned me.

“Yea right, you suck!” I shot back at him. But this time he didn't crack a smile.

We wiped ourselves off with my pillow case, put our pants back on and started playing again as though nothing happened.

“Tommy, let’s go boy,” Aunt Carol called out from the living room.

“Yea faggot, get out of here,” I said.

He punched me on my arm and I screamed out in anger and kicked him.

“Say it again.”

“Faggot,” I repeated.

This time he forcefully pushed me down onto the bed, yanked my panties completely off in one swoop and fell on top of my ass. What tha?? Tommy was like a monster out of control!

How the hell did his cock get hard again so quickly? Lying on my ass again, Tommy fingered my pussy then grabbed his cock and guided it up under my ass to my pussy, his dick head touched my mound and at the very second he started to ram his fucking cock into my pussy, "Tommy, let's go boy, I have to work in the morning!" Aunt Carol yelled out.

Tommy laid still on my ass, he let his cock rest at the tip of my pussy and I felt his dick head move.

“Next time I ain’t stopping,” he said into my ear, then rolled off of me.

We both got dressed, he threw my pillow at me and ran out into the living room with me hot on his track.

We never had intercourse because there was never any penetration. Eventually we both grew up and moved on. Still today though, I look at Tommy with admiration but I’d never approach him with anything other than family love.

Chapter Three

High school itself was boring; hell, I had more fun after school. I didn’t go to any of the dances and I didn’t even go to my prom because it was no big deal to me. I had no interest whatsoever in going. I was a homebody, stayed in and watched TV on most nights because I really didn’t have a lot of friends to do things with. Shaylia was the only real friend I had, and Carla was a close second but we really didn't hang out that much.

Being in the house every night watching TV, I had crushes on Johnny Carson, Alex from ‘Taxi’, the Captain from ‘The Love Boat’, and Rev. Rev was a friend of Daddy’s who I was very much in lust with. Every Friday night he left his car in our yard, took Daddy’s and went to visit my Aunt Helen.

At first, I didn’t know what was going on but I soon put two and two together and figured it out. I guess the reason why I was so confused was because I always thought preachers were the closest person to the Almighty, and here he was committing adultery with my Aunt Helen.

I remember those nights well too because we had fish and red rice for dinner every Friday. On Wednesdays we always had spaghetti with homemade sauce. Can’t nobody make spaghetti sauce better than momma’s. Every Saturday, everyone in the house got a T-bone steak for dinner.

My sister Deena, Duck and I were friends with Lydia, Sheila and Cal. Sometimes Deena and Lydia would let Sheila and I hang around with them, but not often. They were "grown" and we were "just kids".

Duck and I walked to Sheila's house to play with her and Cal in their back yard and after awhile we retreated inside to cool off. Sheila's mom was never home so we hung out in the bedrooms a lot, lying on the bed listening to music. One day, Cal talked us into playing hide and seek.

The very moment Sheila and Duck left to go hide Cal had me up against the wall and rubbed his cock into me. I tried to get away but he wouldn't let me leave the bedroom. We sat on the bed and he tried to get into my pants but I didn't let him. He unzipped his pants and his stiff cock bounced out.

"Here, suck it," he said.

"No, get away from me."

He wanted me to give him a blowjob but I refused. His dick head was huge and wet. I tried to leave but he pushed me back onto the bed, I crawled trying to get away and he pulled me back by my feet and dropped down on top of me with his cock pressed against my pussy very hard.

"Wanna fuck?"

"No, they gonna come back in here."

I tried to get from under him but he was too heavy.

“Get off of me, I hate you!”

“Let me fuck you, no one will know,” he said.

“Yea right, you suck!”

“Open your legs more,” he said, and tried to get into my pussy.

“Make me, ugly.”

“Shut up, bitch!” he said.

“Your momma’s a bitch, fuck you!” I said, still talking trash.

He yanked my pants down further then forced my legs open wider with his knee. Surely he wouldn’t, would he? Besides, Sheila and Duck might walk in any minute now.

Damn! He wasn’t stopping! He unzipped his zipper, and thrust his hard cock into my pussy full force.

"EEEEOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!" I yelled out in pain but more from being surprised because I didn’t think he was serious about putting it in me.

He fucked me hard and fast. His black cock felt like a fucking missile because it was so big and long. For a moment or two i forgot about getting caught by Duck and Sheila. One last strong pump and he shot his load into me.

After we cleaned ourselves up, we went outside and Duck and Sheila were wrestling on the grass under the weeping willow.

Sheila and Cal came to our house sometimes too with Lydia. After Deena and Lydia left to go to a ballgame, we went in the back and played in Lewis' bedroom. One of Lydia's pictures was among the many other pictures on Lewis' dresser mirror. I soon figured it out that Duck and Cal always planned to get me and Shelia by ourselves because they always disappeared every time we got together. I looked out the window and saw Duck and Sheila go into the storage shed and closed the door.

This time I was ready for Cal. He lied back on Lewis' bed and pulled me on top of him. I wanted his big dick and was determined to let him give it to me. This time it was very different from when we were at his house, this time was very relaxed and more organized.

I rocked against the bulge in his pants, he pressed my ass into him. We never ever kissed before but we started kissing and rocked faster. He rolled over on top of me, pressed against me hard. He unzipped my pants, finger fucked me, getting me ready to take him. He loosened his belt and his pants dropped to his ankles. His dick head entered me and I arched my back a little as he slid his shaft into my burning pussy.

There was no fighting him off this time, I rocked with him, taking in every inch of his huge cock!

"Mia, what happened to you?" he asked me, "you're fucking me like a woman."

"I'm gonna show you how to fuck a woman, boy."

I grabbed his ass and rocked him rough, my hips bucked wildly and I fucked him and pushed his cock very deep into my pussy. I felt his balls slapping against me.

Cal fucked me hard and fast too! He hit my clit full force, his balls slapped my ass. My pussy contracted, my muscles squeezed his cock.

"I'm cumming!" I cried out loud, "Don't stop. Fuck me Cal, FUCK me good!!

I squeezed his ass and tried to pull him into me even deeper. I rubbed his balls lightly as he fucked me.

"Ohh Mia! Your pussy good, Mia. Ah! Yea Mia! Ohh!!! OHHHHH! Your pussy is hot, Mia."

I grind my pussy into his cock some more.

"I'm cumming!!" he blurted out. "Oh shit!"

"I'm cumming too, fuck me Cal! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MEEEE!!!!

My body shook with multiple orgasms. Cal pumped into my pussy faster and harder and stabbed his cock into my ripped pussy one last time.

"Aaahhhh! AAAaahhhhhhhh!! Oh fuck!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cal yelled out.

His body tensed up, he pumped into me three more times to fill me with every drop and then he fell limp upon me.

We lied still for a long time with Cal still inside me. I got sleepy and almost drifted off when I heard Cal snoring softly.

Oh no, we gotta get the hell off of Lewis' bed for one thing, and he needed to get the hell out of here before momma came home from work. Where was Duck and Sheila anyways? Cal rolled off me and wiped himself off with a dirty towel from Lewis' hamper. We said our good-byes, I yanked the sheets off the bed only to find there was no more clean linen to replace them. Damn!

Later in the year I met Joey. I really didn't like him but he wanted to get into my pants. He walked me home from school many times. Several times before heading home, he'd talk me into going up to the 2nd floor to fool around first.

We started kissing and then his fingers found their way down into my pants and he started fingering me, but it hurt because he had fingernails. Eventually he got tired of trying to open my shut legs, gave up and we left for home.

I took up wrestling in high school. The girls didn't participate, we just watched the guys fight each other. Coach Murphy was the object of my desire. He looked at me with those eyes like he wanted me too, but knew it was all wrong. I melted every time he looked at me and I couldn't wait for fourth period to come along so I could get my day’s fill of him for 45 minutes.

He lived right down the street from school and I was selling candy one day. I was scared as hell to go to his house and ask him to buy a candy bar donating to the cause but I mustered up everything I had within me and rang that door bell.

He answered and I panicked. He wore blue gym shorts and I thought I saw a bulge down there. He definitely didn’t wear any underwear; i knew that for a fact! I mumbled something about what the donation was for.

"What's it for?" he asked.

I mumbled something again.

"What's it for?" he asked twice.

I stood there paralyzed.

Finally he asked, "How much is it?"

"One dollar," I said.

He gave me two dollars and I had the biggest grin on my face.

"Good-bye, now," he said with that wanting me look in his eyes again. I turned away and felt like I could conquer the world after what I’d just done.

In 9th grade I met Moe. I had the hots for him and he knew it. He was a bad boy but I didn't care. He was good-looking, crazy, and I had to have him. I gave him my address and told him to stop by. Oh he stopped by, all right, he came in through the bedroom window with daddy sitting at the dining room table.

I was lying on the bed waiting because we planned for him to come by, and it was like daddy knew something was up because he took forever to eat his fucking cream pie and go to bed. He finally went to bed and I shut my room door and raised the window to let Moe in.

We fooled around on the bed for about 10 minutes but I was so fucking nervous from getting caught that I couldn't do anything. Moe left without getting what he came for.

Then there was Mark. All the girls liked Mark, he was muscular, a football player, thick eyebrows and soft spoken. He came over one night and I gave him a blowjob in daddy's office in the back room. That's all we did, then he left.

One night Shaylia and Moe came and picked me up in her car and we went joy riding, smoking weed. We found a trail in the woods to park, chill and smoke more weed. I loved the smell of it but could not get used to the idea of putting my mouth on something someone else just had their lips on so I stopped after the second toke and let them finish off the rest. I told Shaylia to take me back home.

Shaylia, Mark, Moe and I, we all went to a Tech School in the afternoons. Mark drove the school bus and would let Moe drive sometimes, which of course was illegal. Mark would be cruising down the street and all of a sudden he jumped out of the driver’s seat to let Moe jump in to drive. The fucking bus would be zooming down the highway with no driver for a half minute or so. We never had any accidents or anything but boy was it scary!

At Tech, Shaylia and I studied Commercial Graphics. I loved everything about commercial graphics and Shaylia loved our teacher, Mr. McCauley. He had no looks whatsoever but dude was hung like a horse! We couldn’t help but stare at his crotch all day long because of the way he sat on the stool.

Mr. Brown taught another class down the hall, now he was the one I had googly-eyes for. He was nice, very handsome and had curly hair. Whenever he came over to talk to Mr. McCauley my work came to a complete halt.

Shaylia didn’t see what I saw in him, but then again, I had no clue what she saw in shorty, Mr. Smith, because his hands were always clammy and sweaty. He was the principal or director of the school and to me he just looked like a dirty old pervert because he was always smiling.

Chapter Four

After graduation I got a job at a family owned supermarket. This was a real Peyton’s Place. The same family owned two stores about two miles apart from each other. We had to wear a polyester uniform and I knew I looked good in mine because it clinged to my round ass like a jimmy.

Hank, the owner was as sexy as can be and he knew it too. He had a young wife and also a mistress, Sally, who managed the office.

Mary, a very pretty black girl, also worked in the office sometimes with Sally. Her boyfriend, Romy, was Hank’s gofer. He did anything and everything for Hank, probably washed his damn underwear too. Romy would jokingly ask me out and I’d always turn him down since I knew he and Mary were seeing each other. She always denied it but I knew they had something going on between them.

Hank had an office in the back of the store that he worked out of during the day while looking down at us running the registers. Half the time we didn’t know if he was in the store because he’d sneak in through the back door. Next thing we knew, we’d catch him standing in the aisles watching us work making sure we didn’t steal any money. He was a sneaky bastard, but I didn’t care, I wanted a piece of both him and his brother Wallace and was just waiting for my turn.

He really was a nice man but oh my gawd don’t make him angry and don’t even think of stealing any meat from his store. He’d beat you down as you ran out the door then he’d call the po-po to come sweep your stupid ass up out of his parking lot. Almost everyday there was some type of action going on. What, between the thieves and Hank coming around smelling like a brewery, we couldn’t wait to start our shifts.

Lou, one of the managers, was also as good-looking as the rest. He was very tall, dark thinning hair and crazy as hell. He had us laughing all the time. I flirted with him but never got anywhere, he was very faithful to his fiancé. He talked about the customers as they walked in the store. Momma’s name is Marla, and when old black women came into the store Lou yelled over to them, “How are you today, Marla?” “I’m fine today, son, how are you,” they’d reply and I’d be laughing my ass off. Sometimes momma did come to the store and Lou would say something stupid like, “go on now and get you some grits for Mia’s breakfast in the morning. Aisle four”. Momma would look at him and shake her head wondering how they let that fool work here. Then when I got home from work, she’d be like, “Oh, he fine, he fine!”

Lou and Shaylia always had words to say to each other, they always tried to out speak each other. Many times he tried to kick her out of the store because she was always so loud.

After about two months of working there I bought my first car, a Chevy Nova, from Karen. Karen was a spitting image of her momma Sally. On my days off, Shaylia and I went to the pool halls and pubs looking for men. She always went after the ugly ones for some reason. I was more sly and quiet about it, taking it easy. My goal was to just get some free drinks, but Shaylia’s goal was to get a little bit more out of her new friends. I loved just sitting and listening to honky tonk on the jukebox and she always challenged some sorry unsuspecting soul to a pool game and won every time. Somehow, before the end of the night, she always knew when the next pig roast was going to be.

Back at work, I volunteered to work every shift required of me and even worked third shift for awhile. I was all about making the money and worked many double shifts if they asked me to.

Tony, Wallace’s son, managed the third shift. It was just the two of us working from 12 to 7. He was a good kid, nice looking but much younger than I. Most nights he would go sleep in the office on the floor and told me to yell if I needed help. One night he was bouncing a small rubber ball around the store and came up to me with the ball in his pocket.

“Touch it”, Tony said.

“You crazy? I ain’t touching anything.”

I knew it was the rubber ball.

“Just touch it” he coaxed me again.

I touched the ball in his pocket and it moved. I jumped back because it was his own nuts I touched! Tony ran away laughing.

Sometimes Hank showed up with his running partner Lionel who eyed me down every time he came around. He wanted some of this black pussy, and I wanted him too and made it my priority to jump his ass because anyone hanging around with Hank must have money.

We got to talking one night and he asked me where I lived. He came by the house a couple of times in his Lincoln. We found a dark place to park, had quick sex and my, my, his skin was smooth for an old white man. On the way back home he blamed his two minutes on a heart condition. Actually, he did show me the scar from his operation.

The other store needed me to fill in for a couple of evening shifts. Wallace managed this store, and man did I love to watch his long legs as he walked. He walked with long strides like a horse. I met Jake here, he worked as a Pinkerton security guard. This store definitely needed a guard, it was worst than the other location. Somebody was always stealing meat and cigarettes from this store.

Jake kept looking at me, then he would walk by tapping my leg with his night stick or he’d throw paper at me and keep walking. I was like, dude, you don’t know me like that. I dare you to do that shit again. After checking him out and trying to get the 411 on him from the other cashiers I finally asked him what he wanted from me since he kept bothering me. The rest is history. I started meeting him at several of his other job sites.

I always knew a day ahead which site to visit, and always met him at 10:30. We made small talk and at 11:00 he made his rounds and left me in the car all alone. I was scared as hell, thinking someone might drive by and see me sitting there.

Jake returned to the car and I’m ready and waiting with my pants already undone. He caressed my mound, his hands were cold. His lips were so soft, I loved kissing him. He reclined my seat and assumed the position on top of me. My left leg rested on the dash.

The sex with Jake was always sweet and tender because he was very attentive. Jake sucked my lower lip which made me very wet. Our tongues danced together as our kisses grew more intense.

“Mia, you’re so tight,” he’d say, after several unsuccessful attempts to penetrate me.

I needed him to fuck me right now so I guided his huge cock into my drenched pussy. It was beautiful. His hands were under my ass and lifted me up to meet his thrusts. As uncomfortable it was fucking in his small car, Jake felt incredibly good inside me. When he felt he was ready to cum, he slowed down and kissed my nipples or pulled out of me.

After pulling out of me several times, I couldn’t wait any longer. I grabbed his ass and pulled him deep into me.

"Fuck me, Jake, harder, harder. Don't stop, fuck me!" I begged.

His cock is harder and harder and he loved it when I massaged his ass while he fucked me. Three more strong thrusts and his cum flushed through my pussy then dripped out down to the floor. We both reached for the napkins to clean ourselves off. His shift ended in thirty minutes and I needed to get the hell out of there quick.

I met Slim while working the night shift, he worked for UPS. Slim was very tall, had curly hair and drove two corvettes. Out of nowhere he came walking into the store to buy one or two items, then disappeared into the same direction from which he came. I always watched him leave and never saw him get into a car.

Every once in awhile he drove up in a corvette with a brown sugar beside him and sometimes she had her kid. I never questioned him about her because I really didn’t care. He made it clear that he wanted me and I wanted his corvettes.

We started talking, became friends and then lovers. He came and whisked me away from home in his corvette. I eventually started driving his cars around town, even to a funeral in the country. Going down the dirt road, I tried to show off for my brother and ended up in someone’s front yard on their rose bushes.

Slim and I had sex many times at his house which was located right behind the store. His racist father lived with him but the many times I slept over there, I never once saw his dad which was more than alright with me.

Slim was somewhat older than I and a very experienced lover. He taught me a lot of things about sex, particularly oral sex, and I thought I was so in love with him.

One day Slim wanted to fuck me up the ass. I was genuinely excited and wanted to try it, I’d do anything to please him. It was my first time and Slim was very patient. He tried his best to help me relax but he was just too damn big and he wasn't getting in my virgin ass. Finally he gave up and angrily stomped out of the bedroom to clean himself off. My ass hurt for days.

I don’t know what happened but eventually things started to fizzle between us and Slim didn’t want to talk to me anymore. I was heartbroken. All this because i didn't let him fuck me up the ass? Hell, I would if I could! Many days and nights I stayed in my bedroom all day crying and singing George Michaels’ Careless Whispers over and over and over in my head.

Not too much longer after my breakup with Slim, Ronald started coming around the store after his shift at the supermarket’s corporate distribution center ended. He was built and handsome. At first I was hesitant about talking to him because I wasn’t sure I could handle all of that.

Ronald visited me at work on his lunch breaks and after about a month or so I finally went to his place. He was a real country boy and lived way out, away from town.

We had sex twice and neither time was anything to brag about because all he knew was aim, shoot, and jab. No technique whatsoever. Whatever happened to making sure I was wet and ready for him? Trying to push his cock into my dry pussy was not the answer! He was a looker, but boy did he suck in the sack! Momma really liked him, and I liked looking at him too but the sex was horrible!

Johnny worked at the store part-time and was a fireman also. He was a quiet one and at work all he ever did was smile, never really said much to anyone. We worked together for a couple of weeks before really striking up a conversation. Once we started talking, though, we learned that he drove by my house on the way home from work. Sometimes he gave me a ride home after work, after we each drank a shot of Jack Daniels from the bottle hidden in his glove compartment. Most of the time I gave him a blowjob on the way to my house.

I didn't see Johnny for a week while he was on vacation with his family in Hawaii. I was at home watching Starsky & Hutch when the phone rang. He remembered my birthday and said he had a gift for me. I parked my car on the far end of the lot and ran alongside of the fire station. I slipped in through the slightly opened door and Johnny waited for me in our usual spot. Our kiss was wet and sloppy. His breath was a mixture of cigarettes and Jack Daniels, I loved the taste! We backed up against his cot and fell down upon it with my body on his.

“Where are the other guys,” I asked, as I rocked against the bulge forming in his uniform pants.

“They’re sleeping upstairs.”

I unzipped his pants and his freckled cock greeted me, “are you sure?” I asked, as I sniffed the underside of his cock and his nuts and unzipped my pants too. While I licked his nuts and ass, I squeezed and softly pumped his shaft, and then I sucked his cock like an ice cream cone. He pushed his dick further into my mouth but my pussy begged more to feel him inside me. Johnny breathed faster and I sucked and licked the entire length of his cock. Up and down I went with my wet mouth and hand along his shaft. My lips tight, my tongue swirled around his dick head, my hand in circular motion, I sucked and I sucked. Johnny moaned softly, on the edge of his cot now.

“Mia, you’re good,” he said.

When I felt Johnny was ready to cum, I stopped everything and didn’t touch him!

I kissed him again and put his cock into my pussy. I put my hands under his ass and pushed him deeper into me. He filled my pussy and quietly we fucked and prayed we didn’t get caught.

“Baby, you feel so good inside me,” I whispered to Johnny, as I tried to get even more of him into me but there was no more, his balls were already against my pussy.

We fucked faster, my hip bucked wildly. Johnny pushed his cock into me with every buck.

“OOOHH, I’m cumming,” Johnny said in a low voice.

“Yes, fuck me Johnny, cum for me, baby,” I replied.

Johnny did all he could to keep from yelling out loud.

“OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! MMMPHHH!” he moaned which I stifled with a kiss. “Shhhhh,” I said, then I fucked him hard once more and he shot his cum up into my pussy. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear we were being watched. I lied on him for a few minutes longer until his limp cock fell out of me. He reached over and got his t-shirt for me to clean myself off, he used a towel.

On the way to my car he stopped at his own and pulled out a small black bag. Inside was a pair of beautiful white gold earrings that sparkled and shimmered under the street light.

"I thought i just got my present back there?" I asked.

"Naw girl, that was my present. This is your present," he said, and kissed me on the cheek.

“See you at work tomorrow,” I said.

“Do you need a ride home?” he asked.

“Of course, I do. Don’t forget the Jack,” I said, kissed him again and headed home. Other nights I would just call the fire station or he called the house and we talked on the phone for hours, or if I knew he was working I drove by and waved hello at him.

As the months dragged on, I started wanting more out of life and decided to join the Navy.

Chapter Five

My ASVAB scores were good enough to get me into the administrative field but the Navy was saturated so I had to wait to go on active duty.

Boot camp in Orlando was great, except for the exercise every morning. I couldn’t run more than two steps without stopping for air. At five every morning, we had to run around a grinder which was the size of a football field.

After the morning exercises we ate breakfast, had Navy History classes, “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do for You, But What You Can Do for Your Country!” and Fire Fighting classes, then we spent the rest of the evening either going to the store or writing letters.

The running eventually got the best of me and I was set back into remedial PT, with the possibility of not graduating with my company. I put my mind to it, beat the running portion of the PT test and was able to graduate with my company. You’d think that nowadays I would enjoy running, NOT. I hate it even more today. I’ll walk though, walking is more fun.

After boot camp, I was officially now in the Navy Reserves and was sent to “A” School in Meridian, Mississippi to learn my rating. If you want to know what Meridian, Mississippi was like in 1983, I can’t tell you because I never left the base. All I know is, when I got there I was told the town was very racist. That’s all I needed to hear and I stayed my black ass on base for the entire three months I was in school.

One Friday afternoon in the Laundromat I noticed James looking at me. He was tall and slim, had a nice figure for a guy. Maybe he could tell I was new too. We struck up a conversation and right away I knew he was gay by the way he stood. Hell, he checked out the guys while we were talked so he must be gay. We were both there for the same school, which was scheduled to start on Monday.

Over the weekend we became friends and did almost everything together. Saturday night we went to the club and he saw someone he was interested in. James and I sat at the booth, getting drunk in-between dancing and he kept making googly eyes with Robert. Before the end of the night, Robert sat with us and James was in heaven.

School started on Monday morning and James sat in front of me. A nice-looking guy sat behind me and all through class James kept turning around looking at this guy. Every time he did it, everyone laughed because he was made funny faces at the guy.

We sat out on the lawn one day and talked about guys, of course.

“How do you give a blowjob?” James asked me.

I was like whaaaat?? “Like this”, I said, and demonstrated with my soda bottle. James rolled in the grass laughing.

“But you have to be very careful not to bite.”

“How do you do that?” he asked.

“Just press with your lips, not your teeth. And don’t squeeze him too hard with your hands, be gentle.” I told him.

“Robert asked me to give him a blowjob but I was afraid to because I don’t know how,” James confessed.

“Soooo, what do you do, then?”

“The usual stuff, you know.”

“No, I don’t know. You’re the gay one here, not me, hellooooooo.”

I just couldn’t picture James pumping anyone up the ass. Hell, I couldn’t even imagine him receiving it either because he was so damned feminine. He looked like someone who could give a blowjob and that’s it, but he said he’d never done that before so he must be doing something.

He and Robert started spending more time together and all of a sudden Robert dropped him, wanted nothing to do with him. James was crushed!

“Tell me what happened,” I kept trying to pry it out of him but he wouldn’t say.

“Just leave it alone, it’s in the past now,” he tried to reason with me.

The hell I would, I was gonna give Robert a piece of my mind the next time I saw him, and we did see him a week later in the cafeteria. Both James and I spotted him the same time while going through the food line. He was about the 8th person in front of us. I put my tray down and went charging after him, James running after me trying to stop me.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I asked Robert.

“Let’s go Mia, just drop it,” James pleaded. I ignored him.

“You think you can just play with people like that, you punk ass bitch!”

Robert sucked his teeth at me, and oh my Lord, what did he do that for? Didn't he get the memo?? I'm from the South, I’m a crazy black woman!! I took my fountain soda and threw it in his face and on his uniform and walked off. James was embarrassed as hell but he was laughing all the way to the back of the line. Robert got out of the line and left to go change his clothes I guess.

Since then whenever I saw Robert I just looked at him and shook my head. James finally got over him when Sam came along. I graduated and left school about a week before James and we kept in touch long after we were assigned to our duty stations. He was assigned to a carrier and was in heaven once again with swinging dicks everywhere.

After “A” School I was sent back home to perform my Reserve duty aboard the USS Frank Cable (AS-40) and various shore mobilization units. I became friends with Curtis and we rode in together on duty weekends. Soon thereafter we were having sex in his car in the parking lot on base before heading home after duty. We only saw each other during our duty weekends and each time the sex was better. This didn’t last too long though, one of us eventually transferred to our next assignment.

After marrying her Navy husband Randy, Deena moved to Providence. His family was in Providence and she wanted to get out of town. She asked me to come live with her so we researched and found out there was a mobilization unit in Providence. I packed everything I had into one shopping bag and caught the next Greyhound bus headed north.

Deena's father-in-law, Eli, took a liking to me very quickly. He was nice to me. For an older guy he was really built from lifting weights all the time. I quickly learned that he was a freak in the bedroom because we had sex everywhere we could think of. When Deena bought her new house, Eli and I had sex on the stairs to “break in” the house. I couldn’t get enough of him, and he desired me just as much.

The whole idea of sneaking around right under Randy's nose added to the enjoyment of screwing Eli. He was always over to the house fixing something. We started depending on him for everything; whether it was to fix something around the house or our cars, or break us off a couple of dollars, we could always depend on Eli. People started getting suspicious about me and Eli fooling around, and both Deena and I denied anything was happening between us.

Randy’s brother started snooping around, showing up at the house all times of the day trying to catch Eli and me together. Randy’s mother called momma back home about her suspicions. Again, Deena denied it.

James and I were still writing each other since we left Meridian, and I wrote him a letter about Eli. Momma called Deena a few days later reading my letter to her over the phone. I put the letter in the wrong fucking envelope and mailed it to momma instead! I sent James the letter intended for momma, how could I be so stupid? Randy wanted me to leave the house but Deena said I could stay as long as I wanted to. Eventually, Eli and I did stop seeing each other.

Whenever I needed my hair did, I went to Kandy’s. Kandy was a she/he and was always dressed in drag. Rumor has it that Eli got with Kandy. I did say Eli was a freak, didn’t I? I loved going to Kandy’s and didn’t care if I had to wait over an hour to get my hair did because I liked Kandy myself. She didn’t even know I existed but whenever I saw her I got turned on. I never approached her with my desires, I just wondered what it would be like if we got together.

I finally agreed to leave Providence and moved back home. I wasn't doing anything with my time anyways except playing cards every weekend with Alice, Carmen, Sandra and Deena and waiting for my duty weekends to come around. Besides, it was time for me to get the hell out, I had caused too many pain with Randy and his family. They booted my ass out of Providence.

Finally I was able to go Active Duty and was sent back to Orlando for a refresher of some sort, waiting to be assigned to my first real active duty station. I met Cary on my first day there. Everyone was together in a room and he sat in front of me. He looked nice and his chest busted out of his shirt. Every time he turned around I looked straight into his eyes and he smiled. I didn’t even know the man’s name but one thing’s for sure, I wanted him. He motioned for me to sit next to him.

“Where are you being stationed?” he asked.

“I don’t know.”

“What you mean you don’t know, didn’t you complete a wish list of where you wanted to be stationed? What did your Detailer tell you?”


“Your Detailer, didn’t you talk to your Detailer”

“I don’t have a Detailer, I said. No one told me anything.”

He said, “Everyone has a Detailer, Menard, you better call your Detailer.”

“How do i call somebody I didn’t even know existed?”

He gave me a newsletter to read and it listed all the Detailers for all the ratings. I found the phone numbers for my Detailer in the newsletter and called him up.

“Yes, Seaman Saxon, you have three choices of duty stations but because you’re new all the good assignments are already taken. You can either go to Guam, Cuba or Kings Bay, GA on the USS CANOPUS (AS-34), a Submarine Tender.”

Reality quickly set in. This is the first time I’d be away from momma for any extended period of time. I sure as hell didn’t want to go to Guam or Cuba so I chose Kings Bay, GA.

Cary didn’t have his car with him, and I drove my Triumph TR-7 there from home. “Wanna go to McDonald’s for some coffee?” he asked me. Of course I wanted to go. He drank his coffee black with honey.

We hit it off right from the beginning. He liked the way I looked and acted, I liked his demeanor and his lips. He nicknamed me Menard, not sure why. Cary let me know right from the start that he loved his wife who was sick most times. Not sure if she had an illness, was handicapped or what exactly.

We started dating, going to the movies and Top Gun was the number one movie at the time. We went to the beach and my Triumph got stuck in the sand. Would you believe millions of folks walked by us and did not even stop to help dig my car out of the sand? Finally two nice gentlemen stopped and helped Cary rock my car out of the holes we put it in. I was so fucking upset about nobody stopping to help us, we just packed our shit up and went back to the base. Bunch of non-military, sun scorched, Arnold wannabees, who needs them anyways?

When Cary and I made love, I knew I’d never have him to myself but I felt like I was in love with him anyways. He nicknamed me Hot Butter now and this time I knew why. Finally my orders came in and it was time for me to leave for my first active duty station, aboard the USS CANOPUS (AS-34).

I didn’t want to leave Cary and I cried when I left. Cary was staying in Orlando for additional schooling for Electricians Mate. Take My Breath Away, by Berlin, was playing on the radio as I left the base, heading down the main highway. I had a week to waste before reporting onboard the CAN-O-PUS for duty so I headed north on I-95 and showed up on Shaylia’s doorstep at nine-thirty in the pm on a Saturday night.

Chapter Six

Shaylia had no idea I was coming home. She was watching TV when I dropped by.

“Girl, what you doing here?” she asked me in total surprise.

“I got a week to play, let’s go find some trouble,” I replied.

“I’m down with that, let’s go over to Sonny’s,” she said, grabbing her cigs and pool stick. Shaylia took her own car because she knew I was on a mission!

There was a pool tournament going on and I recognized some of the old timers.

“Girl, look at you, trying to look all grown now. I can still put you over my knee,” Sonny yelled from behind the bar.

HA! I wish he would put me over his knee, I been waiting for that to happen since the first time I laid eyes on him. Slamming body, hairy chest, brown hair, green eyes, nice lips and a golden band to remind him of someone who would not understand but that didn’t stop him from kissing me out back the last time I was here.

I remember it all too well; he was having a pig roast and a bunch of us were out back waiting for that fucking pig to finish roasting. Most of the folks there were more Shaylia’s friends, I only knew them from when I came home on non-duty weekends. Weed and cold beer was in abundance, honky tonk was blasting on the jukebox and I was feeling mighty fine.

Shaylia kept egging me on to talk to Sonny but I wanted to do it my own, slick way. I had my own plan. She put a bug in his ear that I wanted him and from where I was standing, I could see a huge smile on his face. I tried my best to be social but I saw every move Sonny made because I had my eyes on him the entire night like a dog in heat stalking his next baby momma. O Lord, I felt a sin coming on!

After awhile, Sonny closed the bar down, came out back to hang out with the rest of us and he winked at me. Hey, my momma ain’t raised no fool so I walked right through that open door and started up a conversation.

“Wanna help me bring out some more beer?” he asked.

Hell, I would’ve helped him grab a donkey by the balls if he asked me to. I followed him to the side entryway of the building to go down into the cellar where all the coolers were and once we were out of sight of the others, he stopped.

“Wait a minute,” he said, and leaned against the building pulling me close to lean against him. I was as nervous as I don’t know what.

“Why you shaking?” he asked.

“I’m nervous, that’s why.”

He kissed me very lightly at first and then our tongues played tag. Opening his legs wider, he let out a low moan. He grabbed my ass and pulled me closer into his body. I felt the bulge in his pants against my pussy now and I wanted him so much. Slowly I swayed my hips against him from side to side, up and down. He turned us around and now I’m up against the building and he pressed his body into mine. We rocked hard against each other, still kissing like there was no tomorrow.

“You are so hot, I want to fuck you,” he told me.

“Next time,” I replied. After about 15 minutes of this, we pulled ourselves apart from each other and continued on to retrieve more beer.

“What were you guys doing for so long back there,” Shaylia asked on the way home that night, “you got some, didn’t you?”

“You crazy? You know I wanted to but goddamn, my period is on so I told him next time. But I felt that big dick though; all we did was kissed and rub-a-dubbed.”

“Well, I’ll tell you right now; as long as I have been going there, I ain’t never seen Sonny mess with anyone. You better go on and get that before you leave next week so you’ll have something to come back to, shit,” she said, as she ran through another red light.

And here I stood again, Sonny looked me up & down like a hungry wolf ready to devour his prey. The blond sitting at the end of the bar watching Sonny watching me just got all her hopes for the night crushed.

Tonight I was on a mission. Shaylia drove her own car because I wasn’t leaving until mission completed. I beat Shaylia on two games of air hockey. Willie was there and he was always sweet on Shaylia although she never paid him any mind. But tonight, she was high on weed and at this point even the broom stick looked enticing.

“Willaayyy, buy me a beer,” she yelled above the noise.

The waitress brought our beer. Now Willie knew damn well I don’t drink no fucking Pabst Blue Ribbon, that cheap bastard!! Shaylia laughed her ass of! Her pool stick skimmed the side of the 6 ball.

“Fuck that cheap ass dude, I’ll buy my own damn beer,” I said, and walked toward the bar.

Sonny and I couldn't keep our eyes off each other. He looked better than I remembered and I wanted to kiss him right then and there.

“What’s your poison?” Sonny asked.

“What’s good today?”

“Well, that depends on what you’re looking for,” he fired back at me.

“I tell you what,” I said, “give me a Lowenbrau for now and every time you see me take my last swallow have another one on my table before I bring my hand back down to my sides. If you do that, later, I’ll show you exactly what I’m looking for. Deal?” Sonny reached into the cooler under the bar and poured me a Lowenbrau.

I headed back towards the pool tables and Willie & Shaylia were getting pretty friendly. He tried to show Shaylia how to shoot pool and she let him, she acted like she was clueless. At home, Shaylia had a room full of trophies and ribbons from all along the eastern seaboard from winning numerous pool tournaments. Everybody here knew this, and they also knew that all of Shaylia's drinks are free and on the house. Everybody except Willie, apparently.

Closing time finally came, thank God, and the place was just about cleared out. I think ol’ Willie might get lucky tonight! Sonny wiped down the tables and put the chairs up. Shaylia and Willie finished off their last game and walked each other out to their cars.

“How much do I owe you?” I asked Sonny.

“Give me what you got.”

“I only have two things for you, and I’m fresh out of bubble gum!” I told him, looking straight into his eyes.

“Here, have a drink with me,” he said, pouring me a shot of Goldenschlager. He chose Sambuca for himself.

“Don’t you have to leave?” I asked.

“No, I can stay for awhile longer. Your ride might leave you, though,” talking about Shaylia.

I pulled my keys out of my pocket and dangled them in mid air, “I came prepared.”

“Is that right? Prepared for what?” This time he poured me the Sambuca and kept the Goldenschlager for himself. I’m digging this guy more and more.

“Oh, I don’t know. That depends on what you’re looking for,” I said.

From across the table he stared at me with bedroom eyes and my body melted. Heaven’s Just a Sin Away played on the jukebox as if on cue. I went to him, softly touched his face, and then kissed his cheek. I sucked his ear lobe, ran my hand through his hair. He leaned his head into me, feeling my breath along his neck. Seemed like he wasn't touched like this in a very long time. He got aroused and pushed his chair away from the table. I straddled his lap and looked deep into his sad eyes searching to find a story behind them.

I kissed his forehead, his eyelids, and his nose and found his trembling lips waiting for me. I licked his lips, then sucked on his lower lip. Our kiss was very passionate and filling, the remnants of our drinks still on our tongues. His cock pressed against his pants. For some time we stayed like this, just enjoying each other’s kisses. Sonny was in no rush to go home and I wasn’t going to leave until mission completed.

Not able to wait any longer, “where’s your bathroom again?” I asked. Damn, all the drinks I had earlier were now cock blocking! When I returned, a very cold Lowenbrau waited for me and it felt really good going down my throat.

“So, where were we?” Sonny asked, sitting in the same chair drinking a Bud. A medley of The Kendalls’ songs played in the jukebox.

“Well, I was about to kiss your nipples, like this,” I said, and slowly unbuttoned his shirt and straddled him again.

His hairy chest aroused me even more. I flicked the tip of my tongue on his nipples, then sucked them the same way I liked mine sucked and it drove him crazy. Sonny’s breathing became erratic, he yearned for more. I slid from his lap, undid his pants and exposed his beautiful cock.

My pussy had been dripping since I walked into this joint four hours earlier. My mouth was all over his body, I sucked and kissed his nipples, his stomach, the insides of his thighs and under his balls as I massaged his shaft.

My nose is as far up under his balls as I can go because I loved the smell of cock! I lived for this smell. I inhaled his sweaty sac, I loved it!! Sonny squirms as I placed butterfly kisses on his nuts. Very gently I sucked them, rolled my tongue around them and his cock is like a pipe.

I licked the precum from Sonny’s cock, then swallowed it as far as it would go. I licked the sides, rubbed and turned my hand along his shaft, he moaned out loud. I unzipped my own pants and slid my fingers down into my hungry pussy. I was so horny I needed to have him right now. Sonny’s cock was ready to explode! Sonny sucked on my juiced fingers as I kissed his stomach and worked my way back up to his mouth. I lowered myself onto Sonny’s cock, he filled me completely.

“Ahhh Sonny… give me all of you,” I said, and rocked with him, “ooooh, you feel so good inside me.” I kissed his sweet lips again.

I grabbed the sides of his hips and pushed him deeper into me. We fucked like this for some time. He played with and kissed my nipples, the nape of my neck and behind my ear; it felt very good fucking him in the chair like that. I grind into his cock more, fucked him hard and rough and he scratched every itch I had.

“Mia, your pussy is so tight and hot. I don’t want to cum too fast.”

Slowing the motion, we took a swallow of our beers and enjoyed kissing again. It was very late and I knew Sonny would have to leave soon. I got an idea and I rose up off his cock.

“Follow me,” I told him, walking to the pool table.

“C’mon, Mia, get off the table.”

“What’s the matter, haven’t you ever had sex on a pool table before?” I asked.

“This table is professional grade, it’ll get ruined. I paid a lot of money for this table, Mia, get down from there,” Sonny pleaded.

When he saw that I wasn’t moving, he came after me and crawled up on the table. I pulled him down on me but then again it wasn’t too difficult. Sonny kissed me very passionately. He ran his hand along my inner thigh and slid his middle finger into my pussy. I felt his stiffness against my leg and I raised my knee to tease him. His finger did a number on my clit and brought me to many small orgasms.

“Mmmmm, Sonny. Aah, it’s so good.”

Sonny sucked my nipples, my stomach, found his treasure and ate my pussy like a Boston crème pie. Thank goodness I shaved earlier.

“AAAhhh yea, Sonny, it’s good, it’s good. Mmm, yesssss. Oooh Sonny.”

He lightly pressed his mouth further into my pussy. I arched my back, rolled my eyes in ecstasy. Sonny lifted my ass up like he drank milk from a bowl of cereal.

He flicked and darted his tongue in and out of me, rolled my clit on his tongue, fingered me, licked me clean from top to bottom. I could not stand it any longer, I wanted Sonny to fuck me now.

As if he was psychic, Sonny came up for air and kissed me and I tasted my cunt juice on his lips. He positioned his body over mine, guided his cock to my pussy and teased me with his dick head. Slowly, he slid into my hungry pussy and pulled out quickly.

“Mia, you are so tight and hot!” he said, and tried once again.

“Oh Mia, Mia,” he said, inching his way further into my abyss.

Sonny buried his fat cock deep into me. Patches of air escaped me as he pulled back, and then went in again. His large arms around my small waist, I rocked with him meeting his tender thrusts. The hard pool table was torture on my bare back but was no comparison to the sensational feeling in my pussy.

I closed my eyes, pointed my face towards the heavens and I traveled into oblivion. The way that Sonny made sweet love to me, kissed my neck and throat, sucked on my ear, I could love him forever.

When I grabbed Sonny’s ass he thrust into me hard. Massaging his anus turned him on.

“Fuck me, Sonny, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” I begged of him.

His cock was very hard now and his balls flapped against my ass as he pounded into me, forgetting about his beloved pool table. I squeezed my muscles around his cock and reached down to gently caress his nuts.

“Mmm Mia, you fuck me well. OOOH!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!”

Holding him tighter I tried to pull him even further into me. I bucked my hips and fucked him harder and faster. His huge cock rubbed against my clit and I felt a strong orgasm building up.

“I’m cumming, I’m cumming, AAH, AHHHH, AHHHHHHHHHH, I yelled as my body shook out of control. Each spasm was like electrical shocks rising from below my knees, they made my hips buck wildly and my stomach danced each time Sonny hit my clit. The ceiling fan above was a blessing with the cool wind blowing on my burning body.

Sonny’s cock was hot, heavy and ready to blow. He fucked me with all his strength.

“Mia, I’m cumming now!” he said, and pumped into me fiercely. "Aaahhhh! AAAaahhhhhhhh!! Damn!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sonny yelled out, lost in an out of body experience.

His hot cum shot into me then oozed back down onto the pool table. Sonny stayed inside me, didn’t move as if he was paralyzed. He pumped into me a couple more times draining the last bit of cum. We lied there and hugged and kissed passionately, neither of us wanted to be the first to spoil the moment.

“I think we’re even now,” I said.

“Even?” he asked, puzzled.

“I believe I’m all paid up for those Lowenbraus earlier.

We laughed together. Sonny got up first from the pool table then he helped me down. My back was killing me, but it was worth every fucking moment.

Mission completed.

“When you coming back into town again?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I’m here for a week and then I have to report in on Monday morning. I’m leaving on Saturday morning to find my way around town, look for a place to stay.” It’s only a three hour drive away, I’m gonna try to come home as much as possible if I don’t have duty.”

“Well, if you ever wanted to play some more pool, I’ll be here,” he joked.

“I must admit, you shot pretty damn well,” I said, my hand around his waist.

Leaning on my car door we kissed goodbye, held onto to each other not wanting to let go.

“Thanks for the pool game,” I said.

“You owe me again, for messing up my pool table.”

“Next time,” I replied, driving slowly away.

The rest of the week I spent time with momma and we made our usual rounds to Aunt Beatrice’s house, Judith’s house, Walterburrow for breakfast, Wal-Mart and against my resistance, to the country to visit my uppity-up cousins. Aunt Beatrice was as sassy as a Calico cat and as bitter as a wet tea bag. She married daddy’s uncle so she was momma’s sister and her aunt! She alienated her kids one by one with her sharp tongue and don’t care attitude.

All of her kids looked just like her, except Louise, who definitely wasn’t a product of Aunt Beatrice and Uncle Theo because she had fine, curly hair and olive skin. Rumor had it that Louise’s daddy was a white man whose house Aunt Beatrice cleaned down on the Battery. We always wondered how Aunt Beatrice got the house she has now because she sure didn’t have the money to buy it. Every time my cousins had a problem with Aunt Beatrice, they came complaining to momma. But Louise, Louise could do no wrong in Aunt Beatrice’s eyes and I often wondered if that was the basis for all the turmoil in that family.

Next to momma, Judith had the most beautiful voice I ever heard. When she sang in church, tears would be on my eyelids because her voice was so divine. She and momma were always very good friends, and some years later when daddy died Momma chose Judith to sing a solo at daddy’s funeral.

Every once in a while we drove down to Walterburrow for breakfast. Deena and I never wanted to go, and I definitely didn’t want to go because I always ended up driving, but it made momma happy so we went along. The restaurant had a huge breakfast buffet and man, was momma in her element when we were there. She left home a black woman but the moment she stepped foot into that restaurant, POOF, she was Ms. Prissy, acting all proper. I exchanged glances with Deena and our hearts hurt from containing all the laughter inside us.

After stuffing our guts with two plates of food, of course Ms. Prissy had only one plate with one sausage, one slice of toast, one small piece of ham, one this, one that, we head back home and stopped by Wal-Mart along the way. The highlight of Momma’s life was going to Wal-Mart everyday.

Being home though was special for me because after next week I didn’t know when I’d be back again. Every morning momma cooked my favorite breakfast. There ain’t anything more satisfying than lying in bed smelling the coffee brewing, the ham boiling, and hearing momma humming a hymn.

Momma always made the best of everything. The best coffee, the best grits, the best sausage patties, I said it before; can’t nobody cook better than momma. My coffee never tasted like hers and finally one day she told me to just give it up, and it got to the point where she’d make a cup for herself and make me a cup too without even asking if I wanted it.

I can hear them in the kitchen talking about me, acting like I wasn’t even there.

“Don’t bother her, she ain’t sleeping. She smells this food cooking, she ain’t fool,” momma said, talking with Lewis.

“What time she get in last night?” Lewis asked, trying to get in my business again.

“She and Shaylia hanging out all time of night, only the Lord knows what they’re doing out there.”

Moments later, Lewis came to my room and looked at me through the doorway.

“Mind your business, boy. Yea, I heard yall talking about me.” I told him.

Lewis mimicked me and turned on the room light to make me get out of bed.

“Didn’t she tell you not to bother me, go on now, with your jug head,” I said.

He walked away and reluctantly I got out of bed to go pee. Although there were clean, dry washcloths for me to use, I found momma’s wet washcloth and washed my face. Momma is momma, her shit don’t stink. She used Ivory soap and Olive of Olay daily and she looked 20 years younger and that’s no lie.

As always breakfast was perfect; grits, fried sausage links, eggs and coffee. My signature, and it always pissed them off, was to stir everything up together in the grits and top it off with ketchup.

Mabel’s grandmammy, Ms. Johnson, was coming by to visit momma so we had better get going to Wal-Mart because when Ms. Johnson came to the house she stayed for hours. Ms. Johnson was a very lonely woman. After her son died of aids she was never the same and her daughter took her house away from her, forcing her to live in subsidized housing. Momma was the only friend she had. I guess she looked at momma as her daughter and us as her extended family. Some times Lewis or I picked her up and brought her to sit with momma, or we took her to the grocery store.

When she came over to visit, she and momma started with the small talk and then before you know it, Ms. Johnson fell asleep in the chair. She was old when we were young, so she must be about a thousand years old now, but she still walked that half mile every week to come see momma. You can always count on Ms. Johnson being at our house every year for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.

Chapter Seven

Driving down to GA was relaxing. My reservation at the Super 8 was confirmed and I spent the weekend just puttering around the base and around town. I thought about maybe even scooting down to Orlando to see Cary again but decided against it. St. Mary’s, Georgia was a very small, quaint, southern town with a small post office and one shopping center with mom and pop shops that preyed on unsuspecting newbies like me to keep their shops open and above water. They smelled us coming from miles away, our out of state license plates were a dead giveaway.

Driving up and down the main road on base a couple of times, taking in the scenery, I decided to just go check in and get it over with. It was a Sunday anyways so not much could be happening, right? Walking up the long pier from the parking lot with my duffel bag was hell on my shoulders. There had to be an easier way to do this. On both sides of the Tender, big, black submarines were connected to her with ropes and tubes, looked like they were being tube fed. From afar, the sailors working atop the submarines looked like little mechanical robots. I finally made it up to the Quarterdeck and the very handsome Officer of the Day (OOD) made my long walk along the pier worthwhile.

"How do you do, Lieutenant (LT)," I asked, as I licked my lips and handed him my reporting orders.

As he read my orders, I read what his gig line was saying to me, loud and clear! His dick head squeezed against his pants.

“Seaman Saxon, welcome aboard, he said. Within five seconds of standing there, I already noticed his smooth face, beautiful small brown eyes, salt-n-pepper hair, thin mustache, pink lips and nice ass. I felt warm as he looked at my hard nipples from the chill along the pier.

“Thank you, Sir.” I replied.

“Seaman Johnson, call down to the Admin Office for Petty Officer Hodges to come for Seaman Saxon,” the LT ordered the deck hand on watch.

As we walked through the passageway to my berthing compartment, Petty Officer Hodges directed my attention to various points of interest like the post office, store, cafeteria, weight room, and other areas. This fucking ship was huge, it was a small community of and in itself and there were people everywhere!

“Who’s the OOD?” I asked.

“Who, LT. White? He’s the Damage Control Officer (DCO). He’s a looker, isn’t he? Girl, don’t bother yourself with him, there’s more where that came from,” Teresa said and grinned.

“I see what you mean already, I said, as a cutie walked by me and checked me out, but I’d sure like to control his fire,” I said referring back to the DCO.

“You’re gonna fit in just fine around here, I can tell that already.” Teresa said.

We got to the berthing compartment and the place was a fucking mess! Clothes were all over the place, the floor was wet from girls walking from the shower back to their racks, a million different perfumes reeked in the air, the TV was on but no one watched it, radios were blasting different stations, and I wanted to turn around and run back home to momma.

Teresa saw the fright in my eyes. “Don’t let this scare you,” she said, by tomorrow morning, all of this will be gone.”

My rack was near the middle of the compartment, on the bottom with two more above me; 3 left x 3 right, 6 racks to a cubicle, 108 bunks total in the compartment, 8 toilets, 8 sinks and 8 showers. Thankfully, the majority of the girls lived out in town and only stayed onboard on duty nights. This was just one of three female compartments onboard, I later learned from Ruth, a Store Keeper (SK) and thin as a twig.

Teresa waited while I put my name on my rack and locker and then took me up to the Admin office to meet the rest of my fellow workmates on duty. Seaman Billy Brown was a young buck, nice looking but too young for my tastes. He appeared to be shy and quiet but I sensed there was more to him than meets the eye. His dungarees fit his body like a glove and I could tell he was heavy. Petty Officer Curt Taylor was tall and lanky, looked like a mouse but in a cute way and a toothpick hanged out of his mouth; COUNTRY! That's the first thought that came to my mind about Curt. Chief Raymond was well, Chief Raymond, nobody I’d be interested in. There were still a handful of other folks who didn’t have duty and I met them the following day.

The first couple of weeks were very hectic. I finally met everyone in the office, I got an official tour to meet and greet other sailors and officers who i worked closely with in other departments, there was paperwork and courses to complete, studying, duty sections, practice drills, musters, but when I considered all that was happening around me, and all the collateral duties that were assigned to me, I still could not stop thinking about Cary.

I took a chance and Cary picked up on the second ring.

“Hot Butter, where are you, Hot Butter?” Cary asked. I called the ship for you several times but they said you hadn't reported onboard yet."

He seemed truly happy to hear from me. Tears swelled up in my eyes because I missed him so much. Was it really him I missed or was it the sadness I felt from knowing that he would never be mine?

“Menard, what’s the matter?” he asked. Darn, he heard my sniffles. “How’s the ship, is everything going ok?”

“Yes, the ship’s fine. I’m fine. It’s just…” “Oh Lord”, I prayed, “how do I bring myself to tell Cary how much I missed him and needed to see him? It was about a month since the last time we spoke, help me find the words, please.”

“Cary, would you like some company this weekend?” It was all I could think of to say.

“My orders came in, I’m leaving on Tuesday. I’ll be busy all weekend getting my things together, Menard.

He paused and with each passing moment of silence the tears streamed down my face.

“Lord, please don’t let it end this way,” I prayed again, and my head pounded from a slight headache.

“But I’d love to see you before I leave, Hot Butter, you know that.” He said.

“Cary, you are something special. Thank you.” I said, massaging my temples.

Friday evening at 5:05 I headed down I-95 South to Orlando. You Are Always On My Mind played on the country station as I drove off base. “Pull yourself together,” I told myself just as a tear drop fell to the steering wheel. I knew this would be the last time I saw Cary. After this weekend he would go back to his life before we met. His wife would probably join him at his new duty station and he would forget about me all too soon. “Carpe Diem,” I reasoned with myself and sped on.

“Can I get two coffees, please, black with honey?” I gave Cary his coffee and we found the nearest motel to get reacquainted.

Earlier at dinner I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him. Since I left here, he must’ve been working out the entire time because his chest was ready to bust out of his shirt. We didn’t talk too much over dinner; I think we both anticipated the inevitable. I was in too deep and Cary knew it too. I brought enough clothes to last me through the weekend but as I put them away in the drawer and looked over into his sad eyes, I knew I couldn’t stay past the morning.

Well, after we got caught up on what we been doing for the last month, we tried to watch TV but lying next to him on the bed was just too much for me to handle.

“Don’t look so sad, I know it’s over. Let's just be glad we had some time to spend together. Don't say a word about tomorrow, or forever, there'll be time enough for sadness. Will you hold me, please?” I asked.

Cary held me in his arms for a long time. Whatever was on the TV was a blur.

“Stiffen up, girl, I told myself, don’t you dare start crying now,” and I fought back the tears with everything I had.

Cary’s body was warm, Drakkar Noir filled the air. I lifted his chin and softly kissed his lips. He hungrily accepted and sucked my tongue. I squeezed his shoulders and then let my hand rest on his hip and pulled him closer to me. He lied on his back with one leg propped up and he hugged me tight. His kisses were slow, long and passionate. When I needed air, I sucked his ear, kissed his neck, under his chin and then worked my way back to his sweet mouth. Cary moaned.

He rolled over on top of me and felt great lying between my legs. His body fit mine perfectly. I hugged his ass and pressed his bulge into me. Cary showered me with butterfly kisses upon my forehead, my cheeks and the sides of my mouth. I reciprocated with wet kisses upon his chest. He unbuttoned my shirt and licked the salty sweat between my breasts, then softly sucked on my nipples.

Cary rested his head upon my bosom and hugged me tight for a moment. Was it my imagination or did he just realize that he was also in too deep? Was that a tear running down the side of my breast or a dribble? And another?

Cary lifted his head and looked at me through his teary eyes. My heart melted.

"Mia, I..."

"Shhhhhh, don't, i whispered, just hold me please."

I wiped his tears away with my thumbs. Cary took a deep breath and swallowed hard but his tears kept falling.

I awoke from the noise of the TV buzzing, the station had signed off. Cary slept like a baby, his head still upon my bosom and his arms still wrapped around me. I tried to reach for the remote but woke him instead.

TV off, we kissed, he gave me his back and I cuddled up against him with my pussy against his ass, my breast pressed against his back, my hand in his rested against his heart and still fully clothed... we slept.

Morning came much too soon and I was not looking forward to telling Cary good-bye. I didn’t sleep well because my mind was racing, pondering over what will happen after today. Cary woke up and turned towards me.

“Good morning,” I said to him.

Cary kissed me, then hugged me tight. He looked very handsome with the morning light on his face. It felt good hugging him close.

“Good morning to you. What happened last night?” he asked after he saw we were still fully clothed.

“Nothing, we fell asleep just holding each other,” I said.

I loved Cary so much. I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him. He put his hands into my shirt and caressed my breasts. He rolled on top of me and we kissed wildly. He unbuttoned my shirt and sucked my nipples, I opened my legs wider to feel the bulge in his pants better. He rocked into me softly. Cary unzipped my pants, slipped his fingers into my wet pussy and softly squeezed my clit. I pulled his shirt out from inside his pants, and over his head. His bare chest was against my body now. He undid his belt then zipped his pants down and pulled his cock from out his underwear. He pulled my pants and panties down just far enough to slide his cock easily into me. Our kisses were passionate and slow, and we made sweet love to each other.

“Cary, I love the way you love me. Strong and wild, slow and easy, heart and soul, so completely.” I whispered into his ear.

He pulled out of my hungry pussy and we undressed completely. He pulled me down onto him and guided his cock into me again. He pressed me into him closer and we rocked gently. His hand in my hair, we kissed and rocked… and rocked… and rocked softly.

Cary rolled us over, then he pulled out of me and kissed my neck, sucked my nipples, left a trail of kisses leading down to my stomach. He kissed the insides of my thighs, then slid his tongue into my pussy. He licked and sucked my juices, his tongue left no part of my pussy untouched. He slid a finger into me and finger fucked me while lapping up more juice. His fingers tickled my clit and made me shake with soft orgasms.

“Cary, take me now,” I pleaded, and pulled him up to me.

We kissed and I sucked my juices from his lips. Cary’s cock slid into me and he continued with the slow rocking. Cary was so attentive. His lovemaking was so delicate and zealous and I began to weep because there was just too much emotion being shared between us. I loved Cary and wanted to be with him forever.

“Don’t cry, Menard,” he said, and wiped my tears away. He softly kissed my forehead and my cheeks.

"Cary, I..."

"Nooooo, baby, don't say it, he whispered, just let me make love to you now."

He buried his face into my neck and fucked me harder and faster. My pussy was on fire. Cary fucked me as though he had something to prove, like he was trying to make a point or trying to send me a message. He lifted my ass up to meet his thrusts, and sucked my neck hard.

Every thrust hit my clit and brought me to a mini orgasm. The veins in his neck popped out and he gritted his teeth. His cock was very hard and I knew he was ready to cum. I reached down and gently squeezed his balls.

“Mia!” “Ohh, Mia!” Cary cried out. He thrusted his cock into my pussy, his balls hit my ass with each jab. He pulled my hair tight.

“I’m cumming, Cary, I’m cumming! “AAAAHHHHH! Good Cary, fuck me Cary, fuck me harder Cary!” I grabbed his ass and pulled him deeper into me!

Cary fucked me faster and harder!

”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he yelled out and his cum shot into me like a lightning bolt!

His body collapsed onto mine. We both needed a moment to catch our breaths. We kissed passionately and rocked slowly, his soft cock moving inside me felt wonderful. We lied quietly for a long time. Cary sniffed and wiped his eyes. He looked at me through teary eyes.

“Mia, I have something to tell you,” he said.

... pls continue story in 2nd file at chapter 7 (the book item)for continuing chapters....

... this is a work in progress ....
© Copyright 2005 Mia Saxon (drod404 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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