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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Music · #1037797
The never-before heard story explaining the origin and purpose of the Graffiti Boy.
The baby cried as it was raised towards the sky outside the building it was born. Her cry was lyrical and determined. The people around could tell this baby had a gift. This baby was ready for anything; this baby was born ready. This baby...would make history.

13 years later....

The sky was a dreery color of gray as the rain fell from the swirling clouds. Down below in an alleyway, a single figure stood before a wall, spray painting a mural. The music filled her head as she painted the graffiti onto the wall. An car pulled up beside her alley and a young man of fifteen stepped out of it.
"Are you done yet, Mikey-Angelo?" he asked her.
"Almost, Jesse," replied the girl.
Her older brother Jesse called her Mikey because of her favorite musical artists. One of which was Mikey Way of My Chemical Romance. Mikey stepped back form the wall and picked up her bag of spray paints, running over to him and jumping into the black car. Her twin brother Justin was in the back, yet another brother was driving the car.
"So what did you make this time?" Justin asked her.
"Hm, not much," she grinned.
But as the car drove away, the picture of a gray bird flying away from someone lying on the ground below it began to dry on the wall.

"Mikey, you're going to get into trouble one of these days," said William, the driver of the car.
"It's only illegal if your get caught," said Mikey.
But the reason for her paintings were not to challenge the police. She did like to challenge authority, but not like that. Mikey painted those things to spread a message and express herself, like most of the delinquents she knew.
"Will, turn on the stereo," she said, leaning against the cold window. Will smiled and pressed a button on the dashboard. Linkin Park began to blast through the speakers and she closed her eyes, thinking about her mother. Her mother was in a band and in Europe touring. Mikey and her brothers usually went with them but this time..they didn't. Their mother said they couldn't accompany her this time. The reason was unknown. Mikey felt lonely without her mother here to help her brush up on the guitar. Jesse helped her with singing while Will gave her drumming lessons. Usually Mikey's father Rob gave her lessons but he was away on tour with their mother.
As the music blasted through Mikey's head, she glanced at her brother's worried faces and knew what they were thinking. Justin tried to avoid her eyes as he gazed out the window.
Jay, Will and Jesse's father, was extremely abusive. He hit Jesse and Will alomost every day before Mikey had driven him out of the house. After Rob and Selena, their mother, had gotten married, Jay came to visit every day. But, then Justin was born, followed by Mikey a few minutes later. Jay didn't expect Rob and Selena to have a child, let alone twins. So one day, when Justin and Mikey were ten, Jay came into the backyard where they were playing. He was holding a pipe. Justin and Mikey smiled, thinking he was going to play with them. But Jay...was a very agry person. He raised the pipe and started to swing it at the two. Justin pushed Mikey out of the way and the pipe came down on Justin's arm, shattering the bone. Mikey's vision blurred as her twin brother screamed. Mikey felt the pain in her arm and dropped to her knees as Jay stood over the fallen boy. She felt the rage bubbling to the top. They'd screamed at each other before, but this was the first fight they would have. Jay looked into Mikey's eyes.
"Now, you, Raven," mumbled Jay.
Raven was Mikey's true name. She hadn't been called that in years. She'd seen the way Jay yelled and hit her brothers, but he barely ever hit her. But she'd always feel their pain and get an equal amount of insults. The rage inside of her burst after she'd held it in for so long. it was all going to come out. Mikey stood up and felt a small breeze around her body. As Jay ran toward her, she jumped in the air and lunged at him, grabbing his mid-section and taking him to the ground. She began punching his face and he grabbed her fist, swinning her to her side. The girl slammed into the grass and quickly got to her feet. Suddenly, she felt a heavy blow to her back and went flying over the grass before tumbling into the fence. She stood up shakily as Jay screamed at her.
"You're just a stupid little girl! You can't hurt a full grown man! You can't even fight! You'll never be able to defend ANYONE!!!"
The girl felt something in her snap. Her eyes changed color and Jay felt the ground tremble slightly as a heavy wind picked up. Jay looked around him, but whyen he looked back at the fence, the girl was gone. He looked around again, calling, "Come out, come out, wherever you are."
Then, behind him, the girl climbed on top of the fence, crouching like a rogue beast. She jumped and landed on his head, slamming his face into the ground then she jumped from him and picked up a bat lying beside a pile of different sports balls. Jay rose his head and stood up. He swung the pipe but Mikey rose the bat to meet it. Then she swung it in a circle before letting it slam down on Jay's shoulder. Then she kicked him in the back and he stumbled to the ground.
"You're not human!" Jay said.
"What defines human?" a deep, growling voice said to him.
Then, the bat hit his lower back and he fell over. Mikey stepped toweard him, throwing the broken bat to the ground. Jay stood up and limped away from her. She lifted a finger to him, blood dripping from a small cut on her face. When she opened her mouth, many voices seemed to be speaking as she growled.
"If you ever harm anyone again, I will make sure you do not leave alive. Now get out."
She let out a loud lion-like growl and Jay ran through the house, tore open the door and ran far away. Mikey's eyes returned from the red glow they had taken and she became very tired, falling to the ground. Justin's vision went black as they both fainted.

Since that day three years ago, Mikey tried to better grip her anger. She'd lost control of everything that day, and wasn't sure what happened. Justin never spoke of it since it happened. No one else had witnessed it. Both Mikey and Justin were sure she was in danger of Jay's revenge, but Mikey knew that she would be ready when he came back. Since that had happened, Mikey felt a need to spread a message to the world. She inspired people, and stopped many people from suicide, murder, and making bad decisions. The right desicions can't always be a good one, and sometimes bad desicions are for the best. But Mikey knew deep in her heart what was best for her, what she would do when the time came. She was a determined soul. She was a torn soul. But the arrows through her heart only made her stronger. And as the inpirational music of Linkin Park rampaged through her head, she narrowed her eyes and whispered, "I'll always be ready."

© Copyright 2005 Mikey Graffiti (graffiti_boy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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