Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1037625-MATTHEW-IS-LOST
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1037625
A 14 year old boy is stranded, injured and alone with 47 stangers,1 psycho and a secret..

For all of you fans of the hit TV show LOST here is a new episode and new character added to the first season

(It is not necessary to have watched any of the previous or recent LOST shows to understand this story. It stands alone. You will not get ‘Lost’ I promise.)

I barely remember boarding the plane and taking my seat. I was so exhausted from the last three days’ journey walking out of the Outback that I no longer have the strength to talk.

Upon putting my luggage in the overhead compartment I sank into my seat and fell fast asleep. I don’t know how long I had been asleep before the ‘Fasten your seatbelt’ sign came on. The man I boarded with hit me in the head to wake me.

“Put your seatbelt on,” he commanded. I did as he asked and began to drift back off to sleep when the plane fell from the sky. My stomach slammed into my throat and I lost my breath.

The pressure and noise were more than my ears could take. The pain was almost unbearable.
I heard a loud tearing sound come from behind me. I looked back and watched the entire tail section of the plane brake off and go flying through the air.

People still in their seats were being sucked from the plane by the dozens. The pain in my ears became too painful and everything around me began to fade into the background and I blacked out.

I woke up to a sharp pain in my head and my chest hurting. I was afraid to open my eyes. I was not sure what I would see. Was I sinking in the ocean and about to drown or were we still falling and I was about to die? I could hear the high pitch scream of the engine. It sounded so close.

I worked up enough courage to open my eyes and look around. I realized that the crash was over and we were on solid ground. I looked to my left at the seat where the man that I had boarded the plane with had sat. It was empty. I was not sure if he was dead or alive. I hoped dead.

I moved enough to unfasten my safety belt and began to look around for the easiest way out. I noticed that we were up in the air at an angle with the area that had been torn apart at the highest point.

I pulled myself up and began to climb over bodies, luggage, and broken seats to the top. I looked out of the opening into what appeared to be a jungle.

I jumped landing on my stomach hard on the sandy beach and screamed in pain from the slam to my chest. I could barely breathe so I laid there for sometime listening to all the horrifying sounds of chaos going on around me.
I found the strength to stand up onto my feet and stumble away from the wreckage a safe distance. I sat down and watched the scene in a surreal kind of way. It was more than my mind could handle. It was all a dream. I know it. I will wake up soon. This just can’t be real. It can’t be.

I am just going to lie back here and close my eyes and I will wake up safely in my sleeping bag under the stars next to my dad.

I don’t know how much time I had been asleep when I was awakened by a moist cold towel wiping my face and forehead. I opened my eyes to see a man leaning over me. I jumped upright and pain swept over me in waves. My chest felt as if thousands of tiny needles were being driven into me all at one time.

I cried out and he put his hands on my shoulders and laid me back down.
"I want you to lay still. It’s going to be ok," he said. Fear came over me. I did not know who this man was. I have learned in the last three days what my mother meant when she would tell me never to trust a stranger.

All I could do was rehearse over and over in my mind the questions I had learned to ask when meeting a stranger. Who is he? What is he going to do to me? How is he going to hurt me? All of these questions ran through my mind one right after the other. I began to breathe heavily and in quick gasps. I could feel my bones rattle from my shaking.

He noticed my intense fear and stopped what he was doing and began to talk gently to me. “Hey, Hey, it’s ok. My name is Jack. I was on the plane with you when it went down. I looked over and saw you lying here and came to make sure you were ok. That is when I discovered you were hurt. You don’t have to be afraid. I promise I am not going to hurt you. I’m a doctor. Are you thirsty?”

He held my head and lifted it enough for me to receive water from a bottle he had brought with him. I began to calm down. The shaking had stopped at least and I was more at ease with him. “What’s your name?” he asked.
“Matt.” I said. He continued to clean the cut on my forehead.

“Can you point to where it hurts the most?” I did not know what else to do but trust him. So I pointed to my chest and then to my head. “Ok.” He said.

“I am going to try to remove your shirt. Ok?” He lifted my shirt and removed my left arm first and then my right, next he stretched on the neck of my shirt and lifted it over my head not touching my cut at all.

He then began to press on my stomach. Does that hurt? I shook my head no. He then began to press on my chest area around my rib cage. His hand felt like a knife. I screamed and began grabbing his hands to make him stop. It felt as if he were cutting me open with a dull knife.
The pain was so intense I couldn’t breathe.
“Easy, easy, it’s ok. Relax. I want you to hold your breath for me. Good now just let it out slow. Now take another small breath and hold it. Good-boy.” As I did as he asked I found that I had regained the ability to control my breathing.

Tears were pouring from my eyes. I had never had such intense pain before. It’s going to be ok
You have some broken ribs and a concussion. He said smiling at me.

I do need to move you over closer to the group so I can keep an eye on you. He carried me over to a shelter he had constructed out of some of the wreckage. Inside he had laid out six cushions from the seats of the plane into a bed. He laid me down and gave me some more water. He stood up turning to leave saying,

“You lay still and get some rest. I will be back in a short while.”
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked him as I tried to sit up. I was not quite sure if I could trust him just yet but, He was the only one I knew on this island. I was afraid to be alone.

He knelt down beside me and laid me back, saying “No, you must lie still and rest, everything will be ok. I promise I won’t be gone long. Trust me. It’s going to be ok,” he said smiling at me. I nodded with a look of uncertainty and did what he asked. He then turned and left.

I tried not to think about the events of the past three days. I have to grow up now. I’m alone and I have to start thinking about how I am going to take care of myself.

I must have been dreaming when Jack returned. He tried to wake me. I opened my eyes and I thought I was looking at the Stranger.“No I screamed and began to fight him. “Please, just let me go. Please I begged. I don't want to go with you. Please let me go." I cried.

"Matt. Matt, wake up Son," he said as he tried to gently hold me down so that I would not hurt myself. I finally realized that he was not the stranger in my dream and I quit fighting him.

I was covered in sweat. I was breathing very fast and could not catch my breath. I could feel my heart pounding in my head. I began to whimper at the pain in my chest. Jack grabbed the water and gave me a drink. Then poured the rest onto a piece of cloth and began to wipe me down in an attempt to cool me.

I began to look around the shelter fearfully. "It's ok Matt. You're ok. I'm going to take care of you. You don't have to be afraid of anything. Jack said as he continued to wipe my chest and arms with the cloth.

For several long minutes I fought to keep back the tears. I did not want to cause Jack to worry any more about why I am acting like I am. If only I could get rid of the images that are swirling around in my head. I just want to forget everything that has happened in the last three days.

“You ok?” he asked me. I nodded my reply. An uncomfortable silence formed between us. Finally he spoke “Matt, who are you afraid of? What happened to you?”
I just looked into his eyes and could not find any words to say to him. I started to panic at the thought of telling him. My eyes began to fill with tears again.

I did not want him to know what I had done. I can't believe I even did it. What would he think if he knew? I don't even know if I can live with the memory of it.

"It's ok. You don't have to tell me now. In your own time you can tell me. Just know that I am here when you are ready," he said. "Here. Take this," he said as he handed a little blue pill to me. "It will help with the pain." "Where did you get medicine?" I asked.

“I have been searching through all the luggage looking for all the medicine I can find. We are going to need it. I also found this ace bandage that I will use to bind up your ribs.”

“Are you hungry?” He asked. I had not thought much about food in several days. I had not eaten anything in the last three days. He propped up the cushion behind me to sit me up slightly.

He opened a silver tray full of food from the dinner cart on the plane. I was starving. I tried to grab the fork and tray from him. "Hey, not so fast." He said smiling.

He laid the tray on my lap. "Eat slowly," he said dragging out his last word. I ate as slowly as I could.I ate as slowly as I could.

When I had finished eating Jack wrapped my chest in the bandage, he had found. He no sooner had finished and laid me back when suddenly a woman burst past the tarp that Jack had used as a makeshift wall for the shelter.

“Jack. You’d better come quick.” She said. She looked to be desperate and I could not help but wonder what had happened.

Jack ran out following her. I fought past the pain and stood up onto my feet. I was a bit woozy I don’t know if it was from the concussion or the pain medication Jack had given me or both. I followed them out and tried my best to keep up.

I saw ahead a group of people surrounding someone. It was a pregnant woman and she was panicking. “I can’t have the baby now.” She yelled with an Australian accent. How far along are you? Jack asked her. I am only eight months. She replied. Jack began to feel around her very pregnant belly.

I watched as the woman who had came for Jack, stroked her hair and tried to keep her calm. What’s your name? Jack asked her. Claire. She responded.

“Well, Claire you need to get out of the sun and lie down with your feet up. I don’t think you are in labor but we don’t want to take any chances.”

Then he leaned over to the woman who had come for him and said in a whisper, “Kate, I need you to help her with this please? Make sure she drinks lots of water. I don’t want her getting dehydrated. That can put her in pre term labor and we don’t need that right now.” She nodded and helped Claire to her feet.

“Hey, Dude. Are you feeling ok?” I looked and saw a very large man staring at me. I tried to answer back but I was not thinking straight anymore. Everything around me began to spin and then went black.

I awoke in the middle of the night in a wave of panic as I tried to remember what had happened. I couldn’t see anything it was pitch black all around. “Jack, Jack” I yelled. I saw a form stand up and start to walk toward me. “It’s ok. I’m here.”

He knelt beside me and offered me a drink of water How are you feeling? He asked. Ok I guess. What happened? You blacked out. He said.
Why? Well with concussions the brain swells and starts to function at a reduced capacity as it works on healing itself.

Depending on the severity of the concussion depends on how effective the brain can handle the normal functions of the body. If you put more activities on the brain than it can handle it will shut down to protect itself thus causing you to black out.

Oh. When will I be ok again? Well with concussions about two weeks. Your ribs on the other hand will take about six weeks to fully mend. Until then you need to keep this wrap on here pretty tight.

How is that pregnant lady? She is going to be fine if she rests and drinks lots of water. Is her baby ok? Her baby seems fine. It was moving around when I felt her stomach which is a good sign that all is well.

I was glad that Jack was there. For the first time in three days I felt safe. Something I never thought I would ever feel again. He reminded me a lot of my dad. Jack, do you think we will ever be rescued? I asked. I don’t have the answer to that one kid. I wish I did. What is going to happen to us if nobody comes for us? I asked. “I don’t know. I know that we will do better if we can all work together.”

Matt, was there anyone on the plane with you? No. I said. I was heading home to my mom.
She lives in New York.”I replied. “Yea? What does your mom do? He asked me. “She is a prosecutor. I said. What were you doing in Australia? My parents are divorced. I live nine months out of the year in New York with my mom and the summer with my dad in Australia.”

“Yea, what does your dad do? He asked. He works on the Wild Life reserve. He is an animal researcher.” I said.

You have anyone that is waiting on you back home Jack? My mom. He replied. You mean you aren’t married with a wife and kids and the white picket fence and all? I asked half teasingly to get the questions off of me.

I was married once but that is a long story one I am not willing to get into right now. It is time you go back to sleep. You need your rest. He said and began to get up. Jack, will you stay with me, please? I asked. He sat back down and placed his hand on my head. Of course, Now close your eyes. I nodded my head and did as he told me.

I awoke early and remembered that all of my belongings were still in the over head compartment of the plane. I had heard Jack telling some of the others that he was going to burn the wreckage and all of the bodies at sun down.

I looked around and Jack was no where to be found. I knew this was the best chance I would have of retrieving my bag. I tried to sit up but the pain was too much.

I then decided to roll off the cushions onto my stomach and hopefully catch myself with my hands before my chest touched the sand. It worked just as I had hoped and I was able to get to my feet. I was still a little dizzy but nothing like yesterday.

I proceeded to step outside and look around for Jack. I did not see him but noticed everyone loading the plane with branches and twigs.

I made my way over to the wreckage and looked for an opening to enter. I saw a large hole where it looked like the door had been. I got closer and the smell coming from inside the plane about knocked me down.

I did not know if I was going to be able to go through with this. I knew that the bodies would be looking very bad after four days of being in the hot sun.

As I approached the opening, I heard Jack calling my name. Matt, what are you doing up? Jack asked. You need to be laying down. I’m ok Jack. I feel a lot better today. My bag is still in the overhead. I want to get it before you burn it.

Your bag is still in the plane? Yea, I was going to go in to get it. No, You can’t go in there. You should be resting. What was your row and seat number? I was in H seventy seven. Why? I asked him. Stay here and don’t move I will be right back. Wait, where are you going. I asked. I am going to get your bag. Stay here and wait for me.

He walked to the entrance and stood there for a moment. Hurly, throw me that cloth laying there beside you. He said to the very large man that spoke to me before I blacked out yesterday.

He took the cloth and wrapped it around his face and disappeared through the opening. I waited and watched for him to return. Suddenly I felt someone place their hand on the back of my neck and squeeze as hard as they could.

OW. I yelled and tried to turn but was stopped by the firm grip the person had on me. You think I was dead kid? I felt nauseous as I recognized the voice. It was the man that had sat to the left of me on the plane, the man that I had boarded with.

You are going to turn slowly and walk back toward your little hut. Don’t say a word to anyone or I will kill the doctor. You got that kid? I did as he told me and I turned.

As we approached the shelter that Jack had made he jerked me away from the entrance and forced me to walk around the left side of it out of the sight of everyone. He pushed me toward the jungle Walk on. I did not know where he was taking me.

Why are you doing this? Who are you? Kid. This is all your mamas’ fault. If you want to hate anyone, you can hate her. Now walk. He screamed.

I feared that he had hurt my mom. I turned to hit him. You better not have done anything to her. I screamed. He punched me as hard as he could. The punch split my lip. I fell to the ground in pain. He knelt down in my face “Don’t try anything that stupid again kid? Now get up.” He said as he grabbed me by the neck and pulled me to my feet cutting off my air. He then pushed me backward and screamed “Walk.” I turned and began to walk in the direction he told me to go.

Fear was becoming a part of my life now. My mind kept imagining that my mom was dead that he had killed her. I could not quit thinking about it. My head was pounding from the punch to my face and I was struggling to breathe.

My chest was on fire and I wanted to scream from the pain I was in. My lip kept poring blood and I had nothing to hold on it to make it stop. I was getting blood all over me.

I knew that he was going to kill me. He could not risk me telling the other survivors about him. He was going to take me to a place deep in the jungle a place he has already prepared and he will kill me and bury me where no one will ever find me.

I began to cry quietly not knowing what to do. I could not fight him. He was too big. I had no weapon of any kind. We walked deeper and deeper into the jungle.

“Stop.” He commanded. I stopped and watched him walk to the left side of a large boulder. He began removing palm branches that he laid down to cover a large hole he had dug. It was at least six maybe 7 feet deep. I imagined that it was my grave.

Panic began to rise inside of me and the instinct to survive kicked in. Through tears of fear and trying to stall, I screamed hoping someone would hear us “If you are just going to kill me tell me why you are doing this. So at least I’ll know.”

“This was not the plan kid. I was not going to kill you. I promised your mom that she would have to live with the knowledge that I had you and that I was ruining your life. She would never know if you were dead or alive.” He said.
“That still does not tell me why.” I said. “Well, you want to know kid.” “You really want to know.”“Your mom chose this for you.” He said. “How did she choose this for me?”“ What did she do to you?” I asked.

“Your mom sentenced my kid to Death Row.” “He is only 18.”“He does not deserve Death Row.”“He is just a kid.”“She kept going after him and after him till she had a conviction.”“After the trial I paid your mom a little visit.”

“I let her know that I was not going to kill her but every day of her life she would wish that she was dead.”“I promised her I would find you and destroy your life.”

“Just like she destroyed my kid’s life.”“I would not kill you but I would turn you into the very thing she accused my son of being a murderer.”“I would keep you with me until you too were on Death Row.”

“I was on my way to fulfilling my plan when this plane decided to crash on this godforsaken island.”“So I had to change my plans. That means, you die kid.”

“My mom would not do that.”“Your son had to have done something wrong or she would not have even had a case against him.” I screamed at him.

I had made him angry with that remark and he walked up to me and began to beat on me. I am not sure how many times he hit me. Just when I thought I was going to die out of nowhere someone pulled him off of me.

I watched as an older man with very little hair held a knife to the neck of the stranger as a younger man tied him with vines and threw him into the grave he had dug for me. “Boone, go over and check on Matt.” I heard the man with the knife say.

Half out of it and whimpering I looked up as the man he called Boone, approached me. “Oh man, Locke he is bleeding pretty badly we need to get him back to Jack fast.” I stayed conscience but unable to do much of anything but cry silently. The pain was too much and I was too exhausted to do anything else.

“Well mister, you can wait right here in your friendly little hole till we can get back here and get you.” I heard the older man say.

He walked over to me and knelt down. He lifted my head and gave me a drink of water. “You’re going to be ok Matt. Everyone is out looking for you. My name's John Locke. Don’t worry everything is going to be ok. You’re safe now.”

I watched as he opened his pack and pulled out a long piece of cloth. He tore a small piece of it off and pressed it tight against the gash above my eye. I screamed in pain. He then tied the longer piece around my head holding the cloth tightly in place to try to stop it from bleeding.
He then picked me up and began to carry me through the jungle back into the camp. I heard people yelling for Jack and telling him they had found me. Everyone ran toward us.
Jack soon approached and saw the mess I was in. “Hurry, get him in here and lay him down.” He said. They laid me on the cushions again in the shelter Jack had built.

“Sun, please stay. I am going to need some help with this.” I heard Jack say to someone. I looked up and saw a Korean woman kneeling down beside my head. Jack was frantically gathering the things he would need to take care of my wounds.

“What happened?” He asked Boone and Locke. “We were tracking them through the jungle and just ahead of us we heard screaming.”“We ran up and saw the man that had taken him beating him with his fists.”“Where is the man now?” Jack asked as he removed the bandage from my head sending shooting pains through me. I began to lift my arms in an attempt to stop him from hurting me farther when Sun grabbed my arm and held my hand.

With her other hand she brushed my hair back. “It’s going to be ok.” “When it hurts, just squeeze my hand.” She said with the warmest voice I had ever heard.

“We threw him in the grave he had dug.” Locke replied. Jack stopped what he was doing and looked up at the two men. “Grave?” He asked.
“It seems he was planning on killing the kid and burring him in it.” He answered.

“Are you sure he can’t get out?” Jack asked then said to me, “Matt, this is going to hurt.” He poured what I thought was alcohol directly onto the cut above my eye. I began screaming and trying to move away from his hand as he wiped the cut with a cloth.

“We Hog tied him and threw him into the hole. It was at least six feet maybe seven feet deep.”“Even if he gets untied, he won’t be able to get out without some help.” Locke answered.

Jack shook his head and looked at Sun “I am going to have to close this. Boone I want you to go and find Syaid.”“I want you to take him to where you put the man.”He will know what to do.

John, I am going to need your help. Jack said. He began to gather the necessary items he would need to close the wound on my head. I hated needles and would have protested more if I was not in so much pain.

John, I need you on that side of him. Sun if you could hold his head. “Matt, swallow this.” Jack said lifting my head and putting a little blue pill in my mouth. He then gave me a drink of water.

I watched as Jack began to thread the needle. I had no idea it was going to be a regular sewing needle like my mom has in her sewing kit at home. I started to feel nauseous.

I could not believe he was going to do this. I was not going to agree to this willingly. I tried to set up in protest.

“No. Jack, please?” I said begging. That is when I felt John and sun grab my shoulder and forearms to hold me down.

Jack held the needle and proceeded to stab it through the skin above my right eye for the first stitch. I could not help but jump. I let out a scream when he pushed through the other side. I could not help but fight. I had been in pain now for four days and this was just too much for me to deal with. I begged him to stop with every jab.

It’s ok Matty you can do this. Just hang in there. You have got to lie still for me Son. Jack said. By the fifth stitch I was in tears and out of breath from screaming.

I wanted him to stop. I begged him to stop. He would not even give me a break. I could not help but get angrier. I began fighting even harder.

Can you help us? I heard Jack ask someone. Suddenly I felt someone grab my legs and hold them down. I was not able to see who it was. I kept screaming and telling him to stop.

“I’m almost done Matt. Two more and we will be through. Just hang in there.” Jack said. I was relieved when he finished the last stitch. I was exhausted and had sweated so much, my hair was soaked as was my shirt.

“It’s ok Son.” Jack said to me trying to calm me down. I did not care anymore. I was in so much pain. I could not stop crying. My chest hurt. My head was still hurting from the stitches.

Sun laid a cold wet cloth over the area Jack had stitched up which seemed to help relieve some of the pain. Jack began to check the rest of me for any other wounds, While Sun began to clean the dried blood from my face and mouth.

She tried to get me to calm down but nothing seemed to help. I don’t know if it was just the pain that caused me to cry or if it was everything else that had happened up til this point. It did not matter anymore. I could not take another thing happening. It had to stop, all of it.

Sun started singing a soothing song in Korean. I don’t know if it was the song or maybe it was just her voice but I began to calm down. “Its ok Matt. The worst is over.” Jack said.“Close your eyes and try to get some sleep.” I simply shook my head. I was afraid that if I fell asleep I would somehow wake up in the grave that the stranger had dug for me.

“ I promise I am not going to let anything happen to you. Everything is ok.” “Close your eyes.” He said as he put his hand over my eyes and closed them. I continued to cry silently. Sun continued to sing and wipe my face with a cool cloth. Jack stayed by my side and everything seemed to slow down. I started to feel safe again. I cried until I feel asleep.

I slept through the night and awoke early the next morning. Jack was sleeping next to me in one of the seats he had taken from the plane. Sun was still there and saw that I was awake and came over to me.
“How are you feeling?” She asked. I did not answer her. I didn’t feel much like talking. “Would you like some fruit?” She said smiling. She fed me the best tasting mango I had ever had.

Hey kiddo. Are you still mad at me? Jack asked with a smile. No, I said.

Matt, The man that took you. Is he who the person that you have been afraid of? I stared into Jacks eyes for several minutes and then nodded my reply. Was he on the plane with you? He asked. I could not muster a sound I could only nod.

Matt, its time you tell me about him. I swallowed hard and thought out what I should say.“He took me from my dad. I said. “He kidnaped you? I nodded.

“Matt, tell me what happened?” I could not answer his question at first. I had not said it out loud yet. I knew that the moment I did, it would become real and I did not want that. Finally I said with eyes full of tears. “My dad is dead Jack.” Jack sat there for a minute not knowing what to say. He and Sun exchanged shocked looks. Did he kill him? I began to cry uncontrollably because of his question. I did not want to tell him the story. I couldn’t relive it.

It’s going to be ok Son. I just shook my head and continued to cry silently. It’s going to be ok. No one is going to hurt you anymore. I promise. I’m going to take care of you.


It has been a couple of weeks since the stranger tried to kill me. No one will tell me what happened to him. Every time I ask I am told not to worry. Whatever that is suppose to me.

Physically I was feeling a lot better. My dizzy spells were gone and Jack said that it was because the swelling in my brain had finally gone down.
He removed my stitches a week after he put them in and over all I felt good. My ribs still ached from time to time usually when I did too much or when I fell down which I seem to find away to do at least every other day. Jack said that I do everything to the extreme.

Jack had discovered some caves in the Jungle that he moved me and some of the others too. There was plenty of fresh water that came from an unknown source.

I woke up early one morning and decided to explore the jungle around the cave. Everyone was still sleeping. I had wanted to do this for a while, but Jack said “No.”“ It was too dangerous.”

I started out walking the opposite direction from the beach. I had never gone this way before and wanted to see what I was missing. I walked for about 20 minutes when I saw the most awesome rock face. It was perfect for free climbing. I looked at my watch and decided I needed to head back. I will definitely return earlier tomorrow. I had to get back to the cave before Jack woke up and noticed I was gone.

I was about half way back up the trail when I heard something just to the left of me. I did not know what it was. I passed it off as a small animal. It was then that the stranger stepped out in front of me and grabbed me by the arms.

I fought with all my might trying to get free from his grip. “No.” I screamed. He punched me a couple of times in the chest. I collapsed to the ground screaming in pain and gasping for air.

He got on top of me and pinned my arms under his knees. Listen to me kid. Unless you want what happened to your daddy to happen to the doctor you better do what I say.

I did not respond as I was still trying to get past the pain I was in. He slapped me in the face. You better listen to me Boy. I want you to get me some bottles of water, a blanket and some peroxide from the good doctor. I want you to bring me some of the meat from the boar you all cooked up last night. You are going to bring it right back here. Do you understand what I just said to you? He asked. I nodded.

“If you tell anyone you saw me, I will return and let you watch the doctor die. Just like you watched your old man die. Now go. You have 20 minutes to get the stuff and get back here.” He said. That is not enough time. I said.“Well then you better run.”

He pulled me up and shoved me in the direction of the caves. I was still in a great deal of pain and was having trouble breathing. I tried to run but the pain was too much. I would run until I could not stand the pain anymore. Then I would walk until I felt I could run some more.

I made it to the caves in a lot of pain. I was dripping with sweat and afraid my appearance would give away the situation I was in. I could not let anyone know what was wrong. “Matty, where have you been?” I heard Kate ask. Jack and everyone else is out looking for you. I..... I..... I just went for a walk. I stuttered.

I went over to my bed area and took my sleeping bag and rolled it up. I then grabbed a bag and went over to Jacks make shift hospital and looked for the bottle of peroxide. “What are you doing?” Kate asked. I just need to borrow this. I replied, shoving the peroxide bottle into my bag.

Jack entered the cave and came running over to me. “Matty, where have you been?” He asked sternly. I was out exploring. “You know you are not to leave this cave unless someone is with you.”

Jack. I don’t have time for this right now. You can yell at me later. I ran over to the water bottles and grabbed four of them and shoved them into my bag. I then ran to the meat that we had saved and grabbed a bag full. “What are you doing?” He asked.

“I have to do something. I will be back later.” I said. Jack grabbed my arm and spun me around as I tried to walk past him. “You’re not leaving this cave, Matt.” “What’s going on? Where have you been” He asked?

Jack. I have to do this. Let go of me now. I yelled. “Matt, what is wrong with you? Tell me.” Listen, Jack. You don’t always need to protect me. Ok. I can take care of myself. I have to go.

I jerked free and turned and ran out of the cave before someone could stop me. I ran as fast as I could. I tripped and fell at one point causing pain to shoot through my chest. I had to get up and keep running I don’t know how much time I have left. I approached the area that I last saw the stranger.

He was no where to be found. I began to panic thinking that what had happened to my dad will now happen to Jack . . . I collapsed onto the ground and tried to figure out what to do. “Hey, kid.” I looked up and saw the stranger hiding behind a group of bushes. “You tell anyone you saw me?” No. I said. “Did you get everything I asked for?” He asked. Yea, it is in my bag. He stepped out from behind the bushes.

He grabbed the bag and opened it. He took out the bag of meat and began to devour it. “Hey Kid?” “Did you ever tell your doctor friend what you did?” He asked with a smile on his face. I looked up at him through eyes of hate.

”No?” He said with a laugh. “Oh come on kid. It was great. Did you ever think you could do something like that?” He mocked. I hated him. I would kill him if I could.

“Same time tomorrow Kid. I want you to bring meat and fruit this time. I’ll be waiting. Don’t get any big idea’s.” He said. “Unless you want to have to do what you did before, you better keep this between you and me.” I nodded my reply. He turned and disappeared into the jungle.

I sat there for a while trying to catch my breath and trying to make since of all that was happening. I finally got up and walked back to the caves. I was exhausted and my ribs were killing me. They had not hurt like this since they were first broke.

I walked into the cave and felt every eye staring at me. I knew I was in trouble but did not care at this point. Jack was safe for now that is all I care about. I went over to my bed area and laid down. I fell fast asleep. I slept the better part of the day.

When I awoke, Jack was sitting beside me. “Is there something you need to tell me?” He asked. No. I said. “You took a bunch of items with you but you did not bring anything back. What did you do with them?” I dropped them when I fell and I was hurting too badly to carry them back with me. I replied.

“Matt, what is going on?” He asked with a firmness in his voice. I knew he was not going to let it go. I started to get up. He grabbed my shoulders and said “You’re not running away this time, Matty.”

Jack. You don’t understand. I can’t tell you anything. Just leave me alone. Again I tried to get up. I wanted to leave before he forced me to tell him everything. He again grabbed my shoulders and this time held me down. “You are not leaving until I know what is going on.” He said.

Jack. I can’t. Don’t you understand? I said as I began crying. He is going to make me do something I never want to have to do again? Please don’t make me tell you. Please. I begged crying even harder now.

“Matty, who are you talking about?” He asked. The guy who took me. I replied. “You saw him?” He asked. I nodded. “All that stuff you took was for him?” He asked.

Now he is going to make me do it again. I said hysterically crying now. “Do what Matty?” He told me if I told anyone I saw him he would make me do it again. I said rambling out of sure panic gasping for breath in between sobs.

“Matty, look at me.” Jack said taking my face in his hands. “Tell me what he made you do.” No I screamed. “Matt, it’s ok. Tell me. What did he do to you?”

It’s not what he did, Jack. It’s what I did. I don’t want to do it again. I said. I could not stop crying. I kept seeing the events of that night play over and over in my head.

Jack, sensing that I was getting to upset, pulled me up to a sitting position and sat in behind me. He then pulled on my shoulders and laid me back onto his chest to comfort me. Kate witnessing the conversation finally came over to offer some assistance to Jack. “Matty.” She said. “Everything is going to be ok.”

“Whatever you did does not matter anymore. We all have a new start on this island.” I don’t want to do it again Kate. Please I don’t want to do it again. Matt, You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Jack, Locke and Boone. Not to mention me and all the others are here to help you. This man is not going to get to you again. She said.

As far as what you did: I have done things I am not proud of either. I have hurt people that I loved. Look at me, Matty. She said lifting my chin so she could look into my eyes. I killed a man. I looked at her not knowing what to say. I would have never guessed that she was a murderer.

Its ok. Matt. I am not the same person I was when I did that. If I could do it over again, I would have just let him hurt me rather than kill him. But at the time I did not want to be hurt anymore.
I began to calm slightly as I thought about what she was saying to me.

It’s ok to tell Jack and me what happened. We are on your side. We are not going to think any differently of you than we do right now, No matter what it is. She said.

“She is right Matt. Nothing you say will change how we feel about you. You can tell us.”I calmed a bit and decided that I had nothing left to lose. Maybe if they know the whole truth they will be able to keep the past from reliving itself.

My dad and I were three days into the outback tracking a group of lions. He needed to tag the new cubs. We heard some loud rattling coming from the front of the Jeep we were in and then suddenly the engine locked up.

We were stuck. He radioed for a team to pick us up but they could not come until morning. We made camp. I started the fire and my dad began cleaning the rabbit we had caught for supper. I unpacked our pans and got out our sleeping bags.

I heard a man’s voice call out from the brush. My dad grabbed his side arm and stood to his feet calling me to come and stand behind him. The man emerged and introduced himself as David Slater. He said he was attempting to walk across Australia and had lost his map.

My dad proceeded to tell him he had wondered onto protected land and it was against the law for him to be there. He apologized and asked if we would give him a ride to the nearest town when we headed back. My dad being a trusting man decided that this guy was for real and invited him to share our camp.

He seemed nice enough. He spoke of his wife and son back home in the states and that the journey he was on was a journey to find himself. His dream had always been to trek across the entire continent of Australia.

We stayed up fairly late talking with this stranger and learning all about his journey. I was very intrigued with this man. He seemed so fearless and sure of himself. I found myself fully incased in his stories. He told of many adventures and his first meeting with a live alligator while he was sleeping beside the water.

Somewhere in the middle of his tales I fell fast asleep. I don’t know how long I had been out when I was grabbed by the shirt and dragged to my feet.

Stand up kid. I saw in the fire light the face of the man my dad had invited to share our camp with us. He turned me facing away from him and held a gun to my head. He then approached my dad where he was sleeping and kicked him in the side. “Get up.” He commanded.

My dad stumbled out of his sleeping bag and stood to his feet. “What is going on here?” My dad asked the man. The man did not answer her simply chambered a bullet in his gun and held it against my temple. “If you want your son to live another day you had better throw your side arm over here.” Dad. I yelled. “Let him go.” My dad commanded.
“Your gun. Throw it on the ground toward my feet.” The man screamed. My dad tossed his gun onto the ground. “Pick it up kid.” He said as he pushed me toward the ground. He never took the gun from my head. I bent down and picked up the gun.

“Put a bullet in the chamber boy.” He commanded. I hesitated not knowing why he wanted me to do this. My hesitation got me a hit to the head with the butt of his gun.“Matt” My dad screamed as I fell. The man grabbed me by the hair and forced me to stand back up. My head was spinning from the hit.

“Put a bullet in the chamber now boy.” He commanded. I did as he said this time. “Now remove the clip and throw it behind your dad.” He said. I took the clip out and tossed it as far as I could. “Get on your knees.” He screamed to my dad. My dad slowly went to his knees. “What do you want from us?” My dad asked. “Shut up” He yelled.

I could not go any farther with my story. I could not see from the tears in my eyes and my chest was hurting from all the crying I was doing. Jack continued to hold me. Kate was wiping my face. “Its ok Matty. Jack and I are here everything is going to be ok.” She said at a whisper.

“Matty, Its ok Son.” Jack said While lightly rubbing my sore chest with his hand. I calmed down some and went on with the story. The man pushed me toward my dad. “Shoot him.” He commanded. No. I screamed at him. Again I felt the butt of his gun smash into the side of my head.

I was shaking violently at this point. Matt, its ok. My dad said. Everything is going to be ok.

Boy, You kill either him or I am going to kill you. The stranger said. Matty, look at me. My dad said. Its ok. Do what he says. No. Dad, I can’t. I don’t want to. I cried. Matt, you have to. I can’t bare the thought of seeing your die.

I don’t think I can. I said. You can do it, Son. My dad said reassuring me. You better do it Boy. The stranger commanded. Matty, look at me. I love you. It is not your fault, Son. Do it now; Do it quickly.

I shook my head and pulled the gun up to my dad’s head. I stood there for a long time shaking. I did not want to do it. Please Son, do it for me. Please. My dad begged. I closed my eyes and screamed as I pulled the trigger causing a fatal bullet wound to enter the front of my dad’s head.

I began to sob violently. Kate leaned in placing her head onto mine and cried with me. Jack was holding me and he too was crying. I don’t know how long we all cried before any of us could talk.

Finally Jack broke the silence.“Matty, your dad was right. It was not your fault.”He said. I killed my dad, Jack. I said crying. Listen to me. It was not your fault. You were forced to do it.

It did not matter to me. I killed my dad. I could still see the strange look that he had when he was lying on the ground with the blank stare and blood dripping from the hole in his head. I started coughing from all the crying I was doing. “Matty, Its ok. Calm down.” Jack said. I just couldn’t. I kept seeing my dads face. I don’t know if I will ever be ok again.

Kate and Jack stayed with me through the night. I would cry myself to sleep only to wake up a few hours later crying again from reliving the shooting over and over again in my dreams . . . Most of the night went the same way. I don’t know at what point I finally just slept and did not dream again.

I awoke sometime in late morning. Jack was still asleep with both his arms around me holding me and Kate had fallen asleep beside us. I remembered I had to meet Slater and tried to get up without waking them. My chest was so sore I could barely move.

I managed to stand up without waking them. I ran over and grabbed a bag and stuffed it full of meat and fruit just like Slater had asked me.

I was not sure if I was too late but I ran as fast as I could. I was hoping he would not be mad and decide to hurt Jack any ways. I finally arrived at our meeting place. I rested a few moments waiting to see if he would step out of the brush again.

He was no where insight. Slater. I yelled. Slater I have your food. “Shut up Boy.” I heard him say. He stepped out from behind a boulder that was on the left side of the path I was on.“I was beginning to think you had stood me up kid.” No. I had to wait till no one would notice I was gone. I replied. “It’s a good thing. I was about to come looking for you and your new doctor friend.”He said.

“Don’t move Slater.”I heard Jack say. I turned and saw Jack aiming a gun at Slater. Matt, I want you to walk over here to me. I turned to walk toward him when Slater grabbed me in a choker hold. He squeezed so tight that I could barely breathe.

“Drop the gun Doc or I am going to break his neck.” “Let him go Slater.”

“Or what? You can’t shoot me or you will shoot him first. Now drop your gun.”
Jack hesitated. He squeezed even harder on my neck making me gasp for air.

Jack threw his gun into the jungle. “Stupid move Doc. What makes you think I just won’t kill the kid anyway?” Slater asked. I was terrified at what was going on. I had no idea that Jack had followed me.

I thought out a plan of how to get free from his grasp. I waited and when he was busy speaking to Jack I elbowed him in the stomach. He let go of me and I began to run toward Jack. He stood up and ran after me tackling me to the ground.

I let out a scream of pain. Jack ran up and kicked him in the chest, forcing him to let go of me. I watched as the two of them began to fight. Slaters picked up a large stick and began to hit Jack in the back with it knocking him to the ground. He proceeded to beat Jack over and over again with the stick until it broke in half.

Jack stumbled to his feat giving Slater a right cross to the face. Slater fell and Jack jumped on top of him. Slaters kicked Jack off of him throwing him back into the boulder. I saw where Jack had thrown the gun and went searching for it.

I found it lying under a fern. I grabbed it and returned to the scene of the fight. I saw Jack on the ground not able to move very well. I watched as Slater walked over and picked up a large rock. He walked over to Jack and lifted the rock above his head getting ready to smash Jack in the head with it.

Suddenly I heard a gun shot and looked and saw Slater with blood coming from a hole in his chest. Someone had shot him. He stumbled and fell back dropping the rock to the side of Jack missing him. I was startled to find that I was aiming a gun at Slater and the barrel was smoking.

I dropped the gun and ran to Jack. He was trying to get up. He was covered in blood. Some of it was his and some of it was Slaters. I helped him to his feet. He walked over and checked on Slater.

“He’s dead, isn’t he?” I asked. Jack nodded. He then walked over and picked up his gun. “I will never have to worry about him hurting you ever again.” He said as he walked up to me and put his arm around me.

“I’m very proud of you, Matt.” He said with a smile. We headed back to the cave in silence.
I have had a rough few weeks but I know now that I will be ok. I have Jack to take care of me.
This is not the end. It is only the beginning . . .

© Copyright 2005 dreamer (kimberlylinn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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