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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Western · #1037426
This novel is in progress, Ive never attempted anything like this so be gentle with it
Chapter 1 – Growing up in West Trans

Exciting times seemed to be coming ahead for the small town of West Trans. With the dawn of the 20th Century just around the corner, it seemed as if the whole town community was on the verge of excitement at the prospect of one thing and one thing only, oil. No one in the town of West Trans ever knew that the oil was there, that was until a local farmer by the name of Jonathon Dawson decided to take care of his local rabbit problem.

Jonathon was a simple man, who lived just outside of the main town of West Trans on a small property with his two sons Brandon, who was 10, and the youngest Steve, who was 8. Jonathon, a seasoned farmer of many years had finally had enough of the rabbits stealing his crops and decided that all his rabbit traps where no longer doing the trick. So one day, he took his two boys and taught the boys how to shot. Jonathon saw this as a way of teaching his young children to defend themselves, while also helping him to eradicate his rabbit problem.

After months of practicing, at the sign of first light, Jonathon took the boys onto the roof of their home to shot some of these rabbits. The day was off to a great start with both Jonathon and his eldest Brandon, notching up about 12 rabbits between them in the first four hours. Unfortunately for young Steve, he was only used to shooting the rifle while it was leaning up on the fence, so he found the gun to heavy and struggled to shot anything other than the dirt. Brandon screamed with excitement “Hey Pa!!! Pa!! I just shot another one. We’ll be having rabbit stew for a month”. As Jonathon rushed over to see Brandon’s kill, young Steve took aim at an older, more slower moving rabbit, in the hope of getting at least one for the day. Unfortunately for him, young Steve shot right over the rabbits head and yet another bullet of Steve’s was embedded in the earth.

As Steve watched the slowest rabbit he had ever seen slowly hop away, something else caught his eye. There seemed to be some black liquid coming out of the ground from where his bullet had hit. Being young, Steve became extremely worried “Pa, I think I made the world bleed”. Jonathon, still admiring Brandon’s handy work, headed over to see what his young son was talking about. “OH MY GOD SON!!! YOU’VE FOUND OIL” screamed an excited Jonathon.

The next day a special West Trans town meeting was called. Jonathon, along with his two boys, went along to discuss and share their discovery with the town. Jonathon’s plan was simple, the whole town work together to drill for the oil, and the whole town in return would benefit from its use and the profit it would make the town through sales. Jonathon saw this as a way of giving something back to the town that had been so good to him and the boys for their whole lives. After hearing Jonathon’s plan, the town had a quick vote and all of the town’s folk agreed. As none of the town’s people knew much about oil, it was deemed a good idea by Mayor Pernal that an outsider with extensive knowledge would need to be brought in to oversee the operation. So the town sent out word and sure enough, they found just the man they where looking for, Stan Grenper. Stan was a young man of about 25 who had successfully drilled for oil in Texas after his father handed his business over to him shortly before he died. He was the man for the job.

The next day at the boy’s school, Brandon and Steve seemed to be the most popular kids there. All the other students wanted to be friends with the two boys whose father was responsible for guaranteeing a better life for all the towns folk. After school, Brandon and Steve went down to the local waterhole with all their friends. There was Brandon’s best friend Ken Rollins. Brandon and Ken where born around the same time, and Ken’s families land was next to that of the Dawson property. They had been friends for as long as either of them could remember. Also there was Derek May, a good friend of the Dawson boys. Although Derek was 13, he still used to hang around with all his friends despite being older than them all. He also protected them all from the local school bully Eric Wilson.

Then there were the Cooper brothers, Blair and Terry. Even though they where brothers, they always seemed to be fighting with each other, which always seemed to amuse all their friends. The final member of their group was Gary Pyke. Gary for some reason always seemed to be getting himself into trouble, whether it be at school with the teachers or Eric Wilson, or with most of the towns folk because of his practical joke pulling. Either way, Gary was still part of this close group of young boys, and they stood up for him, and each other, at every possible chance.

This day was extremely hot, hence why the boys had headed down to the waterhole, as did most of the kids from West Trans on hot days like this one. The place was full of young kids enjoy the cool refreshing change from the heat that this waterhole offered. It was then that Ken noticed a group of girls on the other side of the waterhole.

“Hey Brandon. Isn’t that Julie Pernel and her friends over there?” questioned Ken.

“Where!!” asked Brandon “Where is she?” he questioned

“Over there, under the tree” replied Ken “Have a look at that would you? Denise Campbell’s over there two. Come on Brandon, where going over there to talk to them”

“No way Ken. I aren’t talking to no girls” said Brandon.

“Come on Brandon. It obvious that you like Julie, and I have heard that she likes you to. And besides that, I have a thing going with Denise at the minute, but I don’t want to swim over there on my own.” stated Ken

“Ok, just stop begging me” replied Brandon.

With all that said and done, Brandon and Ken started to swim their way across to the other side of the waterhole. Denise Campbell, the prettiest girl at the school noticed the two of them making there way over and started to become very excited.

“Julie look. Here comes Ken Rollins. He is the best looking guy in all of West Trans” said Denise “What do you think Julie”

“He’s ok. But I don’t think his the best” replied Julie

“I knew it. I knew it all along. You have a thing for Brandon don’t you?” quizzed Denise

Julie just smiled and started to blush in the face as Denise started to giggle.

“I knew you did. This will be great, we could all go out together one day or something, the four of us. Will be fun” said Denise.

Just as the two guys where half way across the waterhole, Eric Wilson, the school bully, and a few of his friends had made there way down to where the girls were sitting and began to harass them.

“Hey girls, mind if we sit here. Too bad if you do mind cause we’re sitting here anyway. Hey Denise why don’t you come and sit with me. My friends here will look after Julie, they’ll make sure no one hurts the Mayor’s daughter” said Eric

“No thanks Eric, and could you please go away as our friends are coming over now. HI KEN” she screamed as Ken and Brandon made there way across the waterhole. Eric Wilson seeing this, became furious.

“You know what Denise? No one, especially a little harlot like you, tells Eric Wilson what to do. I’ll show you” snapped Eric.

Eric then proceeded to grab Denise and force her to kiss him. Seeing this, Ken began to swim faster across the waterhole, with Brandon closely behind. Upon reaching the bank, Ken ran straight at Eric and tackled him to the ground. The two rolled around as a fight broke out. One of Eric’s friends then kicked Ken in side while he was on top of Eric, causing him to roll to the side and allowing Eric to gain the upper hand. Seeing this, Brandon ran at Eric’s friend only to be greeted by two more of Eric’s friends, who managed to hold him down while the other one proceeded to hit Brandon.

Steve Dawson was about to jump out of the tree into the water when he noticed his brother and friend in trouble. He then yelled out to the rest of the group, Derek, Gary, Blair and Terry “GUYS, BRANDON AND KEN ARE IN TROUBLE”.

“STEVE, YOU WAIT HERE. Let’s go guys” ordered Derek. Being the oldest and protector of the group, he instructed young Steve to stay there as he was too young to be in a fight like this. As the four boys started running around to the other side of the waterhole to help out their friends, Julie ran over in an attempt to help Brandon and pushed one of the bullies of him. The bully then got back to his feet and slapped Julie to the ground, before turning back to continue his beating on Brandon. Having seen this, as the bully started to head towards Brandon, he managed to get his legs up and push the bully down again with his feet.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Blair Cooper dived onto the guy holding Brandon down freeing Brandon from his hold. Now free, Brandon pounced on the bully that hit Julie and proceeded to repeatedly hit him in the face. By this stage, Gary and the Cooper brothers where fighting with three of the bullies, Brandon the forth while Ken and Eric where still going at it.
Eric then managed to throw Ken up against the tree, after which Ken collapsed from exhaustion and good no longer defend himself. Seeing this, Eric then picked up a rock, which he intended to use to beat Ken up a little bit more with while he was too tired to defend himself. Just as Eric was about to take a swing at Ken with the rock, he flew of his feet and into the waterhole. Eric’s friends seeing this, stopped fighting and started heading away from their opponents. Eric emerged from the water “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” he screamed “GET THEM YOU COWARDS!!!” But it was then that Eric realized the reason why his friends where so scared, and that reason was Derek May. Clearly the biggest guy at school, he had knocked Eric away from Ken so hard, that it scared Eric’s friends half to death. “Lets get out of here guys” said Eric “This isn’t over for any of you. Especially you two, Ken and Derek”.

With all that said and done, Eric and his gang of bullies started to head back into town. Brandon, who was concerned for Julie asked her “Are you ok?”

“I’m….I’m fine. A little shaken, but ok. Could you please walk me home?” she questioned.

“Sure thing, just give me a minute. Hey Derek, can you make sure that Steve gets home alright tonight please?” said Brandon. Derek agrees to this with a slight nod, so Brandon helps Julie up from the ground and begins to walk her home.

Meanwhile back in town, Stan Grenper and his personal assistant Jaxon Fiend had arrived and where on there way to visit Jonathon Dawson’s property to oversee where oil site would be and to help draw up the contract that would hand the oil over to the town. Upon there arrival, Jonathon greeted the two men and invited them in for something to eat, rabbit stew. After a meal and a lengthy discussion as to how the oil came to be found, Grenper then wanted to go out and see the oil for himself before discussing the negotiations of his fee and the writing up of the contract.

Steve Dawson then arrived home and proceeded to tell his father about
Brandon and the boys fight down at the waterhole. After hearing the story, Jonathon then informed Grenper that the negotiations would have to wait till tomorrow so that Jonathon could sought out his family business. Grenper agreed, and promptly asked young Steve

“Well young man, where indeed is your brother right now? We must make sure that he is ok and returned home promptly as so that your father here can clean your brother up. Also, what is the name of the boy who started this fight, as I will be sure to inform Mayor Pernel about this situation at my meeting with him shortly.”

“Brandon is walking the Mayor’s daughter Julie home. The boy who started the fight was Eric Wilson” replied Steve.

“That young Wilson boy, he is one of the bullies at the boy’s school. He is always causing trouble like this” added Jonathon.

“Well it is settled then Mr. Dawson. I, along with my college here Mr. Fiend will make our way over to Mayor Pernel’s house right now in my coach and when your young boy arrives, I will send him back here via my coach straight home to you. Kind sirs, I bid you farewell” and with that said and done. Stan Grenper and Jaxon Fiend leave the Dawson house and make there way over to Mayor Pernel’s house.

During this time, Brandon and Julie are still making there way to Julie’s house while in deep conversation.

“So why did you try to help me out there today?” asked Brandon

“You were in trouble and I could not just stand back and watch you get beaten up like that” replied Julie “But when you got on top of that guy that hit me, you had this look in your eye and if sort of frightened me a little. But I was glad you where sticking up for me. Why were you sticking up for me?”

“Same reason you where sticking up for me, I didn’t like seeing you get hit. Also, I sort of…..like you a little bit.” Replied Brandon in an embarrassed tone.

“I kind of like you too” replied Julie, who turned extremely shy after making that statement.

“May I kiss you?” questioned an extremely nervous Brandon. Julie, who was now blushing more than before began to smile and stair at her feet.

“Um…..I guess so. I would like that very much” she replied. The two of them then faced each other, and both closed there eyes as tightly as they could. They both leaned in and proceeded to kiss each other on the lips. After which both jumped back as if they had been electrically shocked, but this was because they where both so surprised that they had just experienced their first kisses together. They continued on there way to Julie’s house hand in hand. Brandon hid around the corner and said goodbye to Julie as her father wouldn’t let her see boys at her age. After another quick kiss, she ran inside.

Brandon could not keep the smile of his face and proceeded to walk home, passing the luxury coach of Stan Grenper along the way. The coach stopped and the door opened. Grenper stuck his head out the door and began to ask Brandon a question. “Excuse me young man, but do you know where Mayor Pernel’s house is please?”

“Sure, it’s the big white house just there” replied Brandon pointing at the same house that Julie had just ran inside of.

“Thank you young man. Also, I am searching for a family friends home here in West Trans. Do you happen to know where the Wilson house hold is located? Asked Grenper

“Yeah, it’s the red house that is about three houses down from the Boheart Saloon” replied Brandon.

“What a knowledgeable young man. Might I have your name so that I can tell your parents how helpful you are?” asked Grenper.

“Yes sir. My name is Brandon Dawson, son of Jonathon. Have a good day sir” replied Brandon.

“And same to you young Mr……Dawson wasn’t it? Brandon Dawson? Well young man, have a nice and safe walk home. Goodbye and thanks for your help” said Grenper.

Grenper’s wagon continued onwards while Brandon headed in the other direction, back to his family home. Upon his arrival home, Brandon went on to tell his father in great detail the circumstances of the fight that occurred earlier as the Dawson family sat down for a fine meal of rabbit stew.

The next day, Jonathon was woken by a tremendous banging at the front door. Upon opening it, Jonathon was surprised to see none other than Mayor Pernel standing there, with a few other men. “How can I help you Mayor?” questioned a puzzled Jonathon.

“Mr. Dawson, I am sorry. But I am afraid I have come here to take your eldest boy Brandon away.” Replied the Mayor.

“Away? For what to where? I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“Away to the boy’s academy in Red Cliff. It is like a detention centre for troubled boys”

“Red Cliff? That’s twelve days ride from here. As for him being a troubled boy. Brandon was only in that fight yesterday trying to defend his friends, one of them being your own daughter”

“DEFENDING HER. YOUR SON HIT MY DAUGHTER AND IT WAS ERIC WILSON WHO CAME TO HER DEFENCE” yelled the Mayor who had to be held back by his men. By this stage both Brandon and Steve where awake and standing near there father.

“That’s not true” said Brandon “It was one of Eric’s friends that hit her, I was trying to help her. Ask her, Steve or ask anyone of my friends. Ken Rollins, Derek May, Gary Pyke, Blair and Ter….”

“GARY PYKE!!! Why would I believe anything that little trouble maker has to say, or anyone who hangs around with him? Mr. Dawson, unless you let your son come with us right now, I will have no other choice but to have you arrested” stated the Mayor.

“Well arrest me, because you’re not having him” replied Jonathon.

“Please Mr. Dawson. I arrest you, take Brandon to Red Cliff anyways, and as for poor Steve, we’ll he’ll end up in an orphanage. I am not sorry that I have to do this, but I spoke with Judge Clyde today and this was the decision he came to” said the Mayor.

With not many choices left, Jonathon told the Mayor to give him a few minutes to help his son pack a few things.

“I’m sorry Brandon, but I don’t have a choice here son. I have to let them take you otherwise Ill end up in jail and you and I will probably never see Steve ever again. He’s too young to be sent to some family, some town he doesn’t know. I’m sorry son and I do believe your side of the story. But the Mayor and Judge Clyde are such good friends, it will be almost impossible for me to make them change their minds. I’m sorry Brandon, but this is something you have to do, and its time for you to become a man and except this. It should only be for a little while as Ill speak with Mr. Grenper and get him to help me use the oil as a bargaining chip in getting you returned to us. He seems like a fairly nice man, and should be able to help us out with all his big city experience and the like. You’ll only be gone about three week’s maximum” stated Jonathon.

“Ok Dad, but I did nothing wrong” replied Brandon.

“I know son, I know and I’m sure we’ll have you back here in no time” said Jonathon. The two then started to pack a small bag for Brandon. After saying goodbye to his family, Brandon was then escorted onto the coach that would be taking him away to his temporary new home in Red Cliff. As the coach traveled down the main street of West Trans, Brandon noticed Julie standing out the front of her home. He noticed that her left cheek was bruised and thought to himself as to why she didn’t tell her father the truth. Julie smiled and began to wave to him, however Brandon turned his back to her because he could not believe she would tell her father those lies about him. Julie, seeing him turn away proceeded to chase the coach down the road “BRANDON!!! BRANDON WHERE ARE GOING? BRANDON!!!” she screamed as she ran as fast as she could, but eventually gave up as the coach started to disappear into the horizon.

Chapter 2 – 12 years later

Twelve years have past since Brandon left West Trans, twelve long years. Brandon spent the first eight years living in the Red Cliff Boy’s Academy, before being thrown out at the tender age of eighteen, he had spent the past years living and working around Red Cliff and keeping to himself. Brandon had turned his back on his past in West Trans, and why wouldn’t he? He spent the past twelve years away from his family and his friends, and yet not one of them ever wrote to him or visited. Not his father, his brother, any of his friends and not even Julie, whom Brandon blamed for his time at the Boy’s Academy.

Brandon no longer had any desire to return to West Trans, he wouldn’t even read about anything to do with West Trans in the newspaper, he was quite contempt with his new life in Red Cliff. By this time, Brandon was working at the local stables for a man named Mr. Murphy. His main duties included regularly changing the horses shoes, feeding the horses, cleaning the horses and the stable, saddling the horses up and taking a few of them for rides everyday. Brandon was working hard one day, when his boss Mr. Murphy came in to the stables.

“Brandon my good lad” he said “I was in town today and something rather strange occurred”

“What was that Mr. Murphy?” questioned a puzzled Brandon.

“Well there was a young in town looking for you. He was about your age and was asking nearly everyone if they knew you or had seen you lately” replied Mr. Murphy

“Probably one of the guys I used to know from the Boy’s Academy” said Brandon.

“I thought that at first. But he was claiming to be an old friend from West Trans….Oh what was his name again?” said Mr. Murphy

“Funny that. I don’t have any old friends from West Trans.” stated Brandon

Mr. Murphy continued “I believe his name was K something. Kyle, Keith, Ken….”

“Did you say Ken?” questioned Brandon

“Yes that’s it, Ken Rollins I believe he said his name was. I didn’t tell him that I knew you, but I found out where he was staying. He is staying at the Bentley saloon.” replied Mr. Murphy.

“He ‘was’ my best friend when I was growing up, and it has taken him twelve years to finally come and visit me. Forget him, I have no time for him or anyone else from West Trans” snapped Brandon.

“Well you know what they say. It is often a tragedy that brings people together. I myself had not seen my sister in some twenty odd years, but we where united at my mothers funeral. The least you could do is go and talk with him. He has traveled along way after all. Take the rest of the day off and go and see your old friend, it might be important” said Mr. Murphy.

So with all that said and done, Brandon grabbed his things and headed out into the rain on his way to the Bentley saloon.

The Bentley saloon was known for two things, fights and great steaks. Upon entering the saloon, Brandon did a quick look around to see if he could spot Ken amongst the patrons. Unfortunately for him, the only people there where the regulars. Brandon assumed that Ken was probably out looking for him, so he decided to wait at the Bentley saloon and have some dinner, steak seemed to be the obvious choice.

About twenty minutes after Brandon had finished eating, a man soaking wet from the pouring rain entered the saloon. Brandon turned around to see his old friend Ken Rollins standing there. Although both of them where twelve years older, and Ken was sporting a beard, both of them recognized each other straight away. Brandon just waved his old friend over and slide the chair across from him out with his foot, offering it to Ken. Ken removed his wet coat and sat down across from Brandon.

“Hi Brandon. It’s been along time hasn’t it?” said Ken.

“No shit. Twelve years and not one of you ever wrote to me and not one of you ever visited me. So you’ll have to forgive me if I seem to be acting a little bit rude, but as far as I’m concerned, I can not wait to see the back of you” replied Brandon

“You think we didn’t try? Do you have any idea what happened to West Trans after you left? Brandon, that place is nothing like you would remember it. Everyone there is now…..”

“Let me guess” interrupted Brandon “Rich and happy, living off the oil and wealth that my father so kindly provided to that damn town. You know you’ve got a lot of nerve coming in here and…..

“Your father’s dead Brandon” said Ken “That’s what I came out here to tell you, Ok. Your father’s dead”

“Wha…..What? How? When?” questioned an emotional Brandon.

“About two month ago. He’d been pretty sick after an accident. See, he cut his arm pretty bad while working at the oil site about three months ago, and never got around to seeing a doctor. They said he died from some sort of infection in his arm as a result of the accident” replied Ken.

Ken continued “Just sit there and listen for a while ok, I got some more bad news. Pretty much the day after you left your father started working on a way to get you out of that Academy. He worked pretty closely with Stan Grenper. Do you remember him? He was the young oil tycoon that was going to help us drill the oil. Anyway, Grenper offered to help your father get you back. Grenper organized a few of his lawyer type associated to come out to West Trans and help your father get you back, but these guys didn’t come cheap.

Grenper suggested that your father sell your family home to him, and your father could then use that money to help his cause in getting you back home, Grenper said he would still give the oil to the town, but keep a small percentage for himself. So your father sold the property, and was going to use the money to pay the guys to help get you out. As soon as your father signed the lease Grenper threw them out of your old house. Grenper now owned your home and land which gave him the power to kill your father and brother for trespassing.

However he told them to leave the land and to get a place in West Trans somewhere. Your dad had only two options, use the money on the guys that ‘Grenper’ recommended to help get you out, or buy a small house so that he could raise Steve somewhere other than the street. So you can guess what he did with the money. Even if he had of been able to get you released from up here, he would have brought you home to nothing. No home, no farm, no food.”

“So what happened next? What happened to the town? To my brother? To my friends? To……to Julie?” questioned Brandon.

“Well, as for the town, it turned to shambles. Grenper kept all the oil money for himself. He then used his power and some of the money to back a friend of his in a campaign for mayor, Peter Stanton was his name. This guy is as corrupt as Grenper. Between the two of them, they fired everyone of authority and brought in a few of their own people, they pretty much run the town and do as they please. No one dares try to stop them, and everything they do they get away with. I suppose it helps when you have the mayor and the local sheriff as your two best friends. The whole town is corrupt. They even turned the old Boheart Saloon into a brothel. Most of the girls we grew up with work there” stated Ken

“What about….Julie? Does she work there?” questioned a concerned Brandon.

“No, but my old girlfriend Denise now does” replied Ken “After Julie’s father lost the campaign for mayor, he took over ownership of the steak house. After he died about six years ago now, she left school and took over the business. Problem is that the only customers she ever gets are Grenper and his crew as Grenper has banned anyone else from ever going there, the punishment being hanging. Denise on the other hand, just started hanging out with Eric Wilson and his crowd. When Grenper gave Eric the Boheart Saloon, Denise started working there almost straight away”

“And what about my brother and the other guys” questioned Brandon.

“Your brother’s in a bad shape. Since your dad died, he’s been spending his whole days sitting in the Boheart Saloon getting drunk. Eric Wilson allows your brother to drink for free. I heard that he does this because he has always hated you and your family ever since that day at the lake. Eric is apparently enjoying watching your brother killing himself with the booze. Steve goes in their pretty much after he wakes up in the morning, and either passes out there, in which case they throw him out into the street, or gets into a fist fight, and gets himself knocked out in the process” said Ken.

Ken continued “As for the other guys, well Derek has been working at the Steak house with Julie. He been pretty much by her side since you left. But it’s not like that. You see, he is doing to her what he used to do with us when we where growing up. Just looking out for her and making sure that she is safe as Grenper has a thing for her. Gary Pyke has been still getting into trouble, and this time he has ended up in Sheriff Harper’s jail cell. He’s been in there for about three months now. The whole town has had it in for him for years and he can’t seem to do anything without getting into trouble. As for the Cooper brothers, well there both working on the oil site. Terry is doing fine, but we don’t really get to see Blair that much anymore. Blair got together with a girl named Fiona Wells. She treats him pretty bad yet he stays with her. She doesn’t really let him see us anymore, not even his brother Terry. As you can see, you might have had to do it tough for the past twelve years, but you weren’t the only one”

“So now what? What do you expect me to do? I am not the kind of person who is going to stroll into West Trans and sort out the towns problems. I am coming back to West Trans to visit my father’s grave, then I’m taking my brother, and I am coming straight back here to Red Cliff. Apart from that, I have no other business in West Trans” said Brandon.

“That’s fine. I didn’t expect you to do anything. I just thought you should know about your father. I would have told you sooner but it is a twelve day ride here from West Trans and then I spent the rest of that time looking for you. I’m sorry we never got into contact with you. I wrote to you a few times, heck, Julie wrote to you every damn day. But with Grenper running the whole town, he obviously stopped our letters from reaching you. In my opinion, I think he saw something in you that scared him. After all, it was his recommendation of the Boys Academy to Mayor Pernel that got you sent here in the first place” said Ken

“LOOK KEN” snapped Brandon. “I keep telling you. I am not a hero. As far as I’m concerned, that greedy town did everything to itself and I have no issue with Grenper. My father’s generosity turned out to be the poison that destroyed that town. Like I said, I am going to visit my father’s grave, get my brother, then come back here”

“Well, can I at least ride back to West Trans with you? Like you said, it has been twelve years, and there are a few more things you will probably need to know about West Trans. Like where your brothers house is. Little things like that” asked Ken

“Fine, it has been a while and would be good to see what you have been up to. We’ll eat here first and you can stay at my place tonight. We’ll head off first thing in the morning” replied Brandon.

The two former friends enjoyed a steak and a few beers and spoke long into the evening. They left the Bentley saloon and proceeded to Brandon’s house for where they spent the night. The following morning, the two of them packed up all the things that they would need, and started to ride to West Trans. Brandon decided that it would be a good idea for him to inform his boss, Mr. Murphy, as to what he was doing before they left. Brandon and Ken arrived at Mr. Murphy’s stable and Brandon climbed off his horse and went inside.

“Wait here Ken, I wont be to long” said Brandon as he made his way into the stable. Mr. Murphy was working on some horse shoes as Brandon approached. Brandon took of his hat and began to speak.

“Um….excuse me Mr. Murphy, but I have some bad news” said Brandon

“Yes son, what is it?” question Mr. Murphy

“Well, my old friend. I caught up with him last night and you where right. My father has passed away and my brother is in a spot of trouble back home. Sir, I hope you can understand, for I must leave for about a month because as you know, it is twelve days ride there so I will be gone for about a month sir. I was wondering if that was ok with you?” questioned Brandon.

“Why, I don’t see a problem with it, and don’t worry, your job will be waiting for you when you return. But son, I can not let you ride off for a month without giving you something for your trip for luck. Wait here, and I’ll go and get it” replied Mr. Murphy prior to him leaving the room.

Upon his return, he was carrying a long wooden box. He placed it on the counter and proceeded to open it. Inside was a white cloth, and as Mr. Murphy pulled back the cloth, Brandon was stunned to see a polished black rifle. Mr. Murphy then took the gun out and handed it to Brandon.

“Now son you take care out there. This little rifle took care of my rabbit problem many years ago. I want you to take it, for luck and protection. I can assure you Brandon that this rifle has the straightest site I have ever seen on a firearm. Good luck on your journey” said Mr. Murphy.

“Thank you so much Mr. Murphy, for everything, thank you” said Brandon.

Brandon then proceeded out side and holstered the rifle into his saddle as a stunned Ken looked on.

“What do you need a rifle for?” questioned Ken.

“Protection” replied Brandon “You never know what’s out there and it is a long ride there and back”

“I know, that’s why I carry these little gems” said Ken as he pushed the bottoms of his jacket on both sides aside to reveal two pistols. “Well, it seems to me that we are pretty well protected, and we have everything we need. Let’s get going shall we?”

“Ok, let’s ride” replied Brandon.

So the two friends mounted their horses and started off on the long journey to West Trans.

Chapter 3 – Returning to West Trans
Twelve days have passed and the two old friends have finally arrived in West Trans early in the evening. As they ride through the outskirts of the town, Ken points out to Brandon his family home, the one his father had to buy after being tricked into signing over the oil, the current home of his brother when he is not at the Boheart saloon.

As they continue out into the main road, it is an all to familiar scene for Ken, but sights that Brandon is having a hard time believing in, Brandon is coming to terms with that this is in fact the same place that he was taken from twelve years earlier. People fist fighting in the street, one guy even shooting another and prostitutes standing out the front of The Boheart Saloon. It was just as Ken described, the Boheart saloon is now nothing more than a brothel and mini casino rolled into one large building. Being the largest building in town, it was clearly obvious that this was Grenper’s intention for the Boheart saloon.

“That’s where he lives you know? Grenper. He apparently converted the third floor into his own little living area. The old hotel rooms on the second floor are now used by the girls for their brothel work. And the ground floor is still used as a bar but as well as a card area as well. That’s where all Grenper’s men hang out and gamble there money. Even though I hate to say it, your brother is probably in there. Should we go in and check?” questioned Ken.

“Not yet Ken. If he is in there then we will need more than you and me to get him out. If Eric Wilson has been feeding him the booze and he sees you and me walk in, do you think he is going to allow us to take Steven out of there? Of course not, he’ll be even happier to see that I have returned and knowing that I have witnessed what he has done to my brother. You told me he drinks there till he passes out, then they throw him out into the street. If that’s the case then we’ll wait across the road over there at the Pernel steak house for him to be thrown out. That way I can see Julie and Derek again” replied Brandon.

“Only Grenper and his employees are aloud to eat there. I thought I told you that if anyone else is in there, they get hanged for trespassing” stated Ken.

“I am not afraid of Grenper. I’ll go in and you go and visit Gary and the Cooper brothers. Tell Gary I said hi and that I an sorry I don’t have the time to visit him. Tell the Cooper boys to meet me at my father’s house tomorrow afternoon, so I can see them all before I leave. I’m going for a steak, I’ll see you tomorrow” replied Brandon.

The two friends shake hands, and Ken rides off to Sheriff Harper’s station to visit Gary. Brandon dismounts his horse and ties it up out the front of the Pernel steak house. He stands out the front for a while, building up the courage to walk inside. Not because he was afraid of Grenper and the supposed hanging rule, but because he was about to see Julie again, for the first time in twelve years.

Brandon had no intention of ever meeting Julie again, after all it was her whom he blamed for him being sent away for all that time. During that time, he hated her with a passion, but now he does not know what to say to her. After a few moments of building up his courage, he decides to head inside.

As he walks in the door creeks as he opens it and again as he allows it to close behind him. He notices Julie sitting behind the counter, counting the daily intakes. All though it is only a small amount of money, she was still making sure it was all there. Hearing the door, she begins to speak without even looking up at who just walked through the door.

“Sorry, where closed for the night. Please leave or I’ll have my assistant, who’s out the back, come in here and throw you out” she said while still looking down counting the money.

“Um….Excuse me Madam, but if your assistant was really in the store, would he be here watching over you and making sure no one was going to steal that money. Oh, and ah no offence, but your assistant wouldn’t be able throw a toothpick into the Grand Canyon” replied Brandon.

Julie seemed to be stunned by the man’s voice, as well as his comments. She slowly put the money down and nervously looked up. The expression on her face was still very nervous as she again began to speak.

“Brandon, is that you? Brandon Dawson?” she questioned.

“The one and only, it’s been a while” he replied.

“Oh my God” she screamed as she ran over and hugged Brandon. Julie was so happy to see her old friend that she began crying with happiness. Julie then stops hugging Brandon and steps back with a slightly shocked look on her face.

“I’m sorry about that, but it’s been so long. I sorry to hear about your father, I assume that’s why your back? Oh you can’t be seen in here, no one can. Grenper and his men hang anyone who isn’t one of his employees that is in here, you have to leave sorry” stated a slightly panicky Julie.

“That Grenper doesn’t scare me, I only met the man twice, and why would they check to see whose in here if you’re closed. I think I’ll stay and have one of your famous steaks. We can catch up while I eat” said Brandon.

“What makes you think I am going to cook for you now? I told you we where closed. You’re just lucky I eat her before I go home at night. Give me a few minutes and I’ll have dinner ready” said Julie as she made her way into the kitchen area.

Brandon started to take a look around at the place and was quite impressed. It was fairly run down back when he was last here years ago, and to him it seemed like Julie had done a very good job at making it into a nice little eatery, was a shame that it was only intended for Grenper and his employees. Brandon proceeded to look around the room and was looking at a photo on the wall of Julie and her old friend Denise when they where younger, that was how Brandon remembered them both. As he continued to look at the photos, Brandon’s head was suddenly slammed up against the wall extremely hard by someone.

Brandon, quickly swung around and threw a quick punch at his attacker, but missed. The attacker then grabbed Brandon by his shoulders and brought Brandon’s face downwards, connecting with his own knee. The attacker then grabbed a groggy Brandon and started to drag him towards the door. Hearing all this noise, Julie runs from the kitchen.

“STOP!!!” she screams, “It’s Brandon. Brandon Dawson”

“Br…Br…Brandon” mumbles the attacker.

The attacker sits Brandon down on a chair and helps lift Brandon’s head to reveal himself.

“It’s me! Derek May” said Derek, the man who just attacked Brandon.

“De…Derek” said a unsteady Brandon.

Brandon then smiled at Derek, and in turn Derek did the same. Brandon then punched Derek in the face.

“That’s for beating the hell out of me” he said still a little shaky.

“Yeah sorry, I thought you where trying to hurt Julie and rob the place. You didn’t look like one of Grenper’s guys so I thought you where a robber. Sorry, let me help you up” said an apologetic Derek as he helped Brandon up.

“Julie, I’d like to sit by the window so I can see the front of the Boheart saloon if that’s ok?” asked Brandon.

“Oh, um……You know what, that’s fine. You and Derek have a chat while I finish cooking” replied Julie.

Derek helped Brandon into his desired seat, then sat down himself across from him.

“I know why you’re watching the Boheart for. Your waiting for Steven aren’t you?” asked Derek

Brandon nodded his head “Yeah, Ken told me. I figure I wait for him to be thrown out, then I’ll take him to Dad’s place. Speak to him in the morning” replied Brandon.

“Why do you think Julie and I eat our dinner here every night? We eat here and wait for Steven to be thrown out. We then take him home, and I then walk Julie home. I just sleep better knowing that both Steven and Julie get home safely” explained Derek.

“You always did that growing up. Looked out for us all. Sorry for hitting you before, your probably one of the last decent friends I have left” said Brandon.
© Copyright 2005 James Coenhoff (j_coenhoff at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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