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Just a little piece about a true friend. |
Ok, I don't think this is the best piece I've ever written, but here goes. In May of 5th grade, my whole life changed. "We're moving?!" I asked my mom, shocked. "Yes," she replied. "We found a beautiful house in a place called Germansville." More like Lamensville. So the packing started. I chose my last day to be in my old school, leaving old friends, teachers, and more. We did get to have a cake. My best friend Nikki was in shock. Literally. She was all, "Why are we having cake? Taylor's not moving."(Karin Sholl is only my PenName.) When I came to my new school, it was like an explosion in Egypt. It all came at once, then tinier problems appeared like grains of sand. I made a few friends instantly, but they were only my friends because they had to be. That is different now, though. In about FOUR DAYS, our class went to Hawk Mountain. I had made friends with two other kids, Trevor and James. They were like, best friends. They accepted me for who I was, not because they had to. We instantly bonded. On the field trip, the three of us found a bridge. It creaked as we stepped on it. I said, "Poor bridge." james laughed and said, "We should save bridges from this kind of torture." We glanced at Trev, looking for some support. He shrugged and said, "Fine. " Thus a Save the Bridges club was born. We stayed friends till the end of the school year, where we didn't hear from each other for a whole 3 months. Soon 6th grade started. That's when it happened. I wasn't prepared; I fell in like. Not love, LIKE. Fast forward--6th grade. Each of us were in a different class. I sometimes saw Trev in Math, but I rarely saw James. When I did, my heart would flutter. But as I had no chance with him, as we were friends only, it died down. Fast forward again to 7th grade. James is in my class. I see Trevor maybe twice a week. I am glad to see James, but now Trev seems a little too far, if you know what I mean. James and I are always laughing about really stupid things, such as the new Homestar Runner toon, or Knox's movie. Especially that I can see him every day! It's great. He is truly a friend. Just a single example: One time [of many], I couldn't get my locker open, and I was going to be late for class. Guess whose locker happens to be 2 away from mine! He came over and said, "Here, let me help you." He then jerked on the locker, and it flew open. "Thanks," I said. I had to pay him back. Fast forward a little bit. James is struggling to get everything out of his locker. The buses have arrived, and he is freaking out because His stuff won't fit in his locker. Everyone else had left, except one or two kids. I started towards the door, when I thought of him. I dashed back to find him. There he was, no farther than he had been. I had to help. He went into the classroom,and I shoved his stuff into his backpack. I smiled as he came back. "You're going to be late," I teased. He laughed tensely and picked up his pack. I started for the door, but he went back to get something. I walked slower. In about the time it takes you to say humuhumunukunukuwapua'a, he dashed out of the hall. We weren't late, but we almost were. "He lives!" I said when he saw me. He just gave me a face only a friend could give. So, in conclusion, James likes me for who i am, not by any force. He isn't my only friend, but deep down, though, I feel like he's the best friend I could have. James-you rock and you always will. |