Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1035825-He-Who-Angers-You
Rated: ASR · Article · How-To/Advice · #1035825
How often do people succeed in pushing your buttons? Pretty darn often!
Everyday of our life we're faced with situations which make us want to scream, shout, yell and so on. Though you could be one of those people who simply go with the flow and are extremely thick skinned when it comes to people pushing your buttons. But if you're not, then it's frustration 24/7.

For such people who have a short fuse, and are willing to admit it and want to find a way out of their dilemma, well, I many have the answer. I read the following quote a while back: “He who angers you, controls you” And bam! It hit me! How true, how true indeed.

It can be any situation, from an irritating colleague in the workplace, to someone who swerves his or her car, in front of yours. Or it could be a non-avoidable circumstance, like getting a red light at each traffic signal, when you’re already late for an appointment. Or it could be the goings on, in the world today, political situations, politicians you despise, coming on TV, flashing their plastic smiles and showing off their pearly white teeth. Or, it could be a sports game. Oh yeah, now that really hit home didn’t it? If you’re a die hard sports fan, that is. If you’re a die hard sports fan and your team is playing your biggest rival and it’s a do or die situation. If you’re a die hard sports fan and your team is playing your biggest rival and is losing a winning game! If you’re a die hard sports fan and your team is playing your biggest rival and is losing a winning game on home ground! CAN it get a more wrist slitting situation that this?? Ok, maybe I exaggerate a bit. It’s only a game after all. AHA! The one sentence which is so quickly thrown at you when sympathetic friends and family members see you seething with anger. It so does not help does it?

Well, how about the phrase I mentioned way above then, one which is worthy of being repeated: “He who angers you controls you.” Read it, let it sink in. Would you really want your “opponent” in any situation, calling the shots? Would you really want your adversary triumphing in sweet success, at the expense of your emotions?? Come one people! Wake up and smell the coffee! It ain’t as bad as it feels; It’s worse. That was a joke. But seriously, think about it. Whatever the situation, whatever the result, however horrible the conclusion, don’t let them win. Stop and think. Realize that you’re not living your life for his/that situation’s, benefit. That person/act will not control. And the only way he will fail to do so, is when you realize how to stop him in his tracks. Don’t lost it. Don’t break.

So with that I end my slightly psychotic article. Did I go a bit overboard? Ah well, that doesn’t bother me; too much.
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