Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1034273-Blue-Angel
Rated: · Fiction · Detective · #1034273
Detective Chayla Dawson and Terrance Wright's dark past haunts.

Thunder rolls heavy, as lightening zips across the sky. It’s going to be another hot night. Unusual weather for this time a year, the near end of October. Ole tales claim on odd night’s like this a dark shadow roams the earth. A mortal being with no soul. Disregard for human life, but who has time to worry about silly things as tales. Reality is unfolding before the eyes of the world.
Sheriff Deputy Crystal Goodmen knocked on the door to Detective Chayla Dawson. Boy, how she dreaded interrupting her. Its Jim Beam time and no one comes in between Chayla and Jim Beam.
Crystal was assigned to Chayla several weeks ago as her aide and it’s not been an easy road. Chayla is a tough one and one never knows when to joke or play around, but within, Crystal likes the ole gal, and she questions why with a serene smile.
Chayla rolled her eyes wishing she’d stop knocking on the door, thinking, dammit. Knock and come on in.
“Crystal, why is it you always have to knock over and over. Just come in.”
“I would, but I never know your mood. Especially when you have a rep of…of...”
“Of what?”
She cleared her throat. “Snapping off heads.”
She smiled, flashing those baby blues. “That is such a nice thing to hear. Lets me know I’m doing my job.”
She laughed. “Yeah we all know you can be a real…”
She laughed making herself comfortable, propping her feet up. “You said it I didn’t.”
She eyed her. “Comfortable are we?”
She leaped to her feet. “God how I love coming in here just to rile you up.”
“Why did you come in here, and since your standing there pour me a glass of tea.”
“Would you like a donut with that?” she shrugged, “but that wouldn’t go well with tea. Cop food is donuts and coffee, not tea and donuts,” she said with a witty smile.
She shook her head smiling. “I don’t think I asked for a donut or coffee. A glass of sweet tea. That’s all.”
“Chayla, you’re eating habits disturb me.”
She smiled, shaking her head. “Don’t get cute. There’s nothing wrong with my eating habits. Do I look malnourished?”
“No.” She eyed her, “but you do look a little peaked.”
Chayla’s glare and look is saying, just hand me my tea.
She pours the coffee as a flash of lightening lit up the sky, and she swears she saw His face. “Uh…Chayla, I really don’t know how to tell you but just come right out and tell you---”
“You got your ass fired.”
“Ha, ha, ha. Not so lucky, but I rather be then have to tell you and everything.”
She rolled her eyes. “Tell me what?”
“Charles Wright escaped prison. He left a message in his cell. He’s coming for you, and unloading his wrath on this little shithole town. I rather like this little shithole town. I’d hate seeing something happen to it.” She watched the color drain from Chayla’s face. “Hey, I won’t tell if you want to hike the first jet out.”
She stood, walked to the window. “He’ll not harm me.”
“But you sent his ass to prison.”
“I did,” she said smiling, enjoying her tea, “but he’ll not harm me.”
Crystal sat down running her hand through her red hair not believing how cool and calm she is, for she’s about to shit her pants. “Why do you say that?”
She leaned over the desk, throwing a file at her. “How much of the case do you know?”
“Not much. Just what I heard on television.”
“He surrendered to me. Gave up without a fight.”
“That’s right he did.” She frowned looking up at her. “But who was the officer he held hostage?”
About that time, the door blew open, in strutted Lieutenant Jessica Jones full of life, and has had her fair share of battles with bad guys. She’ll do all she can to de-escalate the situation, but when she’s had enough, its give your soul to God for their asses belongs to Her.
“Damn that weather is a killer out there and everything.” She looked around the office at long faces. “My goodness, y’all look as if you lost your best friend. What’s up?”
Chayla nodded at the bulletin. “Charles Wright escaped.”
“Say what? What do you mean? Why that sonofabitch tried to kill me. Thank goodness my mouth kept right on talking or I’d be dead and everything. Son of a bitch.”
“You’re alive.”
“I know that, but I cannot and will not chase after him and all. I just won’t. I’m way too old to be messing with it.” Jessica reached up, pulled off her badge. “Only a fool doesn’t know when to walk away. This ole fool knows and I am out of here.”
“See yeah,” Crystal said jokingly. She looked to Chayla. “Well?”
She picked up Jessica’s badge, handing it to Crystal. “Well what? Here put that inside her desk. She’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Uh-huh. Do you want me to book you a flight out?”
She smiled hooking her weapon harness on, checked her bullets. “Nope. I want all information you can give me. If I don’t find him first they’ll kill him.”
She shook her head muttering, “Perhaps that’s best, but why are you not afraid of this crazy nut? Chayla, the man has killed several people in jail. Out of jail.” She flipped through the file saying, “and the looks of this he thinks he’s a servant of Satan.” She shrugged. “Have you lost your mind or what?”
“You don’t have to tell me anything about him. I know him. We go back a ways, and besides I know where to look.”
“He could kill you. Have you thought about that?”
“I think about that daily. Anytime you put on the badge you face the chance you may not walk back inside your home. Chances—life is full of them.”
“Uh-huh. I hear you, but you don’t have to walk in the door of death screaming here I m! Come get me!”
“You do everyday rather you know it or not. That’s life.”
“Do you think Jessica really will run?”
“Have you ever known her to run and hide?”
“Well, there was that one time that half-baked nut tried---” The phone rung and Crystal looked to her for it’s a call on her private line, and she just stares at it. “Are you going to get that?”
She smiled. “It’s my private line—that means it’s private.”
“I don’t need a brick to fall on my head twice. I’m gone and good luck. If I was you I’d head to the hills.”
“Please hold,” she said answering the phone, and looks to Crystal. “Hold up a moment and we’ll get together for a drink, and while you wait dig up the information I asked for.” She wrote on a slip of paper what else she wanted.
“Are you sure? It may take a while to dig ole files up. Why back in this day it wasn’t organized like we have it now. They just threw ole files in a---”
“Spare me a trip down memory lane. I have a call waiting.”
She shook her head. “Okay, but its your funeral. Nice knowing you. And if I’m not back in one hour come looking in that dark, cold basement.”
“I’m not dead yet. And if I begin to smell anything or see buzzards swarming I’ll send someone down to check.”
“Uh-huh. That would be mighty neighborly,” she said closing the door behind her. “That’s right nice of you and everything.”
“I hate that word. I hate it!”
Chayla answers the phone.
“Long time no see, Chayla.”
She looks around. “Where are you and why have you done what you did? They’ll kill you for this. Turn yourself in to me and I’ll make sure your safe.”
“Safe? I have people on the inside wanting to kill me and out here too. So no thanks, baby doll, I’ll take my chances.”
“Why did you call me if you don’t want my help.”
“It’s like this. If I’m going to be captured I want a thrill. A dangerous thrill. Are you up to it?” He snickered. “Like ole times, Chayla. Recall when we we’re growing up, we played Cops and robbers, well darling—let’s play. As always I’ll be the bad guy. Promise to handcuff me and spank me for being such a bad boy.”
She drifts back in time thinking of wilder days. Handcuff him? She’d love too. Spank him? She’d love too. Take him to jail? She has too for behind that gorgeous face lies a dark soul that doesn’t care of love anything breathing. “I recall many things, but know this, I wear my badge proudly and I will do my job. I’m not that stupid teenage kid you know. I am somebody. I made something of my life.”
“That’s my girl. I wouldn’t expect anything less, and oh by the way, tell Miss Jessica Jones she’s first on my list. I should have sliced her distorted soul out of her chest when I had the chance” Phone fell silent a moment. “But that was my weakness, just as you had one in days past.”
“I’ll be crossing over to your county in about three days that should give ole chicken shit time to run and hide.”
“What makes you think she’ll run and hide?”
He laughed, opening up a can of beer. “Tell me, have you ever had a cold steel blade at your throat? Have you looked death in the eyes? When you do then you’ll understand why she’d run.” He snickered, “but you have came close to death, haven’t you.”
“But you didn’t kill her. And I recall that cold blade at my throat many times. Why? Because I didn’t bow to you. I didn’t then and I will not today.” She laughed. “ I recall that you surrendered to me, and Jessica is far from chicken shit. Know this, if you come within ten feet of her she’ll drop you like a fly and not think twice. And if you cross my path wrong you’ll be the one eating the blade.”
He laughed. “Is that how you see it? I surrendered to you. It was all in the plan to be near you and I will be near you, Chayla, so be prepared and hope it is not you that eats the blade.” He snickered, “but before you eat the blade you’ll swallow something of mine.”
Phone fell silent.
This time the door swings open and Crystal felt like kicking herself in the ass. Dammit, she should have knocked, but if she did, she’d have to hear an hour-long lecture of why she shouldn’t have. The look on Chayla’s face told the story. She handed over the files not daring to ask about the phone call. Not yet anyway, maybe after a few cold ones. You know what they say about alcohol and loose tongues go hand in hand, but hell, we’re talking about Chayla. She’s not known to have a loose tongue on a stupor.
“Well, ready for that drink? My throat is dry as dust.”
She grabbed the files. “Nope. Rain check. Have to be some place.”
“Like where?”
“Are you my supervisor?”
She shook her head.
“Then does it matter what I do?”
“Chayla, I know that look. It was him wasn’t it?”
“Now why in hell would that bastard be calling me?”
“To make a death threat—maybe?”
“Listen, just do as I ask. Get a hold of Jessica and tell her I need to see her.”
“It was a death threat. Want me to load the shotguns and have folks on standby?”
She shook her head, rubbing a throbbing headache. “Not at this time just do as I have asked for one damn time without asking me a million and one goddamn questions! Now can you do that? Yes or No?”
“Yes ma’am. I am here to please and keep the mouth shut.”
“Then why do I still hear you?”
She smiled taking her hand zipping the mouth throwing away the key.
Chayla looks up asking, “why me? Why.”
Charles leans back in the recliner, reached for his binoculars and watched Chayla from across the street at the local Sunset Motel. He’s pleased she hasn’t changed. That long blonde hair needs to come down. Damn cops. Why must they always, always wear their hair up? He smiled thinking he’ll take that hair down. Oh she’ll fight and say no, but he knows his Chayla. History—we all have one, but not as dark as ours. She hasn’t forgotten that night, but why isn’t she talking. He smiled. I’ll make her weak. She’ll talk.
He glanced at the cell phone that he stole back in Nashville. It’ll be sometime before anyone knows. Poor bastard would have lived if he’d just given up the damn phone. Hell, when his time comes he’ll not die over small things. He’ll leave a mark.
He stood at the window watching her run to the car in a downpour. He smiled thinking poor baby dropped those files. That’s it angel, bend over, pick them up. If you could just hold that position until I get down there. He laughed. I warned her about dropping the soap. He closes his eyes, feeling her warm body against his. Her lips. He can taste those sweet, warm lips. Her kiss can make a strong man weak. He knows for she’s made him weak. The sight of her alone makes him weak. How he wishes to touch her, and he will touch her.
She uses colorful language as she picks up the files, but feels eyes watching. She leaves the files coming to her feet and searches her surroundings thinking an ole drunk bum is lurking behind the courthouse getting his eyes full.
Charles smiles. Hmm. We didn’t wear our bra today. Must be exited that I called, he looks down, and you’re excited to see her too. He closes his eyes, he can hear his jeans unsnap, those warm, soft hands reaching inside. Her breath dances across his bare skin as she takes him in her mouth. His body shook and quickly he opens his eyes. Even in a distance, she took him home. How he wishes he could run out there and snatch her up, but this isn’t the time or the place. The cops would be on him before he could say her name. No. Time is a virtue and he’s not about to mess this up. He’s traveled a many weary miles to see her and he will see her on his time and his turf.
He opens an ole photograph book recalling days past. He smiled knowing if she knew he had that shot of her this ole town would see another angel. His daring angel, but his angel has a good soul. She’s proven that. He smiled at the picture of better days when things were simple. He grinned, wondering does she still have that tongue ring. Hmm. That did things for him he has no words to describe, but two, want more.
A knock on the door has him closing the book easing his gun out. Did she see him? He eased behind the door asking, “What is it? I said I didn’t want to be disturbed and I am being disturbed.”
“Sir, you ordered room service.”
“So I did. Just leave it outside my door,” he said eyeing her through the peephole.
“Okay, but I have rules to follow.”
“You’ll learn rules are made to be broken. How old are you?”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard the question, how old are you?”
Silence fell. A past comes home on a dreary night. A sixteen-year old comes knocking, and twenty years ago tonight, two sixteen year olds died in a horrible way. He demanded that she leave him be and not come back.
Sweat breaks outs, flashback haunts. He has to talk to Chayla, and he must do so tonight. She must return to the soil she was destined. Is he the creature he was convicted to be or did another commit that crime and blame him? He was a troubled kid with the wrong badass name in town. He smiled recalling that night, looked down at his hands and saw fresh blood dripping, and laughed for he is that dark demon they say he is. He peeked out the window to take one more glance. There she is. Only one bad thing happened that night. It wasn’t the death of those girls. It was the fact his princess left him running for her life. She failed the test and no one lives to tell the tale of the dark side.

Three hours later, Chayla tosses the files on her home office desk, and wouldn’t you know her answering machine has a million and one messages.
She hits the play button muttering, “go ahead, Crystal, feed me some bullshit,” and went to the bathroom for a towel. She’s dripping wet and cold. Perhaps some nice warm soup to warm her up. She mutters, “damn, I sound like an ole maid sitting at home curled up with a bowl of soup and book in hand. I need a life.”
“Hi, Chayla. This is Mom. Are you still in the world? Call me sometime. By the way, remember that crazy dude you ran with back a few years ago. He’s out and if you see his ass. Shoot and then ask questions. I really wish you’d call home more. I worry about you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Next message.”
“Hello Crystal.”
“Just wanted to know if you made it home okay. Call me if you can. Listen, I found an ole file on Wright in a cold case file, but what’s odd about it is…it looks like the one I gave you, but its different. You’ll just have to take a peek-a-boo and see for yourself. You’ve had plenty of time to make it home. Stop off for a quickie did you? Later.”
“Not sure if I made it or not. Let you think and wonder about my quickie.” She looked around listening to more messages and it hit her. “What file is that?”
“Chayla, this is Agent Mark Brown from the FBI. I need to set up an appointment. I know you’ve heard by now that Charles Wright is on the run. We have reason to believe he’s headed your way. You can reach me at 1-800-544-9898. Call me when you get this message.”
“Imagine that. FBI wants to talk to little ole me. Don’t need them. I can take care of myself.”
“Chayla, did you forget your bra today?”
She dropped the towel hearing his voice echo across the room. She quickly checks incoming calls and nothing is out of place. How did he do that? She peeks outside. Is he watching her? That bastard lied about his timing. He’s in town and he watches her every move.
“Do you know what happened eighteen years ago? I do. I live it everyday. I need to see you, but you being the good little cop you are you’ll haul me to jail, but I hope you’ll not do that. I need you, Chayla. You were given to me many years ago, and once you’re mine, your mine. I’ll call you back at midnight and I do trust you’ll listen and not trace my call. As I sit here thinking, perhaps you’re the one who killed those girls, not me. Look at your hands. Are they dripping in blood? You were there, Chayla. You were there.”
Phone fell silent.
She slammed down the off button with her mind racing a mile a minute. Bastard is playing mind games. I didn’t kill those girls and he knows I didn’t. Why would he say such a mean, horrible thing like that? She paces the room. I have to remember he isn’t the boy I fell in love with as a giddy teenager. She frowned thinking she never loved him. At one time, she thought she did, until Terrance came in her life and showed what love is.
Charles is a cold-blooded killer. He may not have killed those girls. She thinks a moment. It’s a blur. All she sees is shadows and screams. Shadows and screams, they haunt her on odd nights of the year. She shakes her head. No way. No way will she allow those dark nightmares back in her life. Dammit, how would I know if he did or didn’t, but he’s killed since that time. She frowned thinking those dreams. Those flashbacks. Something happened. Why does he need to see me? I’ll not tarnish my soul or my badge for him. Honesty makes a good cop and I am one.
She looks at her watch, two more hours, he’ll call, and she’ll be ready. As bad as she hates she needs to call Crystal to bring her some items from the jail, but it’s her mouth she dreads hearing. Mother hen comes to mind. Poor thing can’t help it. One thing she can trust and have faith in, Crystal is a loyal friend filled with a million and one questions on why she needs it. Does she need backup? Why are there two different case files? Why her? Why.

Special Agent Terrance Whitlock sits at his desk drinking a health shake. What a workout. He really pushed himself today, but he’s ready for a night out on the town. Within his heart and soul, it still belongs to one woman. A woman who refuses to belong to one soul. You would think after three years of being divorce a man could move on, but not him. It’s sad that one woman could seal a soul with love and throw away the key.
He pulled her picture from his desk drawer and smiled, thinking of better days, even the bad wasn’t so bad. They both blamed their jobs for the breakup, but was it really? Too much alike many would say but what do they know.
He snarls thinking about her living a single life, being in the arms of another. Or is she still married to the job holding one nightstand’s and they’re out the door the next morning?
Her love is the job so she says, but he knows better. He remembers her touch—a touch of honesty and reality. He damns himself for being himself. He should’ve allowed her to be who she is instead of trying to change her to suit him or the situation. She loves being a detective, so why damn her for not wanting to be an agent for the bureau.
Agent Mark Brown knocked on his door with a weary face. Man he knows Terrance will go nuts hearing this information, but his supervisor demanded he give the assignment to him, for even if they didn’t he’d be in the middle anyway.
He motioned him in not liking the look on his face. Mark usually has a joke or two to tell, and many have learned to laugh even when it’s not funny.
He handed the files over bringing Terrance to his feet. His lost soul may not be in danger. She is in danger.
Damn that Charles Wright, hanging on to something that doesn’t belong to him nor has it ever. That fool plays mind games. He always has. He used her as a teenager trying to get her involved with the dark side of life, leading her down roads of destruction and crime. In days past, he carried her down bad trails, but thank goodness, Chayla saw the light before darkness pulled her in, but has she changed?
He loads up the files and laptop. “Mark, contact the Sheriff’s Department and inform them that we’re taking over and I want twenty-four-seven surveillance on Chayla Dawson. Charles Wright will go back to Erin, Tennessee just to find her. She’s in great danger of loosing her life.”
“I’m on it. Do you need me to come along?”
He glanced outside at the stormy weather. “Pack up,” as Mark headed out the door, “Mark?”
He turned, easing the door closed. “Yeah? Something wrong?”
He turned with a blank stare. “This could get messy. This time I may have to bury the badge. That bastard…” he looked outside, “we go back a ways. He’ll stop at nothing until he destroys Chayla, mentally and physically. She’ll not see it coming. He’s had a strong hold on her for sometime.”
“Yes but she brought the bastard in. That tells me the job comes first.”
He cracked a smiled thinking he spoke the truth about his darling Chayla. “You got that part right, but that was all in his plans,” he said turning back to the window. “Why I say that is he’s not in prison,” he turned toward Mark, “now is he?” He looked at his watch. “You’d better get moving on getting us out of here. I want to leave within the next hour.”
He frowned looking at the clock. “Next hour?”
He cracked a smile, looked him dead in the eye. “Next hour and not a moment later. Now move it.”

Two hours have past, Crystal watches Chayla pace the floor. She’s not for sure why Chayla is acting so odd, but of course, if she had a half-baked nut wanting her hide she’d be somewhat on the edge. There’s more to it, but she doesn’t have the nerve to ask. Some things are better left alone when it comes to Chayla. No one really knows much about her past. They know she has family. One she doesn’t speak of often, but just the same, it’s sealed. She’s a private person, but a damn good detective. The best many will say at the office.
Chayla looked to her. “You say you found this file in the basement in the cold case rack?”
“That’s right. Now why would I make that up?” She smiled. “Because I wanted to come over and harass you. Git you rile.”
She eyed her. “Sit down. Look at the first file you gave me. What’s missing?”
She glanced over it, looked to her. “The file in your hand speaks of two teenage girls found dead at Bay Park. Number one suspect is Charles Rogers Wright.” She flipped the page, “and that’s all she wrote. It’s as if they didn’t care to take it on.” She watched Chayla sit down, pressing the heels of her hands in her eyes, preventing tears to flow. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know,” she said wiping a stray tear. “My life is about to come apart and there’s not one damn thing I can do about it.”
“Why do you say that?” then she looked at the equipment she brought over. “Chayla, I don’t know much about your past, but I do know you now. I want to help in any way I can. Now I know I can be a real PIA, but I do it to just git you annoy. You can trust me,” she said placing her hand over hers.
She looked to her with red, weary eyes, “can I? Can I trust you?” She shook her head pushing to her feet. “I could lose my badge over something I don’t know if it’s real or not. It’s haunted me for years. I’ve learned to close that nightmare and dammit it’s coming home.”
“What nightmare?”
“I dated Charles when I was sixteen. He was involved in dark things. He loved power, any type of power. Drugs. He’d drug you and if you refused he’d drug whatever you drank, but he’d get his way.” She looked to her. “Eventually you’d be hooked.”
“Did he hook you?”
She nodded.
“But look at you now. You overcame. You made something of yourself.”
She thumbed through the file. “I did. But you don’t walk away from him and tell the stories, but I don’t know the stories because I cannot recall. Don’t know if it was the drugs or I blocked it.”
“I tell you what. Let’s concentrate on events of today and bring that murdering bastard to his knees. I don’t care about what you did in the past. I am here for you. You made a change in your life and that fucker isn’t gonna change my mind.”
She smiled, wiping tears. “Thanks, Crystal. I don’t know why you care about me as mean and hard as I am on you.”
“Naw. You’re just you and I wouldn’t change you for the world. When you say those things, Jessica says it’s your Chayla moment.”
“Jessica!” she said dropping her Diet Mountain Dew. “Come on! She’s first on his list.”
“How do you know?” she said racing out the door behind her.
“The fucker left me a message, and he’s in town.”
“Shit! How do you know that?”
“He knows I wasn’t wearing a bra.”
“You didn’t ?”
“Well, all day long I didn’t notice.”
They get in the car, she jerks it in drive and peels rubber. “That’s because at the end of shift the damn thing was bothering me and I took it off.”
“How would he know? I mean…” she looked over at her. “He was watching you walk to the car,” eyes look to her, “in the rain. Motel.”
“Call Jessica and have her meet us at the motel, and get me some backup. Better yet, also have a patrol car check on her now.”

Jessica sits at the table eating a steak, reading over files. How could that asshole escape? Better question, how did they allow him to slip through their hands? Inside job comes to mind. She has some connections at River Bend Prison. She’ll get the employee list and who works what, and if the bastards don’t hand it over she’ll just have Crystal do her magic finger touch on the computer.
She felt rather guilty of doing that childish stunt today by saying she was hotfooting it out. That was just her standby badge. Her main baby hangs right next to her weapon harness with ole deadeye.
A shadow steps out from behind a tree, eyeing her home. They see she’s having her supper and they’re thinking it’s her last meal. She has something they want and they’re going to take it, but before they do, they’re planning on a little fun.
Door bells rings.
Jessica looks at the clock. Folks know not to come over without calling. That’s just how she is, but this cold chill hit her gut. She eases toward the door slipping ole deadeye out of its holster, reaches for the doorknob, slings it open and screams when she’s grabbed. Shots are fired and blood is shed.

Sheriff Deputies and State troopers barged through the Sunset Motel. The bastard is gone. Done shit, showered and shave and left them standing. As always the bastard is a step ahead.
Chayla demands they run a sweep of the room. Verify he was there and turn that place inside out making sure they don’t overlook one clue.
Crystal retrieves a piece of plain notebook paper from the trashcan, takes a lead pencil, and traces over the ole writing indentions.
“Oooh shit,” she muttered while her skin crawled with the discovery.
“What?” Chayla asked.
“It’s a map of Jessica’s home.”
She bagged the evidence, barked out orders for them to carry on. “Load the shotguns, Crystal. Let’s kick some ass. That fucker had better hope he hadn’t touched her. I’ll slice that bastard up and sacrifice him to his dark lord he so lovingly worships.”
“I here that. Sick fucker,” she mumbles.

Deputies and Chayla race in the driveway only to be relieved. Jessica sits on the sidewalk with a paramedic. They know one thing, she’s okay for they hear her bitching his ass out for trying to bandage her wounds.
Chayla walked up with a stern face. “I see you’re not worst for wear.”
“Naw, just a few bumps and scrapes. Those little snot-nosed punks came knocking on the wrong door.” She smiled. “I just gave one a sex change free of charge,” she said thumbing over her shoulder.
They laugh. It’s good to know they didn’t tarnish her witty ways.
Chayla looked over at the boys and back to her. “Why you? Do you know them?”
She looked over to her left. “That runt over by the patrol car is one of those nasty Haywood boys from over the hill. You know their mother, that nasty ole Grace from that titty bar down on Main. The one you threaten to wash down with a pressure hose every time we arrest her.” She shrugged. “She always wanted a girl and she would have if those blasted cops hadn’t came rushing up like Cox’s army.”
Chayla laughed. “And the one you gave a free sex change?”
“Oh that little shit. I’ve arrested more than I have toes and fingers. That’s the ole Denver bunch from down Banner Hollow. None them have one lick of sense. Not a lick.”
“Are you okay, Jessica?” Crystal asked.
She eyed her holding the shotgun. “You’re just itching in your pants to use that thing, aren’t you?”
She laughed. “Not really.”
“You can you know. Just march over there and blow that fucker’s head off.”
“Jessica!” snapped Chayla. “That wasn’t nice.”
“I know. I meant it.”
“Well, they’ll be locked up for sure this time.”
“How did you get those bumps and scrapes?” Crystal asked.
“Well see, I opened the door. They snatched me right out and tried ripping my clothing, telling me what they were going to do and everything, and I fought like a wildcat. You talk about hair pulling, eye gouging and clawing. I did it all, but when I got ahold of ole deadeye I fired on their asses and the rest is history.”
Chayla motioned Crystal to go over and get a report from the on scene officers. “Jessica, that scared the hell out of me. I don’t know what I’d done if something happened to you.”
“Honey, it’ll take more than a bunch of snot-nose punks to take me down.” She looked in her eyes. “Something else is wrong, isn’t it?”
“He contacted me. He told me he was coming for you, and he has your address.”
“How do you know?”
“He was staying at the Sunset. We found a map to your home.”
“How did he get here so quick?”
“Not sure. I think he stole a car, and in saying that I’m sure some poor soul is dead over it. He doesn’t leave witnesses.”
“Do you have the locals checking out of county and state tags?”
“Crystal had that done as soon as she found out he’s in town. She’s coming right along. I think she’s going to make an excellent detective.”
“And just how did she know he’s in town?”
“I told her.”
Jessica stood up. “Chayla, this isn’t good. He’s a snake in the grass. Why that bastard is probably watching us this very moment. This is for you asshole! Feast your eyes on this.” She gave the finger just for the hell of it, and those standing around took it as a joke and gave it back.
“I think it would be best we stick together. Pack up some thing and come over to my place.”
“No. I’ll not live my life in fear. I’ll turn on the alarms.”
“You’re being bullheaded.”
“Am I? Funny that you said that. I always thought you were.”
“I am and don’t forget it. Besides whose to say he’ll not make his move tonight.”
“Chayla,” she said shaking her head. “I’ll be fine.” She nudged her head to her right. “See that gentlemen to your right, in a white t-shirt and jeans. He’ll keep me safe and warm and take away all my nightmares.”
She smiled. “I see. I can’t top that.”
“You know, it wouldn’t hurt you to have real love in your life.”
“I get sex when I want it.”
“I didn’t say sex. I said real love. There is a difference. You need someone at home to dump on, and its good to have your moments alone, but it’s also good to have a time to be cuddled and loved.”
She eyed her stiffing up her back. “What are you now? Dr. Phil’s assistant?”
“You know that I’m right. Why haven’t you ever been married?”
She smiled and told Crystal its time to go, and looked to her as she walked away. “Who said I haven’t.”
Jessica smiled watching her leave, knowing she has a secret life one that carries a heavy burden, and when that burden gets too heavy she’ll be there to help her tote.

Chayla lies on the couch sipping Jim Beam, listening to ‘Knights in White Satin’ with jasmine candles burning low sending a pleasant scent. Recalling yesterday’s hurts and pains, and foolish mistakes. Questioning why does the past come home to haunt. Marriage comes to mind. She lived that life and had a wonderful husband. The job pulled them apart so they wanted to believe, but did it. Or were they too much alike.
She closes her eyes thinking about him. When dark haunts come knocking all she has to do is close her eyes and think of him and the dark fades bringing a bright light of hope. Why did she screw-up her marriage. She should have accepted the way he is and went with it. He was good to her. Would give her the world if he could.
She sat the glass down, rolled over and cuddled a pillow, closed her eyes and drifted away. She smells him. Is that him she hears? She walks in the misty fog searching for him. She needs to hold him. Just hold him.
She opened a door, steamed rolled out. As she approached, she can see an image through the shower glass door. She slid the door open.
“Darling Chayla, I’ve been waiting for you.” He takes her hand, as he steps from the shower.
They brace in a passionate kiss, while his wandering hands undo unwanted clothing. Piece by piece her clothing falls to the floor. She starts to speak but he shook his head placing a soft finger across her lips. He reaches up removing her hair clasp and watches her sandy blonde hair fall slowly to her shoulders.
“I don’t know why I came,” she said with an innocent smile. Her eyes adore him. “But I had too.”
He says nothing picking her up in his arms. She locks her legs around his waist as he kisses her worries away, taking her to their place, their heaven away from trials and tribulations of the world.
He stepped inside the shower, easing her against the shower wall. Water bids roll down their faces as he kisses her passionately. He slowly slips inside her, taking long, slow strokes.
She gripped his massive shoulders, biting him gently on the neck whispering, “I can’t. I can’t take it.”
“You can take it,” he muttered, nibbling on her earlobe. “Take all of me, darling Chayla.” He lifts her hips upward.
“It’s too much. I can’t.”
“It’s never too much,” and slowly he goes deeper, as she takes all of him.
She leaves hot trail marks along his back, as he kisses her along her body, and taking her soft breast in his mouth. His mouth alone takes her places only he can.
She met him thrust per thrust. He grabbed her hair pulling her lips to his, and his lips feed from hers.
He pulls from her, shaking his head, opening the shower door, steps from the shower and carries her upstairs where he’ll take her over.
As he climbed the stairs with her, she laid her head on his shoulders. She’s safe in his arms and he’ll keep all harm from her. He’s her knight in shinning armor.
He opened the bedroom door. She raised her head. She had forgotten how big and beautiful their home was. It’s been sometime since she came to him.
He laid her down on a bed of white satin sheets, and stood over her and watched as she motioned him to come. He parted her legs, and kissed her along her legs leading upward and feasted on her. She gripped the sheets calling his name. Damn him he always makes her call his name, rather she wants to or not. His hands wander aimlessly across her soft breasts and skin, reaching out for her hands, he pins them down on the mattress making her suffer pleasurable moments without moving. He wants to be the one to take his darling Chayla over.
She begged, “inside me. Inside me. I need to feel you inside me.”
He slipped inside her and looked down at her face. “Open your eyes, darling Chayla, and look at me. I want to see your eyes when I take you home. Look me in the eyes and say my name.”
She shook her head refusing to open her eyes, but her moans and groans let him know she’s peaking and she will open her eyes and look at him as she calls his name.
“Darling Chayla, open you eyes and see me. Let me see those lovely blue eyes. Those hurts and pains of yesterday are gone. Open your eyes and experience real love, darling, Chayla.”
With every tender stroke he gives her, slowly her eyes open to those handsome green eyes staring down with a tender smile.
“Darling Chayla,” he whispered, “I love you. Relax and go over. It’s okay. Come with me. You don’t have to be tough all the time. Relax.”
His soft voice soothes, making her body limber. She kisses him passionately. She can’t get enough of his kisses. She loves the taste of him. “I love you,” she muttered, arching upward calling his name as he carried her over, and emptied himself.
Those blue eyes and green eyes stare at each other in a moment of silence, as their hands caress along each other’s sweaty bodies.
She asked, “why must it be this way? Why can’t we love in reality?”
He kisses her as the song ‘Knights in White Satin’ play.
© Copyright 2005 authorblackheart (darkblackheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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