Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1034096-Undead
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #1034096
I had to write this for English class, I personally like it. I hope you all do too.
“Why on earth are you punishing me, because I went and hung out with a couple of friends last night? What’s the big deal? All we did was go meet some new people! God you guys are ridiculous!” Once again, Chloe was arguing with her parents, the same as every night.
“Chloe, you need to listen to us when we say you can’t go to those ‘Blood Bars,’ as you call them. They are in downtown and it’s dangerous at night. You could get hurt.”
“Mom, if I wanted your opinion I would have asked for it, but I don’t, so deal with it. I’m going out tonight with Jeff and Luis whether you say I can or can’t!” she says as she storms out of the living room and down the hallway. As she reaches her door, she takes a quick glance over her shoulder. She can see her mother and father whispering, probably talking about sending her away again for “acting up.” Her mother glances towards her and before she slammed the door, she gave a quick flip of the bird and the door BOOMED shut. Chloe grabbed her phone off of her dresser and dialed Jeff’s number.
“Hey man. You still want to go? Come Jeff, it would be fun. Look, you don’t have to come. I can go alone. Well if you don’t want me to go alone, come with me. Okay good. Are you bringing Luis along? What? Why not? Sick my foot, he’s freaking out again. No, don’t worry about I’ll call him, I can get him to go. Okay, come pick me up on the back road. Yes, I’m sneaking out again, but hey I have to meet the perfect one right? Ok I’ll see you soon. Later.” With that, she hung up. Before she called Luis, she changed out of her long, purple robe and into her long, maroon one. She did a quick makeup check and fixed the black eyeliner that was smudged under her eye. She added a bit more black to the fake tear drops running down her cheeks and she picked up the phone again.
“Hey Luis. Yeah, how are things? Good. Good. Listen, Jeff’s going to be here in a little bit and we’re going out to the bar tonight, are you coming? No? Why not? Yeah I’m supposed to be grounded to, does it look like I care? I know that you’re parents have control over your car, but you’re not getting it back for a month so what’s another day or two. Plus, if you don’t get caught, there’s no problem right? Come on, please? It will be fun, I promise. You can stay with me the entire time. Please? It just doesn’t feel right going without you. Every singe time I’ve gone to one, you’ve been there to ‘protect’ me, so come with me. Thanks Luis, greatly appreciated.”
She sets her phone in the pocket of her robe and starts to put on her long black heavy boots when she hears a knock at the door. “Chloe can we come in?”
“Not now, I’m getting in the shower,” she says as she turns the shower knob to hot. “We can talk about this tomorrow after I cool off.”
“Fine honey, but I want you to know that we love you and no matter what we do, it’s because we love you.” Great, the “I love you” speech, the same speech they give every single time they ship her off to a psycho ward. She rolls her eyes as she pulls up the window blinds. As she takes a quick glance out, she sees Jeff’s car pull into the back road. “Perfect, right on time” Chloe thought as she pulled up the window and quietly climbed out.
“God Chloe, you have to pick the bar that has no parking spaces. Jesus, we have to walk half a mile to get there. The point of having a car is that there is no walking.”
“Oh chill out Jeff. You and you’re bouncy thighs could use the walk.” Luis snickers, but immediately stops as Jeff throws him an ugly look.
“God, I can’t believe you convinced me to come Chloe. I hate these places, they’re so creepy. I mean the people inside are so weird.”
“Oh calm down dog boy. They’re great. No one inside cares that you’re different, they all just want the same thing, to meet people and drink blood.”
“Speaking of which, here. I picked up your new fake teeth on the way to your house. I figured you wanted them. The others are starting to turn a yellowish orange color because of all the blood you drink.”
“Holy cow, thanks Jeff. I completely forgot. Hang on, stop for a second so I can change them.” As Chloe pulls out her old fake vampire teeth and sets the new ones into place, she feels someone tugging on her arm. “What?” No response. “What on earth do you want?” She looked over at Luis and Jeff, who are staring at this pale, dark haired man floating in front of them. “Holy crap. That’s awesome. It’s a real vampire.” All Chloe could do was watch him float down, slowly. She looked straight at his grey and wished for grey eyes like those, so beautiful, so empty, so deadly.
“Jesus Chloe, I didn’t think you wanted to meet a real vampire when you said the ‘perfect’ one. God, that’s just creepy.”
“Creepy, why on earth would you call it creepy little boy? I can assure you, there’s nothing creepy about being a vampire. It’s quite nice really, after the first 50 years or so. Give it a whirl.” And with that he snatched Jeff up by the collar of his shirt. Jeff just stared in shock as he looked into the cold grey eyes of this creature. Chloe was amazed, was Jeff going to get the one thing she has always dreamed for after she saw the Interview with a Vampire? She was jealous, you could see it in her eyes. She wasn’t paying much attention to the screams of Luis or Jeff, all she could do was stand there and stare with amazement.
She watched this undead man dig his teeth into her friends’ necks and saw almost no blood drip down as he sucked the life right out of him. She smiled a smile that hasn’t appeared on Chloe’s face since she was young. As he dropped Luis’s body on the ground, he slowly turned his face towards hers. “Did he say Chloe? My old girlfriend’s name was Chloe, before I killed her. You know, you actually look a lot like her, just more modern. I guess for that, I will spare you the pain of death.”
“No, wait. Could we talk? I mean, I’ve always wanted to meet a vampire and now that there’s really one standing, well floating, in front of me, I don’t want to let this opportunity go to waste. Could you tell me what it’s like, you know, dieing?”
“Well, I haven’t really had a conversation with a mortal in years. I supposed why not. I wouldn’t necessarily use the word ‘dieing’ because I didn’t really die, just my body. I could feel the man suck blood from my neck and I felt it all through my body, it wasn’t good either, trust me. As my body died, he never fully killed me. He wanted me to be just like him, so he fed me. He cut himself and fed me his blood. I have never wanted something that badly, but soon I would regret it. I didn’t want to be a vampire, never in a million years. This ‘life’ is so lonely, I hate it. Without my girlfriend or my family, I have no purpose. I shall hate myself forever. Please, excuse me. I don’t want to talk to you.”
He started to walk away, this was not an opportunity she was going to let go. “Please, stay. I want to know more. I want to know everything about this life. You have no idea, this is what I’ve wanted for years and years. I don’t like living, but I don’t want to die either. I want to be a vampire. Please, help me with this.”
He swirled around so fast it made Chloe’s head spin; his eyes were so full of red burning anger. “No. I will never turn someone into a vampire, ever. It’s too horrible. No one should go through this pain or misery. When I suck blood, I kill not change them. No one deserves this.”
“Why not? Maybe then it won’t be so lonely. You would have another person there to share the amazing experiences with. You could share blood with that person. Why not change me if I want to be changed?”
“Trust me Chloe. Being vampire is not like in the movies, we don’t die. If we don’t get blood, we don’t shrivel up and eventually die, well we do, but that takes hundreds of years of going without a single drop. We go mad. We start to hunt and we’d do anything for that drop. Trust me, it’s not great. I want no one to live this with me. I only kill because I either kill two a night, or I go mad and kill twenty a night. Trust me. I tried to do it, but I killed every person I have every loved. I killed my fiancée and my parents. Trust me, I hate it.”
“Well I don’t love anyone, not even my parents. Please, I will always be here for you. I will never leave. If you teach me your ways, I promise to stay by your side through the life forever. Please?”
“Wow, that’s really tempting.” He stands there to ponder for a moment, unable to decide if she was really worth the effort, if she would just leave and never come back. This was a chance he was willing to take. “Are you sure you want this because once it’s done, you can never turn back.”
“Yes, but I want to know one thing first. What’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you Bill. Ok let’s do this.”
“Ok. I promise you, it will hurt. Lie down.”
Chloe lied down on the ground, anxious for her new life to start. She took a quick glance at her dead friends and felt no emotion towards them. Bill slowly eased his open mouth towards her body, shinny white fangs hovering slightly over her neck. He quickly punctured her vain and she jumped and wiggled from the pain. As he sucked, her body started to go numb, but then he suddenly stopped. “Ok, now drink this.” Her eyes were closed, she didn’t know what she was about to drink, but she knew the second it dripped to her tongue. She sucked at his cold, lifeless, flesh, hard, wanting more and more. She suddenly yanked away from him, the pain was unbearable. “Calm down Chloe, it’s your body dieing, it will be over shortly.” She thrashed about, but it stopped after a few seconds.
She stood up and looked at Bill. She looked at the ground, her new fake fangs were on the ground. She touched her teeth, and there were real fangs. She smiled, “So, let’s go take care of some business.
“Hey mom.” Her mother jumped quickly, frightened, but calmed by the sweetness in her daughter’s voice. She became frightened again by the look of her daughter.
“Oh Chloe you scared me. Why are you so pale? What’s wrong? Who’s that man, he looks to be twenty something. Chloe that is way to old for you.”
“Don’t worry mom, no one will care anymore.” She grabbed her mother’s neck and sucked hard. She was going to get every last drop, she wouldn’t let her mother have the same satisfaction of being a vampire. Then her dad walked in as she dropped her mother’s body.
“Oh my God, what in God’s name..” He was cut off by Bill taking a nice bit out of his neck.
“See Bill, you’re a liar. I love this life already.”
“Ok good, well it’s almost sun up. We have to head to my coffin in the mansion up on the hill a couple of miles away.”
As the two vampires climbed into the old wooden coffin, they looked at each other and smiled as they shut the lid. They now lie there together, fly together, and drink together, all as one.
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