Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1033633-Street-Life-Prologue
Rated: 13+ · Other · Crime/Gangster · #1033633
This is just the prologue, I would like some feedback before continueing with the story.

A loud crash echoed in the hallway of a downtown New York apartment building. "Get the hell out of my crib!" A female voice bounced off the walls reaching all the neighbors ears. "Jessi! Calm yourself!" Now the man who had been getting yelled at, was screaming back. "No! I won't freakin' calm myself! Get out!" Something glass was thrown and shattered against a wall. "Get out! Trent you were never there before, don't be coming 'round now!" Some people came out of their apartments to listen to the argument going on. Most people are just so nosey. "Jessi having a tantrum?" One of the neighbors asked. The woman’s friends answered her. "Not possible. Jessi doesn't have tantrums, she has fights. Justified fights." Another neighbor put his own two cents into the conversation. "That girls fourteen, and been put in a crappy life. Her mum's an alcoholic and her pop's gone awol."

Just then a young man of about eighteen came running down the hallway. A flower vase came flying behind him, missing his head by no more then a centimeter. His brown hair was soaked with sweat and his brown eye's held pure fear. "Jessi, reconsider please?!"

"Get the hell out of here Trent. I ain't got patience for a backstabbing' guy like you!"
"Your fucking' crazy Jess!"

"Least I didn't go and leave when things got tough!" A girl around the age of fourteen, fifteen came running after the young man. "Jessi, I didn't abandon you! You chose to stay. I begged..." The girl called 'Jessi', interrupted him. Her blonde hair was a mess, and she still looked ready to kill. "Bull! Get out of my home!"

"You tell 'em Jessi baby!" One of her neighbors shouted. "Shut up! Stay out of this."

"No Trent! You shut up!" Trent just stared at Jessi blankly. "Jessi, please." He began to beg. "No!"

"Who is that? her boyfriend?"
"She's too young for a boyfriend! Ass! I'm her brother."

All the neighbors who had been watching the argument stared in shock and disbelief. Jessi turned quickly on the heel of her foot and headed back the way she had come. "Get out of my life Trent. You don't have the right to call me family. A street punk as a sister? Gram's would laugh her ass off before she threw me out of her house." Jessi chuckled. She opened a door to her left. Without looking back. She kicked it shut. Hard. Letting the slam echo as loudly as the shattering glass had before.
© Copyright 2005 Yumi Chan (lizzi_swis at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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