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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #1033427
it is about a prison escapee who gets stuck in a magical forest
The overhead speakers turned on and you could hear someone speaking. “Everyone hurry up and get to your areas, one of the high level security prisoner creatures has escaped!” As everyone was in a rush to get to their areas no one noticed the creature that had escaped from his cell had made it to the main entrance door. The guards at the main entrance door had let down their guard and got themselves eaten by the creature. The creature whose name was farlock was able to escape the prison. Farlock was a creature known as the pumpkin heads who were cannibals.
He started down an old and dark dirt road that went straight to the nearest village around. At first he was scared of the road because this road had never been given a name. He had heard about the road from other creatures in the prison. Everything he had heard from them about this road was very frightening to him. He had heard that the road eats anything that goes on it. Also that if it doesn’t eat you when you are on it you will never find your way out. That you will be trapped on that road forever. He had decided that anything the road could do to him couldn’t be any worse than what the prison would do to him if they caught him.
He carried on his way down the road of which he had decided to call entrapment way. It was about 20 miles to the nearest village if he stayed on entrapment way. Right away he started hearing sounds come from the forest surrounding the road. Some sounds he was able to identify, others he had never heard before in his entire life. He tried to ignore them so that they wouldn’t scare him. He was unable to ignore them most of the time.
By the time he had traveled 5 miles down entrapment way he was starting to go insane and had become very paranoid of everything around him. He had also started to hear whispers coming from the forest. They said “come forth to me if you wish to die but it really doesn’t matter to me because you will die either way”. He was beginning to become very terrified of the forest now. The forest seemed to be growing taller and taller to farlock. He kept on trying to tell himself that he was just imagining it.
He heard the sound of leafs and twigs being broken like someone or something was walking on them. A very nice and old looking creature came out of the forest. It was a mix of many different creatures. It began to speak to farlock “My name is Amanda; I have come to try and help you so that you can survive the adventure that awaits you. I will help you in every way that I possible can. Now may I ask you what your name is?”. “My name is farlock, but what exactly is this adventure that you are talking about?”. “The adventure that you are going to go through so that you can get off of this road and out of this forest alive”. Amanda was a mix of different animals; she had a horse tail and feet. She had a horn on her forehead. Her hands were human but they were pointy and sharp. She had wings that were attached to her back. She was very tall and slender. She looked to be 20 years old which was her age.
Farlock and Amanda began on their adventure down the road knowing that there was a great possibility that both of them could die. The further down the road they went the trees looked more dead but also more alive. Then finally they found a clearing in the forest by the road. The clearing was a graveyard but they decided to rest there for the night anyways, taking turns watching out for anything that could be after them through out the night. Amanda decided to take the first shift. Each shift was 5 hours.
Farlock went to sleep in between 2 dead trees that were very close to each other. Amanda started to walk around the area to make sure that it was safe. Also to see if there was anything watching them that she could see. She knew that the forest was watching them at all times. Then when she returned to where farlock was. He wasn’t there anymore. She began to panic and think that maybe she had gotten herself lost. Maybe farlock woke up and went looking for her and got himself lost. Amanda started to cry with worry for her self and for farlock. All of a sudden farlock re-appeared right where he was supposed to be.
She realized that the forest was warning her to get out while they still could. She wanted to go wake up farlock but she didn’t. She started yelling at the forest. “You can try to scare us away but we won’t give up, we will keep on going!” Then the trees started swaying in the wind. Amanda realized that there was no wind that night. Then some faces appeared on the trees. The trees began to speak to her. “We are the judges of your journey through this ancient forest, you have passed your first test, and your partner there has yet to be tested”. She wanted to tell them to leave them the fuck alone but she did not. “Why are you testing us?” After she asked them that they disappeared with out saying anything else to her.
After that she was very watchful of the trees in that forest. She was wondering why they called this forest ancient. It hadn’t been there for very long. It was planted there around the road when the road was put in. She started to look at the grave stones to pass time. She realized that all the people in that graveyard were people who had gone missing after going on that road. The very first one buried there was from even before the road was ever put in there. All the grave stones there had pictures on them. The pictures on them were pictures of how that person died. Some were of old age. Others were very gruesome ways to die.
She began to get very sleepy. She decided to wake up farlock so that she could have her turn to sleep. She began to walk towards farlock. It seemed as though she wasn’t getting any closer to him. She didn’t know what was going on. On her way to him she fell down to the ground and before she even hit the ground she was asleep.
The next day farlock woke her up yelling at her. “Why the fuck didn’t you wake me up, we were unguarded for over half the night!” She wasn’t sure on how exactly to answer him but she did her best to explain it to him. “I was going to wake you up but on my way to you to wake you up I fell asleep.” She decided not to tell him about what she had gone threw during the night, thinking that he would think that she was crazy if she would tell him. She showed him the grave stones and showed him that they all had pictures of how they died on them. And how some of them were from before the forest was there.
He didn’t seem to care about any of that at all. All he wanted to do was get on their way again for the day and get out of that forest. Amanda knew that it wasn’t going to be as easy as he made it sound. They started on their way once again for the day not knowing what mishaps would happen to them during that day. Before they could be on their way they had to find something to eat.
They had seen that there was a river on the other side of the graveyard. Amanda didn’t want to go that far away from the road. She was afraid to leave the road too far. She didn’t want to take the risk of not being able to find the road again and be lost in that forest. Farlock could tell that that was what she was thinking. He told her to stay there and he would go fishing for them. She agreed to it and did not let farlock leave her sight, not even for a second. After about 30 minutes he had finally caught some fish for them. He cleaned them and brought them back. Amanda cooked the fish for them.
After eating they got on their way down the old road once again. As they were walking and had run out of things to talk about she decided to tell farlock about last night. “last night after you had gone to sleep I started walking around the grave yard but when I returned to where you were, you weren’t there anymore so I started panicking, but then all of a sudden you were there again, and then the trees had faces and started talking to me.” Farlock just stared at her in disbelief but wanted to know more anyways. “They told me that they were to test me and you on our journey through this forest.” Farlock was not sure what to say to her about this. He decided just to believe her until he is given any proof as to not believe her. Amanda was happy to see that he wasn’t calling her crazy like she thought that he would. They decided not to talk about it anymore.
The further down the road they went the narrower the road seemed. Then all of a sudden the road ended and there was no road. They looked around to see if maybe they missed the road turning into another road or something. Right there about 30 feet away straight across from where the road ends the road begins again. They started walking to the right to get to the road. Some animals lined up in front of them trying to stop them from going to the road. The animals were small; there were rabbits, squirrels, mice, rats, bats, birds, and all other kinds of small animals. They were all just sitting there and growling at them. The animals didn’t seem to be harmful so they walked right through them.
Amanda and farlock did get some cuts and scratches but that was it nothing serious or anything. They made it to the road without getting seriously injured now and started walking down the road again. When they looked behind them they were very confused. There was no break in the road like there was just a little bit ago.
The trees appeared again only this time in the middle of the road right in front of them. This time they began to speak to farlock. “You have passed your first test and now you must answer a question for us before you can go any further. Why do you wish to go through our forest?” Farlock knew exactly what his reason was so answered first. “I want to go through this forest because it is the fastest way to the closest village and I need to get away from the prison as fast as possible.” Amanda wasn’t sure how to answer their question but had to try to answer them. “I am not sure why I want to go through your forest, I guess it’s because I wanted to help farlock get through this forest because I knew about it.”
The trees just stared at the both of them for a little bit before they said anything to them. “We have decided to let you go on because of how you answered our question.” They were both very relived that they were able to go on down the road. They were very confused to why they wanted to know their reasons for going through this forest. They never got the chance to ask them their questions.
They tried not to think about it at all, but they couldn’t help but think about it. Farlock started to hear soft whispers again coming from the forest. “Why don’t you take my advise and leave, you will die if you go any further, are you sure that you can trust your companion that you have chosen?” He started to question if he could trust Amanda at all. He was getting very confused because of the whispers that he had been hearing. Farlock asked Amanda if she had heard any whispers coming from the forest. “No I haven’t, why do you ask?” He wasn’t sure if he should tell her or not, he thought that if he told her she would think that he was crazy.
Finally he convinced himself to tell her. “I have been hearing soft whispers coming from the forest, and they are suggesting that I can’t trust you and saying that we will die if we go any further.” Amanda didn’t know what to say to him to comfort him. She just stood there staring at him for a minute and then answered him. “Farlock you can trust me I am not going to do anything to you at all, and the threats well they very well could come true but we must keep on trying to get through this, we are too far now to give up on this.” Farlock nodded and they decided that now would be a good time to stop and rest for a little bit.
They had found another clearing to stop at. This time it was at an abandoned cabin. Amanda didn’t want to go inside it because it looked too old. Amanda had a very bad feeling about the cabin. It looked too inviting for the forest to have a trap in it for them. Farlock wanted to go inside the cabin to see if there was any food left in it that was still good enough to eat for them.
Farlock started heading towards the cabin. Amanda waited right out side of the cabin so that she could hear him while he went inside. He whistled the whole time he was in the cabin so that Amanda would know that he was ok. All of a sudden he stopped whistling and Amanda started to panic. She yelled at him, but there was no response. Finally she decided that she better go inside and see if he was ok and that he didn’t get hurt or anything. She went inside to try and find him. Before she even made in through the door she could hear him start to whistle again. She yelled at him to make sure that it was him.
Farlock yelled back and apologized for quitting whistling and not telling her. He told her that he had to so that he could see if the food he had found was still good to eat. Farlock came out of the cabin with his hands and arms full of food that they could eat. Luckily Amanda had a bag with her so they put it all in her bag for latter. They wanted to save it because they didn’t know how long they were going to be in this forest.
Amanda’s bag was very heavy now with all of that food in it. Farlock told her that they would take turns carrying the bag. He said that because it was for both of them and because it was so heavy now. Farlock was starting to get hungry for lunch now. Amanda was also getting hungry. They didn’t want to stop to eat yet; they decided to go a little further before they stopped. They wanted to find another clearing to stop at. It took them about an hour to find another clearing that they could stop at and eat.
They found what looked like the remains of a burnt down old library. The burnt wood that was still standing was all shaped like upside down crosses. They weren’t sure how it was that they were all still standing. The wood should have fallen by now considering that there wasn’t much left holding them up. Farlock touched one and it still felt like it was on fire. He jumped back when he touched it and looked at his hand to see if it was burnt. His hand wasn’t burnt but the wood started on fire when he looked up from his hand.
He couldn’t feel any heat coming from the fire on the wood. The wood did not seem to be getting burnt anymore than it was before. They didn’t know what to think of this. Farlock decided to touch the fire to see if it was real. He touched it and it felt cold even though he touched the flame and the wood. It was all an illusion that the forest had made for them. They were waiting for the trees that kept on showing up to pop up again and speak to them. The trees never came to talk to them that time.
The old library really creeped out Amanda so she convinced farlock that they should find another place to stop at to eat. They started down the old road again to find another place to stop at. They found a place about a mile down the road. This time it was an old park with a play ground in it. Both of them felt that this was a safe place to stop at to sit down and eat. They found a nice sturdy bench to sit down at. All the picnic tables were either rotted away or rotting away so they couldn’t sit at them. They settled with a bench that was close to the road.
They began to eat in silence, as the sun began to set in the sky. As they were finishing eating they began to hear barking coming closer to them. They began to run as fast as they could grave everything that they could. Then they heard a yelp and there was no barking, no sound being made by any animal in the forest. All animals went quiet, not even the birds or mice could be heard anymore. They wanted to go back to where the dogs were but they were too scared to go back and look for them. They started running away again scared that the guards from the prison where still after them.
The guards had been after them since farlock had escaped from the prison. They started after them after they had searched the entire prison. They searched in every cell in the prison to try and find him, but he had already escaped and was on the road. They searched outside of the prison to see if he was nearby. Then they formed several groups to search for him. One group went and searched behind the prison, one searched down the new road, the last group went down entrapment way.
The group that searched behind the prison didn't go very far behind.It was all pretty low so you could see everything. There wasn't many places that he could have hid behind the prison. They searched the places that where tall enough to where he could have hid behind. Then they returned back to the prison. They were the first ones to return to the prison cause they had the least amount of ground to cover, and the least likeliest place that farlock would have gone.
The second group that was searching down the new road returned second. They had to go down the road and search in the ditch on both sides of the road. They also had to search into the fields that the road went by. They searched that road all the way to the village that it went to. The village was about fifty miles down that road.
© Copyright 2005 THE FREAK (dorinifgoo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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