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by Jimmy
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fantasy · #1033378
The first chapter of The Bus. Slykes Adventure
The Bus

It is fall of 2009. School is starting once again for the kids of St. Paul, MN. But there are a few problems. Transportation is the biggest problem, the grand daddy. The people at transportation have decided to hire a con. The con was a con for stealing a car. A cop found out and started to chase him. He called for backup as his suspect pulled onto the freeway. It was very crowded, and it was to navigate. This guy, this master of driving, goes at one hundred mph, zigzagging all over the place. Over the course of an hour, over twenty police car were chasing him. This high speed chase went on for about ten hours. In the end, he was caught because he ran out of gas.
But, this was not the biggest problem. He was easily dealt with, and so they actually had another good bus driver. The biggest problem they were having was with drivers hitting kids. The kids would stray in front of the bus and the driver would take off. But, transportation had a solution.
On the first day, the big shots (the bosses) announced that if you hit a child while you were driving a school bus, you would be killed. They explained that your family would be alerted that you had hit a child. Then, when you come to work, you’d disappear. And all the drivers got a little chuckle out of that one. But everyone got just a little bit scared when the drivers hit kids, because they started disappearing, one by one.

Chap 1

“Hey, you kids! Siddown!”
Slyke had been working a shit job in a shit company for five years. He kept telling himself he would find a better job and get himself off to college. But year after year he was bussing kids to school. And this year, he was given the shit lot.
“I said siddown! Siddown for I pull over an call the cops! HEY!”
The bus was full of full rowdy sixth, seventh and eighth graders. They were running, fighting screaming and being stupid, and he had this group of idiots! Once or twice he had been hit in the back of the head with a piece of paper, shot at him with a rubber band. Once he screamed at them, they’d listen, they’d always listen, but only after he screamed.
“Listen you idiots, if you don’t calm down, I’m callin the cops, and having them arrest each one of you back there, if you don’t SIT down and stay STILL.”
Some kid had the nerve to yell shut up you asshole, which made Slyke very mad
“Listen you little fuck, if you don’t sit down and shut up, I’m gonna kick your ass, and I’m not gonna go easy on yo punk ass, ok? So shut up.”
This little burst of anger made all the little kiddies quiet down for awhile, so Slyke could finish up. He was bringing the kids back home from school and having a bad time doing it, so he decided, that after today, he was quitting, he was tired of all these assholes, tired of driving them, tired of driving. He wanted to get out of here.
About ten minutes later, the kids were rowdy again, but a cautious rowdy, for they new if they made this guy too mad, he’d snap and kick all their asses. So at this point, Slyke had to stop the bus and let the kids get off. As soon as the kids got off the bus, Slyke closed the doors and turned off the stop sign. One of the kids began to cross the street, and at that moment, some kid decided to hit him in the back of the head with a piece of paper shot with a rubber band. This caused Slyke to slam on the gas.
The kid was looking at Slyke when the paper hit. He saw the face he made. Complete and utter surprise. The last thing that poor kid thought was “If I survive this, I’m killing everyone on that bus.” That was the last thing that poor kid ever thought.
As Slyke slammed on the gas he turned around to yell at them, and felt a thud. He hit the brake as soon as he realized what he’d done. Time seemed to move in slow motion. He looked at the windshield, and felt sick. There were little red drops all over the bottom on the windshield, as if a light read rain was falling from the street. He leaned forward and plastered to the front of the bus was a kid. When he was plastered to the bus, he looked pretty good. Now, all his hair was flipped to his left side. He had blood coming out from all over his face. As he watched, the kid unglued from the front of the bus. Slyke backed up the bus jus a little and regretted it. The kid was now a mangled mass of limbs, covered in blood, and had the grid of the sticking out of him. Slyke looked for another second and vomited all over the dashboard. He fell back into his seat and closed his eyes.
When he opened them again everything was the same. He was feeling sick and the kid was still there. Slyke decided to open the door, tell the kids to get off and then call the cops. As he moved to push the handle, his stomach started fluttering again; he saw the kid and promptly vomited on the handle. He leaned back again and closed his eyes.
He opened them again and pushed on the handle with his weight (not that much, but enough to open the door.) Weakly he told the kids to get off the bus. Slowly they walked off one by one, staring in horror at the child that lay before them. As they gazed, Slyke pulled out his phone and called the police. He alerted them of his location, leaned back, and fainted.

The next day, Slyke found himself in a hospital room. Plain and fairly empty except for his roommate, who had the sheet pulled over his face. No visitors for either of them. He knew no one was going to come and see him. He had no family. No life. No health insurance.
“FUCK! How’m I sposta pay this? Jesus Christ, I’m not gonna be able to eat for weeks!”
Soon after this little explosion (which was followed a long string of curses) a nurse found her way over to him.
“Excuse me sir, I’ll have to ask you to either quiet down or stop swearing. The patients are complaining”
“Well I’m sorry, but this is fuckin retarded! I mean, I can’t pay for this little visit. I mean, I don’t really have any benefits or anything from my job, and I barely make enough money to keep my apartment.”
The Nurse was in a white nurse outfit that exposed her very large bosoms. She had very rich, brown hair which came down to her shoulders.
“Well I don’t know how you’ll pay, but you’ve only been in here an hour, and the doctor said once you wake up, your free to go.”
And with this, Slyke got up and left the building. He went home to get some sleep; he had to bus in the morning. He caught a bus so he could get home. Once home, he almost immediately got in bed and fell asleep. His bussing adventures forgotten.
© Copyright 2005 Jimmy (flamingangels at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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