Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1032213-The-Tale-of-Two
by Asyura
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1032213
Destiny bringing close friend into head on enemies, is that your destiny?

Chapter One Two Friends

Upon the horizon of the setting sun, where the plains were scattered with golden dust, two knights stood against the will of their hearts, drawing their swords to begin a fight of the good and evil.
“Living in the world of darkness, I fought with unquestionable courage, today I stand alone lively on this plain, it all thanks to the fighters of Mafa. I hereby vow to the soul of thousands death that I, Jaden Lacan will break free from all alignment of sire that I'll be a wandering fighter that roam the rave world, as in memorable of the dead.”
“Leaving battle scars of thousand battles behind, I live by the thousands of dead souls of Kafa. Therefore I, Latent Vane hereby once again strengthen my alignment to the land of Kafa that I will protect my people with all my might.”
Both men crashed against each other with their swords filled with bloods stains.

Between the two great mother land Kafa and Mafa, the town of Tranlan, where the town was famous of it’s location as it served as a stop-by point for merchant from all over the world. Though the town was small but certainly not a town that lived in the wonderland that known nothing about the outside world. The town was also famous due to its legend that before the town was build, the place where the Battle of Gods commenced. The Great Goddess of Light, Eve and the Goddess of Darkness, Lilith fought for the mainland. In the end, Eve sacrificed herself in order to destroy Lilith. Thus came to the creation of Kafa, the land of Justice and Mafa, the land of Pain. This town was built as in memorable of the both Goddesses.
Not far from the entrance of the town, where two statuses of Eve and Lilith stood high in the late afternoon sun. Two young kids were in a game of knight and warlord. This was the game that young kids loved to play at that time. With their wooden swords and imagination, they wandered in joy ignoring time.
“I, the golden knight will slay you with my Sword of Power! Be prepare to die!”
“Die! You fool who dare to stand against me!”
The two kids played around with their wooden happily until two women from two different houses came out and shouted: “Latent! Time for dinner”
“Lacan! Time for Dinner!”
“Consider yourself lucky today, we should continue our fight tomorrow!” shouted Lacan as he ran all the way back into his house.
“Don’t be too happy! You haven’t seem the last of me!” shouted Latent as he too, ran back home.
Two good friends at their young age only lived in their fantasy world of their own without knowing that battle is cruel and never in a way fun. Back at Latent’s house, the family of three seat down for dinner as Latent’s father, Matthew:
“Son, I had spoke to Uncle Rin and he agreed to let Lacan and you to be train by Master Luke. Tomorrow you and Lacan will start your training.”
Master Luke was a retired general of Kafa and chose to live in the outskirt of the two motherlands.
“Yes! Finally I am going to be a great warrior! Thank Dad!”
Both of them at that time was filled with desire that they could one day become a great warrior and fight for what they think it’s right.

Chapter Two The Vow

The two kids woke up in the very moment of sunrise and came out into the field where Master Luke awaited their arrival. In front of the field was one old man who seat down on a chopped down tree trunk holding a walking stick. The two kids stood straight in front of Master Luke as they greeted Master Luke:
“ Good Morning Sensei!”
“Hm…so you are to two little rascals that played with Old Johan Baker’s cart and spoiled it?”
The two kids looked up and smiled with embarrassment. Latent smiled and said:
“It was an accident but we knew it was our fault.”
Following Latent’s apologizes, Lacan apologized:
“I am sorry Master, I was all my fault. If I never ask Latent to play with me, nothing of this would happen.”
Latent noticed that Lacan was trying to push all the blame to himself and tried to help Lacan by saying:
“No! It was my fault! I played with the cart first.”
Master Luke raised his hand into the mid-air to signal the both of them to stop their conversation. Slowly the rough voice came preaching:
“Stop it, the two of you. Putting blame for friends is no doubt an act of courage but besides that, the two of you must also understand that learning the mistakes that you made and never to do it again is something must more important. You live and learn your way through and learning does not stop at a certain point. It only stops when you are dead. Keep this in your mind.”
Both of them replied:
“Yes! Sensei.”
“I heard from your father that both of you have been looking up to be a warrior or a knight. I don’t usually accept students but apart from these years that I saw the two of you grown, I found that there’s something different in you compare to the other kids. Both of you are at the age of twelve now if I am not wrong. Today I will teach you the Mind of a Knight. This was what I learned from the time I was in Kafa.
A Knight is swore to valor
His Heart knows only virtue
His Blade defends the weak
His Might upholds the justice
His words speak only truth
His roar vanquishes the wicked
Now recite after me”

From that day on, the two kids had been bonded with the vow for life that if they successful became a knight, they had to follow the path of the knight. For now they might not know the true meaning behind all these words that had been seriously conveyed with thoughts.

Chapter Three The Journey

Living in Tranlan for nearly twenty years, these two little kids had grown up to be great man. Never had they step out to the outside world and the only thing they did was training with Master Luke. Down by the river near Tranlan, both men seated down in the evening sky and started to chat.
“Latent, Master Luke had been dead for years but these few years we did not stop training what Master Luke teaches us. Besides that, it ‘s only farmers’ work we do… nothing else. Don’t you think it is time we do something for ourselves, do something for our dream?”
“Lacan, after Master Luke had died, I have lost my sense of direction. I do not know where to go anymore. Is our dream going to come true? And how are we going to achieve that when we are just nobody. Moreover, Tranlan is just a small town. The only way is that we leave our hometown but…” Lacan continued the sentence when Latent pondered on what he was going to say.
“But our families are still here, we can’t just live them alone.”
Lacan sighed. Not far from the river, the both of them heard a voice that said:
“Live your life worthwhile, there’s nothing to worry about us, son.”
Lacan and Latent turned back and saw both of their parents.
“We have prepared that if we allow both of you to train under Master Luke, one day you will leave us and search for your dream. It’s time that you leave this little town and explore the land far beyond the mountain.” Said Lacan’s father Rin.
“But… we have the responsibility to take care of you and what about Mum and Auntie Lil? Certainly, they can’t bear to see us leave like that.” Said Lacan.
“Both of us had talked to your mothers, they understand just like the day the both of us were leaving them for war. You don’t have to worry about that.”
Lacan and Latent looked down and began to ponder. Living their families for their dreams or stay to take care of them while allowing the dream to stay as a dream, which is more important?
Rin and Matthew looked at each other and turned to their sons. Matthew said:
“ Look up the both of you! Look at us and look at the swords that both of you have been carrying since the day the both of you made them. A sword follows its master because of a purpose. Whether it is to persuade a dream or to protect someone, the purpose must be clear. Bringing your sword wherever you go without a purpose, you have let your sword down. You have chose to live just like your sword, something with power but yet useless. Can you understand that?”
Lacan and Latent looked at Matthew and looked down again. They didn’t have the courage to make such big decision in life.
Rin smiled to the both of them and said:
“Don’t let the surrounding blind your visions as you have a long journey to go. I would hope that the both of you could raise your swords high with glory and we will be waiting for your return.”
Latent and Lacan looked at each other, they seem to have made the decisions and they turned to their parents and said:
“Father, we will return with glory and honor without fail”
When the both parents heard what they said, they seems to have a sudden relief but they knew deep in theirs hearts that they will certainly miss their child.
Latent and Lacan raised their swords into the air in contact with each other blades and vowed once again: “
A Knight is swore to valor
His Heart knows only virtue
His Blade defends the weak
His Might upholds the justice
His words speak only truth
His roar vanquishes the wicked!”

The night before they set of, Lacan and Latent met up in the stable preparing their horses for tomorrow ‘s long trip.
“Lacan, are you sure about this? What about Ariel? Are you gonna leave her alone just like that? Have you met up with her?” Latent asked.
“Haven’t see her since the day I told her that I am leaving… Wonder where is she now and what is she thinking about?” said Lacan.
“You gonna bring her along?” asked Latent again.
“That’s impossible! I don’t what I might encounter and if there’s something that will endanger her, I’ll never risk that!”
And from beside, a voice came in:
“Then are you going to live me alone here? Or is it ours love that you wanna risk?”
Both of them turned back and saw Ariel, a girl with long blond hair.
“Ariel, where have you been? I was looking for you. We need to talk. Latent can you leave us alone just for a while, please.
Latent nodded his head and walked back into the stable.
Ariel looked at Lacan, deep in her eyes there were tears but she tried not to cry.
“I know this is hard for you but you have to know I don’t feel any better at all. Leaving you is a pain…”
Ariel cut in Lacan’s sentence:
“Then bring me along!”
“Ariel, listen! You know how I felt for you, I know you love me as well but I know that I have a destiny to oblige to, I just know it, the feeling has been getting stronger these years and I know that I must leave. Will you wait for my return? I will promise you with life that the day of my return will be the day I marry you as my wife and I will leave everything in your hand then. Give me a few years time. I’ll be back”
“But…You said you will always be with me… and you said that that you will never leave me. Now you are breaking the rule that you once vowed to me…”
At the point of time, Ariel could not hold on to her tears, she cried. Lacan felt lost and hugged Ariel hard without a word as Ariel continued to cry.
“Trust me I will be back and I know it’s hard to ask you that but… Will you wait for me?”
Lacan did not have a reply from Ariel that night and that was the only worries that he bought along in the journey.

(Seriously I dun wanna cut short on this part but if this is going to drag, you are going to spend days reading this… basically what happened was that Latent and Lacan decided that they should ventured individually and should meet up in a place near Kafa north west border called Dust two years later. What they didn’t know was that when they met each other, they were no longer in an identity of friends but rivals of two great counties.)

Chapter Four Latent’s Legend Begins…

Across the border of Kafa after separation with Lacan, Latent reached the capital of Kafa, Crecsendo. This was the capital where people from over the world came to for only one reason and that was to become the knight of Kafa. The capital served actually as a training ground for beginner warriors and it was certainly not easy to get into the Kafa army. Every half a year, there would be a recruitment session for new army soldiers. The test was simple. There would be a obstacle course set up in the middle of the Capital where the conference hall were, at just in front of the castle.
The recruitment was easy; the obstacle course was being divided into three different parts. The first session was a route that would be constantly obstructed by rotating sandbags. If you are able to pass the first session without getting knock down by sandbags, you will receive a prize. The second session was also a straight route that was constantly be obstructed by rotating spike balls. At the point of a time, usual people who tried gave up. If you were able to pass the second session, Kafa would confirm you with a post in the infantry army. The third session of this obstacle course was a zip-zap route with running blades from all angles obstructing the contestants’ way. If you were able to cross that also, that means you will be a trainee knight in Kafa, which was what lots of people craved for at that time.
The crowds gathered to watch to how people from all over world coming trying to overcome the obstacle. Loud cheer from the audiences would always goes to people who overcome the second obstacle, because there were seldom people who dared to cross the third session.
Among the cheers and jeers, high on the conference hall tower, King Coltzan and Princess Luna seated in to enjoy the early afternoon event.
“Daddy, this year is cool, there is so many people here today! Look at that man! He is wearing a funny hat!” (Actually that was just a turban) said princess Luna with excitement.
“Silly girl, enjoy the show, there might just be powerful allies and the right man for you below. Hahaha!” Laughed King Coltzan.
“Daddy!! That’s not funny at all.”
“Ok! Ok! My beloved daughter. Let’s enjoy the show.”
In between two huge hunks, Latent’s view was being blocked from the obstacle course. As he tried to squeeze through, the two hunks blocked his way and pushed him back.
“Back off! You idiot! I’ll be the next to try the obstacle course!” said one of the huge.
In order to avoid any conflict, Latent kept quiet and waited for the hunk to move up to the obstacle course. He kind of looked confidence though, but the first round of the first session, he was knocked down by one of the rotating sandbags.
Latent smiled and shakes his head. The second hunk besides Latent noticed Latent’s actions and said:
“If you think you are that great then go and try, I bet you can’t make it even the first round!”
Latent smiled again and in order to prove his ability, he stood out onto the stage and began crossing the obstacles. Greatly surprised the audiences, Latent crossed the first two sessions with normal dodging and shifting moves. The audiences cheered so loud that King Coltzan and Princess Luna took notice of him.
“I bet he can’t make it through the third set of obstacles.” Said King Coltzan
Luna didn’t spoke a word and seat down quietly looking at Latent and waiting for the answer whether he could venture pass the hardest obstacles.
Latent looked at the obstacle for a while as he wondering into his memories to the past where Master Luke was training him o f dodging combat. Latent ready himself as a smile appeared in his face. Waiting for the right time, he did a somersault through the first rotating blades and dodged through a few of the small ones. With amazing speed and reflexes, he went through the last huge rotating blade with a back- flip somersault that led the audiences into cheering and shouting for him.
(After all this, King Coltzan was impressed with Latent and of course granted him the title of Trainee Knight of Kafa. He was a bit reluctant in the beginning but kind of like gave in later in this chapter. Of course Princess Luna will be his future lover)

Chapter Five Lacan’s Destiny Begins…

Over the mountain, through the valley, Lacan crossed the border south of Mafa into Rabulia, a huge black forest in the Mafa. The sun began to set while Lacan settled down for the day beside a small river that ran through this huge forest. Lacan set up campfire and began cooking the fish he caught before the sunsets. While he settled down to enjoy his cook fish, suddenly he heard horses coming his way. In the dark, Lacan saw five horsemen coming his way.
“Hey you we will be staying here for the night!” a voice from one of the horsemen said in the dark.
“Do you think I care?” Lacan replied and continued to eat his fish.
Among the five horsemen, one of them in the center advanced as he slowly came out to the light following by the other horsemen.
“Greeting stranger. I am sorry to disturb you in such a late hour but after a long journey from Yew, we would like to stay here for the night.”
“Who are you?” Lacan asked without looking at them.
“How dare you to disrespect our prince!” snorted one of the horsemen.
“Don’t be rude. Carmen. I am sorry sir. My man are just concern about my welfare. My name is Alfano Decresando, the prince of Mafa. My man and I are just on our way back to the capital of Lula.”
Lacan looked up at the prince and said:
“Not bad, at lest there’s still someone in the Mafa army with etiquette, not from what I heard of, the Mafa army is just a bunch of barbaric fools.”
“You!” angered one of the horsemen at the back.
“Haha! Sorry for the bad reputation, can I sit down?” smiled Alfano.
“As you wish.” Said Lacan while he continued to eat his fish.
“Stranger, may I know your name?” asked Alfano.
Lacan turned to look across the river and said:
“I come from there, Tranlan, the town of Legend. My name is Jaden Lacan.”
The night went long with the two strangers seated down by the fire exchanging information that interest each other.
“Can’t believe you are a warrior from that small town.” Smiled Alfano.
“There’s time, things doesn’t go its correct way like you were born as a prince, and a future king.” Smiled Lacan.
Both of them felt a certain liking between each other as they carried on chatting through the night.
The morning sun rises with grace as its bought all other living creatures to life as well as these two persons who was closely bonded by fate.
“So what’s your plan from now on?” asked Alfano.
“I don’t know.” Said Lacan as he closed his eyes.
“If you don’t mind, how about visit the capital of Lula? I can bring you around.” Smiled Aflano.
“I don’t mind…” smiled Lacan.
(From here Lacan knew Alfano who sacrificed his life to save Lacan, wanted Lacan to promise him that Lacan would to protect the king. Although Lacan was so much reluctant, he had no choice but to agreed. This was how he became aligned to the Tyrant King.)

Chapter Six Two Enemy

Two years had passed; the two friends withhold their promise and met up in the place Dust.
“But why?! Why must you go there?! NO! This can’t be!” Latent confused.
Lacan looked down to the ground and said:
“This is fate, learn to accept it Latent…”
“NO! We lived our dreams together! We shared the common thoughts, the common pain but now we… Why?!” Latent simply just can’t accept the fact that he would soon be at war with his best friend as enemies.
“I don’t have a choice, Latent. I had to keep my promise.”
“Promise? You promised…

A Knight is swore to valor
His Heart knows only virtue
His Blade defends the weak
His Might upholds the justice
His words speak only truth
His roar vanquishes the wicked!
That’s what you promised yourself! Have you forgotten? Why do you choose to help that Tyrant? Why?”
Lacan looked away
“Looked at me! Lacan! What about your promise to Ariel? What about you promise to me, to Master Luke, to your father and your mother? What about all these promises?”
Sudden memories flashed back on Lacan’s happy moment with Ariel. Lacan knew that he could not bear to leave Ariel but he knew that he was bonded to this dark destiny since he was born and he had to follow and obey till his death.
“Latent, I am sorry but from today onwards, we are no longer friends but enemies at war. I was bonded to dark fate and I knew I had to follow. You lived to protect the people you need to protect. I lived to uphold this destiny.”
In Lacan’s heart, he also had someone he wanted to protect and that was Ariel but he knew he was unable to do so.
(Both of them left in pain and they knew that their battle was in avoidable. I will go to the last chapter where they stood up as the last man of their army.)

Last Chapter The Pain

Upon the horizon of the setting sun, where the plains were scattered with golden dust, two knights stood against the will of their hearts, drawing their swords to begin a fight of the good and evil.
“Living in the world of darkness, I fought with unquestionable courage, today I stood alone lively on this plain, it all thank to the fighters of Mafa. I hereby vow to the soul of thousands death that I, Jaden Lacan will break free from all alignment of sire that I be a wondering fighter that roared the rave world, as in memorable of the dead.”
“Leaving battle scars of thousand battles behind, I live by the thousands of dead souls of Kafa. Therefore I, Latent Vane hereby once again strengthen my alignment to the land of Kafa that I would protect my people with all my might.”
Both men rushed against each other with their swords filled with bloods stains. It was a scene that resembled the Great War between the good and evil, Eve and Lilith.
After an hour of long battling without a winning side, both of them lied down onto the plain with their exhausted bodies without a slight movement.
“Have you thought of what going to happen tomorrow?”
Asked Latent.
“It’s hard to think that far.” Lacan replied.
“I have longed for death but fear…” Lacan said again.
“Besides your soul, what do you have to lose?” Latent asked.
“My memory. My memories for Ariel. My love for her. I am afraid that I am not able to bring my memory of her along even after I die. This is what kept me alive for so long. This is the only pain I am unable to bear”
Both of kept quiet for a while, for at the point of the time, they had all the time they wanted.
(I actually dun have a complete plan on how the story going to end. Both of them might fight to their death just like Eve and Lilith. Or Latent might continue to protect his country while Lacan goes back to Tranlan and stay with Ariel. Or even one of them die and the other kill himself. Not matter what the ending is, that’s something I haven’t find out yet and of course I don’t want to know because that might be what happened between my friend and I in the real world…)

The End

Hope you enjoy it!

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