Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1032201-The-Kingdom-of-Prospera
by Damon
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Political · #1032201
Political Satire
You Are Now Leaving The Kingdom of Prospera
We Hope You Enjoyed Your Stay

The cloaked conspirators gathered around a table in the corner of the dark musty pub. Sirs Richard Dykwod, Jonathan Ashwhipe, and Ronald Ragonit had been the closest advisors to King George I. George I was hated by the masses for his brutal oppression and war mongering. Fortunately, his reign was short. Upon his (timely) demise, his only son, William Prospera, ascended to the throne.
King Prospera had no use for his fathers advisors, whom, in jest, he called the horrible threesome, for he knew they encouraged his fathers brutal application of power. Upon his coronation he immediately dismissed the three knights.
Slamming his jug of ale down on the worn wooden table Sir Dykwod exclaimed, “For the past seven years, this King William has bowed down to the masses, began regulating our businesses, and increased our taxes to pay for his ridiculous ‘social programs’. The commoner has become more prosperous than at any other time in our history. All that gold in they’re pockets should be in ours.”
“Besides”, shouted Sir Ragonit, “How can the elite control an underclass that is approaching it’s own level of effluence.”
As the drunken men laughed, Sir Ashwhipe belched loudly and said, “They don’t know how to deal with wealth. They have all become immoral heathens.”
As the laughter settled down, Dykwod leaned forward, looked intently at the two men, and said in a whisper, “Gentlemen, I know, from sources inside the castle, that our ‘beloved king’ is dying from syphilis. Now is the time to prepare for his demise. I believe that we can retrieve the power that is rightfully ours.”
Ashwhipe said smugly, “It does not surprise me that a demon has entered that fornicating pig.”
Ragonit lifted one eyebrow and asked, “How is that old friend? The king has no son. His rightful heir would be Duke Albert Boreman. He is just as ‘compassionate’ as his uncle. We would be no better off with him than with Willam.”
A devious smile crossed his face and the light from the table candle danced across his dark eyes as Dykwod continued, “Yes. I’ve thought of that. “It is a well kept secret that King George I kept a mistress and that mistress bore him a son.”
“My goodness! What a scandal!”, gasped Ashwhipe. “I cannot believe the king had such a lapse in moral fortitude. It cannot be so!”
Dykwod replied, “Actually gentlemen, it is not so. But, we can make it so. And, the man I have in mind is perfect for the job.”
Adjusting his spectacles, Ragonit quarried, “Really? Would he make a strong and forceful leader. The people need to be brought back into line.”
“He will be whatever we want Ragonit. He will be under our complete control.”
Ashwhipe asked, “So who is this mystery prince Dykwod?”
“Do you gentlemen know of the jester George Stagnastammer?”
“Yes. Of course”, replied Ragonit. “He is the most favored jester of the king’s court.”
Ashwhipe remarked, “Very amusing. But, quite the idiot.”
Leaning back in his chair, Dykwod said, “That’s our man gentlemen.”
Shocked, Ragonit shouted, “What! Have you lost your mind sir?”
“Keep your voice down.”
Lowering his voice, Ragonit continued, “You can’t be serious. You want to make that complete and utter moron our next king? Can that bumbling clown even form a coherent sentence?”
Laughing, Dykwod replied, “Probably not. But, we can deal with that.”
“This is ridiculous,” exclaimed Ragonit.
His patients becoming as thin as his hair, Dykwod said sternly, “Perhaps. But, this is precisely the course we will follow!”
“Very well”, conceded Ragoint. “But, what about Duke Boreman? He will surely question the paternity of the jester. How will the rightful heir be determined? Any idiot can see that even Duke Boreman is more qualified than the jester.”
Jumping into the conversation, Ashwhipe remarked, “It is not a matter of qualification. It is a matter of divine right. The church will decide into who’s hands God has willed the throne.”
“Precisely!”, said Dykwod. “And, that is where you come in Ashwhipe. You are the most pious amongst us. You have the strongest connections to the upper echelons of the church. It will be your job Sir Ashwhipe to convince the church that the jester is the god given heir to the throne.”
“That shouldn’t be hard”, replied Ashwhipe, “given the erosion of their authority under King Prospera.”
“And what about Queen Hillary”, asked Ragonit. “She will try to interfere. She will want to retain the throne for her own family.”
Ashwhipe interjected, “Yes. The Queen will not want to give up the throne to the bastard son of a whore.”
“Plus, she has many friends in the parliament”, added Ragonit.
Dykwod replied, “We will deal with her when the time comes. Besides, the church trumps the parliament.”
Ashwhipe added gleefully, “And, we have God on our side.”
Ragonit then asked Dykwod, “How will we convince the jester to go along with us; to assume the role of King George II. Have you considered that?”
Dykwod picked up the candle to light his pipe replying, “’Easy. We will tell him that his realm shall be forever known as The Kingdom of Stagnaland. That should placate the fool.”
© Copyright 2005 Damon (dsinman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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