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I am comparing four different versions of the beloved Princess story. |
![]() ![]() I wrote this item for Children's Literature Class in college. I made an A in the class and on this paper. This item is about three different comparisions of the famous Cinderella stories. I hope that you will enjoy this. Cinderella By: Marcia Brown Cinderella By: Disney Puss in Boots, The Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella By: Marianne Moore I read three different versions of Cinderella. They were all well written and the details were similiar in some respects and different then others. Mariane Moore says that Cinderella's father remarried after her his wife and Cinderella's mother died. Moore and Brown say that Cinderella asked if she could go to the Ball and her step mother told her there was no way that she could go. In Disney's version, the step mother said she could go if she got all her work done in time. The step mother assigned Cinderella so much work to do and she knew that Cinderella would never get all her work done in time to go to the Ball. Moore says that Cinderella did her step sisters' hair for the Ball. Brown says that the step sisters had a hair dresser do their hair. Brown doesn't say what the step sisters names are but Disney gave them names Drizella and Anastasia. All three versions say that the step sisters were lazy. Moore and Brown say that the king invited everyone to the Ball but doesn't say how. Disney says they received a letter requesting their presence at the Ball. Moore and Brown say the godmother changed Cinderella's raggedy old dress into one of gold and silver but adds that the dress was embroidered with rubies, pearls and diamonds. Brown says that Cinderella seated herself by her step sisters at the Ball and offered them lemons and oranges. Moore says that she offered them lemons and kumquats. Both say that her step sisters didn't recogonize her. Moore says that Cinderella's step sisters married nobles but Brown says that they married Lords of the Court. Disney almost changed the whole story. Cinderella had mice for friends and she had an old dress that she wanted to fix up for the Ball but couldn't find time to do so because of all the chores that her family made her do. The mice and birds fixed up the dress for her her to go that night. When her step sisters saw the dress, they were so jealous that they ripped it to shreds and she ran out to the garden and cried. Her fairy God Mother appeared and turned a pumpkin into a coach like in all three versions but the horse and dog were changed into a coachman and footman according to Disney.Disney says that the Ball lasted all night but Moore and Brown say that the Ball lasted two nights. Of course Cinderella left behind a gold slipper made out of glass in all three versions. When the Duke came to try the slipper on the ladies, the Step mother locked Cinderella in her room because the step mother figured out that Cinderella was the lady the Prince was looking for. The mice got the key out of the step mother's pocket and unlocked the door and let her out. Cinderella tried the slipper on and it fit. She married the Prince and became the Princess and the story ends. Of all three versions I read, I love Disney's one the best. The mice added more life to the story and we all love the cartoon of this beloved fairy tale. This made Cinderella a more beautiful and beloved story. The book is beautifully illustrated and Cinderella is a favorite story of all girls, young and old. I am so glad that Disney done a version. Cinderella will always be a classic. I saw the movie Cinderella with Lily James. Lily played in Downton Abbey and The Momma Mia movies. In this version, Cinderella meets the Prince when he is out hunting a big buck in the woods. They have no idea who each other is but Cinderella talks him out of hunting the big Buck because she had seen him and was unhappy. I didn't want that Buck being shot, either. The Prince tells his men they aren't going to hunt him. The one step sister played Daisy in Downton Abbey. At first, the Fairy Godmother is old and turns into a young pretty woman. She makes mistakes trying to get the footmen and the coach but it all works out. The stepmother breaks Cinderella's glass slipper but the Prince has her other glass slipper and it fits. Cinderella and the Prince marry of course. This is the best Cinderella movie, yet. I loved the Disney cartoon one but I love this version the best. I have three Cinderella Disney Dolls but Elsa is my favorite Disney Princess. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |