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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · War · #1031280
September 11, 2001...A day in history that will never be forgotten
Batman superman and barney too
All of them may be a hero to you
“My hero is my daddy,” a little girl will say
While the kids in her class stare at her a funny way
One boy asks, “Is your daddy superman”
“No my daddy is a 9/11 fireman”
The boy replies back “so what big deal”
While the little girl goes home to throw up another meal
Lonely and depressed she starves herself everyday
Just because she’s confused and all the kids always say
Say her daddy’s not a hero no one special in their mind
But he’s her hero and she knows how to find
How to find people who know what goes on in her head
All because of 9/11 when her daddy turned up dead

“When I found out I burst into tears
So many people lost their lives and it taught Americans to fear
It’s so sad feels like a knife through my heart
It hurts me to see America like this terrorists tearing us apart
I turned on the television and all I seen was gray
In the brightened sky of endless blue it all faded away
Fireman were called to the scene
Their lives soon ended because of terrorist attacks so cruel and mean
Days upon day’s months upon months ask yourself who’s your hero
Is it superman or the men and women who lost their lives at ground zero”?

“It was smoky and hard to breathe,” said a man who escaped
He’s dealt with homicides, suicides, and with rapes
But he says, “This is the worst of them by far”
All throughout the night the sky lit up with stars
Each star stood for a person who lost their life
Now their family’s lives are going to be filled with strife
To this woman who lost her husband everyone will say
“You’ll soon get over it, it’s just going to be another day”
But she knows in her heart that he wasn’t supposed to be taken away
He had a wife and kids he was meant to stay

“I remember all the times when I was happy
All I can think of are all the times that you had helped me”
As you shake and quiver I stare deeply in your eyes
“Go ahead and talk to someone it’s okay to cry”
As you slowly finish I see big crystal tears
I say ‘Yea that’s right” as you recount all of the years
All the years you husband made you happy and really showed he cared
“Go on and speak your mind it’s okay to share”
You tell me you’ve tried to keep a smile on to show it’s okay
Trying to keep yourself happy from day to day
You say it sometimes doesn’t work and it hurts you even more
Only because you have to fake it to act there wasn’t any affect before
You lost your husband and now you can see
How bad Americans fears can be
Because on that day your fears came true
You fear of him saving someone and in the process he left you

“I came home from school and found my family crying
They had told me that my father was dieing”
This little boy of only nine years old
Had reporters attacking him so his story could be told
“They told me two planes had come down from the sky
And it caused thousands of Americans to lose their lives
They took me to the hospital to see my father
My brother had told me ‘why even bother’
But I knew that if that was me
My father would have came to see
His last words to me were ‘hold you head up high
And never let the American pride die’
And with those words going through my head
My father’s body lie there cold and dead”

Some years later looking back on this day
Sitting here thinking how can these terrorists get their way
And with that though we took a stand
And lent American soldiers our hands
Now over seas fighting in a war
Just to see how much these terrorists can endure
Endure so much hurting and so much pain
On their side they’ve got nothing to gain
So in the end who’s your hero
Mine are the ones fighting and who lost their lives at ground zero
To all the firefighters and people who were affected by this attack
Just know that all of America has your back

© Copyright 2005 Nickolow (nickolow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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