Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1031062-Piano-Man
by Dria
Rated: E · Other · Emotional · #1031062
About a young woman's struggle to stop reliving her past.
She glanced around the unfamiliar yet familiar room that she had grown to love. The once blue curtains, the oak table, and the piano. As she touched each item memories floated back like a haunting melody, but no memory came back as vividly as the piano. She sat on the creaky bench Touching the ivory keys letting her eyes drift shut as she began to remember...
"Zimbree?" called an enthusiastic voice fro across the courtyard.

" Yes, Janell I'm over here!"
" Where are you going? Not the theater room again?"
" As a matter of fact that is where I am going. I have had enough of Adam and all his problems! And I want Max to play one of his piano pieces. Adam and his stupid little drama queen can go... RHHHHHHHHHH!! She makes me so angry!"

"Zim, you can't keep doing this to yourself. Isolating yourself from the world because of your heartbreak is not a good idea." Janell works hard to get Zimbree to listen by walking backwards so that she is in front of Zim.

"Janell I'm not isolating myself." The two girls enter the theater room. As Zim opens the door the room echoes with hello's from around the room to the two girls! " Hi everyone. See I'm loved here they know me and they all understand me. I'm sorry Janell but I have realized where I belong and I like it here. Nobody judges and they all try to help you when you are low! Now Janell this is the last time I will tell you to stop bugging me about coming in here."

Janell ,with a saddened expression asks "I'll see you after school then , Right?"
"Yes of course I only take you home. Hey Max would you mind playing on of your pieces? Please?" Zim gives him puppy eyes and he agrees to play the piano for her.

"Mam we need to start cleaning." A voice from Zimbree's present pulls her back.
"Hmmmm... Oh! What? Okay just a few more minutes."

She floats softly back into the past.
As she reopens her eyes of memory, Max finishes his song the last furious chord sounds and Zim states " Max you are amazing, Every time you play I feel like all my troubles are lifted! Thank you so very much! Are you ever going to ... Well put words to it so that maybe I could learn it with my voice teacher? I would love it."
"I was thinking about it, what key do you sing best in?"
"I actually don't even know but I can find out!"

Ok then I'll write one for you to sing."
The lunch bell rings Max gets up to leave she hugs him as he walks out the door and says goodbye. She finishes her school day. As the bell for sixth hour ends she races from the room and waits for Janell at the car.
"Hey cute girl how was the rest of your day?"
"Well after I left you I went and got a pizza ate with Todd, Kami, Kira, and Braxton."
"Sounds like fun. Hey on a random note, who do you want to ask to Winter formal?"
"Well I was thinking about Brax or maybe Kip. Both have been really nice to me lately."
The girls got in the truck and drove off through the parking lot making it out on the first green light!
"Well I kind of want to ask Micha or Garrett
I really enjoy both of them but either way I would have to ask soon!"
"Yes you would." They pulled into the drive way of Janells house hugged and Jannell hoped out of the car. Zim drove off wondering how to ask Micha.

The next day at school Zim walks in to first hour realizing that winter break was coming up and that she wanted to ask Micha before anyone else could. She sat in her seat pulling out her homework to turn in to Mr. Garland. Today was Friday and she wanted the day to be over. As the late bell rang she looked up to see Braxton looking at her really funny.
"What do I have something on my face?" she asks him as she starts to touch her face.
" No silly you just looked like you were hard into thought so I wanted to see if I could get you to look at me, It worked." Braxton laughed and turned around in his seat.
"Brax you are so cruel. I was thinking; about who to ask to winter formal."
"Really now!?!?"
" Yes and it wont be you."
" Why not?"
" I want to ask Micha."
" Well fine then," He turns in his chair and gives her the don't talk to me hand.
" Micha is more ... more my type plus some one else wants to ask you."
Brax whipped around in his seat. " Who?"
" So now you want to talk to me. It's,"
She covers her moth and mumbles the name.
" Not Fair. You didn't say it so I could hear it."
"That was the point. I can't tell you you'll find out sooner or later." Class started and the usual bore of Mr. Garlands voice set in.

" Class we have an assembly to go to so class is short today so go ahead and pack up." Mr Garland instructed as the bell rang. Zimbree and Brax made the way to the orchestra room where Zim put her stuff in her locker.
"Zim tell me. It's not like ... well I guess it is fine whatever I'll figure it out later. Do you actually want to go to the assembly?"
" No, are you kidding me. I just want to go to the choir room."
" Ok, well lets go." They walk out the door and around the corner to another door and walk into a room full of enthusiastic voices.
" Steph, what’s going on?" Zim asked a nearby girl.
" Mr. Kafree Just announced the musical for the spring."
" What is it?"
" It's .... Sound of Music!!"
" Seriously .. wow that will be tons of fun!"
Brax cuts in " Zim you going try out?"
" Of course, and even though I probably wont make it (again) I'll try and if anything I'll help with costuming or something. Brax this is wonderful."
" Zim who are you going try out for?"
" Lesile I guess I don't know who else to try out for I mean I could try for a nun or something." Zim starts to sing " I am 16 going on 17...." she fades off as she heads towards the theater room.

As she enters the soft melodic notes of the piano catch her attention. She enters without a word to see Max alone at the piano. The sweet melody sits into her soul as she pulls up a chair next to him. His last notes tinker away into thin air like a bird flying into the morning breeze.

"Wow Max, again your magnificent. You never cease to amaze me!"
He jumps startled to hear her voice! "Oh Zim it's just you. I didn't know anyone was in here. This is the one.... I think. The one I'll put words to for you."

" Really Max that would be ever so terrific." They look at each other and fall deep into each others eyes.

As the bell sounds Zimbree is pulled from her sweet memories to the haunting room. She picks her purse and walks out into the hall as she opens the door a familiar voice calls her from the other side of the door.

"Zim.... Zim is that you? Well my what time, marriage and two kids has done to you. You still loook as young as ever."

"Thanks Janell You look good yourself! No new wrinkles I see. How’s Micha and the baby?"

"Well Jimmys two now and Micha's as fun as ever. He never did make all-stars or and major leagues but he settled for me and the baby. With a job at the local dentist office. Hows the baby and Trishtjen?"

"Trishtjen's four and the babys seven months."

" How have you been since the accident?"
"Well We've been making it. I work now as a third grade teacher at Epstines Elementary academy. It's an Elementary school for the advanced child."

"Well it's good to see you come on lets go to the hotel and see who else has checked in."

By this time the two women had walked from the theater hallway to the parking lot and got in the rental car.

As they closed the doors and Zim started the engine a familiar sound came back to her and she began to hum. They drove off to the hotel and began to unload. A bell boy came out to assist and asked if they were here for the reunion. The two girls answered "yes." In unison.
The day was hot and dry as the two girls primed and checked down the hall to see who had arrived. The whole fifth and sixth floor had been reserved with part of the seventh floor. So far Brax and Todd were the only two missing from the old group. They all decided to go to Applebee’s to catch up on the past ten years.

"Hey Micha how are you? How’s Joslyn? Any kids yet?" Zimbree inquired of the tall stunningly handsome man.

"Yeah actually we have twins on the way. Great way to start out in the kid department don't you say?"

"Wow that’s amazing. How exciting for you, Is Joslyn happy?"

"Yeah she is. Hey Jen! I'll catch you later Zim."

"See ya Micha."
As they finished dinner they all began to decide to go to the movies a usual back when they were in high school. As they all got in line they glanced around and reminisced of old times. Zim became aware of a sound that was very familiar
she listened hard and then the soft notes and flowing chords hit her ear. She realized it was one of Max's songs. She began to cry.

As Brax approached her he noticed the tears streaming down Zimbree's cheeks. "Zim what’s wrong? Why the tears?"

"Listen," She said between blubbers and sobs. " it's the song Max wrote for me." As she said this her voice comes across the speaker mixed with max's flowing notes and his harmoniozed low voice. they sang, " ...It's all we have or Alone...."

"We recorded it right before the accident."

"I'm so sorry Zim. Do you want to go back to the hotel?"

" Yes, please if you don't mind."

"No, I'll take you back. Come on."

"Thank you." The two walked off in the direction of the parking lot.

As they walked in to the hotel Zimbree’s tears became sobs and Brax had to almost fully support her to get her to her six level room. He got her off the elevator and to her door when he realized he needed her key.

“Zim,” He said to the now trembling young woman “ I need your key Can you get it for me?”

“Yes.” She mumbled. She reached into her purse pulling out the thin key. He slid it into the lock and opened the door. As the door clicked closed behind them the sound made her jump into a rage, she began screaming "LIAR, HE'S NOT DEAD. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" He rushed to the bed, Zimbree's arms and legs flailing almost knocking over a nerby lamp as she tried to push him away " I DON'T BELIEVE YOU. GET AWAY FORM ME. HE'S NOT DEAD." He sat on the bed holding her tight so that she wouldn't hurt herself. She screamed and kicked then she calmed, and only soft muffled wails echoed around them. She fell asleep around 1:30. He laid her on the bed and moved to the window. He stared at the cars below and then sat in the chair next to the bed to watch over her. He had always watched over her. He regretted not visiting her the summer of Max's accident but there was nothing he could do now.He thought back to that summer " Brax... Why don't you come visit Max and I. Tristjen would love to see you." She had said over the phone.

" No that's ok I'd Rather not intrude on you and Max." What an idot he had been. He wanted to go back, "Why didn't I?" he spoke aloud.

When he awoke light was comming through the partially closed curtins he had a spliting headach and couldn't remember why he was in the chair, or for that matter where he was. He looked around the dimmly lit room and the whole night came flooding back to him. He looked for Zim and saw her still asleep on the bed. He got up and moved to the phone. He diald the room service number and waited. "Hello, well... Thank you......and you?... yes I... hold on...." he ran to look at the room number." Yes I need two orange juices ...ummm...yes... a belgium waffle and..... what .... yes, syrup is fine... no on the side .... no.... I also would Like a bowl of oatmeal with brown sugar and a bowl of fresh strawberries ....yes I know. The room number is 604. Yes thank you." He hung up and went into the restroom to clean up a bit befor Zimbree woke up.

The phone rang as he slumped out of the bathroom still a liitle sleepy. "Yes. Hello.... This is Braxton.....no she is slpeeping..."He looked at the clock for the first time since he had awoken and realized it was only seven." Oh no it's ok I'll wake her...... yeah I know she had a rough night last night.....um..yeah...... Her song was on and she couldn't handle the memories...... What?.... Yeah I'll get her." He moved just over her and shook her."Zim ....Zim you have a phone call..."

"Hmmmmmmm...What....Oh .....Phone ...Ok..." She rolled over and took the phone out of his hand. "Hello" she said grogally " Yes.... Hi Janell.....yes I wrote my speach and i'll be ready in an hour or two....No....Oh Ok I think Brax can take me...." she looked at Brax" Would you mind driving me to the school when I'm ready?"

"Yeah thats no problem."

"Yes Janell he can bring me....I know don't worry I'll be ok..I just need to get my life back together. I'll see you there....uhhuh ok buhbye."
She hung up the phone and looked at Brax. "What happened last night? All I remember is the theaters and crying."

" You heard 'Friends' the song Max wrote for you, and I offered to take you home. You cried and sobed all the way back to the hotel and then you heard the door click and you began to scream and yell and tell me you didin't belive me. Then you cried and fell asleep."

" I'm sorry, and Thank you. You see after the accident I can't handle any sound that sounds like a gun shot it makes me freak out. Did you ever hear the whole story about how Max..."
As she began to tell her story the room service that Brax had ordered arrived and interupted. "Whats that did u order something...?

"Yes I did your oatmeal and brown sugar that I know you love and a waffle for me."
" Thank you Braxton. you better go answer the door." Braxton Moved towards the door he opened it handed the waiter a tip and the brought the tray in. The smell of fresh food filling the stale air.

As he brought the food over to the bed where she lay, still in her sage green button down and jeans. She began the long and painful task of opening her heart again to tell the tragic and depressing tale of how her sweet husband and best friend died.

"You see," she started " Max was in the more depressed parts of town teaching one of his regular students, I had gone with him that night because we were going to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels after the lesson. I went out a little before him and when he came out and was walking to the car a car drove by and shot at his student. The driver missed and instead of the intended target he shot my sweet Max. As I ran to him I saw his body go limp and the blood seeping from the side of his head where the bullet had entered. I ran to him tears already covered my cheeks and I picked up his head and cried begging him to come back to me. Pleading with God to let him come back to me. His student had called the police and had come out to help me stand up and tried to calm me down. He handed me a glass of ice water but all I could do was stare in to Max's eyes as they glazed over." Zim paused wiping a tear from her eye, and took a bite of oatmeal. As she began again the tears came more openly. " When the Cops arrived I stood there unable to move,think,.......comprehend. The officer that arrived first was officer Niko he took me to the station where I was questioned countless times, left in my clothes that still had his blood on them. Max's student came too and was questioned and with in two hours they had my husband's murderer in custody and I was on my home in a friends car. She helped me clean up and then put me to bed. I woke up the next morning with an anger I had never felt before." She paused again to eat more oatmeal. " Late that morning most of his students and friends had heard the news. Max's death wasn't a small matter. He was famous. His music was everywhere. By the next day I was receiving phone calls every two to three minutes. All were about Max and how sorry they were. My mom had come to help with phones and journalists and anyone else who saw it fit to come by. She also helped with Trishtjen. At one point I nearly decided to just kill myself. I was scarred and I was five months pregnant, I was off balance. My life was in shambles. My doctor told me to stay in bed as much as possible. mostly for the baby's sake. but I couldn't. There were too many thing to do. I had a funeral to plan a pregnancy to plan and a whole lot of Max's students who would have to find new teachers." Zimbree drank the Orange juice then decided she had best get ready. " Well, thanks Braxton. I should get ready now." She took her Toiletry bag and her clothes to the bathe room to take a quick shower. when she was down she had a light green summer dress on and heels that matched. The dress was cotton and had a pink floral pattern.

© Copyright 2005 Dria (lyricldria at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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