Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1030975-Vagabond-Vigilante
Rated: 18+ · Script/Play · Other · #1030975
Another anime script... I caution you, it's kinda sick...
Project ID_3146ZARION2598

The following contains graphic scenes and explicit subject matter which some people may find
disturbing. Please, use your best discretion. The following story is about a man who chooses to
take the law into his own hands and to destroy those who sin, and to save those who are pure.
They call this man the Vagabond Vigilante. Hero or villain, you decide. Please enjoy, but also
take something with you from this. It's not just a work of art...

Vagabond Vigilante

Episode One, Verdict: Guilty

An elementary school bus stop. Here we see young girls talking and giggling, but through a pair
of binoculars. Girl 1 is Nyohashi Ami.

Girl 1: And he really ate it? Oh my...
Girl 2: He is a cat, Ami, what do you expect?

Close up of a man's face as he pulls the binoculars from his eyes. The man's hair is long and
dark blonde, your typical man except that inside this man is nothing but malice and perverse
thoughts. This man is Tanaka Yoshio He stands watching from the comfort of his car, then when the
girls turn the corner, he starts the car and drives off.

The two young girls are walking down the street when the street when Tanaka's car pulls up beside
them. Tanaka looks out the window and speaks to Girl 1.

Tanaka: Ami?
Girl 1 (Ami): Yes?
Tanaka: Do you know who I am?
Ami: No...
Tanaka: I'm a friend of your mom's. She said she had to stay late at
the office today, so she wanted me to pick you up, okay?

Ami looks at her friend.

Ami: I gotta go.
Girl 2: I'll see you tomorrow in class.

Ami gets into the car and Tanaka pulls away. As he drives, Tanaka speaks with Ami.

Tanaka: So, how was school today?
Ami: Fine...
Tanaka: Do you like going to school?
Ami: I guess so... (beat) Where are we going?
Tanaka: We're going to a place where we can play games all day.
Do you like games, Ami?
Ami: I love games! Can we play hide and seek?

Tanaka smiles wickedly.

Tanaka: Of course we can play hide and seek.

Cut to: Outside Perdition Police Department (PPD)

We see the large building with a sign out front that reads Perdition Police Department.

Cut to: Outside Taylor/Harris' Office

We can see the names of two dectectives on the glass of the door.

Cut to: Inside Taylor/Harris' Office

The two detectives Taylor Grace and Harris Gionna are sitting at their desks reading the
newspaper when Chief Carson knocks on their door and enters. The two put their papers down and
look at the chief.

Harris: Chief Carson, what's up?
Carson: Coffee break?
Taylor: Just a little pick-me-up, chief, seeing as how there's
absolutely nothing going on right now.
Carson: Well, your breaks over, 'cause something is going on
right now. A child's gone missing, and we have reason to
believe she was abducted.
Harris: A child abduction? Dammit...
Taylor: Three weeks without so much as petty theft and we got
a child abduction just like that?
Carson: When it rains it pours.

Cut to: Inside PPD

The three walk through a room full of police officers who are rushing around the building.

Taylor: So, what's the age?
Carson: Eight.
Harris: Any witnesses to the abduction?
Carson: A little girl, friend of the victim. She saw the
suspect pick her up as they got home from school.
Apparently the guy said he was a friend of the girl's
Taylor: Do we have a name, or a face?

Carson pulls out a file on Tanaka Yoshio and hands it to Taylor.

Carson: Lucky for you, we got both. Now go get him.
Harris: Why do you always push the hard cases on us?
Carson: Heh, 'cause you're the best.
Harris: (Smiling.) I figured as much.

Cut to: Dark Room

The room is dark, no light from anywhere in the room except from a few candles placed around the
room. We see candlelight reflecting from the blade of a knife, then we see Tanaka's perverse
smile. Tanaka licks the blade, blood from his tongue sliding down the knife's sharp blade and
dripping onto the floor. Next we hear muffled screams. These are the muffled screams of Ami who
is tied to four posts nailed into a wall. She is gagged and trying to scream. Tanaka approaches
her with a wicked smile. He looks into her frightened eyes, then moves the knife to her neck,

A loud scream.

Tanaka sits on a bare floor, blood covering his body. The perverse smile can be seen in contrast
to the darkness and the red blood. He sits, staring at the product of his energy.

Tanaka: The sweet... Sweet blood of the innocent...

From behind Tanaka we can see two blood red rectangles gleam. Then they are gone. A voice comes
from the distance.

Voice: So, why did you kill her...? She was innocent.
Tanaka: I wanted to feel it...
Voice: The power...? The power over another human

Tanaka's eyes grow wide.

Tanaka: YES...

There is a flash of bright light, then black.

Voice: In the name of God...

Cut to: Outside of an Apartment Complex

Police cars line the street, their lights flashing brightly. A dark car pulls up next to one of
the cars. Taylor and Harris step out of the car and move toward the scene. A police officer
(Officer) steps forward.

Officer: I'm sorry, but I can't let you go any further.

Chief Carson appears and stops the officer.

Carson: It's alright, these two are with me.

Cut to: Int. Apartment Complex, Stairway

The three (Taylor, Harris and Carson) are walking up the steps toward Tanaka's room.

Taylor: So, what was that about?
Carson: Blue Rush police, from out of town.
Harris: Why are they here?
Carson: Apparently this Tanaka Yoshio guy, the one
who killed the girl, was also wanted for a
similar crime in Blue Rush. He got away,
though, and came here.
Harris: So the girl's dead...?
Carson: I'm afraid so. But, we have a bigger problem
on our hands...

They arrive at Tanaka's room and Carson opens the door. Inside the room, which is now lit, are
the remains of both Ami and Tanaka. Harris and Taylor look in horror at the gorey mess.

Taylor: So the sick bastard killed himself?
Carson: Well, that's the thing...

Carson points out a note tacked on the dismembered head of Tanaka Yoshio. The note reads:

"Verdict: Guilty"

Harris: A note tacked to his head?
Taylor: Yeah, but why?
Carson: We don't know. There's a chance that he
could've tacked the note to himself before
commiting suicide, but I doubt it. I think
we have something worse on our hands...
Harris: Something worse...?
Carson: Looks to me like the work of a vigilante.
Harris: A vigilante...?
Carson: Someone who takes the law into their own
hands. Problem is, he took it too far.
Taylor: So he's not the good guy here?
Carson: Well, that depends on what you mean by good
guy. As of now, this vigilante is nothing
more than a felon wanted for manslaughter.
If he really wanted to be the hero he should
have brought us Tanaka alive.
Taylor: So where does this leave us?
Carson: We'll talk about that tomorrow. Take a look
around, then we'll have a clean up crew take
care of the mess...
Harris: So, what are the chances we're gonna be the
ones investigating this case?
Taylor: Heh, pretty good... Pretty damn good.

Cut to: Ext. Apartment Complex

Chief Carson walks out of the building as the camera zooms out, then

Fade in: Ext. Perdition Police Department

We can hear the cheerful chirping of birds as they fly through the morning sky.

Cut to: Int. Perdition Police Department, Carson's Office

Carson is speaking to Harris and Taylor, a file in his hand.

Carson: Well, we just got word of a rumor that's been
spreading throughout Blue Rush City. It seems
that there's a man running around killing
people who sin... They call him:

Carson pulls out a rough sketch of Vagabond Vigilante.

Carson: (Continued) the Vagabond Vigilante.
Taylor: So, where's he gonna strike next?
Carson: We don't know. That's what you need to figure

Cut to: Int. Perdition Police Department, Taylor/Harris' Office

Taylor and Harris are starring at the picture of Vagabond Vigilante that they have tacked onto
the wall.

Dissolve to: Perdition Cemetary

Ami's family and many others have gathered to mourn for the loss of the girl. In the back of the group, Taylor and Harris watch the ceremony. Two family members (Ami's Aunt and Uncle) speak, loud enough for Taylor and Harris to hear.

Uncle: They call him the Vagabond Vigilante. And
he took care of that bastard Tanaka.
Aunt: I don't care what they call him, he's a
hero to me.
Taylor: Hm... This is gonna be one hell of a
ride... Don't you think?

Harris looks over at Taylor with an odd look.

Cut to: Ext. Skyscraper Rooftop.

Vagabond Vigilante stands, looking over the city, his large blade held tightly in his hand.

His face flashes across the screen, then cut to black and roll
End Credits.

Copyright 2005- Third Eye Interactive
© Copyright 2005 Joe Bryant (brykanary at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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