Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1030727-Lilys-World
Rated: E · Short Story · Relationship · #1030727
For two days and nights,an invalid girl was crawling back to their home.Could she make it?
Lily knew that the very moment she opened her eyes, everything had gone strange.

That morning, as Lily had awakened rather early than usual and with a slight pain in her back, she was astonished to find that instead of the familiar plywood ceiling of her bedroom her eyes used to met everytime she wake up in the morning, there was nothing there but the endless stretch of overcast eyes suddenly appeared before her.

Where am I? she thought. Slowly, she raised herself on her elbow, rubbed her eyes and run her gaze about her. Lily's surprise was boundless when she found herself on top of a small grassy hill overlooking a vast rice fields. Everything looks familiar though. Then her gaze run on the other side of the field just at the foot of the hill. About fifty yards awa from where she was-there was their house; it stood quite, alone, and partly obscure by the morning mist.The house was one of those two storeys old fashioned post-Spanish country houses with wide, gaping capiz windows, elaborate carvings on the balustrade and heavy wooden door that gave an impression and appearance of a small chapel.

"How happened did I got here?" Lily asked herself. "How could I possibly walked outside our house in the first place?"

There is no doubt about this. Lily was invalid, paralytic fourteen year old girl, was bedridden for the past two years amd spent most of her time confine in her small room at the attic of their house. Lily was rarely been out. She herself had greatly change though. Two years had seen her young able body grew exceedingly thin and her paralyzed legs made her impossible to move from her bed. And it was not only her physical body that had started to wane so quickly in those short pan of years; there was a weariness of spirit that saw her grew more and more irritable and ill-tempered day after day.

Lilian, cripple as one with no feet, was past helping.

"What nonsense I got into," she said finally as she gently taps her forehead, "what if it's only a dream?" Thinking that she was still asleep, she felt herself all over, shook her head and slapped her cheeks. It was no dream. "Maybe its just a stupid hallucination." Lily this time felt the ground with a vague hope that she would feel her soft bed instead. But it was no hallucination either. In fact when she leveled her hand unto her face for close inspection,there was some speck of dirt and dead grasses sticking to it. It was neither dream nor hallucination allright, no doubt about it. But no, really, how was it possible that she, just last night was sleeping comfortably at the secure of their house, absolutely incapable of walking or strolling around, should suddenly find herself all alone in the middle of a vast ricefields outside their house! And even worse, her legs now begins to ache from long exposure to cold, damp morning air.

Although her physical discomfort did not alarm or bother her very much at the moment, she felt extremely restless.The whole thing was curiously puzzling and at the same time, horrifying.Does somebody from their house intentionally carried her out of her bedroom while she was asleep? There was her father, her mother and her younger brother. But surely none of them are strong enough to carr her despite her awfully lightweight body. Her father was suffering from some kind of mild pain in his right knee; while her mother, though industrious and chubby, was not that strong; and of course her younger brother Marlon had just turned ten. Another curious thing she never remember having pick out of bed. Had someone done so, she would be surely awaken. Just like other who was suffering from paralysis, Lily was a light sleeper. She lay there turning the whole thing in her mind trying to find some possible explanation. But the more she thought, the more extraordinary did it appear. She made an effort somehow to divert her mind to other things for the time being but the very same thoughts kept coming back. What if there is somekind of conspiracy going on against her? And if that is the case, who might be the people involved? And what motive drive them?

"No! How could you think such things?" Lily said to herself in the end with genuine feeling of self-reproach, "they'll never do such things. It's just some practical joke perhaps: some piece of mischief, something like that--I don't know."

Strangely enough, she still felt completely cool; she felt neither gief nor a sense of loss and least of all, pity for herself. She just feeling extremely tired at the moment having used up much of her energy thinking ove the whole matter. The mere fact that they would be awake soon and consequently discovered her "dissapearance" in her bedroom nonetheless gave her every reason to remain calm. She knew she can do nothing at the moment but wait; wait for them to look for her, wait for them to see her.

It was still very early in the morning as the dawn was about to break and the last batch of stars is still visible in the far western hemisphere of the sky. Lily lay there, her eyes closed hoping she would fall asleep and upon waking up, would find herself once again back in her bedroom. It is true that since her confinement, she developed claustrophobia. She was bored to death. She was dying to get out and breath some fresh cool air or just sit back under a plane tree and reads some sci-fiction and fantasy paperbacks, drinking ice-cold lemon tea or pearl shakes. She madly missed the things she used and always wants to do like hanging about with her old friends and meeting new ones, especially boys, then do some mini-shopping herself and bus pop and rock CD's, teen age and manga magazines, et al. She just wants to get out and be with everyone else. Although a helpless invalid and was not living as normally as every girl of her age did, nevertheless she is still a typical teen-ager at heart. She just missed all the fun.

She had visitors though. Mostly closes relatives and friends from her grade school days. They would crowd around her bed and they would tell one another all kinds of things they could think of including of course Lily's favorite subject of discussions: crushes. And expect Lily to be in the forefront when it came to the subject. She would ask them all frankly about a particular boy named Rico Jeff whom everyone was well aware had once a special liking for Lily.

"Please do tell him if you happen to see him around that if he won't come and pay me a visit himself, flowers, chocolates and all, I would go to their house myself if my arms would be strong enough to wheel me about in my wheelchair." Lily told them, gigling, as her friends broke into peals of laughter, "and I will tell to him right straight in his face: 'I thought you like me?' and if he rejected me people will get mad at him for snubbing a poor, invalid girl." But of late, even them had now rarely come to see her. And in fact, she had had not a single visitors for nearly half a year now as though they have alread forgotten her existence altogether. Everyone now were busy with his and her own business. It was stillvery hard for her to accept the fact the she would have needed her arms and legs for contact. It is no surprise that despite her lasting efffort to be closed and near to them, she ususlly fails.

Morning came. The stars burnt out, the sun rose over the hill tops, occasionally small flocks of gulls race ove the morning sky; and far distant, the buzzing sound of motor cars steal down the whole country. Finding it difficult to sleep, she raised herself once again on her elbow and looked at the world around her. She found that the haze had burned or blown away and their house suddenly looked closed enough to reach out and touch although the house remains lifeless as before and from that distance, it looked uninhibited.

"Why, the sun was alread up," Lily said, feeling a little tense now, "the must be awake long before now. What keeps them so late, I wonder."

Not until it was high noon that their house finally stirred back to life. As Lily lay there, staring absent-mindedly at the passsing of clouds, a busy stream of voices suddenly came into her ears. It was coming from their house. Mechanically, she got on her elbow again to have a better view of their house. She felt that her heart would burst with anticipation. The noise grew louder and a few moments later, she saw the front door suddenly thrown open and walked out busily came her father, mother and Marlon.

"Thank God," burst out Lily almost laugh with joy, "I'm so glad they fiinally gone out of bed; but it was so unkind of them to get up so late. when I'm outside the house with no one to look after."

Lily saw her father first, a tall, thin, and stooping middle age man with balding head and who has a peculiar habit of cracking his finger joints from time to time. Then came her mother, about the same age as her father was a somewhat plump but by no means fat looking woman with quick agile movememnt that reminds Lily of a busy squirrel; then bringing up the rear and munching a piece of jam and bread was Marlon, a chubby, shy boy of ten. Lily was so excited and preoccuppied on how she would get their attention that she never notice the things they were carrying on large plastic bags. But when the bag her mother was carrying with her suddenl gave from its weight and fell to the ground, exposing all its contents, Lily gasped with horror.

"Now I really don't understand this," said Lily in a quavering voice, "they're removing my things."

She saw her Barbie dolls, a gift from her mother when she celebrates her eight birthdates; then her paperback science fiction and fantasy books like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Greek and Roman mythology among others: a gift from her father two years ago, also some boy band CD's, colored pencils, anime and manga magazines and other things in her possesions. Ever since her confinement in her bedroom, she treasures those things more than anthing else in the world. They were her constant companion and were the only sources of comfort. At least those things help her alleviate some boredom since her friend had suddenly stopped her paying a visit. She knew they were well aware of this and so it came a big surprise for her to see her things and belongings being removed from their house so suddenly and without her consent and knowledge.

But above everything else, it was now perfectly clear to her that her family have already aware of her suppose "dissapearance" from their house. Of course, how could they removed her things without entering her bedroom? But what made Lily very anxious about were the calm and laid back expression the carried with them. They do not appeared to be trouble or worried about something going wrong inside their house. The do not appear to be looking for her. She quickly sense something and panic came to her.

After the had picked up her things, (she actually saw one of her CD's broken in half) they all marched up and dissapeared inside the dilapidated storeroom just across a small room beside their house.

"When they come out cry after them as hard as you could," Lily said to herself although well aware of her weak vocal chords and the distance separated them were just too far apart to attract their attention, She felt it would be worth trying somehow. "And don't be silly little girl, they're just cleaning up your room. You just wait there and everything will be alright."

After about half an hour of agonizing and suspenseful waiting, they emerged from the storeroom empty handed and she could see her parents still engaged in a light and srious chat;wiping and dusting the dirt from their hands. Then she saw her father in a commical manner of running his hand on his balding head as though polishing it. While her mother, talking pettily and angrily to her father, throws her hands in the air as though in frustration--you will rarel see them doing this kind of antics unless they were in judicial moods. She knew thee were squabbles between her parents and they bantered one another; and Lily especially loved those scenes, however commical their antics may appear because they were the best proof of the strong and tender love which united them. But at that moment, Lily did not appreciate that.

Summoning all her strength, Lily raised herself on both arms on sitting position so they will be able to see her better.

"Over here, Papa, Mama, Marlon, I'm here look! look! look!" Lily cried out after them at the top of her voice although it was nothing louder than a whimper.

Just then as they were about to enter the house, they all suddenl came to a stop before the door. She saw her mother slowly turn a grave questioning glance to her father as though remembering or hearing something. And in reply to his wife's glance, her father just shrugged off his shoulders, wrapped his arms around his wife's waist as if sealing everything which only between the two of them understand. Lily grew thoughtful as she gazed into their faces, far as they were from her, just to read any sign of awareness of her being there in the small hill. But they show no immediate expression whatsoever. With Marlon following closed behind them, they walked inside their house and closed the door behind them with a heavy thud.

"No wait, papa, mama, don't leave me here, come out please." Lily cried after them over and over again until her throat felt hot and flayed from all her screaming expecting someone will peep out through the window or opened up the door but they all not seemed to hear. She was on the verge of tears.

"I know the saw me," Lily stammered, "they may not hear me but they'll surely see me."

From everything else, it could be inferred that the were aware in regards to her abscence, not dissapearance from their house. And from what she has seen, she consequently dismissed her earlier thoughts that it was all a joke. And to the question on how she got there outside their house mysteriously was now completely vanished from her mind and of lesser importance now than to the question of wh her famil ignored her plea and cries and let her stay outside when they were alread knew she desperately need to get back inside their house with them.

As Lily now come to think that any hope of getting her family's attention b crying or shouting after them would be of no use, she came to a decision that she must take some necessary action herself, that is, by crawling back towards their home.

"You have no choice old girl," Lily said to herself, "You are a big girl now and I know you can do it."

With only her pair of thin arms to help her do all the work, she knew she would have needed extra upper body strength to carry out the task.

"I feel sorry for you my arms." said Lily, fearing it too might suffer some serious damages and became paralayzed as well. "But don't you worry arms, everthing's going to be alright. I have only you left and I don't want to loose you too."

After giving herself one more encouraging thought, she set herself on a crawling position and started a long painful work of crawling back towards their house.

It was getting on in late afternoon and hours of unremitting labours had seen Lily in Herculean effort, pausing only now and then to take some few breath. But by and by, her body soon gave in from excruciating work and she slumped to the ground, barely moving from extreme fatigue and exhaustion.

Her shirt soaked through with sweat and every inch of her bod from head to foot was hurting like hell that she felt as though she was on the verge of breaking apart. And to make matters even worse, both her arms and elbows were badly bruised and bleeding.She was not even half way through.Tears were ready to drop from her eyes.

"You must be ashamed of yourself old girl," said Lily to herself, "That's only a scratch. Now go on move, what's the use of lying around and doing nothing." But no matter how hard she tried, her body would not respond. Lil painfull accepted her failure of getting to their home that day and decided, for the time being, to forgo anymore attempt and take some necessary rest for the night.

"I think we fail arms, but you must rest now, deserved it.But by tomorrow's end, we'll be home."

The sun slowly sinking down behind the mountains and the fielf of rice turning gold by the slanting rays; round the near horizon went the haze; and on top lay the little dark clouds. Exhausted, hungry and alone, Lily let her head rest on the ground and then at last she felt nothing.


Not until it was mid-afternoon the following day did Lily awake out of deep, dreamless sleep--more like a swoon than a sleep. It rained all day, she knew although she was not aware of this and a fine drizzle was still dripping down. Her clothes were all sodden with rain water and little puddle was everywhere. In spite of herself, she felt refreshed and spirited only to find herself unable to move an inch from sever pain of her whole body and to make matters even worse, she was famishing and dying of thirst. Having had nothing to eat since the entire of yesterday, she knew she could not accomplish anything with empty stomach and dehdrating. This was a crucial moment for Lily. What if I pass out? Thought Lily, quite alarm. In a time like this where no one was going to look after her, she must be seldf reliant and attend to her own personal needs all by herself.

Lily managed some to raised herself on her elbows again, whinning in pain.

Lily was not about to give up that easly.But when she raised her head and caught another look at their house, Lily gasped with surprise and horror. She could not beleive her eyes--their house receded from her! Lily's first impression was she was the one who was moving awa from their house: but she immediately dismissed the idea. In fact, upon careful examination, one could easily notice that the ricefields that lay between her and their house had obviously broaden in size. Really, how can a large house planted to the ground could move by itself in the first place? Now this was more than Lily could bear. She was beside herself. It was all too much. Suddenly, as though possesed by some evil spirit that robbed her of all self-control, Lily explodes:

"How unfair!" Lily screamed at the top of her lungs as she tried to tear her hair out, "You worked hard all day and your body was tearing apart and this is what you'll get! I sa its all unfair! How cruel! Lily was in hsterics, all kinds of foul words came pouring from her mouth, cursing and blaming everybody for everything that is happening to her. And in rage she was beating the ground with her small fist with as she continues to swear. In spite of herself, she gradually settle down and came back to herself again. She was breathing heavily and quivering all over with strong emotion. Her long dishevelled hair fly out in all direction covering her whole head which conceals the ghastly disturbed face that expressed intense emotion of anger, horror, fatigue, all at the same time. Although it was not the first time she had had a fit of such uncontrollable outburst, it was the most violent one so far.

As afternoon progress, the rain had stopped and occassionally the sun would peep through the clouds that slowly drifting overhead with a promise of good weather up ahead. Cool fresh breeze was blowing softl in all direction that put the wild grasses, flowers, and rice plants in gentle sways. Sweet aroma of the field was strong everywhere. The world around her looks fresh and oung again. Lily removed her wet shirt, not without difficulty, and squezzed out the rainwater unto her mouth. Although in small amount, nevertheless she felt her blood running alive through her veins once again. After she had drunk, she lays out her wet shirt to dry on the grass. Now, she was ready to look for something to eat. Since the rain had stopped, beetles, crickets and grasshoppers were abound, hopping and chirping everywhere. And Lily, a wide reader, knew that there are numbe of wild insects like those of crickets and grasshoppers that could be eaten without getting sick or being killed just by having it for a meal. She never tasted insects before, much a live one. But she reads on books they were really tasty and highly nutrious. So without wasting more time, for she was reall dying for having something to eat, Lily decided to go bug hunting. No sooner had she ran her hands through the thick grasses to look for something edible, she saw, af if by chance, a large black beetle about the size of a chestnut emerges from the cluster of grasses just in front of her. It slowly makes its way towards a small underground hole, unaware of uproaching danger.

"A mother bug I think," said she to herself, "coming home to her babies." And before the insect could slip into the hole, Lily quickly seized it between her thumb and forefingers and levelled it between it before her eyes for a closer inspection, staring at it in wonder and admiration as if she had never seen that kind of creature before.

"You are so beautiful don't you know?" said Lily, turning the insect from side to side, "You don't look appetizing but I must eat you anway to regain my strength. And I must thank you somehow, my dear little friend, without you I might end up feeding on wild grasses instead like a goat. Yuck! But don't you worry little bug I promise you to make it quick so it's quite painless."

Now the helpless little insect, sensing danger, begun to flatter its small wings and waved its numerous litlle legs violently to scare off and freed itself from the grip of its starving predator. Caught by surprise, Lily dropped the insect and almost escaped and dissapeared among the thick grasses if she were not quick enough to catch it back. That was close, thought Lily as she heaves a sigh of releif. Without further ado, Lil begun plucking out its wings, legs, and other hard outer structures of the struggling insect to prevent it from escaping and make it more palatable to the eyes.

"You have no more limbs now like me. Its a pity."

Having done with the mutilation, Lily stared at the helpless insect one more time, feeling somewhat guilty for what she have done, then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath before putting the whole thing unto her mouth and ate it up. She felt the little insect grinding to pieces through her teeth with hard little noises. Just as she had expected, it taste rather bitter when eaten alive and she nearly spit the insect out. Do that and you'll loose your only food, thought Lily. She was old enough to know better. After she had finished off the beetle and was about to search for more, she suddenly remembered the small underground hole where the beetle suppossed to nestle.

"It maybe full of baby bugs," said Lily excitedly, "I wonder what they looked like."

A moment later, she was digging the small underground hole with her bare hands eagerly. Finally, after a long a painstaking effort, countless tiny pupas no larger than her smallest fingers emerge unceremoniousl from the damp soil, their tiny long bodies moves carelessly from side to side, obviously disturbed from their peaceful siestas.

"Ah, there it is!" Lily cried triumphantly with childish joy, removing the pupas from the earth one by one and at the same time dipping them in a puddle of water nearb to get rid of excess dirt. "They are highly nutrious I know," she said aloud, simply to urge herself on to make use of what available food she have despite its unpleasant taste. This time she did not closed her eyes. She put five struggling pupas into her palm before swallows them all ravenously. Again, that strong urge of spitting them out was so strong, not because of its awful taste, but because of the repulsive sensation she felt as they struggle violently for dear life inside her mouth.In spite of this, a few moments later were all consumed. Then as if the serving were not done yet, there came, as if out of nowhere, a large fat grasshopper, hopping and chirping in front of her as though suicidal. Seeing this opportunity coming by itself, she quickly caught it between her palm and just like the beetle and the pupas, it too struggle and fights for its dear life. Also at that moment, Lily came to think wether the likes of insects and other creatures other than man have a much better understanding to the meaning of life and death than we humas do.

"It tastes much better," said Lily as munched the grrasshopper satisfyingly, "only taste less sweater than the pupas."

She burped.

After she had eaten her fill, Lily crawl herself a little closer to a nearby clear puddle to have a drink. And just as Lily was about to dip her lips into the puddle, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in the water; the image of her dirty haggard face, that prominent cheekbones stood out above her sunken eyes, and her untidy hair gave her an impression of some wild animals. Lily was so struck by how greatly her appearance had change that for a brief moment she doubt wether the face she was wearing and those of the reflection she was seeing were really one and the same thing. Having drunk her fill, she put on her shirt that is quite dr b now, la once again on her back and nursed her aching legs and arms. The were getting and getting stiffer.

She never saw anyone again from the house that afternoon although from time to time she heard their busy voices, the scratching of something on the floor and other strange noises coming from their houses as though there was some busy activity going on inside.

It was a cool, lovely afternoon. Occasionally a small sparrow would settle on the hill to quench its thirst in a puddle close to Lily. Small busy butterflies were all about her, fluttering from one flower to the other, some even alighted on her head and shoulders. The lemon tree in their front yard was in bloom. She remembered this tree as being as large when she was a child . It had grown so incredibly fast since then. As a child, she made a promised to her parents that when she grow up into a strong and able girl, she would climb the lemon tree and eat all its fruits. Every corner of the vast ricefields reminded her of a time long past. In her childhood, the rice fields was to her a vast open playground. A place she called her own. These were happy memories.

Lily occupied her attention to them, trying to divert her thought to other pleasant things in an possible way until her eyes fell heavy. She was extremely tired. Despite her effort to stay awake, she dropped off. She might have slept herself until next da were it not for scrapes of approaching wheels sneak in through her ears from a distance. Instinctively, Lily opened her eyes, got on her elbow and darted a probing look at the far edge of the rice fields where the noise was coming. She saw three speeding cars going down through the road that leads to the fields. As the cars drew nearer and nearer, she becomes more and more excited. She has a strong feeling they were heading to their house.

"I think we have some visitors," said Lily, "tht's good; they will see me when they pass by and I could have a ride with them back home."

Some few moments afterwards, the three cars passed he by the road leading to their house just about fifteen yards from where she was in great speed. Although it was impossible to read the expression of their faces peering through the car window at that speed, Lily has no trouble at all recognizing the familiar faces of her relatives, old time friends and some acquaintances. Their sudden visit came to her quite a big surprised, but this surprise was nothing compared to what she felt when upon seeing her, (of course there's no denying that they all have seen her) instead of stopping a minute to pick her up and rode with them back to their house, they just passeed her as if it was the most natural thing in the world to see someone lying helpless and alone in the middle of a vast field. And it was as if they did not know her at all!

Within seconds, all three cars pulled up in front of their house, then stepping out the restless familiar figures of her relatives and friends, each one busily and noisilytaking their bags out of the cars. What was the purpose of this sudden visit, Lily has no idea. She cannot remember an special occasion to commemorate the day.Then at the middle of this little lively commotion, the front door of their house suddenly throen open and Lily saw her parents, all dressed up, came rushing out to greet the new arrivals with little cries of delight. Soon warm handshakes and embraces were exchanged. After these heart greetings, her parents lead the visitors towards the door, almost dragging them inside the house, chatting and laughing noisily. Then their elders called after the children who began to amuse themselves by pelting a stray black cat with stones that was trying to sneak in through the window, to follow after them and leave the poor animal at peace. When everybody was finally inside the house, she heard the door closed behind them with a loud bang that echoes through the fields. When she saw them no more, she felt her heart was breaking. Lily made anothe futile attempt by calling after them as hard as she could; but she got no reply. Lily let her head bowed to the ground in submission and grief and gave vent to her tears. Shut out from the rest of her family and friends; wounded both in bod and spirit, she knew she was a lost thing, and a good for nothing.

Not long after, night had fallen. Silently one by one the stars appeared across the evening sky and from time to time one would fell. Those hours that passed were divided between half-awake,half-asleep state of mind like one in delirium and she was only half conscious of her surroundings. Only the steady gnawing of aching muscles and joints all over her body makes her aware of her own self.

But Lily's suffeing hasn't end there.

As Lily lay with her head resting on her arms, she heard a rather hoarse and out of tune voice singing a popular ballad through a microphone. Lily slowly opened her eyes. Bright ees slowl oozing through the window like a light house while bus restless figures could be seen passing by the living window.

Their house looks far away than ever.

She knew their house move away again from her inexplicably. Lily let out another pitiful groan. Now and then peals of laughter could be heard gutting across the fields.

"Yes, they're having a good time," whimpered Lily, "but in a time like this?"

When the singing ended, a lively piece of modern dance music struck up through the stereo and the dancing commenced. She distinctly saw their animated figures pacing abck and forth, swinging and swaying in all directions making use of ever spcae available for their nimble foots. Now, this thing of dancing, as Lil beleives, was reall meant for her as though to tease her from some of the things in life of which she was throughly incapable of doing.

When the clock struck eight,the music and the dancing suddenly came to a stop. Then she heard the clutter of dishes and by the strong smell of roasted chicken and steaming rice, she knew that dinner was being served. Although not surprise, it seemed remarkable to her that among the various noises, vision and smell, however the distances separated her from their home, she could always distinguished them as though she had an peculiar faculty of perception that onl the likes of her and no one else can enable to perceived. As she was looking at them through the window, she felt like one looking up through a powerful telescope into a distant, alien planet. She was set apart. Unwanted and unnoticed by everyone.

It was already past midnight that the lights from the house finall went out as everbody retired for the night. Everywhere there was silence and darkness save her whimpering and the stars and crescent moon shining, enough for the world to hear and see her isolation. Spending another night alone in the fields was the least thought in her mind at the moment. Not mentioning the difficulties she suffered, she also found it very frightening to be all by herself in the middle of a black, silent night than she would have thought. She begun to tremble like a leaf and glanced nervously around the dark fields expecting that at any moment, a hideous or some kind of wild animals would pounce on her to tear her apart. Lily let out another cry hoping that they must be still awake and because on that silence, despite her tiny voice, she beleives she could be heard even further out in the fields and might attract somebody's attention that happens to be around.

"Help, help, somebody, over here please...I see monsters everwhere...they're going after me...they'll eat me...oh how ugly they looked...help, help, help..."

She doesnot feel any hatred with her family anymore. She was more than ready to forgive and forget. She just wants to be reunited with them once and for all.

Summoning all what little strength sshe left, she dug her fingers to the ground and starts to crawl herself back again towards their house.

Hours of unremitting and agonizing labor had seen Lily's fragile little body literally slowly ripping itself apart. Her injured arms and elbows trails some stained of blood on the grass, every joint of her body is sore and stiff, and her thin little feet though not much in use, was in constant attack of cramps. Lily never experiences such kind hardships before. It was slowly killing her. She had another glimpse of their house, she knew she must have gained some few yards at least, but their house looks far away than ever. Lily let a long groan enough to frighten anyuone who must heard it. It was really a very frightening groan. With one final effort, she stretch out her right arms that shook convulsively towards their house as though to touch it before her body slumped to the ground of its own accord. Soon, she made a horrfying discovery that she was now unable to move an inch. Not long after, a heavy quite reigned once more in the vast field.

Lily might have dragged herself all night without realizing it. for when she woke up the following day, some few minutes before sunset, she found herself back in her bedroom lying on hwer soft bed, all washed up ona new and clean pyjama with arms heavily and carefully bandage. For sometime, she looked about her with strange wondering gaze as though trying to grasp where and wh she was there. Could it really possible that she crawled all night without realizing it? She was not sure. Lily was well aware that she lost consciouness even before she reached the rice fields that lay between the slope and their house. But by and by, as she shuffles ideas after ideas in her head, she came to beleive that somebody strolling about the fields, most probably a tramp or a beggar had finally took notice of her and carried her back to their house. Yes, that's what happened, Lily thought. Only then she realized that the house was very silent.

"Hello, everybody!" Lily cried out, "Papa, mama, anybody!"

She listened with all her ears, expecting an answer: but she received no reply. Again and again she called out but still there was no answer. It seems nobody is in the house. Where could they have all gone? She keeps asking herself. A small coffee table, which she fails to notice earlier, was placed beside her bed where a glass of milk and some chockolate cookies was waiting for her. As she raised herself on her bed to grab some cookies, she saw something white pressed underneath the glass of milk. It was a note. Lily stretch out her hand, took the paper and reads:


We're out for the day. We go picnics and fishing with your cousins and the rest of out relatives and friends. Expect us to be home before nightfall. It's was a pit you can't come with us but we promise to bring you something nice. Take a good rest and be sure you have your fill of fresh chockolate cookies and milk we prepared for you. Isn't that your favorite?

With love and kisses,

It was getting on nightfall and Lily expects them anymoment from now. And not without great effort, she helps herself with cookies and milk.

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