Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1029580-TANYON
Rated: 13+ · Novella · Fantasy · #1029580
Derik enters a magical land named Tanyon filled with secrets, and love.

“An automobile accident they said it was. He totaled the car”. These were the thoughts going through Derik Dubose’s head as they were flying down the highway at an astronomical speed. Pulling into the hospital parking lot he saw his mother start to cry as she climbed from the car.
His mother had gotten the news at work and had rushed over to Creekview junior high. It was Thursday and he were in the middle of gym class when she and the principle came to get him.
“Your father has been injured in a car accident on the worksite.” These, the most devastating words of his life shot through him like a rabbit from a hunter. He didn’t care if there was a test going on and I don’t think my gym teacher did either. This, he would find was just the beginning of his long quest.
The accident was near fatal, crushing 17 bones in his legs and damaging his spinal cord beyond repair. The doctors said he had almost a 1% of ever walking again. He was paralyzed from the hips down and had no feeling in his left hand.
That night his mother stayed at the hospital and his aunt took him home and stayed with him that night. That’s when it happened. He found it. The one thing that would help his father, and he knew it was up to him.

Chapter 1: The well kept secret

There it was. It’s like it hit him square in the face. His family tree.
For generations it had told who and where the Dubose family came from. The smell of dust filled the small library as he pulled it out and opened it. The yellow tarnished paper was stiff and faded. Although hard to read, it shone a new light on a cure for his father. His grandfather was a known psychopath and in this case was the only man who could help Derik. It had said that he was known to have Special “abilities” that made him renown in the little town of Creekview, Washington.
Creekview was one of those towns where everybody new everybody, especially if your father or mother was important. His grandfather lived in the old lighthouse keepers hut and had not journeyed into town for quite some time. Everybody new him for his psychotic ways. Everyone that is, but his only grandson. Derik had never even met his grandfather in all of his 14 years in Creekview.
Using the excuse that his class was studying lighthouses, Derik tricked his aunt into taking him to the old lighthouse and as his aunt, (who is scared of large objects), stayed in the car he went up to the lighthouse and knocked on the door. No answer. He tried again. No answer. He tried one last time. No answer. As he walked away he realized that he had forgotten the family tree by the door. As he bent down to pick it up, The door slowly swung open. Derik froze. The raggedy boot that he saw was obviously not made recently. As he slowly got up, he could see what he had come for. The man that stood before him had a freakish resemblance to his father. He knew at this moment that he would be able to help his father.
The glare his grandfather set apon him was frightening to say the least. The rustic face, the ragged hair. Derik was frightened, but unusually drawn to the man. Derik knew that he had known nothing about him and he couldn't just say, " Hello grandfather, I am Derik."
© Copyright 2005 Gabriel O'Sulivan (br80414 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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