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A couple of three-panel short comic book scripts. |
A couple of three-panel scripts for a comic. Enjoy! PANEL ONE (The scene is a forrest at night. We see a boy scout troup around a campfire. The boys are around nine or ten years of age. What each individual is doing is varied. Some are eating smores, some roasting marshmellows, some standing or dancing. They seem to be having a good time. We're seeing things through our narrator's eyes. She's probably watching from the bushes.) NARRATOR: Boy Scout Troop 999, a unit specifically designated for the future leaders of Ellium. NARRATOR: They eat Ellium-sponsored food, wear Ellium-sponsored clothes, spout Ellium-sponsored poison with synchronous ferocity... PANEL TWO (We zoom in on one of the kids at an angle. He's eating a smore, enjoying himself. He's the picture of all-american innocence, with red freckles and even redder hair. I'm imagining the coloring being a darker tone in this panel (if this will be in B & W, maybe things can get gradually darker around the borders). ) . NARRATOR: ...and one of them's my son. His Ellium-bred father has poisoned him by now. NARRATOR: But then again, I guess he was never mine. All I was was a vessel. PANEL THREE (Our view has zoomed out once again, although not to the extent as the first panel. While our narrator's son is still the focus of the panel, we can see a couple more boys on his sides. They sit like ducks in a row, to excuse the cliche. But what really distinguishes this panel is that we see two lines, one vertical and one horizontal. We're looking through the scope of a rifle aimed directly at the son.) NARRATOR: Little toy soldiers marching in line, waiting to be shot down one by one. NARRATOR: The only way to save our future is to end theirs. I won't let them take over the world. I won't let my son grow up into a monster. ----------------------------------------------- PANEL ONE (This is a shot of a man and a woman from the neck up, with features that can be determined by the artist. They lie head-to-head at an angle, the woman's mouth slightly ajar as if caught in mid-sentence, the man's mouth closed with a single stream of blood coming from it's edge. Both are missing their eyes. Nothing remains but a gaping hole that seems to stare through the panel straight to us. We can't see our narrator.) NARRATOR: I'm sorry about your parents. Truly. But you're better off with us now. You're special, like your father once was. NARRATOR: Until he was tainted by contentment and whores. PANEL TWO (We move closer to the woman's face. But the scene is now more disturbing. We see a small, bloody hand holding an eye above one of her sockets. The hand looks to be pushing the eye down into place. It's almost as if the woman is a doll that has been dismantled and being put back together.) NARRATOR: One day you'll learn about people like yourself. The Alexanders and the Napoleans and the Tse-tuns...people who shaped the world. People who knew that reality can be dissected and reshaped by human will. PANEL THREE (We've now taken a step back. We get a full view of the scene, and it's gorier than we suspected. The bloody hand belongs to an infant, who's sitting between what is left of his parents. From the neck down, they've been pretty much dissected. We see intestines here, a kidney over there, maybe a spleen up there, etc. We see that the baby is pretty much using the body parts as his own little lego set, seemingly having fun. He's trying to put back together his parents, and he's doing a pretty decent job. Too bad they're already dead. We see the lower half of the narrator standing nearby, watching with pride.) NARRATOR: A gift you're obviously blessed with. Get used to humanity being your erector set. NARRATOR: Welcome to Ellium. |