Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1025167-In-the-Shadow-of-the-Cliff
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1025167
This is a story about a little boy who umm... sees lots of people?
Just outside a small town lies a small house that sits in the middle of a large plot of land. Surrounding that plot of land is a thick cover of large full trees and bushes. In the first room of that house there sits a boy of about the age of 15. He sits there and smiles a sort of sick and twisted sadistic smile, one of a heartless pawn. He tilts his head slightly towards the right and admires his work with what seems to be extreme pleasure. He starts to hear sounds of footsteps coming up the cement walkway just outside the house, he still sits. The door creaks open and through it steps a short woman with long straight black hair, dripping with water. She utters “Man it’s really comin’ down out there, you should see it.” She listens and hears, “Don’t scream mommy” quickly she turns around and sees her thought to be sweet little boy running towards her with a pocket knife screaming “DON’T SCREAM MOMMY, DON’T SCREAM.”
Two dead carcasses now lie on the blood stained floor. One that barely resembles the young child’s mother, and the other, what seems to be the family Labrador. Both the dog and the mother have the look of shock and horror still frozen to their innocent faces. He sits, staring at the blood soiled knife and licks it. He licks his lips and casually walks to the phone. He picks up the phone, dials three numbers and says “Daddy’s gonna be mad, I’ve been a bad boy.” He then hangs up. With excitement in his step he runs to the back shed and pulls out a ladder and a fishing spear. He closes the shed doors and runs to the back of the house right as a car is pulling into the long winding driveway. He sets the ladder against the back wall of the outside of the house and slowly climbs up to the roof with spear in hand.
The car pulls up to the front of the house and a tall, skinny, greasy haired man emerges with briefcase in hand. He starts walking to the house and lightning strikes a nearby tree. The man yells out “Holy shit!!” He then enters through the front door, and notices the powers out, a few seconds later you hear the man yell “Holy shit!!” The man runs to the next room and picks up the phone. All he hears is thunder outside, he then realizes he shouldn’t have bought all cordless phones. He runs outside to get into his car and to the police station.
The boy sits perched atop the roof waiting for his idiot father to leave the house in a panic. As soon as the front door to the house opens he heaves the spear full force at his father’s torso. He throws the spear with so much hatred and passion that the tip goes through the body and slightly sticks into the ground. He slowly with a sense of accomplishment descends down the ladder to further mutilate his father’s corpse. As soon as his foot touches the ground he hears sirens in the distance. Knowing that he won’t escape in his father’s car, he jets towards the bushes behind his house. As the sirens get closer he plans out his escape root. The police cars come tearing down his driveway and he commences his plan. He runs into a large area of trees just outside of his plot of land and from there he keeps running and running until he gets to a small river. He jumps into the river and lets it carry him ten miles down river to a clearing. He grabs a rock on the side of the river and pulls himself out. Once out of the river he walks a few miles towards the giant cliff that overlooks the town. There he sits among the trees thinking long and hard about what he had done and how to make it even better.
News is spreading of the murders and shock is starting to come over the town’s people. They sit there in there perfect rooms, of there perfect houses, in there perfect lined up houses not knowing what is about to happen. Only one man believes he knows what is about to happen, his psychiatrist Dr. H. A. Meyers. Dr. Meyers is a short beefy man of about sixty four with a grey beard and barely any hair. In his sessions with the boy, he is just now noticing that the boy loves to create things and make people think. He also is realizing that the boy has a strong hatred towards his family and his town. Dr. Meyers sits there for a while reflecting on these previous sessions and comes to a gruesome realization, all the families in this town are lined up for a slaughter house. He quickly realizes this and hops into his car and drives to the police station. He gets there, steps out of the car and runs through the front door. He starts talking to the police officer and once he is finished explaining the officer laughs and explains to him that there is no way a 15 year old boy can take on an entire town. Knowing that no one will help him Dr. Meyers runs back to his car and races back to his house to gather his arsenal of weapons.
After a while of thinking how to make his art even better the boy realizes that it is almost midnight and all the perfect little families below will be sleeping soundly in there comfy little beds. As he descends on the town he figures out how and where he will get his supplies. Just around the corner from where he descended into the town he enters a large hunting store that is locked but still for some strange reason had keys left in the door. He enters the store with keys in hand and loads duffle bags full of spears, knives, rope, lures, gutters, and a large fish hanger. After his goody bag is full he calmly and quietly exits through the front door. He walks for many blocks towards the other end of town to start his sculptures. His first model is an old lady who lives alone in a large house. He very calmly rings the doorbell until the old lady finally answers the door. She asks him why he rang the doorbell at such a late hour. He makes up that his parents are in a horrible accident down the street and he must use her phone, she foolishly lets him in. He picks up the phone and dials 922 and pretends to report an accident. As soon as he hangs up the phone and asks to use the bathroom, she says yes. On the way to the bathroom he goes up into her room and hides in her closest. After hours of waiting the old woman finally comes up stairs to retire for the night. As the light goes off he pushes open the closest and stabs the poor old lady and kills her. He drags her body down the stairs where he ties her legs together and pulls her next to the bathroom door. He places a chair in front of the door and pulls the lady up to it. He holds out each hand and stabs a knife through it so it sticks into the door. Next he pulls the chair from underneath the cadaver and leaves her their hanging for all to see. He leaves the house and proceeds to do the exact same thing to all the other houses. The only thing that differs from house to house is the way the bodies were left. Some whole families were strung together like fish on a fisherman’s boat, others were decapitated and the heads were displayed on spears like in old barbaric tribes. At the last house on the left hand side of the street he actually calls 911 instead of the fake number, this time he tells them what he has done and for them to hurry. After mutilating his last victim he runs to a nearby bomb store, breaks in and drags out all the explosives. He places them at the base of the cliff and hooks them all to one detonator. He ascends to the top of the cliff and waits for the pigs to arrive.
Finally after he gathered arsenal Dr. Meyers races to the heart of the town and looks around to try and find his patient. He looks long and hard at the last moment he sees a boy climbing up the side of the cliff over looking the town. Knowing that this was his last chance he takes out his sniper rifle and aims it at the boy who has now reached the summit. Right as he has him in his cross hairs police swarm in, he shoots at the boy and hits him square in the chest, and he flies back 20 feet. As the boy flies back Dr. Meyers notices something falling, he looks again in his cross hairs and sees what seems to be a detonator falling towards, a huge mass of explosives. He looks at the cops and says “HOLY CRAP!! ….RUN!!” As they run away the detonator hits the explosive and the cliff blows up sending a wave of rocks and dirt across the town, demolishing every thing and everyone.
The boys plan of having the greatest murders that ever happened have now become the greatest murders that never happened. All of the townspeople and his family died in vain, no one will ever know the truth of how this seemingly normal kid turned a small town into a bloodbath, no one will ever know how it was to live in the shadow of the cliff.
© Copyright 2005 Edgar Stevens (poeprodigy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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