Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1024033-The-Blood-Thirsty-Ghost
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1024033
Never stay home alone...
Things could not have gotten any worse for Mia-or so she thought.
Her parents, George and Lilas, were divorcing, and George had gotten custody over Mia. Her father decided they should move out of their big farm house in Portland, Oregon, and move into a small, two bedroom condo in Gary, Indiana. Mia was moving away from everything she loved; her mother, her friends, her house, her school. Nothing was going right. And it was about to get worse; Better put, bone-chilling.

Martha Elizabeth Colten was born in a big hospital just west of Portland, Oregon.
From the age of six she had the nick-name “Mia.” Her parents divorced when she was just thirteen. Her father got custody of her and they moved to Gary, Indiana. Mia was horrified. How could her dad do this to her? When they got there, they immediately moved into the small condo. The first night in the new condo, Mia slept in her room. Little did she know, it was the only restful sleep she would have in this house.

It all started when Mia got home from school the next day. Her dad was at work, so she had the house all to herself for three hours. She walked into the kitchen to get a glass of milk, when she glanced out of the window.

That’s when she saw a horrible, bloody, man with torn clothing, an axe in hand, slowly floating toward the door of the condo. Mia stared in horror. Then, as quickly as she had seen it, it vanished. Mia sank into her chair. Oh my God, she thought, What was that? She heard a knock at the door. She screamed. Then she heard a muffled voice.

“Let me in…let me innnn…” It said.
It was a haunting voice that almost sounded like an echo, the light, horrible words. Mia took a quick look at the doorknob to see if it was locked, and then started to go towards the kitchen to get a knife.

It cant get through the door, and its locked... Mia looked up. To her horror, she saw the bloody figure slowly coming through the door. Mia screamed. Her feet felt rooted to the floor as the figure floated toward her. It reached her, and its glittering eyes looked through hers. His ugly grin suddenly turned into a chiling scowl, and it raised its axe over her head. She ran, and as she was running, she looked back. It was gone! She stopped. Then everything went black.

“Mia! Mia, are you okay?”
Mia opened her eyes, and found herself staring into the eyes of her father.
“Oh, daddy, it was so horrible!” She said as she started crying.
“What was it, honey?” Her father asked.
“Dad, I know you won’t believe me, but…but…” She whimpered.
“Try me” Her father challenged.
“It was…a…well, I think…a…ghost! It had bloody, torn clothing, a wild face, with an awful grin...and…and bare, bloody feet! And the bloody hands were holding…a...a…an axe! ”
She blurted out.
“Honey, there are no such things.” George stated.
“Then why…why do you think I fainted?” She demanded.
“I don’t know, sweetie, but there has to be a more reasonable explanation.”

That night, George had a troublesome sleep, filled with questions why…why his daughter thought she saw a ghost. With Mia, it was the same story. She didn’t get any sleep. The figure kept coming after her; the crazy eyes, ragged clothing, bloody hands and axe, those bare feet. Even in her sleep, the ghostly figure haunted her, his axe raised.

When morning came, she was both scared and relieved. Relieved because she could now be in school with people around her, and scared because she would have to face another day alone, at home.
I wish mom were here she thought bitterly
She would believe me!

When Mia got home that afternoon, she was afraid to go in.
C’mon, Mia, it was just your imagination She thought, trying to convince herself. Ghosts don’t exist!
With more courage then she felt, she unlocked the door.
She looked around, expecting the ghost to suddenly appear. When she didn’t see it, she let out a sigh of relief. Although she still felt uneasy, she was glad.

At least the neighbors are downstairs
Mia thought They weren’t there yesterday. She dropped her book bag and went into the kitchen. Fearfully, she looked out the window. And there was the figure floating very, very fast, almost running. Then, It disappeared. I've gotta get outta here! She thought, panicking.

Mia whirled around, ready to run out the door. And to her terror, the figure was right behind her, axe raised. Before she could move, the figure swung its axe. It came down on Mia’s head with full force. She fell, dead.

And that’s where her father, George, found her, later that day. Some say that it was a murderer, some say it was a crazy animal. But to this day, only George knows the horrid truth. It was a blood-thirsty ghost.

No one has seen it to this day.

© Copyright 2005 Malli_Jade (malli_jade at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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