Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1023444-Samhain-a-shadow-of-times-gone-bye
Rated: E · Poetry · Educational · #1023444
References a constellation, a season, three special stars, and the change of a tradition.
Third harvest, finally here
Samhain is a feast you should not fear
The fields should be all but bare
Travelers of night beware

‘tis darkest half of the year
A full moon marked the beginnings clear
Now the sun is most revered
Witch hunters are always feared

Livestock slaughtered for the feast
‘Twas Celebrated three days at least
Now there’s candy to give out
Still black cats give rise to doubt

Two red apples, one of gold
Samhain’s brightest stars from days of old
Now we’ve pumpkins carved for fun
Wisdom of stars is but done

Feast of the dead, at one time
The wondering dead from earth did climb
Far and wide harvest is done
Goblins beg from everyone

This day and age, things are tame
The candles carry no sacred flame
Our children run with delight
Seeking goodies where they might

Little children Trick or Treat
The Circle of life is now complete
New beginnings come and go
Summer Endings ‘till we sow

Sage and mint for spirit wild
You’ll find no Cauldron with stewing child
Allspice and Nutmeg, yummy treats
Salt and pepper, roasting meats

Mulled wine is sweet if you dare
Obsidian jewelry I will wear
Should you try to cast a spell
Ask that harvest works out well

Young and old with spirits high
Samhain a shadow of times gone bye
Beltane hides the Pleiades
Now we say “good night, ladies”

NOTE: My interest was the Esoteric and References, and there are many references to the seasons, the stars, and constellations throughout recorded history.

Many petroglyphs reference the objects in the heavens, and the bible is LOADED with them. Acts 28:11 mentions a “ship with the figurehead of the twin gods Castor and Pollux." Coincidentally, the names of the two brightest stars of Gemini?

So, this is a quick poem I whipped up for an online contest. I was trying to encourage the "Chip" to write, but what the heck does "the old block" know?

The three apples refer to the bright stars of Capella in Auriga, Aldeberan in Taurus, and Betelgeuse in Orion. The Red star of Betelgeuse is found on Orion’s right shoulder. The other Red star is star Aldeberan, the eye of Taurus. (Taurus is the V-shaped group of stars to the right of Orion’s shoulder.)
Auriga, the charioteer, holds the Golden star of Capella. Auriga is located just above Taurus and to the right of Orion.
Auriga is often depicted holding a goat and 2 kids. Didn’t Thor have two magic goats for transportation?
Orion can be used to determine the seasons: Orion rising at midnight indicates the grapes are ready for harvest, an evening rising declares that winter is here, and Summer begins when Orion rises in the morning.
Taurus is a collection of many stars and the Pleiades are included.
Chapters 9 and 38 of Job are a good read. One gets how significant the heavens were to the Authors of the bible.
I dedicated 6 hours of research to this thing. All in an effort to get my boy to write.
I think it is safe for children.

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