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Rated: E · Short Story · Teen · #1022962
This is my first written story. It isn't complete yet
She came up the side-walk to the bus. Her friends were with her. When the bus pulled up, a guy got off. And as he did, he fell, and spilled his back-pack. She saw what had happened, and rushed to his help. He seemed to be in pain, his head on the side-walk. When he did lift his head, he realized what had happened to his back-pack, and groaned. She helped him with his books. “Thank you”, he said. He thought he’d never see that girl again, as she got onto the bus, and it drove away. He thought that that girl was something special. She wasn’t like anyone else he had met, even though he hadn’t even had a proper conversation. But he forgot about all that, as his watch beeped, telling him he was late for school.

* * * *

Hill Valley was a nice place. It contrasted from most places. It wasn’t just an urban area, like Chicago, but also had some country sides. Almost every Saturday night the people would have some sort of open air movie going on till about 7 o’clock on the following day. But those little things used to be to be quite fun, and the people of Hill Valley were all quite happy. I used to live in Hill Valley earlier too, before I moved to Chicago, and lived there for about 13 years. Just last year we came back to Hill Valley, and celebrated my 15th birthday in about a week from when we had moved back.
All the kids in Hill Valley went to the private school. Hill Valley School it was called. Our school was nice and big, and was made up of three floors, and an underground floor. We had many facilities, which was a good thing the school had to offer. We even had our own fitness room, which I though was pretty cool. But most important of all, we had nice classrooms, which weren’t that stuffy, because of their size.

* * * *

He walked up the school’s steps, trying not to slip on the slippery steps, which were wet from last night’s rain showers. As he made his way through the hall, he was already thinking about what the teacher would say when she would see him walking into the classroom about ten minutes late. Nevertheless, he went to his locker to get his stuff for periods one and two, and then headed to chemistry. On his way to chemistry, he thought of the girl who had helped him when he had fallen from the bus. Who was she? What was so special about her? Why can’t I just forget her? Have I actually seen her somewhere before? His thoughts were interrupted when he walked straight into the classroom door. He then opened the door with baited breath, and walked into the classroom. To his horror, the teacher behind the desk was Mrs. Cartwright, a teacher who hated him a lot.
“Well look who it is.”, she said in quite harsh tone. “It’s Mr. I-don’t-wanna-come-to-school-on-time. Alright Thomas, what’s your excuse this time?”
“I-I-I-I g-g-got u…p l-l-ate, a-a-and got o-o-on the late b-b-bus…b-b-b-but I-I-I tripped, a-a-and all m-my b-b-books fell out…and i-i-i-it took me some t-t-time to p-p-p-pick them up ag-g-gain.”, he stammered. He could feel the eyes of the rest of the class bearing down on him, and his classmates’ secretly making jokes about him.
“Alright! Go and sit down, but I don’t want to hear you talking. And will you please come to my office after period three? We need to have a little conversation about your coming late to school. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Mrs. Cartwright.” he said glumly.
“Good, now you may go and sit down.”
He slowly walked to his seat, and tried to ignore the other peoples’ eyes for the rest of the class.

* * * *

I felt sorry for him. He probably wasn’t lying this time. But maybe the earlier times he actually hadn’t come to school on time on purpose. Oh well. I watched him walk back slowly to his seat, with his head almost hanging in shame.
I turned around to receive a note from Randy Edwards, the schools football hero. I opened it, and read it.
“Yo mate! Meet me after class behind the lockers. We have to talk.”
I wondered what this could be about. Randy hardly ever talked to me. There was one time, when we were good friends, but that was all before the crash incident which not only ruined his car (well it was actually stolen), and our friendship. What had happened was that after some party, where we had all gotten drunk, Randy and I decided to have a drag race. So we went to a parking lot, stole two cars, and started our race there. The worst part still to come, we were driving like mad through the streets of Hill Valley. Then the accident happened. As I tried to over take Randy, I realized that I was on the wrong side of the road, when I saw an oncoming car. As I swerved to avoid the oncoming car, I slammed into Randy’s car, and we both skidded into the path of an oncoming 18-wheeler truck. I was lucky though, because my car was only slightly on the road, with the rest of the car on the grassy shoulder nest to the highway. But Randy was extremely unlucky, because the truck came and hit his already wrecked car with about 100 mph. His car was then dragged along for a bit by the truck tell it finally came loose, and then the car skidded for another few hundred meters before finally coming to a stop. We had to call the Fire department to cut him out of the completely wrecked Corvette. He then had to be taken to the hospital via ambulance, and the police, fire dept., and ambulance drivers were none too happy about the mess we had made. After the ambulance had reached the hospital, the doctors told me to wait outside, while they operated on his arm. Once the operation was done, and I could visit him, he clearly told me that he never ever wanted to talk to me again. And those were his last words to me till now, as I walked up to the lockers. I saw that he was there with a couple of people.
“Hey buddy, what’s up?”
I looked around from Randy to the other guys. They just stood there, doing absolutely nothing. I wasn’t sure whether Randy had called me behind the lockers so that he could beat me up, or for some sort of gang-thing.
“Hi Randy”, I replied nervously. I wasn’t sure whether I should stay there, or whether I should start moving away a little. But I stayed put.
“Okay. Look man, we have to discuss stuff. I know that we have our differences, but let’s put ‘em aside for now. Now here’s the deal, and I’ll cut it short. I know that you’re a state-champion wrestler, and that’s what I need you for. You know that guy Thomas, right? Well me and my guys think that he needs to be taught a lesson in coming late to school, and his messing with us guys.”
I suddenly realized what Randy was on about. He was most probably meaning to beat up Thomas for that one incident when the Hill Valley football team played a prank on our School’s principal, Mr. Johnson, and then Thomas had told on them.
“But why did you call me here?” I asked startled.
“Because your state-champion! We need your help, and I wanted to talk to you about it. And with your help, we can easily take him down.”
I thought that this was complete absurdity. Why beat up Thomas? He may have told on them, but that wasn’t a good enough reason for them all to beat him up. He probably was even a really nice guy, just for the fact that he acted like a complete geek.
“Well I’m sorry Randy, but I can’t, and I’m not gonna help you here.”
Randy gave me a scornful look, and with one last glimpse he told me: “You know, even after that crash I thought that you and could still be good friends. But now I think that you’re just not good enough.”
And with that, he and his buddies walked away, whilst they all gave me dirty glances. I just looked back at them blankly. Who needed friends like those anyway?

* * * *

Thomas walked to Mrs. Cartwright’s office, fearing the worst. He was the he might get a suspension, as this already was the tenth time was late in the first half of the semester. His knees were a bit shaky as he approached her office. With a shaky hand he opened the door, and stumbled into the room. There, to his delight, as well has horror, sat the girl who had helped him earlier that morning in picking up his books after he had fallen off the bus. He just stared at her dumbly, and he almost lost his balance again as he stared at her.
“Ah, so you actually did come to my office in the end.” Mrs. Cartwright said in an unfriendly tone. He blushed, because he really hoped he wouldn’t make a fool out of himself in front of the girl again. “Oh, and I’d like you to meet Roxanne. She’s new to this school, as she is joining us from today. Roxanne, meet Thomas.”
“Pleased to meet you.” She said, with a playful look in her eyes, which was friendly as well as teasing. He looked at her for a moment, and then said like wise. Wow, he thought. I’d never thought I’d see her again, and yet, here she is, right in front of me.
“Thomas, this is also one of the reasons of why I have called you here. I know you may not be the best of students, but you are very kind, and you like to help people. Therefore I would like you to show Roxanne around school today and tomorrow. She’ll show you her schedule, and then you can take her to her classes. Is that clear?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Good. Now Roxanne, can you excuse Thomas and me for a few minutes? We need to a have a private little chat about something. So if you would please wait outside for a few minutes.”
She left almost immediately, probably thinking that if she didn't obey Mrs. Cartwright, she’d get in trouble. As she walked out into the hall, she could hear Mrs. Cartwright’s stern voice, and Thomas’ feeble, yet confident voice trying to get a word in while Mrs. Cartwright kept on talking. She hoped that Thomas wouldn’t get into too much trouble.
As Thomas got back out of the office, he was already 5 minutes late for his next lesson, and Roxanne had left. He walked to Spanish class, and sure enough, Roxanne was there, and there was an empty seat next to her. She smiled at Thomas, and nodded at him to tell him he could come and sit next to her. He walked into the classroom, gave Mr. Gonzalez his late excuse note from Mrs. Cartwright, and then went to sit down next to Roxanne.
“Okay class. Today we shall be learning new words to do with food. So please take out your grammar books, and turn to page 72 please.” Mr. Gonzalez was actually quite a friendly person, that is, if you got to know him well enough. Most of the students hated him, but only because they hated Spanish so much and poor Mr. Gonzalez was in Hill Valley teaching Spanish since ten years. But nevertheless, we had to do Spanish, as it wasn’t an option class.
“Great,” muttered one of the guys from the back row “another lesson with Mr. Speedy-tongue-Gonzalez”. Everyone giggled slightly, because everyone knew how Mr. Gonzalez talked very quickly, and he would sometimes end up muddling himself up while trying to speak English. But hw realized that he couldn’t really concentrate. He figured that it must be because of Roxanne. Roxanne was an extremely attractive 15 year old. She was about five feet four inches tall, and she had a slender body. She had dark-blonde hair, which was soft, and it always swayed behind her gracefully when she moved her head. Her eyes were like to crystalline clear pools of blue, and they always seemed to twinkle when she looked at me. She probably had one of the friendliest smiles that he had ever seen, and she always was in a happy mood. Thomas always kept giving her sideways glances, making sure she didn't see him; otherwise she’d think that he was a freak. Wow, Thomas thought, she’s really pretty. I hope I didn't make too big a fool of myself today morning.
As the bell rung to indicate the end of the lesson, he hung back a little, waiting for Roxanne to pack up.
“So how did your day go so far?” He asked her. Just then did it strike him that this was actually only her first period in the school, and he looked down, a feeling a bit embarrassed. She seemed to notice him feeling silly, and casually told him: “Hey, no need to feel so embarrassed. Most guys make those kinda silly mistakes when I first meet them. I dunno why though, just a thing that they all do for some reason.” She smiled at him. He smiled back. It really seemed to be working out between the two, as the day went on.

* * * *

I walked down to the gym hall for period six. I couldn’t wait for P.E. today, because we were doing some long distance running. Usually we would be out for our long distance running, but today the weather was wet, and the running track was all slippery and unsafe to run on, and so we were indoors for today. I went to the changing rooms, and saw Randy and co. in there too. They noticed me walk in, and then they started pretending like I wasn’t even there.
“Oh would you guys get a life.” I said in disgust. They just simply ignored me, and I walked out of the room after I had changed. On the way to the gym hall I saw Thomas walking along with this new girl called Roxanne, who had moved here from Montreal. She was really pretty, and I wouldn’t have minded to be friends with her. But I brushed those thoughts to the back of my mind as I started running to the gym hall to get some quick exercise in before the whole class had to do the warming up drills.
Class ended at around 12:30 p.m., and all of us went back to the changing rooms to hit the showers and get changed. I was starving. I had probably set a new record for the school’s 3000 meter race, but it wouldn’t count because we weren’t outside. I thought that that was a lame rule, but you can’t really argue with teachers. So I got changed, and then headed straight for the lunch hall. Luckily I had my own lunch, and I didn't have to stand in the massive lunch line which formed everyday in front of the food counters. Having to wait in that line on some days was real torture, and especially on the Wednesdays, right after P.E. I walked to the table, sat down, and opened my lunch bag. A salami sandwich and some coke. That was my usual lunch. Munching away on my sandwich, I noticed Randy walk over to where Thomas was sitting, and saw him tell Thomas something. Thomas seemed to jump out of his chair with the news that Randy had just told him. I wondered what it could be about. Whatever Randy had told Thomas, I was sure that it wasn’t anything good.

THIS PIECE IS NOT FINISHED YET!!!!!! I STILL HAVE QUITE A BIT TO GO! Please leave comments for improvement, and where I could go on from here.
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