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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · War · #1022172
As any wise man says one door closes and a new door opens.

Chapter two

I arrived back at my house to find master Kremen in conversation with my brother and my sister listening in, my parents were still starring at the T.V., I looked at the T.V. and on it were replays of my fight with Jason.
My sister finally noticed me she strode over and leaned on my shoulder she just sat there not saying a word, my mom was talking to my dad about the fight and there were some distinct facts I had to clear up but that would be for later.
I walked over to where master Kremen and Danny were talking.
“You mean to tell me that even before the Cullasgate hear was opened the Shangard and the
Helions were at war.”
“Yes or that’s what the text said but it was loosely translated, ill show you the original later.”
“Hey Danny, Master Kremen what are you guys talking about.”
“Hey James”
“Shova James it is good to see you, your brother here is quite well informed about the earths Cullasgate.”
“How do you know about it kid?” I asked Danny.
“I have my ways.”
“Yah that’s what you said about the history project last week too and you failed that.”
“Shova how did it go.”
“Can we not talk about that right now”?
“Of course, you know the other Shova’s back on Sedna are anxious for your return.”
“I can’t return now I have things I need to do.”
“Shova… that words in the text but it wasn’t one of the translated words.” Danny said, he ran off to his room to apparently fetch the text he was talking about.
My parents were done gawking at the TV, my mother walked over to me and gave me a huge as she started to cry, but she wasn’t sad she was just happy I had come home.
My brother returned a few moments later with a small book in his hands, he walked up to Master Kremen, handed him the book, and sat back down on his chair.
Kremen looked threw the book picked out a few points here and there, his face changed from one emotion of near delight to one of mourning.
“Shova we must get back to Sedna, it is of the utmost urgency.”
“Ill get my things, mom I need you dad and Danny to stay here, Jessica get ready your coming with us.”

My sister nodded then headed up stairs to grab some items.
“Wait why are you taking Jessica?” Danny asked
“She’s had basic training with the other Shova’s, we will need her help with something like this.”
“But I didn’t tell you what were doing yet Shova James?” Master Kremen asked
“Anything that makes you sound like that means we’re going to need her.”

Jessica came back down stairs with a small bag around her shoulder, and her armor on.
“Sorry it took me so long I haven’t worn my armor in a year im a bit rusty.” Jessica said
“I was wondering what took you.” I said jokingly
“Wait if that was in your room, how come we’ve never seen it?” My dad asked
“No time to explain, Shova’s come.” Master Kremen said
“We’ll be back.” Jessica and me said as we waived goodbye.

We walked a bit away form the door Master Kremen was about to activate the Gate Transporter System (G, T, S) the moment he hit the button my friend Kev came around the corner. He just stayed there for a second waiting to see what I would do. I thought about it “Should he come along.” I looked over at Jessica she nodded before I asked, turning back to Kev I waved him over quickly, he started into a full sprint just as the
G, T, S, activated he jumped into me all that was left was a thin layer of the rubber on the bottom of Kev’s shoe, we were gone my parents had no idea what we were in for.
After we left Danny ran up stairs to the computer logged in, for a kid his age he was way to smart, he activated a tracer program, the little prick put a tracker on me.
We arrived at the Cullasgate, Kev had dived right into me we fell onto the ground, there was no one around Jessica walked over to the key pad she entered the codes to take us to Sedna, Master Kremen stepped towards me and Kev he stretched out a hand to Kev to help him up he grabbed on and pulled him self up after Kev got off me I stood up Master Kremen looked at me then at Kev.
“Why is he coming with us?” Kremen asked
“Before you criticize him let him prove him self.”
“Alright but I will be the one who picks his opponent.”
Kev just looked at me I knew that he was confused he didn’t know what he was doing or where he was going.
Jessica was about to enter the last code she looked like she was stuck on it, I walked over to her and looked at the panel, she had forgot the last code, it was understandable considering she hadn’t been back to Sedna in a year.
“Jess you ok.”
“Yah I…I forgot the final code.”
“Blue, 7,7, Alpha”
“Thank you” She turned and tolled everyone to stand clear punching in the final code the gate activated, it spun in a circle as usual, but then instead of glowing a bright blue it started to glow red, I looked over to master Kremen he looked as puzzled as I did, and since Kev had never seen this before he was just mesmerized he thought it was working properly. Jess backed away from the ring, which was about three meters tall she knew what was going on.
We all did as she said we backed away and laid on the ground, the gate started to pick up speed it was now spinning out of control, it took a few more moments but the gate finally exploded, we all looked away as it happened, it was strange I didn’t feel any pain at all I contemplated opening my eyes but I wanted to wait a few more seconds to make sure nothing was going to happen, when I opened my eyes I saw not the gate room but a beach not to big fairly small actually there were two cliff edges that were over seven stories high, I flipped over onto my back and looked up, the sky was blue and there were white clouds so I was either on earth still or on another similar planet I stood up and looked around there was no signs of any of the others, damn what happened to Kev I hope he’s with the others he’s never been in a situation like this.
Through the cliffs was a small field and another cliff, I walked through and saw that there was a path leading up the first set of cliffs, I turned to face that direction but before I could start walking I heard some strange sounds behind me I turned around to find a small boy (at least I thought it was a boy) running in my direction, behind him was a detachment of soldiers about three or four, by the looks of them they were pissed. The boy came running up to me and stopped and stared the guards had caught up to him by then the boy had a small elevated crease running up his forehead from between his eyes he was balled and sorta fish like he was dressed in a small white tunic that was covered in dirt now, he was no more then three feet high, the guards were bipeds they had two large blades protruding from there elbows, they were dressed in burnt red armor it was kinda scaly rimmed with brown, there helmets looked like skulls but not human, sorta like the predator.
The boy looked back saw the guards took three steps around me and hid behind me once the guards were stopped they started to talk to me.
“That boy belongs to us.” By the looks of him he was the commander
“You can’t have him.”
“Why not he broke one of our laws.”
“Tell me what he did im a reasonable man.”
“He stole from the ambassadors ship, that is punishable by death.”
“Well in that case.” I ran by the commander stole his sword turned and slashed him in the back he hadn’t even thought of moving yet, the commander was in shock, he didn’t know what hit him the other two guards turned and attacked me, I placed a hand on the guard to my left flipped over him rose my arm and stabbed him in the back I pulled my blade out and he fell to the ground dead, the other guard had taken out his blade, swinging it wildly he tried to hit me without any luck he swung left then right, I side stepped both of them ducked under him jumped onto his shoulders and stabbed him in the head he stood for a few moment then fell to the ground one meter from the other guard, the commander had finally regained himself he turned around to see me with a bloody sword slung over my shoulder I was facing the guard I had just killed I looked up turned to face him I started to walk towards him slowly, he just turned and ran for the hills.
The boy was exactly where I had left him his jaw was dropped, and he was just staring at me, I walked over to him knelt down placed a hand on his shoulder and told him id take him home if he showed me where it was, he nodded his head, pointed in the direction he came from and started to run I followed him.
It took us nearly two hours to reach his village, or more so his city there were buildings three times the size of the empire state building all of them were a metallic blue they shined in the sun but gave off no glare, the boy pointed at one of the buildings then headed towards it,(maybe he couldn’t talk yet or something) I followed him into the building I placed my sword through my belt so I had both hands free there were… people in the lobby some of them looked like the guards, others looked like bigger versions of the boy I was following, I saw no humans anywhere.
“This planet doesn’t have a Cullasgate.” I whispered to myself
The boy had entered an elevator I walked in and we went up at least a hundred levels before we stopped, the elevator door opened out side was a room just a small hallway, he walked out and gurgled I guess that’s how they talk, his parents walked out of another room by the looks, they had missed him very much, they must have heard what he had done.
The “Father” looked up at me he walked in front of his son, her gurgled something.
“I can’t understand what your saying.” I told them like they’d know English.
“Leave my house.”
“Oh you speak my language.”
“Yes now leave.”
The boy tugged on his fathers robe and gurgled something, the fathers expression changed from anger to surprise, he looked at me quickly then at the sword that hung at my side then back to his “wife” finally he looked back at me and started to tell me what I had done and what I had to do.
“You realize now that you have killed two of the Kelownin Guards there going to be after you, and if what my son told me is right your on the top of the wanted list.”
“Doesn’t bother me at least he’s safe at home now.”
“Yes and for that I am grateful.”
The father lead me over to the balcony of the house, it was big about four and a half meters long and three meters wide the end of it rounded off, there whole city had been built in this rounded formation, no building had a corner every thing was smooth.
I was staring at the surroundings so much that I hadn’t notice that the father was staring at me, I turned to ask him something but just as I was about to ask he said some thing, I had never thought that I would hear this from a different species he knew what I was he also knew that the ambassador of the Kelownin people was one of us or rather was one of us.
“You mean to tell me that Kelownin Ambassador is a Shangard, that’s not possible there concentrating on the Helion threat were implying.”
“Yes he has said many things about your people, he says that your warmongers, and that you have never let an enemy surrender, always overkill never peace.”
“Of course he would say that the Shangard are just that stupid.”
“What do you mean by that.”
“Well the Helions and Shangard have been at war for millennia we stopped.” For a moment I brought back memories of his and Jason’s fighting “We have been friends at times thought, still fighting but friends.”
The mother called out for Gilon apparently there dinner was ready, Gilon was about to ask me if I wanted to join them but I cut him off and asked where the ambassadors ship was located, he raised his head and grabbed his chin.
“I believe there in orbit for the night they’ll be landing again in the morning…. in the no…rth docks.”
Before he looked back I was already heading out the door I had to find some way to get into orbit.
© Copyright 2005 R.Dykstra (r.dykstra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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