Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1022096-One-in-a-Million-Friend-Chapter-2
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Young Adult · #1022096
Chapter two of my yet-to-be finished book
The sun woke me the next morning, bathing my room in morning sunlight. I turned over in bed, greeted the sun with a smile, and sat up. I turned on the TV and putting some pillows behind my back. I flipped through the channels, stopping at the news to see the weather forecast. I don't know why I watched the news to see the weather, because in Florida, it was pretty much the same. I looked at the clock on my nightstand. Nine o'clock. Sharon would probably be here in half an hour. She's somewhat an early riser.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and get ready. After I applied the apricot scrub, I went to Ansley's room. She was sound asleep. I closed the door gently adn went to the kitchen, examining the contents of the cabinets. I went back to the bathroom, where I washed my face and combed my hair back. I was about to eat my bowl of cereal when someone knocked on the door. I went to the foyer and peeped through the peephole before opening the door.

"Hey Sharon," I said as she closed the door behind her. "Are you ready to go shopping?" We walked into the kitchen and she busied herself with coffee making. She poured the water into the back of the coffee maker and turned it on.

"Yes, I'm ready for shopping. I can't wait to see what's out there. Especially at Harris Furniture Company. I heard their having a sale." She came and sat next to me at the breakfast bar. The coffee maker spurred out hot coffee, maximizing the smell of freshly ground beans.

"So," she said. "Are you enjoying living on your own?"

"Oh yeah. It's something about waking up and not having to worry about your father or stepmother turning lights on and off."

Sharon laughed. "Well, that's true. I actually miss doing that." She removed the pot and poured the black coffee into the mug she had waiting.

"I had a guest last night." I said. I passed her my bowl. She put it in the sink and continued with her coffee. She poured cream and sugar in.

"Oh yeah?" She asked.

"Ansley came over." I answered, lowering my voice. I didn't want to waker her.

"How is she? I haven't seen her sine the graduation. Have her parents gone on vacation yet?"

"They went to New York yesterday morning. Ansley came over because she's pregnant. She told me this last night."

Sharon leaned against the counter, absorbing what I'd just said. "Oh wow," she said. "Has she told anyone besides you?"

"No, I'm the only one who knows. She's really upset because she broke up with Brian. She doesn't know how he's going to take it. And she knows her mother is going to be happy. You know Mrs. Cummings is."

"Yeah, I do. Is she going to keep the baby?"

"She's keeping it. Mrs. Cummings is going to make her have an abortion, but Ansley said she's not going through that. I told her that I was here for her and I'm staying by her side throughout it all. I mean, I'm her best friend. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?"

"Yes, it is. And I'm proud of you. You're doing the right thing. As far as breaking this news to her parents, especially to her mother, is another story. Your father and I could assist her in telling them. Maybe it would lessen the load on Ansley. But let's discuss this later and get ready. Well, you get ready." Sharon put her mug in the sink and came around the bar and kissed my forehead.

I went to my bathroom (boy, I was spending a lot of my time in there) and brushed my teeth. Searching for an outfit in my closet would seem simple, but it wasn't. I had to make sure it was appropriate (for whom, I don't know). I decided on pair of black gauchos and a white spaghetti strap and a pink cropped jacket. I got some shoes, strapped them on, and made sure my hair was right before going to Ansley's room.

She had just gotten up, because she was sitting on the bed, rubbing her eyes. "Morning. How long have you been up?"

I looked at my watch. "Almost two hours. Give or take. Sharon's here. I told her and she said that she'll help you tell your parents. Anyway, where do you want to eat brunch?"

"Brunch? Is it that late? Why didn't you wake me up when you got up?"

"Yeah, it's that late. It's eleven. I didn't get up until nine. Sharon got here a little afterwards."

"I think I would have woken earlier, but the sleep felt so incredibly good. This bed is really comfortable, Nikki. Why didn't you keep it?"

"I don't know. Maybe I just wanted a new bed. But come on, hurry up."

"Okay, I'm coming." She pushed me out of the room so she could get ready. I went into the living room and joined Sharon. She had changed the channel and was now watching something else.

"Look at that, it's gorgeous." Sharon said, talking about the nursery that the interior designer had just completed.

"What's gorgeous?" Ansley asked. "Morning Sharon." Ansley's pretty tight with my stepmother. I guess she should be because she isn't close to her own mother. Mrs. Cummings is the type who worries when Ansley doesn't have a date for the dance.

"Hi honey. We were talking about the nursery that they showed. Are you girls ready? Who's driving?"

About an hour later, after we had brunch at the restaurant, we were at the furniture store, browsing through. Although it was only a little after noon, the heat was becoming unbearable. I pulled my hair into a bun and removed the cropped jacket.

A saleswoman approached us and asked,"Welcome. How are you today? Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?"

"No, not really. I'm just browsing. Looking at all that's out there." I said.

"Well, you've come to the right place. Our living room pieces are over here Some of the sets are microfiber, which is excellent against stains. And this set here is one of best-selling sets. It's from Italy and the tables have handcarved legs. The sage green color is very popular this year," she added, pointing out the little details.

"This is nice, Nicola." Ansley said, sitting on the sofa. "And it's comfortable. It passes my test."

"One problem, Ansley. I already have a living room set." I said.

"Darn. But it's so nice and comfy. Maybe we can get rid of the current one."

An hour and thirty minutes later, we were loading a console and an electic vase into Sharon's SUV. We visited more stores and in each one I found something that I liked. Four hours later, I was drained. All I wanted to do was go home and take a bath. Or get into the pool. I told Sharon that I was drained. We drove back to the apartment. Ansley and I were standing outside of my door and as I fumbled with my keys, my next door neighbor, Nick, came out of his apartment. He was carrying his gym bag.

"What's up Nicola?" He asked, locking the door.

"Nothing much. This is my best friend, Ansley. Ansley, Nick. Nick, Ansley." The door was now opened, but neither one of us had gone in.

"Nice to meet you, Ansley. Sorry to run, but I gotta go." He put the bag on his shoulder and walked down the wrought iron stairs, taking them three at at time.

Ansley stepped inside and I followed her, closing the door behind me. "He's cute. Is he single?"

"I don't know. You interested? I'll tell him for you, if you want me to." I said.

Ansley went into the kitchen and got a bag of chips. "That living room set was really nice. You should get it."

"Oh, don't go changing the subject. You like him." I teased. "But yeah, that living room set was nice. Right now, I need to find someone to help me carry that console up the stairs. I should have told Nick to hold on. Oh well, I'll get someone else to help me."

I put my purse in my bedroom and went outside to the breezeway and knocked on the door of one of my across-the-way neighbors, Shelley. She's a student at the local university and works at a bar.

"Hold on," she said from inside the apartment. A few seconds later, she opened the door. "Oh hey, Nicola. What's up?"

"Oh nothing much. I bought some furniture today, and I need some help getting it up the stairs. My best friend's over, but she can't pick it up. And Nick just left, so he's out of the picture. Are you busy?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't be.

"No, I'll help." She turned around to make sure the door wasn't locked, and we walked down the stairs to the car. I opened the back door and there was the console.

"That's hot," Shelley said.

"Thanks," I said. "I don't think it's too heavy, but I don't want to take any chances." I grabbed each corner on the bottom and lifted as Shelley pushed it gently to me. It wasn't that heavy, but I was glad that she was home, because I didn't want to carry it up by myself or with Ansley's assistance.

As we carried it up the stairs, Ansley opened the door wide enough so that we could get through. "Okay, where do you want it?" Shelley asked.

"Right here in the foyer against the wall. I'm going to go searching for an oval shaped mirror and hang it above it. I think it'll look great."

"Yeah, that will look nice. I like the detailing on it. Is is handpainted?" Shelley asked. She wiped her hands on her pants.

"I don't know. I didn't ask. Thanks for your help." I said.

"No problem. Just call. 'Bye." She left the apartment.

I went back down to get the other things and brought them up to the apartment. Ansley came into my bedroom and sat on the bed. "Do you want to go to the mall?" she asked.

"Sure, let's go." I said. I grabbed my purse.

"Okay, but I'm going to call the house and see if my parents have called." Ansley went to her bedroom to make the call.

I switched from my Dooney and Burke clutch to a straw tote bag. I tossed in my wallet and someother necessary things. Then I put on some mascara and eyeliner, and went to visit Ansley. She was sitting on the bed, looking annoyed and scared at the same time.

"What's up?" I mouthed from the doorway.

"They might be home early. Something about food poisoning," she replied. Then, to whomever she was talking to on the phone, she said, "Okay, I might be at home when you get there. Well, yes, I'm out. At--at Nicola's. No, we wanted to hang out. All right, mom. Yeah. Bye." She hung up the phone.

"My father has food poisoning, so they might be home early, unless they can rid him of it. My mother thinks that I should be at home, instead of here with you. I told her that I didn't want to be at home by myself." She closed her eyes.

I really don't think Mrs. Cummings likes me or my father (or Sharon), because after my mother died, I think she wanted Ansley to become friends with another little girl who had both a mother and a father. It didn't help when my father remarried, because Sharon is ten years younger. She thought my father was crazy and she tried to keep Ansley from coming over. Personally, I don't care for her too much, although Mr. Cummings is pretty cool.

"How early will they be coming home?" I asked.

"Ugh," she said. "Tomorrow evening."

"Better tell Sharon."

"Yeah. Come on, I'm ready to go shopping. Especially after that phone call."

We left the apartment and as I drove onto International Drive, I couldn't help but think about what her mother was going to say, and if my father and stepmother would be able to save Ansley. I tried to clear my mind of the situation, but it didn't happen. I pulled into the parking garage next to Wonderworks, this really awesome museum, and we got out of the car.

"Let's go to Macy's. I want to see if they have anything new." Besides, Bethany might be there." Ansley said.

Bethany Nichols is an associate from school. We had the same classes, so it was natural for us to hang out every now and then. Beth's a laid back person, and that's one thing I like about her. She isn't the type to start rumors and fights over guys.

We walked into the store and browsed around. I saw a cute beige top with split sleeves adn a low V-neck. It was on sale, so I looked for my size and got it, walking around to see what else I could find. I met up with Ansley, who had a tank top and a pair of earrings.

"Those are cute," she said when she saw the embroidered jeans I'd grabbed and the ballet flats. We walked around some more, looking at things. Then we went upstairs to the home furnishings area,and I saw a cute bedroom set that I thought would look great in my bedroom. It was a black iron canopy bed minus the canopy, and the set included a two drawer nightstand, a chest, and a dresser.

"That is so pretty," I said as we made our way to it. Ansley looked at the price tag and said," I hope you have some money for it. It's really expensive."

We paid for our things and walked around the mall. As we headed to the food court,we approached Mommy and Me, this maternity store. Ansley looked at me. "Do you want to go in?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go. I want to see what they have." She lead the way inside the store. We were greeted with maternity clothes, baby clothes, cribs, toys, and everything baby.

"This is cute, Ansley." I said, picking up a yellow tunic with embroiderery on the hem.

"It is. How much is it?" she asked.

I looked at the tag. "Twelve dollars."

"I'll come back for it." We browsed some more, going to the nursery furniture. Ansley fell in love with this white crib set that had handcarved roses in the spindles. It also came with a matching toy chest, changing table, and dresser. The fabrics that the store used were beautifully displayed. Ansley sat in the rocking chair and tried it out. "This is comfortable." she said.

"Imagine it in a couple of months." I replied, admiring the set. She closed her eyes adn rocked some more before getting up. "This is a really nice piece. Come on, let's go before I sit in that chair again and fall asleep." she said.

After Mommy and Me, we headed to the food court adn ordered dinner. As we sat in the chairs outside, we talked about high school and all of the things that happened during those four years. After dinner, we walked around some more, then went to Bruster's for ice cream.

Once we got back to the apartment, I put my stuff in the closet adn turned on the water for a shower. "Hey Ans," I called out. "Answer the phone for me if it rings, okay?" I removed my clothes and shut the door to my bathroom, then I stepped into the shower.

Fifteen minutes later, I wrapped my wet hair in a towel and wiped the steamy mirror. Opening the cabinet beneath my sink, I pulled out the metallic pink train case. I opened it up, revealing an assortment of nail polish and related supplies. I got that and the foot massager and went to the living room.

"What's up?" Ansley asked. She was looking through one of the magazines from the coffee table.

"Mani and pedi time." I announced, putting the foot massager on the floor and the basket on the table.

"Cool," she replied.

I went back to get some more stuff and then we got started. Ansley soaked her feet first, then got one of the cuticle removers and removed any dead cuticles. I put my feet in the container, turning it on and relaxing.

"You know what would look great on you?" Ansley said, putting moisturizer on her hands. She used a nail brush and brushed under her nails.

"What?" I asked. The water had cooled, so I removed me feet and began clipping my nails.

"I don't know," she replied, laughing. "I'm just messing around. I felt like laughing."

"Oh wow," I said sarcastically. I threw a pillow at her.

We finished our nails and put the stuff up. "Are your parents coming home tomorrow?" I asked her.

"I don't know. If they are, I might just go on and tell them. Just to get it over with, you know? But I'm totally scared. I don't know why I'm so scared, because I'm eighteen. It's my life, right?" Ansley said, changing her position so now her legs were under her.

"Yeah, you're right. Do you want me to come with you? It might be easier. But like I told you, I'm here all the way. Do you want some cookies?" I asked.

"Sure, let's make some. Do you have all of the stuff?" She stood up and walked over to me and pulled me up. We went to the kitchen and went through the cabinets.

"Okay. I don't have any brown sugar, but we can make sugar cookies. Here's the sugar, milk, vanilla extract, and the baking powder. You got the other ingredients?" I asked her as I measured everything.

"Yep. They're right here. We haven't done this in a long time. Let's make a lot," Ansley said.

We mixed the ingredients together, and when it was perfectly well-blended, we shaped them into little round balls and placed them on the cookie sheet, then stuck them in the oven. While we waited for them to finish, we started watching a movie on Lifetime. About ten minutes later, I removed the cookies from the oven and let them cool before getting a plate and putting about twelve of them on it.

"Those look good." Ansley said, raising herself up from the floor and reaching for one. She bit into it and chewed slowly. "These are awesome."

I bit into one. She was right. They were awesome. We finished the cookies and the movie.


The next morning, I woke up with a backache. I got up and went to the bathroom, and sure enough, there it was. My period. I groaned and cleaned myself up. Then I reached for a tampon, inserted it, and when I finished with everything, I climbed back into bed. It was only seven, so I figured I'd go back to sleep.

Three hours and thirty minutes later, I sat up, putting the pillows agaist the headboard so I could lean on them. I picked up the remote, turned my television on, and flipped through the channels. Gosh, why must females go through this? My cramps were killers, and I have a high tolerance for pain. Imagine that. Normally they don't bother me, but this morning, they sucked.

I got up and searched for some painkillers. I found the Midol I'd bought, opened the bottle, took two out, and downed them with a glass of water. Climbing back into bed, I felt like going to sleep, but I couldn't. I curled up into the fetal position, which helped some, but not a whole lot. I was just about to fall asleep (I think the pills were kicking in) when there was a knock on the door.

"What?" I asked, kind of pissed because I'd been disturbed.

The door opened and Ansley came in and sat down on the bed. "Guess what. My parents are back. Obviously they couldn't rid him of food poisoning. So it looks like I'll be breaking the news tonight. Lucky me."

"No," I said, my voice muffled by the pillows. "You have to go to the doctor. To get this confirmed."

"True." Ansley said. "I could call one of those planned pregnancy places. They help teens out, you know. I could call them today and see if I can set up an appointment. You'll go with me, right?" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah. What time is it? Because if they are open now, then maybe you will be able to go in. Aren't they open twenty four hours? For something like emergencies?" I asked. Ansley nodded.

"I'll go and check. Be right back." She left the room, closing the door behind her.

I crawled from under the covers and went back to the bathroom. I removed the tampon, stuck a pad onto my panties, and washed my hands so I could go and get me something to eat.

A few minutes later, Ansley came back into the room. "Okay, I was referred to this doctor, Dr. Carrington. She's open today, and the secretary said that I could come in and get everything done. Everything as in paper work and a confirmation. The appointment's at twelve, which is two hours away." She said, walking to the kitchen and opening the pantry door. That's one of the reasons that I picked the apartment. The pantry and the spaciousness of it. It's thirteen hundred square feet, two bedrooms, two baths. The living-dining room combination is nice and so is the gourmet galley-style kitchen with stainless steel appliances.

Ansley came out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal and sat down on the floor beside the armchair. "Oh goody," she said. "Mad About You. My fa

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