Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1021615-Strangers-and-Lovers
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1021615
People meet in a pub as strangers and soon become passionate lovers.
An older man, a respected teacher later arrested as a pedophile, traumatized Tessa and several of her classmates when they were very young. . As she reached her 30th birthday, Tessa could no longer stop those hazy images that had flashed through her mind for years. Previously she could sternly tell herself, “Don’t go there!”, but that no longer worked.

It had also affected how she felt being around men as she changed from an awkward child into a beautiful woman. For years, she avoided men as much as possible. That is, except for one unfortunate experiment with a young man she had met through mutual friends. Being a virgin, the pain she felt at his fumbling attempt at lovemaking convinced her that sex was something she wanted no part of ever again. After that, she was able to hold to this resolution, never tempted to try it again.

Unknown to her, today would be a turning point in her life. Her friend from work had planned a night out on the town in celebration, and she was looking forward to it. It was just past the end of the workday when she heard Sally, her friend of many years, call out to her, “Tessa, what’s keeping you? Get a move on, girl. Happy hour doesn’t last forever, you know.”

Tessa smiled at the famous impatience of the rubenesque blonde who was always ready to party. They had gone out for drinks on many Fridays after work. Sally never failed to attract a bevy of men to hover around them, no matter where they went. She also had managed to get through the protective wall of reserve that her friend had erected over the years. Tessa now looked forward to their times out. To keep her friend from yelling again across the almost empty office, Tessa finished putting on her evening makeup. With a final check in her compact to check on her neatly combed long brown hair, she left to meet the woman standing near the door impatiently looking at her wristwatch.

“I swear, Tessa, you’re acting like turning 30 is a fate worse than death.” Sally said this with a laugh as both women got on the elevator. There were already a few people on it, and Tessa, without being aware of what she was doing, moved to get some distance away from two men smiling and watching them.

On arrival at the packed Mercado De Carne Pub, a popular watering hole for singles, Sally aimed for the heavily laden happy hour table filled with nibble food. Meanwhile, Tessa searched for a place for them to sit. Finding no empty tables, she managed to squeeze in to stand near the end of the long curved mahogany bar, ready to order their two drinks. “Pardon me,” a deep masculine voice just in back of her apologized softly. She felt his body pressing into her back from the crush of people going past them from the door to the dance floor. “Sorry!” he again whispered in her ear, now not sounding at all sorry. He remained where he was, even as Tessa tried to move around the curve of the bar. She would have more room and privacy there, but he had put his arms on either side of her to rest on the bar preventing her from moving.

Getting irritated at his continued presence, she twisted around to give him a piece of her mind and demand he leave her alone. Big mistake! A large woman passing by decided to stop and talk with her companion. This forced the man even closer to Tessa. As his body pushed tightly against hers, she could feel his sudden arousal nestled between her legs through her light summer dress.

“Perhaps we’d better introduce ourselves,” the dark haired man laughed. He looked at her with deep blue eyes surrounded by long lashes any woman would envy. “I’m Mike Austin, and you are?” She could now hardly hear him as someone put coins in the pub’s jukebox. This made the place even noisier with both the multiple conversations and thumping rhythmic rock music.

“Tessa, Tessa White.” Suddenly tongue-tied, Tessa could only stare back at the tall handsome man. He ever so slowly moved his body back and forth against her body in time with the music. She didn’t know if he was aware of what he was doing to her various senses or not.

“Well, Tessa, Tessa White, I think we’re trapped here for the duration. May I buy you a drink?” He brought his right hand down off the bar, ready to reach into the front pocket of his tight slacks to pull out his wallet. When doing this, his hand lightly brushed against her left breast. Even though he felt her pull away from his touch, his hand remained there longer than could be considered accidental. The five buttons holding the front of her dress closed were next to feel the warmth of his roaming hand, buying drinks now forgotten by him.

With his eyes holding her captive, she was unable to move but started to wonder if she wanted to escape. As the man slowly pushed the top button out of its hole, he smiled and stroked the soft skin with his long slender fingers. Continuing down, he undid the second button to expose the rounded tops of her breasts. They also received his gentle touch until he felt her push up against his hand.

Pleased for the moment, Mike moved on to the next button. After opening it, he saw that she did not wear a bra and definitely was firm enough not to need one. He bent down to lick first one nipple then the other with his tongue, bringing a soft moan from Tessa. He raised his head, satisfaction on his face at her reactions, but wanting more from her. The danger of discovery at any moment was exciting him almost beyond control. He decided to see how far he could go and moved on to the fourth button. He hardly heard her whispered “Please stop, no, stop!” but did halt his advance down her body. Looking around, he noticed the hallway nearby leading to the rest rooms. He hoped to find a more private place to continue with this woman who seemed ready to bolt from him, leaving him frustrated and unsatisfied.

Quickly making a pathway through the crowd behind them, Mike gently pulled Tessa with him down the corridor until he saw a door marked “Employees only”. His luck held as he found it unlocked and pushed the door open to reveal a small closet stocked with the pub’s cleaning materials. Various uniforms for the staff and other material, probably bar rags, were stacked on wide low ledge at the back of the closet.

Closing and locking the door behind them, Mike turned on the dim overhead light at the far end of the room. He then returned to where Tessa silently waited. He put his hands around her waist and backed her against the wall. With his body pressing once again against hers, she realized that he did not intend to stop and started to panic for real. Until then she had thought she could handle his advances as she had with so many men before. She had not thought to struggle as Mike led her out of the safety of a crowded pub.

“I don’t think I want this.” Mike listened to her urgent plea as she tried to push him away and almost stopped. Basically, he was a decent man who never in his life forced a woman. When he remembered how she had reacted to his touch out in the pub, however, his conscience shut down and his instincts took over.

“You will want it, Tessa, trust me. I won’t do anything you won’t enjoy.” To start proving this, he reached for the fourth button, still hiding more of her soft body from his eager eyes. With that and the fifth and last button finally undone, he pushed the two now unattached sides of her dress apart. This revealed her breasts and a flat stomach. Unable to stop, he ground his hips against hers, trying to ease his frustration. If anything, this made him even harder and more out of control.

Holding her tightly against the wall with his lower body, he reached down and pulled out his shirt from the waistband of his tight slacks. “Help me, Tessa,” he whispered as he guided her hands to his chest. “I know you want to.” Mike’s voice became more urgent when she hesitated. “Do it now! Do it!” When she still didn’t move, shaking her head in denial, he did it himself almost tearing the shirt in his heated rush.

Pulling her dress off her shoulders and down to her waist, he put his hands on her slender waist. His hands then moved up slowly to cup her breasts and finally back down again. This pushed the dress even further down to rest on her hips. He could sense she was almost willing for him to go further with his seduction. Mike desperately wanted to see Tessa completely naked and under him. However, his intention was to give her as much pleasure as he could and needed to slow down to let her catch up.

Leaning forward, his hands still pulling her hips tightly against him, Mike’s mouth moved ever so lightly over Tessa’s lips. As his tongue probing for entrance, it delighted him to feel her hands softly touching his bare chest. He now felt she was ready for what he wanted her to do next. He reached up to take one of her hands in his, pulling it down to the waistband of his slacks. With both hands firmly holding her, he attempted to force her hand to undo him. However, he slid the zipper down himself when she again hesitated. However, he was able to push her hand inside with only a bit more pressure. At that point, he almost lost it as she finally gave in and circled her hand around his penis.

“That’s it, Tessa,” he said harshly. “You’re doing fine. Just ease up for a minute.” When she refused and kept rubbing her hand up and down with increasing pressure, he knew it was time. Almost past time, in fact, as he felt his body shaking from the determination not to give in before he had stripped both of them naked. With a Herculean effort of willpower, he pulled her hand out and managed to calm his labored breathing. Tessa’s eyes became glazed over with newly discovered lust, something she had never felt before. She found she wanted more, determined to have it. Mike had felt so unlike the young man who had taken her virginity years ago. She was curious now to discover what other differences there might be.

He had no difficulty now removing her dress, leaving her only in her lacy feminine underpants. Because of the heat of the evening, her long legs were bare and ended in sandals. Mike bent down on one knee, slowly running his hand up and down the inside of each leg as he removed her sandals. Upon once more standing up, he could see she had her head leaning back, her eyes closed, seemingly having as much trouble breathing as he had earlier.

Filled with masculine pride at the effect he was having on her, he kissed her again. This caused her eyes to open wide in anticipation. “I’m still dressed, Tessa.” He smiled at her when stating this obvious fact, hoping she would know what he wanted her to do next. Seeing she didn’t understand, he again took her hands and placed them on his now loosened waistband, slowly pushing downwards on them. His erection was becoming painful, but he was determined to hold on as long as he could.

She reached out to touch him again thinking this is what he wanted. Pulling her hands away before he ejaculated prematurely, he returned them to his waistband, determined to have her strip him naked and not have to do it himself. Finally, and to his total relief, she slowly, ever so slowly, brought his slacks and shorts down his legs, ending sitting at his feet. She also took her time removing his shoes and socks. Tessa leaned against Mike’s naked legs as he lifted them one at a time out of his pile of clothes on the floor. He reached down to help her to her feet. She pushed his hands away to end kneeling in front of him. With her warm breath on him nearly driving him over the edge and knowing what she was about to do, he again reached down and roughly dragged her up to stand in front of him. If he hadn’t been so uncomfortable, he might have laughed at her bewildered look, but his self-control was quickly reaching the breaking point.

Holding on tightly to her hand, he almost ran the short distance to the ledge in the back of the little room. With a quick slashing movement, his free hand caused all its contents to slide off and scatter over the floor leaving the ledge empty and waiting. On first glance, it had looked wide enough for what he intended. It even looked up close like it would hold their weight easily, sturdy enough for any activity to come.

Without spending any more time to prepare her for what he was about to do, Mike pressed Tessa backwards. She lay down on the ledge, totally naked except for that lingering bit of clothing he had saved for last. As he leaned down to whisper in her ear what he planned on doing, he started out by telling her to raise her hips so he could finish what he had started. When she did, he hooked his fingers in her pants one finger on each side and pulled them down one inch then another. He kept going until he exposed all of her body. With this accomplished, he quickly pulled the material the rest of the way down and tossed it over his shoulder to land unwanted behind him.

He gently spread her legs apart then knelt between them, all the time letting her know in a low voice and in explicit terms what he wanted. As he bent her knees slightly, she almost came off the ledge at the shock of what he was doing with his hands and tongue. With eyes shut and back arched, she cried out as waves of pleasure traveled up her body. Just when Tessa thought she could not stand any more, the pressure disappeared from between her legs. She opened her eyes just as Mike came forward over her. Leaning on his elbows, he bent down to kiss her, forcing his tongue inside her eager mouth. She could taste herself on his lips and found this extremely arousing. For a few minutes, she teased and pleased him by running her hands over his chest and then down to his belly and even lower.

Unable to wait any longer, Mike pushed her hands away and entered her body in one powerful thrust. “That’s it, Tessa, take all of me,” he whispered leaving the sweetness of her mouth reluctantly. “Damn, you’re tight!” What sounded like a complaint from him was the exact opposite as he pushed further into her. At first, she raised her hips tentatively matching his slow strokes. She gained confidence, however, as his movement within her became faster, deeper, and more powerful.

Her heat and moisture with the little sounds from deep in her throat soon made him lose control. As he finally reached a powerful climax, he felt her body start to tighten around him when she experienced the first orgasm of her life. He swallowed her final cry of pleasure with his mouth then rolled off her as they tried to slow their racing hearts. With a lazy hand, he brushed her damp hair off her face. “Didn’t I tell you that you’d enjoy it? Would you like to do it again?”

Laughing with the sheer joy of finally being alive, Tessa slapped a hand down on the ledge underneath them. “Next time could we do it someplace softer, like my place, my bed?”

Taking this as a “yes” from her, Mike joined his laughter with hers; he already was looking forward to teaching her all the ways she could enjoy their time together way into the future. After getting dressed, minus a few missing articles of clothing found the next day by a confused cleaning woman, the man and woman who met as strangers left as satisfied lovers.
© Copyright 2005 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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