Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1021366-Spiral-Dance
Rated: ASR · Prose · Religious · #1021366
A description of the Pagan Spiral Dance in poetic form...

The drums begin to pound,
A slow, steady, guiding beat-
Like raindrops smacking the earth.
The flutes begin to call,
A trilling as if to mimic the graceful
Dances of the winds.
Sensuous steps to the left,
To the right,
Gathering power
From beyond the sky,
From beyond the earth
From the very hands of the Gods.
The Circle grows,
More power called,
Faster beats from drum and flute,
Joined by the exultations of
Calling to their Mother,
Calling to their Father-
Worshipping in their Temples of the Earth
Freeing themselves from the fear,
Of the cold stares of
The Spiral grows ecstatic
The Dancers reveling in their Faith,
Celebrating their Sun
And their Moon,
For truly only they appreciate them-
Their Gods.
Celebrating their Sky
And their Sea
And the Earth-Mother who birthed them all.
Forgetting the Cross,
Forgetting the Snake
And the Apple
Which tore from them their Faith
And stripped them of their Pride.
Their Mother,
Their Father,
Their Spirit-
Their Faith.
The Earth’s oldest children
Returning to the bosom of those
Who were there first.
The Spiral reaches frenzied pitch,
The dancers drunk in heady power,
The Magick deep in their souls
Stirring and rising,
Calling to the beginning,
To the end
And to the path which they follow now.
Screaming forth from hidden souls-
In perfect love and perfect trust
They dance-
Free of fear and free of hate,
No retribution,
No devil to steal their souls-
Only the dance.
Only the Spiral.
Only the Circle,
The Spirit,
The Music,
And the Magick.
The flutes cease their trill
And the drums quell their beat.
The dancers calm their steps.
They silence their cries
Paying obeisance to their Beginning,
To their Gods,
To their Faith.
With a single shout,
The power is returned,
The Sons and Daughters

Ok. For some odd reason, people don't seem to get this. The Spiral Dance is a dance which as no breaks, but spirals out in celebration of the Earth and the Heavens. That it why there are no stanzas. And the reason it begins and ends the same is because the dance, too, begins and ends in the same way. It has no pattern to it, only the frenzied energies of the people involved. THAT is why this piece has no pattern, why it has no single flow to it. Every person's spiral dance is different because everyone celebrates in a different way. I wrote this piece to represent a Spiral Dance the way I see it. Thank you.
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