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Rated: 13+ · Draft · Friendship · #1021347
a birthday party a girl will never forget...or did she already?

I started puking in the mornings, and at first I thought I had the flu. So I started drinking fluids and staying in bed. That didn't work, I still continued to puke. So a week after I started puking I went to go see my doctor. Her name was Linda, and that's what she had me call her.
"So Elizabeth, what seems to be wrong?" She asked looking at my chart.
"I keep puking in the morning, I thought at first it was the flu, but it just keeps happening."
"Is there any possibility that you're pregnant?"
"Umm...I don’t' think so."
"Would you mind if I do a few tests?"
"No, do whatever you need," I said.
"Okay, I’m going to have you change into a gown, I’ll be right back," she left the room.
I changed while she was gone, and I felt silly.
"Okay, first I’m going to have you go to the bathroom next door and pee in this cup."
"Okay," I took the cup and headed next door. I returned a moment later, the warm cup in my hand."
"Okay, not you jump onto the table I’ll be right back to do the pelvic exam."
I lay back on the table and when she came back in she had me place my feet in stirrups. She put something cold between my legs, I felt very uncomfortable.
"Um...lily, have you ever had sex before?"
I looked at her, "No, why?"
"Um....I don’t' know how to tell you this, but you've been raped."
"What?!" I sat up.
"No, lay down, you have scarring here, and I’m going to cut it so it heals normally. Right now that's what causing your vaginal flow to last so long and be so painful. This could also explain why you haven't had your period.
"Sure." I laid back, my head feeling dizzy because of what the doctor had just told me.
"I'm going to numb the area, so you might feel a pinch."
I was poked near my inner thigh.

After she was done I was still in a state of shock. My best friend Ashley came and picked me up, as was the plan
"So? What did the doctor say?" she asked.
I didn't say anything.
"Eliza? What did she say?" she asked again.
"She said I had been raped and now I’m pregnant."
Ashley stopped the car in the nearest parking lot, "What?"
"She told me I had been raped, and now I’m approximately two months pregnant."
"How did she know you were raped?"
"There was scarring," I still hadn't turned my head to see Ashley's blonde hair.
"Oh my god Eliza, what are you going to do?"
I shook my head, "I don't know, I’d go to the cops, but I have no clue who raped me, much less where I was when it happened." tears started falling down my face.
Ashley hugged me, "Oh Eliza, don't worry, we’ll figure it out. Let me take you to lunch."
"Okay," I wiped the tears away.
So we went to the nearest Applebees and sat at a corner booth. It wasn't very busy. Ashley ordered an appetizer as we decided what we wanted to eat.
"So two month huh?" Ashley said after the waitress took our order and brought us our drinks.
"Yeah, what were we doing two months ago?"
"Well, two months would be December, um...what did we do?"
"Well, I turned 21."
"That's right, and we went to the house party and got completely wasted." Ashley smiled.
"That's probably where it happened."
"Who all was there?"
"Let's start a list, then bring it to the house, and see if the guys can help us at all."
"Okay," Ashley pulled out the small notebook she carried in her purse. "Well, Rob was there, as were Josh, Matt Trevor, Terrie, Chris, um..."
"Donnie, Nick and Evan." I chimed in.
"Can you think of anyone else?"
"I don't know anymore names."
"We’ll have to ask the guys tonight." Ashley said closing the notebook.
"I don't know if I can go," I said.
"You need to," Ashley insisted.
So later that night we went to the house.
"Hey guys, we need to ask you a favor," Ashley blurted out before we even got our shoes off."
'Sure, what do you need?"
"DO you remember the party we had about two months ago? Right after Eliza's 21st birthday?"
Rob spoke up, "Yeah? What about it?"
"We need to know the names of people who were there besides you guys?"
The guys started thinking and naming off names, there were about 15 full names on there when Josh spoke up.
"So why do you need these names for?"
"I can't tell you," Ashley said.
"Yeah, you can."
"No, it’s not my secret to tell." Ashley said, making it so sure it was clear that I had the secret.
Both Rob and josh looked at me.
"Eliza, you're being awfully quiet, do you have something to say?" Rob asked.
I got off the couch and ran into the kitchen. Josh came up behind me.
"Eliza, you can tell us anything, we can help." he touched my should.
I turned around quickly, "you promise you’ll help me."
"Of course," he nodded.
"Well, I’ve been getting sick lately, so I went to my doctor today and she told me I had been raped and now I’m two months pregnant. I think I was raped at that party."
Josh's jaw dropped, "Are you sure?"
"It’s the only place I went to in December where I could've been raped josh. Don’t tell everyone, I don’t want people to act weird around me."
"If that's what you want."
"Thank you."
"Are you going to tell Rob?"
"Not right now, he's had enough trouble with the law recently, I wouldn't want him to do anything he'll regret later."
"So, what are you going to tell him?"
"That someone stole my watch," I shrugged my heavy shoulders.
"Did they?"
"No, it's broken at the moment."
I walked back out to the living room and sat back on the couch.
"So Eliza, what's wrong?" Rob asked.
"Someone stole my watch," I said with as much confidence as I could muster up.
Ashley looked at me, she was very confused.
Josh sat next to me, "We'll help you find it.
"Why don't we have another party, and invite only the people that were in December?" Ashley suggested.
"Sounds good." josh said.
"I don't know, all that for a watch?" rob raised a dark eyebrow in my direction.
"Well, it's the watch I got from my grandmother, and it's very important to me," I looked at rob, his face softened.
"Okay, I’ll throw another party," rob caved in.
"Thank you," Ashley jumped up and hugged him.
I mouthed the words thank you, but was afraid to hug him.
We spent the rest of the night chatting about what had happened recently in our lives. When Ashley and I got into the car she spoke up.
"What was that?"
"I couldn't tell rob."
"But you could tell josh?" sarcasm rang heavy in her voice.
"Josh, I felt, would be more supportive, and I wouldn't want rob to get into any trouble, you know how he feels."
"What? How would he get into trouble?"
"Rob likes to get revenge, I wouldn't want to be the cause behind it."
"Oh I see, you like josh more than rob."
"Quite the opposite, but there’s something about knowing josh longer that I feel a little more trusting of him."
Ashley dropped the fight, and we went to her house.
"What am I going to tell my parents?" I asked.
"Tell them the truth," Ashley told me.
"What?" that I got way too drunk, and they don't think I drink, to the point where I passed out to find out that in the morning I was pregnant? They’d kill me."
"They’ll understand, they shouldn't care you were drinking. Let’s go to the re-party and see what you remember, you can run through that again as good as you can remember."
That Saturday came and the night began. Ashley and I arrived and made our selves some tequila sunrises, virgin of course, josh joined us.
"Okay, first we were sitting here playing waterfall," I said.
Ashley got out the cards and we started to play, more people arrived, many of them male, but I didn't recognize anyone. After a few games we stopped.
I moved around as I had that night. I looked at my watch, it was midnight. I sat on the living room couch, sipping my drink.
Rob sat next to me, "Do you recognize anyone?"
"NO, I think I was too drunk, or maybe they did it while I was passed out."
"Did what?" rob asked.
"Stole my watch," I caught myself.
"Just making sure you're not too drunk now to forget what you're doing," rob smiled, and touched my face. His hand was gentle against my drying skin. He walked away, and I wanted to yell to him and to come back and I would explain, but I didn't.
At around 2 in the morning, I was very tired, so I went up to Rob’s room as I had at the last party. I lay on Rob’s bed, and tried to sleep. My eyes didn’t want to close all they way, I was too afraid.
"Get a hold of yourself Eliza, you need to sleep," I thought. I managed to fall asleep, but I was awaken an hour later, though I didn’t turn.
"So you want a second round," a voice said from behind me. It was male, but no one I recognized. The person indented the bad and lay behind me.
"Are you awake this time?"
I didn’t' respond, I just used my hand to reach next to the bed trying to find something hard.
"Sleeping? Passed out? It’s all good."
I found something and as the guy turned me over I hit him with what I had.
He fell onto the floor, I quickly got up and opened the door. "Ashley, josh!” I yelled.
Josh came first, "What?"
"I got him, he tried it again."
Josh pushed past me and flicked on the light. The guy was still out cold on the floor.
Ashley showed up at the door, "What's going on?"
"It's him," I said.
"Ashley, go find some rope or duct tape, preferably rope."
Ashley left and I stood in the small hallway, my back against the door.
"Who is he? I whispered.
Josh didn't hear me, or he didn’t' respond. Josh lifted the guy up off the floor, and put him in the beach chair that rob kept in his room. Ashley returned with rope, and josh tied him, the mystery man, to the chair. I looked at him now in the light. He had light brown hair, his head leaned forward.
Josh finished tying the rope, then walked past me out of the room, . Only to return a moment later. He had a cup in his hand, he lifted the mystery man's head by his hair and threw the water from the cup in his face.
The mystery man's eyes shot open and he shook his head, "What the fuck?"
I walked over to him, and stood directly in front of him, "DO you recognize me?"
"Okay, where do you know me from?" I asked.
"We've partied together, in this room."
"You know what's funny about that little party we had?"
"What?" he smiled.
"I wasn't AWAKE!"
"Yeah, I know, that's what made it great." the smile grew on his face. “I love it that way, there are no complaints and no cuddling afterwards."
"I have a few complaints!" I got on top of him and straddled his lap. "You didn't leave a number."
"I didn't know if you'd want it."
"Oh, I do, and I also need your name and checking account number."
"Okay, if you'd let me go, I’ll give it to you.
"No, I rather like you tied up," I said.
"But they're here."
"Yeah," I smiled, leaning into him, "They're here to make sure I don’t' kill you."
"You know that night, well you weren't thinking very well."
"So! Now you're going to pay, I’m pregnant you fucking ass monkey. And what you did was called rape, and still is." I got off his lap.
"I'm not falling for your lies you whore.!" he yelled.
That pushed me over the edge, I punched him then I jumped on his chair and started wailing on him.
His chair broke and it fell over backwards, but I kept on hitting. Josh pulled me off of him and helped me out of the room. HE pulled me into his room and sat me on the bed. "Eliza, are you okay?" josh kneeled in front of me.
"He fucking tried it again, that fucking bastard."
"No, but he's not going to now," josh grabbed me."
"What's his name?" I asked.
"You don't need to know."
"Josh, please just tell me."
Ashley came into the room, "He's not moving."
"What's his name?" I asked again.
"Jack Shleet, he's a friend of Nick's."
"Let me go, I want to kill him."
"I have a better plan, we can't just end this, you need to go to the cops tomorrow, explain to them what happened, tell them about the doctor, we'll threaten him and he'll go turn himself in," josh suggested.
"How are you going to threaten him?"
"Don’t hate me, but I’ve told all the guys in the house that you were raped, they are all out to catch this guy."
"What about Nick?"
"He won't care, let me got them, and we'll take care of him."
"Will you send rob in here?" I asked, " I need to talk to him."
"I'll do that," he left, Ashley sat on the bed next to me.
"Are you going to be okay?" she asked.
"I hope so," I tried to smile.
Rob came into the room, "You need to talk to me?"
Ashley stood up," I'm going to go back to the party, see you later."
She left and rob sat down.
I turned toward him, "rob, you need to know, I was raped. That's what this party was really about, and that guy over there was the guy who did it."
"I know."
"I know you know, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want you to go after every guy in the party before we found him. You’ve had enough trouble with the law. But there's another part..." I took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant because of it."
Rob stood up, but I quickly grabbed his hand with mine, "Where are you going?"
"To kill that son of a bitch."
"Rob," I looked into his golden brown eyes. "Don’t go, please stay with me."
Rob hesitated for a moment, but then sat back down with me. He took me in his arms, "I'm sorry." He held me for awhile, and I didn't feel awkward for once, I felt very comfortable. He started rocking with me in his arm, I being a baby he was rocking to sleep, and I heard him starting to cry softly.
I pulled away, "What's wrong rob?"
"I told jack that he could sleep in my room that night, I didn't know you were in there."
I smiled and wiped away the salty tears. "Rob, don't blame yourself, that fucking ass monkey in there is the only one to blame, any respecting guy would've walked out or just slept on the floor."
"God, now you have the burden of that child. I’m in your debt."
"Rob, this child will be stronger because of all you men being here around it and protecting her."
Josh came in, "It's set."
"Good, Eliza and I are just going to talk for awhile.
"Okay,” Josh said smiling, and backing out of the room.
"Have you thought about the fact that you’re going to have to raise this child?"
"Yeah, I know, but I’m going to finish this semester of school, and work all I can. Then over the summer I’m going to work full time and save as much money as I can. Then when the babies born, I'll get someone to watch the baby and I’ll go back to work."
"I have a better idea, you can do that, and every paycheck that I and the guys get, we'll put aside $25 each, and then you can use your money for you and school and the baby."
A tear came to my eye, "I couldn't ask you guys to do that."
He reached up his hand, "you don't have to."
"You are too good to me."
"No, what I’m being is a good friend, I’m doing what any friend would and should do."
With a shaky voice I asked, "Rob, will you go with me tomorrow?"
"Where?" he asked.
"The police station."
Rob hugged me, and with my head lodged in his chest, listening to his heart he said, "I wouldn't think of anything else I’d rather do tomorrow.
"God, I’m so tired."
"Oh, I can let you go to bed if you'd like." rob stood up, but I grabbed his wrist.
"Will you lay here with me? I mean, just until I get to sleep, then you can leave. I’ve just not been sleeping well this week."
Rob smiled and lay down, I laid with my back in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I held his hands. We fell asleep and when I was awoken, I was still holding Rob’s hands. I carefully unlocked fingers and got off the bed. I carefully walked to the bathroom. As I reached the door I suddenly felt really nauseous, and I barely made it to the toilet. When I was done I wiped my mouth with toilet paper and drank some water from the faucet.
When I came back into the room rob was still sleeping, I crawled back into his arms.
"Are you okay?" rob whispered.
"Yeah, just the morning sickness."
We laid there for another 20 minutes, just rob holding me safely.
"WE should get going," rob said as he helped me up.
We found Ashley and Josh and we all headed to the police station in town.
Rob stepped forward and tapped on the counter, "Excuse me?"
"Yes, how may I help you?" an older officer asked.
"I need to file a report," I stepped forward.
"Yes ma'am, what do you need?"
"Two months ago I went to a party and after I had passed out was raped."
"Oh," his jaw dropped and his eyes bugged out. "One moment please," he left the room.
I could see him talking to another officer in the back. He came back a minute later.
"Follow me please ma'am."
We all started toward the back, but officer turned and said, "Only her."
"But I want them to come," I said.
The cop didn't fight and we all followed him back, he pointed us to a room and we all went inside. He told us to wait there, there were only two chairs. I sat in one, all the others just stood behind me.
The cop came in a minute later and introduced himself as Detective Hunt, "I need to ask you a few questions. So you were raped?"
I hesitated, "Yes, in December."
"So, why are you coming forward so late, if you don’t mind me asking?" the cop sat down in the other chair and pulled it into the table.
"Well, I’d been getting sick in the mornings, so I went to the doctor. She told me I’d been raped, and that I was pregnant. At first I didn't remember, but now I’ve remembered bits and pieces."
"Okay, and what is your doctor’s name?"
"Umm...Linda Carter."
"And your name?"
"Eliza Jones."
"And what do you remember?"
"I was sleeping, and I felt someone on top of me, and I felt a pain between my legs. I opened my eyes and I saw him there." I said, Rob came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"And what did he look like?" the cop asked jotting down some notes and not really looking at me.
"He had light brown hair, and green eyes."
"Anything else?"
"Um no....I passed out again soon after."
"And what had you been doing that night?"
"I had been drinking."
"How much had you had to drink?"
"I don’t know, around 3 tequila sunrises."
"But it doesn't matter, didn’t want to have sex, I murmured a 'no.'"
"I know, bu7t I need to know these things."
"I understand," I said lifting my hand to touch Rob’s.
"Okay, I am going to type this up, I need you to stay here so you can verify and sign It." the cop left before I could respond.
"I don't think he believes me." I said.
"HE has to," josh said sitting in the other chair.
"I think he's acting that way because of me, he was one of the cops who arrested me awhile back, and he didn't like me. " Rob spoke up.
"Well, he has to treat Eliza fair," Ashley spoke.
"So Eliza, do you know what you're going to do?" josh asked.
"About what?" I asked.
"The baby?"
"What about it?"
"Are you going to keep it?"
"Of course," I held my stomach, "I won't abort it and there's no way in hell I’ll give it up for someone else to raise."
"Okay, I’m sorry I asked."
Ashley broke the tension, "Eliza, when are you going to tell your parents?"
"I will soon, they should understand."
"They will understand," josh reassured me, he had met them a couple times, but they hadn't really like him.
"I can go with you if you'd like?" rob spoke up.
"No, I need to do that on my own." I rubbed Rob's hand.
Detective hunt came back into the room, "This is the official statement, I need you to read over it and sign it, only if there's nothing wrong with It." he set the paper on the table.
I looked it over, it contained my story, or what I could remember, it was accurate, and I signed it.
"Okay, you're free to go, we will keep our eyes and ears open for anyone that fits the description

to be continued
© Copyright 2005 virgin lily (shades4spankey at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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