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I wrote a sequel to the book "Slam!" by Walter Dean Myers
First sorry i haven't writeen in so long. Second what happened was I wrote a book report for school and it was a sequel to the book "Slam!" by Walter Dean Myers. The grammer is incorrect on purpose.
"Slam! Sequel"
I can’t believe I finally made it out of high school. After those last two years of high school, and Mr. Tate I thought I’d never graduate. Now I’m on to better things. I ain’t talking about college I’m talking about Street Ball. Yea, a couple colleges wanted me, but I’m not good at all that book junk. Basketball is all I need to succeed and nobody is going to tell me different.
I’m just happy I get to make my own decisions now. Ain’t no coach Nipper to keep me down, man, ain’t no teachers to lecture me. I’m living my life, my way. My mom wants me to do more with my life, but what more can I do? I go Street Ball going for me, and my job at Wonder Burger is keeping me financially stable. Plus there’s talk about some NBA guys coming to check me out at my next tournament. Things is all good right now.
This is going to be one of those nights I don’t sleep. I just got that feeling. I’m in my bed right now, trying to sleep but I keep on thinking. I’m thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow, me and Ice are going to chill for the first time since that fight on the roof. I don’t know if it’d be considered chilling though. Normally I wouldn’t’ chill with a dealer, but Ice says he’s clean now. He went to some rehab in Orlando, or something like that. I just hope he ain’t laying to me again. If so then we done for ever. I’m going with Mtisha. She wants to make sure I don’t’ do nothing stupid, like make a big scene. She worries about me doing that.
She has a good reason to worry though. Within the past three months I’ve gotten into two big fights. I held my own, but Mtsha still don’t like the idea of me fighting. I know I’ll keep my cool though. I have self control. It’s Ice she should be worried about. Ice and me ain’t even seen each other. For over a year and a half and there’s still tension. I just don’t trust dealers, is all. I got no reason to.
The sun rose and I realized I ain’t slept all night. I didn’t know the night was that short. That’s ok though, I’m used to it. I really didn’t want to get out of bed. I’m not saying I don’t like my neighborhood, but sometimes it’s just to much. Especially when I see people smoking the pipe. That’s something really gets to me. But, I knew I had to. Meeting Ice was important to me. Sure I still have a lot of friends. Ducky and me still chill, on occasion. But I knew Ice since we was kids. I almost regret us drifting apart like we did. I had no other choice though.
I slowly rolled out of bed. Mtsha said to call here right after I woke up but I figured it couldn’t’ hurt to brush my teeth first. I wanted a little more time to think what I was going to say to Ice. Maybe talk about basketball, and me beating him in the city championship tournament. But that might tick him off or something. I finished brushing my teeth and called Mtsha and her mom’s place. Mtisha was staying there for college break. Mtisha picked up immediately. It was like she was stalking the phone, like it owed her money.
“Yo, Mtisha.” I said.
“Hey Slam. You ready to leave yet?” She asked.
“Umm…”, I stalled, “yea I guess I am.” I only stalled because I wanted to make sure I really wanted to forgive Ice. I wasn’t nervous or nothing.
“Are you sure slam?” I could tell she was concerned.
“Definitely.” I said with confidence.
Chapter 2
Me and Mtisha took the bus to this new place called Wang’s Traditional Chinese Food. I chose the place, because they have food so good, it can keep anyone happy, while doing anything. Plus there was a ball court just five blocks away. As we entered the doorway Want greeted me. Or at least I think he did. His accent is crazy thick. It’s hard to understand. Mtisha and me got a booth, so we’d have more room.
“Do you know were Ice has been?” Mtisha asked.
“No, not really. He told me something about rehab in Orlando, but I don’t’ know what else he been up to.” I just didn’t know because I didn’t want to many details. I didn’t want any bad news.
“How you don’t know? You and him were chilling since berth basically.” Her voice was getting louder. I could tell she was as anxious as I was.
“The topic didn’t come up. Don’t’ go trippin on me like that. It’s not that I don’t care, I just didn’t bring it up.” We were almost yelling. I could tell because some people were staring at us.
It was quiet between me and Mtisha. Both of us were fixated on the door way. I didn’t even notice the waiter ask if we wanted tea until I heard Mtisha say no thanks. I said the same. The last thing we need right now was caffeine. Normally when I was this nervous I would ball. Not matter what time or weather it was it ain’t matter to me.
The door opened and it was Ice. I could tell Mtisha was relieved it ain’t look like he changed. I was just satisfied with him being alive, after the pipe messed him up. He spotted out booth and sort of stared at us for a while. I blocked her out. Just like I did with the rest of the world.
“Hey, man. It’s been a while. Hey Mtisha.” Ice said as if he was trying to remember words he thought of before.
“Hey.” Mitsha replied.
“Yea, it has been. You want to sit down. There’s room in the booth.”
That’s all I could think of saying. I guess I wasn’t as smooth as I though. Ice opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but he just sat.
“So when did this place open. I ain’t been in town for a while.” He was trying to joke but it didn’t work. We were wound up, but I forced a small chuckle. Mtisha did the same after me.
“Yea, I noticed. It opened about a year ago. Things been changing since you left man.” I said.
“Mtisha, why you being so quiet? I used to chill with you too, incase you forgot.” Ice mentioned.
“Yea, Ice. We used to.” That was cold as winter in Alaska. I knew she was mad at him but not bitter too. There was about a minute and a half of quiet. I was trying to figure what Ice had been up to but couldn’t ask. If Ice hadn’t changed than he was doing the same thing.
“Does this place serve food, or do they just call it a restaurant?” I guess Ice hadn’t eaten breakfast either.
“Yea it has some good food. You know I pick the best restaurants” I don’t know why Is aid that since I don’t really pick restaurants. At least I said it in my normal voice though. The waiter came over and asked what we wanted. We all decided on a poo poo platter.
“I heard you made it to college Mtisha. Which one?”
“Miami of Ohio.” She replied.
“Cool>” Ice said.
That was how the conversation was for the whole meal. Ice or I would try to make small talk, then there would be long pauses. Mtisha was cold for the whole meal. I don’t know what’s up with that. It’s not like Ice did anything to her specifically. They wasn’t even all that tight. She was still polite though. After ward Ice and me went in different directions…again. Mtsiha and me went in the direction of the sun, while Ice went were it wasn’t so bright.
It was cool reminiscing with Ice after all that time. Things till ain’t the same though. Back in school, our conversations never had a thirty second pause, except during lunch. It didn’t seem like Ice changed, and I know I didn’t change. Well, there was a small scare on his forehead, but I didn’t touch the subject. I didn’t want to see the guy for the first time in a year and a half and point out a disfigurement, right away. I ain’t even care that much about it.
“That was a fun time.” Mtisha said with a sarcastic tone. I tried to ignore the tone though. I actually had a decent time.
“Yea, it was. It really was. I missed him.” I was as sincere as I ever was.”
“Are you kidding me, Slam? That was terrible. Ice changed.”
“Mtisha, what are you talking about? Ice ain’t changed. He the same as ever.”
“Oh, yea? Then how come you had trouble talking to him?”
“It’s just been a while, that’s all. If I ain’t seen you for a long time it would be the same way.”
“Well I wouldn’t bail out on you like that in the first place.” Mtisha almost seemed mad at me.
“The dude mad a mistake. Everybody makes a mistake in their lives.” I know usually not as big as being a crack dealer, but I was hoping she didn’t think about that.
“Your just standing up for him because you two used to be tight. Now your best friend is Ducky, and you miss having a someone else from the hood by your side.”
“Now your just making thins up Mtisha. I like having Ducky as a friend. He’s a nice guy.”
“He still ain’t no Ice.” She pointed out. That was true. Ice and Ducky are mad different. You can almost tell by their names. Ice is a name that’s almost intimidating. Who’d be afraid of someone named Ducky? Plus Ducky can’t ball like Ice can. Ducky can’t really ball in general. He from the suburbs though so I don’t blame him. Ice learned is game, here in Harlem. I don’t know if he still is, but he used to be as good as me. Maybe even better. Being better than Slam ain’t any small accomplishment.
“I’m sorry,” Mtisha said, “I shouldn’t have brought Ducky into this. There’s nothing wrong with me.”
That’s oke.” I kenw she dint’ mean what she said about Ducky in the first place. She got nothing against him.
“I have to get going. I’ll talk to you later, Slam.
“Yea, ok. Sea you later.” We hugged then went in opposite directions.
Chapter 3
When I got home I started playing ball. I call the ball court my home. My apartment is my second home. I tried to get a two on two game going, but people started arguing about teams, so I left. They was arguing about me, because most of those dudes saw me in the tournaments. I kind of have a rep around her. I used to make some extra bucks hustling, but people learned their lesson. Every once in a while there’s some p…guy who wants to make a name by beating me. Now way that going to happen.
I was playing ball for a while, I’m not sure how long how long, when Ice came along. I didn’t know if he noticed me, because he just started shooting around. His game is still tight. I figured I’d go talk to him. Maybe play a little one on one.
“Yo, Ice,” I called out, “Over here man.”
“Hey, Slam. You wasn’t joking when you said you always balling here. I figured you was just trying to impress me.”
“I don’t need to lie, to impress, man.” I said.
“Yea, I know, I know. You always come to this court?” =Ice asked.
“Yea, if I’m close to it. I play wherever though. I spend some time at Rucker. “I said that proudly. I take pride in my game.
“You playing in Rucker? Last time I saw you, you couldn’t even beat me.”
“Yea, but I like you said, ‘things change’. I don’t know why I said that. It may have been because I always wanted to beat him.
“You want to prove it?” That sounded like he was challenging me.
“Yea, I do. Right now sound good?” I asked.
“No. when I beat you I want more people to see. The people at the court right now are just nobodies.” I think on of the duded playing heard Ice but didn’t do anything. He must’ve known a guy talking t me got skills.
“Ok. So when do you want me to beat you?” Now I was just being cocky.
“Tomorrow night sound good. Get the lights up at Rucker. I’m sure the lighting dudes would light up the park for us. Or at least you. After all you the main attraction, right?
“Yea. Tomorrow at Rucker.”
“Yo, I got to do something man. I’ll check you later, Slam.
“See you later.”
Ice left and I played ball until the sun went down. I love my days off form work. Just chilling at the court. There ain’t no better feeling then when I’m dunking on some guys head, or when I throw down a reverse jam. It’s just cool being off earth, and inside my own world. Even though it’s just a few second, the bliss it great.
I made my way to my apartment. It was about a twenty minute walk from the court. I still ain’t got a car yet. My buddy Byrun said he might sell me one for only one hundred fifty. I only need to save up a little more. Sorry I got a little off topic. I just really want that car. I made my way up the creaky brown wooden steps. I couldn’t use there ailing because it could barley stay by itself. I just hope a rat don’t get on it, because that thing’s going to collapse. I may not know much about construction, but I do know there shouldn’t be chunks missing out of wood.
After I got in my room I went start to the fridge. I got an orange, but it looked like a basketball. My thought process is different so it made me feel like when I was a kid. The orange made me think of a basketball because it’s round and orange. It mad me feel like a kid because it was small, like I was when I was a kid. I was thinking of all the things me and Ice went through. All of the battles we’ve had on the court. Especially when I won the city championship against him. That game was rough because it was after I found out he was a dealer. Coach Nipper put me on him, for defense. It ended up getting rough and we both fouled out by the end of the game. I’m surprised we didn’t’ get into a fist fight, or something like that. I’m happy we didn’t though. If we did then I don’t think I’d be able to talk to Ice today.
I also though of the best time I’ve had with Ice off the court. We went to a Snoop Dogg concert, and just hung out. We were listening to the music, letting it talk to us. We weren’t listening to what it was saying though. I’m not really sure how to explain it. It’s like the music was talking to us, telling us to chill. We didn’t listen to the words though. If we did then we would both be hopeless stoners. It was just the sound of the beat, the bass for the speakers, the music in general. It was a good time. I hope we can do that again. But now, we’ll have to just have fun on the court. Hey, that’s good enough for me. Or at least right now anyway.
The next day came and I was thinking about nothing about finally beating Ice. I took a couple buses to Rucker and saw him there. There was a small one on one tournament going on there. Some of the guys were actually pretty good. Not as good as me though. I met up with Ice there.
“Yo, Slam. You ready to lose? Our game is next.” The crowd cheered after a nasty dunk.
“Just don’t say what you can’t back up. Yo, I have to get ready on my own. See you on the court, man.”
“Yea.” Ice replied.
I went into that normal ritual. I ate an apple and listened to my music. I was watching Ice as I ate. He seemed calm. Way calmer than I expected. I’d expect him to be that calm on steroids but that’s it. He was just sitting there talking with some dudes. It don’t matter what he doing though. I just have to concentrate on me. Our match was just about to start.
We both met at center court. The referee said something or the other. I don’t care what he said though. I know we play until 11 and that’s all I need to know. I just wanted to play. Ice started with the ball.
“Now we see who’s better.” Ice said.
I just glared at him. I was almost staring him down, but in a friendly way. Yea I know that’s kind of weird but no other way to say it.
Ice got the ball at the top of the key, and we finally started. He tried to pump fake me. I knew he’d try to do that though. That’s just like Ice. He’s plays with his head to. It didn’t work any way.
“Didn’t fall for it? I guess you did improve.” Ice said with a smile.
I normally talk when I play but not now. I just stole the ball from him. The crowd cheered and Ice was shocked.
“Oh, you being like that, huh?” he didn’t have a smile, no more.
He went to swipe the ball and I just did a back spin to my right. Went right past him and got my early dunk. I like getting early dunks. Sets the tone, for the game. We was playing winner take apparently, so I got the ball back. I just crossed him over this time. No problem. I had to settle for a lay up though because I lost my footing. The crowd was disappointed but it’s not what they think. It’s all about what I think. Ice’s eye brows were pointed down. Yea, he was frustrated. We couldn’t do anything on him that possession so I just shot a jumper. It didn’t go in but I got the put back dunk. Three zip. I was dominating until the last possession except for that two he hit. And there was that dunk he got off. It wasn’t anything impressive. Just a two handed dunk. The score was ten to three.
“You ain’t scoring on me this time, Slam.”
Well he was wrong. I dribbled the ball between my legs for a second or two then just exploded to the hoop. Things was just black at that point. I laid it up because I it my head on the rim. Well the game was over and I won.
“Nice game.” I put my hand out to shake but Ice didn’t accept.
“Whatever.” He said looking down.
A couple hours went by and I saw Ice at his old house talking to some guy in a puffy coat. I saw some white stuff in a plastic bag then walked away.
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