Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1019769-Bullies-On-The-Playground
Rated: 13+ · Non-fiction · Experience · #1019769
When I was a child, I was beaten up and teased a lot. This is my story.
Everyone gets teased once in awhile. But I got it constantly, every single day of my life. The bullying didn't start until I was in second grade. Well, grade 1 was great and I had a lot of friends and I lost track of all of them. In second grade so much had changed.....I was actually in the popular group and always hung out with the cool people. But then I met this new girl at school one day, that changed everything. No one liked her and I was the only one that was nice to her. And because of that, no one wanted to hang out with me anymore. They tried to tell me that she picked her nose and ate the boogers, I didn't want to believe them, because that was a gross and disgusting thing to do. I later found out that it was true, but I didn't find that out until my senior year in high school. I was bullied by both girls and boys. It was mostly the boys. I feared recess.......everyday, I would get beat up by this kid named Mark, it never failed, he would always find me, no matter where I was. It was so irritating. I got chased a lot, and didn't even know why. To this day, I still can't figure it out. The bus was just as bad, the older kids were always mean to me. I also got teased for the stuff that I wore. My parents were young and didn't have a ton of money, so my clothes weren't the greatest either. As the years went by the teasing got worse.

When I was in middle school I got picked on. I had a bad problem with acne when I turned 13, and the weird thing is that it was only on my forehead, apparently I inherited this conditon from my grandmother, but I eventually grew out of it in a couple of months, it stung so bad. I also had a scalp condition too, and they called me flakes. I think that it was caused by eczema, and I grew out of that as well. But whenever it would snow, the kids would say that it was coming from my head. Thirteen was an awkward age for me. I even got made fun of because my mom made me get this stupid hair cut that looked so retarded, and I got called 'mushroom head'. Eighth grade wasn't as bad, I still went through the usual crap on the school bus, but I started to ignore most of it.

High School was a little different. I separated myself from a lot of the people, and became very shy and wouldn't talk about anything. I still went through the usual bull on the school bus. I got called fat a lot, and I wasn't even fat. I got hit in the mouth once by this punk that was a member of a gang, I am not sure where he is right now, probably sitting in prison somewhere. He was the worst kid that I went to school with. I was so glad when I graduated high school so that I wouldn't have to put up with these people anymore. If I knew karate back then, I probably would've beaten the tar out of every single one of those people. And just to let everyone know, I turned into a very beautiful, sweet, and caring person.

I refuse to believe in the saying 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.' The truth is that it does hurt, and no one should have to go through anything like this. People fail to look beyond human flaws, and see the good in others, and I think that is so sad. My advice to people who are bullies would be this; be careful with how you treat people, because one of these days, someone might pick out your worst flaw and it will make you feel awful.
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