Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1017684-Memories-in-a-Field
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1017684
What happens in the field, stays in the field.
This short story I was attempting to write is horrible and should only be viewed by people who want to offer opinions on how to change it. Sorry for putting it up like this. I promise I'll work on it again soon.

It never should have happened. I should have never come back to the field - that dreaded field. Memories poured out from every weed I saw. To think about that horrible night caused my pulse to quicken and I had to look around to make sure no one saw me as I stooped down lower to the ground as to catch myself. It was becoming common now for me to have to regain my posture. There were all these memories.

He promised to meet me in the field when it became three o'clock. The only reason he wasn't here now was because I had managed to come at two fifty. Just so I would be able to have one final look around the field before I left forever. There was nothing here for me.

"Long time no see," a male voice spoke from behind me. As I turned around, I could see it was Jim, dressed in his work clothes which consisted of torn jeans and a blue flannel shirt. That same shirt which he had worn years ago when we had met in this field for the last time.

Shifting my focus to the right side of my body but withut actually looking at Jim, I answered him back, "Longer would be better." Truer words were never spoken. I would be content with never having to see him again in my life.

Jim walked around to the front of my body, his eyes and mine locked as he moved. "At least I see you still haven't let down your guards. Could be a good thing," he told me as he reached for his pocket.

My eyes still hadn't left his face. I knew the reason why he was reaching down - to draw the attention away from his face. Long ago he had told me he didn't like to be stared at. A mistake on his part for telling me. "I thought you had quit."

"I had. Seeing you again made me realize how much I need these."

"And here I was thinking you were going to lie again to me. How ironic of a twist - Jim telling the truth for once. Or at least what he thinks is the truth."

Jim's face began to turn to light shade of red. It was the face he made right before he said something he was going to regret. "We'll see whose telling the truth." He struck the match on the box and cupped it up to the cigarette. He then quickly flicked the match with his hand to extinguish the flame. "You quit?" he asked as he drew the cigarette out of his mouth for a second.

"Did my blowing the smoke away from me tip you off?" I asked in a sarcastic tone of voice. There was no reason for me to be scared of him - after today everything was going to be over.

"So let's get down to business," Jim stated as he began to talk in a voice which sounded similiar to the one used by my boss, "You want out of the deal. I don't want you out because you're probably going to go tell the cops. You can't get out. Case settled." The cigarette then returned to his mouth and he puffed away as though nothing was the matter.

There no use in trying to control my tounge anymore. I had to say what I had come here for. "I am getting out of this and there is nothing you can do. For the past few years I have watched my back on every corner I took so that I would be able to see if anyone could look inside of me and see what kind of horrible person I was then. How horrible I am now! You sit there in your busted clothes and see no problem in forgetting this ever happened. I have a career at stake. My entire life I have worked to get out of this dump and now I am going to lose it because of what happened years ago but I am willing to take my chances. I need a clear concious."

"You think you're the only one who lives with this? You think I don't lay awake at night and wonder when they're going to find the body and come after me? There is no way you know what kind of horror I go through."

"I know damn well what you go through. I go through the same thing every day." At the end of this sentence, tears were beginning to come into my eyes. I needed to be freed from these chains which bound me to this field. I needed closure.

Jim took a step back and to the side as he began to pace around. "It's easy for you to come out and say what happened. Everyone is going to believe that you were influenced by me. That you were the good one and I just brainwashed you into doing this. Not me. If I'm lucky I'll get lynched to death on the way to jail."

His pacing had stopped. Something inside of him was beginning to finally make him realize what we needed to do. "I'm going to the police and tell them everything that happened. It was in self-defense. An accident which should have been reported long ago."

Jim nodded and reached for his cigarette in his mouth. By now he had smoked it down to the butt and threw it upon the ground to stomp it out.

I wasted no time in grabbing at my side the gun which I had brought with me. "Good bye Jim," I told him as I aimed and shot at his chest. It was a clean shot and in a few moments I noticed his breath had stopped.

Holding my breath I aimed my gun again, this time at my own head. No court would ever believe it was self-defense.
© Copyright 2005 Virginia Paxton (celestica at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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