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Rated: 18+ · Novella · Adult · #1017681
romance story....love, drama the works
Chapter Two: A New Identity

Tasha stepped into the silver building not daring to look back at Alex fearing he will see the tears filling her eyes as he watched her. Wiping her face on her sleeve and steeling her nerves she steps inwards the white walls feeling threatening, looking down the hall a uniformed guard standing before a plain metal door. She steps forward and he walks down the hall towards her his demeanor entirely formal. He shakes her hand and with a curt nod leads her to the door pressing in a code a click indicating it as being unlocked.

She stepped into the large windowless rooms its bleak appearance making her feel like she was in a prison of some sorts. Well, she was…wasn’t she…after all she had to change her life, remake herself…she could never see Alex again. Her stomach lurched at this prospect, it was good that she hadn’t made love to Alex; she couldn’t bear leaving him after that. As it was she felt like she was dying, he must have known which is why he refused intimacy with her, right. A older woman opens the door across the room from Tasha stepping in; she gives Tasha a polite smile and extends her hand. “Hello Tasha, My name is Agent Trapper, You can call me Stephanie”

Her life was about to change, to be altered not just her looks but her quality of life. Tasha sat and listened to Stephanie as she explained the situation. “Tasha, the first thing we are going to do is recreate your appearance; we are going to have to do some mild surgeries, to assist with this.” Tasha grimaced, surgery god…what had she gotten into? “Don’t worry Tasha, we won’t change you that much, I know this must be hard for you right now’. Hard Tasha thought, what was this woman stupid or something, HARD wasn’t the word for this situation she was in. She was in love with a man she could never see again, her body was going to be sliced and diced, and she wouldn’t recognize herself in the god damn mirror.

The first surgery was very simple, they increased her breast size with small fluid filled sacs, she went from a size b to a size c, not a dramatic change, but it did alter her body shape. The second surgery was to give her a bit of a face lift her once well toned cheek bones even further changed; they injected her lips with collagen. The first time she looked in the mirror after the swelling had gone down, she nearly fainted! She looked like a damn model sculpted to perfect beauty. She was then taken to the stylist, who ran his fingers gleefully through her hair and giggled like a school boy. “Ohh Yess zee is marvelous zee will be fit for za runway when I am finished with her” Armand the stylist lisped out spraying her with spittle. She looked up at him with disdain and wiped her cheek, “Christ, keep your spit to yourself” smirking dolefully down at her he drags his fingers through her thick straight waves. “I am sorry its zee accent beautiful.” Looking up at Stephanie with a gleeful smile “zee is going to make a perfect model zee already hass thee haughty attitude of one.” Tasha looked at Stephanie, “What does he mean I will make the perfect model, do you mind filling me in, instead of leaving me in the dark, and this IS my life after all.”

Stephanie sat in the chair across from Tasha, “well Tasha this is our plan, we aren’t going to take you out of visual sight, we are going to change your appearance and your name.” Tasha nodded listening to Stephanie. “We are going to put you in the spot light and hopefully make you untouchable as well.” Tasha scoffed and shook her head, so they took her away from Alex, to make her a model, she could barely wear a tight shirt much less the clothes models wore, she wasn’t cut out for the modeling gig. At this point, however she didn’t have a choice because her life had ceased to be her life she was living for the government a pawn in their game. She knew that by putting her in the spotlight they were going to try to draw out the Fucilla’s and in this sense her life was going to be in danger anyways. So why bother changing her name, her appearance, what was the point of taking her away from Alex, Oh yes… he could protect her, and they couldn’t have that.

Armand manipulated her thick locks with ease and grace as most accomplished stylists could, but he was better, he was stylist to the stars. He chopped her long hair down so that it fell just below her shoulder blades adding curlers to give her hair a thick luxurious wave. He then applied brilliant red and blonde highlights changing the over all tone of her hair to a dark blood like auburn with streaks of brighter crimson and strawberry blond within the curls. When she looked in the mirror, she was shocked and amazed it truly looked beautiful, vibrant thick and healthy shining strands dancing over her shoulder blades. She hugged him, “oh Armand you are simply amazing, I LOVE it” He blushed and swatted his hand down in a feminine gesture “Oh it waz nothing za hair is easy to sculpt it is amazing”. She felt beautiful despite the bleakness of her situation. She could only wait for the next thing to be revealed to her trying desperately to go with this and make it easier on herself.

The next day the well known photographer Jason Timbers was in the building, having been paid a fortune for the situation to remain silent; he was more than willing to take her pictures. As soon as he saw her, he was all over her, touching her hair her face complimenting and raving on how beautiful she was. The makeup artist came in patting powder on her face, applying eyeliner and lipstick, her lashes thickened with dark black mascara making her eyes appear larger and brighter than ever. The fashion coordinator came in holding up various shirts and pants against Tasha’s body, she felt self conscious standing in her panties, and bra in front of everyone but they all remained professional. Megan the fashion coordinator finally decided on a floor length dress, a sky blue color that was made of flimsy material that cling to her body in all the right areas. It accentuated her newly enlarged breasts her perfectly round bottom, Tasha felt like a princess as the material moved so delicately around her legs.

She went on set feeling like a true model but seeing the bright lights and the gaggle of equipment sent a reality shock back through her, and she began to panic. Her palms got sweaty her stomach rolled, “I don’t think I can do this Stephanie” The older woman placed a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. “You can Tasha, I know you can.” Stephanie and Tasha had grown close in the face of adversity; Tasha respected Stephanie, even though her job was in truth going to put Tasha’s life in danger. She knew that Stephanie wanted to protect her and care for her, Stephanie felt often like the mother Tasha was lacking. Tasha felt the same way about Stephanie, she leaned into the woman’s embrace burying her face in Stephanie cropped curls. Getting up her nerve, she looks over at Jason as he waits patiently for her to step on set with a friendly and encouraging smile, understanding this bout of stage fright.

She stepped onto the set blinking as the blindingly bright lights shine down like a beacon in her face. Her fingers wanting to run nervously through her thick dark locks but knowing if she does, she will be admonished by Armand. Taking a deep breath her eyes moving to bravely meet Jason’s, “well where do you want me?” A grin crossed Jason’s lips the irony was he wanted this beautiful woman in his bed, laying spread eagle on his black silk coverlet while his lips feasted on her flesh. However, she was a danger to his career, having changed his name when he was nineteen to disassociate himself from his family, the Fucilla's. They didn’t know he was here taking her pictures, that he would be her exclusive photographer for a while, having access to her address and all of her private information. No, he couldn’t tell them…not yet, he needed to make money off this woman, and she was going to be his biggest success he could already tell.

She strikes a pose jutting her chin outward, her lips curving into a soft seductive pout, Jason shouted directions at her trying to be heard over the hubbub of the shoot. “Milk it honey, think of something sad, and let me see those big tear drops.” A lump catches in her throat, she knew exactly what to think of, Alex…the torn anguished look in his eyes as she treated him with callousness. A glistening tear wells within her eyes slipping from the corner smearing the dark eyeliner down her cheek to rest on her cheekbone.” PERFECTION!” Jason yells watching the tear glistening on her cheek like a diamond; she truly was amazing he thought to himself, too bad she’s going to die when the Fucilla’s found out who she was.

Tasha settles back against the couch with a sigh propping her aching feet up on the arm of the chair needing to get off them for a while. A full day of modeling was harder than it looked, the changing of clothes, the makeup, the tight shoes, posing, holding still, it really took its toll on a girls body. Her eyes moved over her bedroom within the cold prison like building wondering when exactly they would have her venture into the world with the new persona of hers. The new name they had designated for her was indeed interesting …she mouthed it over to herself her voice the only sound in her room “Allura Star “ It tasted good, this new name of hers.

The next few days were a complex blur she had a whirlwind of appointments, stylists, potential agents, staff, and personal care attendants flocked around her constantly. She felt like a princess despite her bleak surroundings, her pictures were submitted to all the big name clothing designers and she was overwhelmed with offers. She was wanted by Armani, Versace, and so many more. Hilfiger offered her a three million dollar contract and she discussed this with Stephanie, they both agreed this was the best offer she had to date. Not only was she in protective custody but she was going to make well above her financial needs, perhaps be able to buy herself a new home after this mess was over. IF it was ever over, god she hoped it would be, and soon, by broadcasting her presence maybe…just maybe, Alex would see her too and she could contact him and apologize. She felt like such an ass for the way she treated him, she never thought, she could be such a bitch, to anyone but she was and he did not deserve it. Weariness running through her veins her aching feet stretching her knees folding over the arms of the couch a soft sigh escaping her feeling her body drift off into a deep exhausted sleep.

She woke with a start bleary eyed as a shrill alarm went off in her head dragging her from her comforting sleep. She was wrapped up in his arms warm and safe, He always seemed to invade her dreams lately ever since that first night. She wanted to be in his arms… she wanted to see him; she wanted to feel his love she wanted to be loved, like only he could. What was she thinking, she hardly knew him… he was a stranger, they had only met a few times how could she feel this way about someone she didn’t even know. Snapping out of her reverie as her personal attendants open the door her eyes drifting over to the gaggle of people coming in to get her ready for her first public appearance at a Hilfiger show. Her bodyguards rush into the room and push everyone out towards the limousine waiting in front of the building. Euphoria filled her; she was getting out of this god forsaken building, back into the real world, no more walls confining her. To see sunlight again, what a blessing that would be to her, it didn’t matter if she was making money as long as she was on the outside again.

The wind lifted her well-styled locks and Tasha stopped letting the breeze waft over her face enjoying the feeling of the soft breeze over her cheeks caressing her skin. She lifts her eyes to the sky this being her first time seeing the sky in weeks it was beautiful clouds wafting in thick fluffy pillows, god what a sight. Looking back to the car as Stephanie places her hand on Tasha’s elbow murmuring “Come on Hon its time to go”. The chauffer extends a white gloved hand towards Tasha and she accepts it slipping gracefully into the limousine her dress like silk around her thighs her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed delicately. She leaned back into the lush cushions enjoying the feeling as they supported her back, watching the trees rush by through the tinted glass windows of the car. Stephanie smiles at her as she pops open a bottle of champagne filling two glasses and holding one out to Tasha, taking the delicate crystal stem she lifts it “to your success Tasha, now you are going to be famous.” Tasha smiled, but she honestly wasn’t happy, not really, she was glad to be out of the protective custody building, but not happy to feel so alone. Even with all of her body guards, stylists, attendants all of them that followed her around like trained dogs…she still craved Alex for some reason. She tried every day to stop feeling about him the way she did, but what was the point, he probably had forgotten her already.

Her thoughts of Alex were swiftly eliminated when she arrived at the Hilfiger show. She was immediately surrounded by other models, more stylists, and people to dress her, people to survey her, people to smear Vaseline on her teeth. She felt overwhelmed and her stomach contracted in knots, oh god, she couldn’t be sick not now… Not here. She had to make an impression today, all the other times she had modeled for Hilfiger himself, not in front of thousands of people and cameras. She felt a lurch feeling her bile rising, taking a deep breath she closed her mind off the feelings her body was conveying and tried to focus on what she had been taught, her strut how to pivot her hips when out on the runway. This seemed to help a little bit and her stomach settled briefly as they covered her body in a glittery oil making her skin literally sparkle. They slid on the skimpy V neck top over her well lubricated flesh a small flesh toned stick on bra pushing her breasts up high making her cleavage more abundant than ever. The skirt they put her in clung to her buttocks as if it was painted on giving her body a well toned, curvaceous appearance. Her stylist laid the last touches on her hair and makeup and pushes her to the stage entrance.

The music crescendos above her loud and vibrant the air seemed to spark with electricity and heat as the crowd on the other side of the curtain the flash of cameras making their way through the darkness. Could she go through with this? Could she step out on that runway and strut her stuff in front of thousands? Her stomach clenched in fear and she could feel her thighs trembling. The stage director gestured to her and then to the runway indicating it was her turn, and she stepped forward her heels clicking on the wooden floor. “Here goes nothing” she murmurs and steps out through the curtain the bright lights of the spot light nearly blinding her. Walking forward as she was taught her hips swaying the fabric sashaying around her calves reaching the end of the runway she stops pivoting her hip out and to the side. Looking at the crowd flashing them a brilliant smile her skin sparkling her eyes bright all, the crowd hushes as they all stare at this new, beautiful model. The cameras began flashing bright white strobes in her eyes and she stood there proud, turning on her toe and walking back down the runway. She could hear the clicks and see the flash as the cameras continued to take her pictures knowing she would soon be gracing magazines world wide.

Sure enough, the next morning Stephanie dropped a Fashion weekly in her lap and on the cover, was her face the title reading, “Who is that mysterious new model Allura Star?” Was she destined to be a star? The magazine called her that when she flipped open to the article about her, they asked all kinds of questions about her. Who was she? Where did she come from? They wanted to know about her contract with Hilfiger and he refused to answer any questions and just stated that he could not resist a pure unrefined beauty like her. They all agreed that she was indeed beautiful with her thick crimson locks the waves that shined like copper over her back, her sparkling green eyes so deep and bright. They remarked on her large beautiful and most assuredly natural breasts and the round curves of her buttocks, they could find no fault with her what so ever except the fact that no one knew who she was or where she came from. She wondered inwardly if Alex had seen this yet, but, why would a guy read fashion weekly, he probably wouldn’t care anyways. He seemed to genuinely care about her but he was also so attractive that he most likely had women fawning all over him. She needed to stop thinking about him so much; it wasn’t healthy for her to pine after a man who had probably moved on to another woman anyways.

Stephanie looked at her with a smile as she looked up from the magazine article in amazement shock coursing through her, SHE was famous. Stephanie dropped a stack of missed phone call tabs in front of her and Tasha skimmed through them. Interviews, Contract offers, Magazine deals, MOVIE deals, she was shocked, everyone seemed to want her. She sat back trying to come to terms with this new founded popularity, she was going to be even more famous than she was if she accepted any of these offers. Looking up at Stephanie still trying to come to an understanding of all of this, “well Steph, Where do we go from here?” With a smile, Stephanie pushed through some of the tabs pulling out the interview with Fashion Weekly, “Let’s make an appointment.” With a exalted cry Tasha watched Stephanie pick up the phone and arrange the meeting, they were so eager they wanted the interview today! Stephanie agreed and waved Tasha off to the stylists and fashion consultants to get ready.

Stephanie stood watch as the camera men from Fashion Weekly sauntered in as if they owned the world or maybe it was exclusive rights to Tasha. Stephanie knew they were going to grill Tasha and she had gone over specialized answers for Tasha, A.k.a Allura Star to give. The camera operators set up behind the interviewer Michale Tomas and began rolling. Tasha looked elegant in a purple silk dress that was mid thigh length her tanned legs appearing even longer in the open toed gold high heels. Her hair swept up in a loose bun curls surrounding her face, her eyes graced with little makeup making her seem wide eyed and innocent. She rested her hands on the table looking at Michale with a smile her manicured nails tapping the wooden surface as she waited for the questioning to begin.

Michale: “what is your full name?”
Tasha: “Allura Michaela Star.”
Michale: “wow, that is a unique name! Do you know its origin?”
Tasha: “Nah, Not really my mother just liked to be different”
Michale: “Where do you come from, what city I mean?”
Tasha: “I come from a little town in Vermont, called Chelsea”
Michale: “Oh my how quaint. Now….How did you come to work for Hilfiger?”
Tasha: “Now, Now Michale, you know some things should be left secret”
Michale: “…Allura, you can’t be like that, think of all your fans!”
Tasha: “I have fans? I have only been on the scene for a little over a day!”
Michale: “What can I say, the public loves a natural beauty like you…is there a man that makes the heart of the newest beauty throb?”
Tasha: “No …No there isn’t Michale I am single at this time”
Michale: “Such a shame, though you say that with great nostalgia, was there a man Allura?”
Tasha: “Haven’t we all loved once Michale?”
Michale: “touché Allura touché.”
Tasha: “Well Michale it’s been great, but I have a shoot to get ready for…this should satiate my fans for now.”
Michale: “Thank you Allura, we WILL talk soon”

Tasha fell back against the couch as the camera men left with the last bits of equipment from her pseudo apartment that Stephanie had come up with at the last minute. Looking around she rather wished that this WAS her apartment. Stephanie walked in from the bedroom and smiled, “so Tasha what do you think of your new digs?” Tasha looked aghast at Stephanie “My digs? You mean I get to stay here!” Stephanie laughed and nodded, “Of course its all yours now Tasha, just know that there is surveillance all through the apartment as well as outside.” Tasha leans back against her couch once more happy to have more of a home than the steel grey building she came from. A contented sigh escaped her as she flipped through the channels on the television wishing she could find something more interesting on than the typical sitcom. She ran a hand through her thick curls contemplating a shower when the late night news came on, turning her attention to it watching the goings on in the country. She jerked forward in shock seeing the face that had haunted her for weeks, Alexander!

© Copyright 2005 Scarlettfox (scarlettfox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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