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Rated: 18+ · Novella · Adult · #1017680
love romance action a mixture of all

Chapter One: Tormented Soul

Alex awoke from his dream with a start, sweat pouring from his every pore. Her, again she invaded his nights dreaming about having her in his arms once again the tortured look on her face as they parted. Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind, she was just a woman, he had only known her for a few days, you can’t fall in love with someone in only a few days…can you? He rises from the comfort of his bed pacing back and forth in front of the bedroom window, the moonlight glinting off his bronzed buttocks. He groans running his fingers through the thick unruly black curls gracing his scalp waiting for his body’s evident desire to relax and rest flaccid against his thick muscular thigh once more. His entire body pulsing like that of his manhood his mind and body both aroused with visions of her racing through his head…Tasha… How he wanted her still so badly, so many months since she had stepped through the door and out of his life.

With a sigh, he slips back onto his bed laying atop the covers, his hand sliding down his thighs gripping his stiff aroused shaft, his fingers pulling up its length feeling it pulse against his palm. Closing his eyes his thoughts drifting to Tasha, seeing her that day entering the bedroom still dripping encased in nothing but a shower, the months without her had not changed this vivid memory. A soft husky moan escaping his lips as his fingers stroke over the bulbous cap feeling the thick head give a throb against his fingertips moisture seeping from the silken tip. Looking down at his moist finger and bringing it to his lips licking the tangy flavor of his bodily fluid clean from the digit before returning his hand to his shaft. His eyes fluttering shut imagining her slick warm sex caressing his manhood rather than his palm his fingers moving skillfully over his thickening length, his breath quickening. A husky gasp escapes from him feeling the splatter of his body’s release coat his stomach warm gooey moisture dripping into his belly button. His mind racing, what had happened to him, he used to go out and get any woman he wanted in bed, now he was laying here covered in his own orgasmic release over one woman.

Alex’s eyes drifted open once again his stomach sticky still with the remnants of his orgasm. Rising groggily, he drags himself into the bathroom turning the shower on hot, stepping under the water washing his body clean soapsuds drifting down over his buttocks. Closing his eyes, he sighs turning the showerhead onto massage and turns his back facing the pounding water letting it churn over his tight muscles. He turns his thoughts once again to Tasha wondering how she is doing, what she looks like, where she lives. None of the information was relinquished to him, and he had gotten some strange looks at the office as if people had sensed their more than professional connection. He brushed it off not wanting to deal with the stresses of inter office gossip and turned his attentions to the Fucilla’s case the information that Tasha had provided ended up being very important.

The bank accounts linked ties to Tasha’s husband and the Fucilla’s family, apparently, Frances had been embezzling money from the companies he had access to in order to pay off a gambling debt owed to the Fucilla brothers. Poor Frances, had not known entirely what he was getting involved in, he was paying them with the funds he got a hold of, but each time he made a payment they wanted more. Though his death appeared natural, they had linked a new drug recently that when injected directly into a main artery would cause a heart attack. The mob these days had taken to killing in a much less traceable manner, throwing people off a bridge with a rock attached to their feet just was not in style anymore. These days they would kill by lethal injection or some other manner that made it harder for them to be caught. The first thing Alex had done when he returned from Londonderry and saying goodbye to Tasha was to check into this.

Stepping from the shower and grabbing the towel rubbing it roughly over his skin he grabs his jeans and strides into his bedroom falling back on the bed dreading going into work today. The shrill ringing of his telephone brings him sharply back to reality and he rolls over on his bed picking up the receiver “Alex? Alex Darling? Its Shelly” An inward groan of revulsion raced through his chest hearing the seductive purr on the other end.

He and Shelly had a few dates before he met Tasha, Shelly had gotten very possessive, and overly clingy which made Alex run like hell from her. He did not want to be tied down to a superficial rich bitch, “Oh, Hey Shelly its you…what’s up?” Her voice purred out of the phone at him and he grimaced knowing what was to come “I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner with me tonight Alex Darling, I so miss our…Time ...spent together”. The implication of her words was evident; she missed having him as a lover and wanted to spend the evening interlocked in the passionate sexual embrace of Alex. He sighed against his comforter dreading and wondering what answer to give her, I mean after all he wasn’t dating or committed to anyone, unfortunately his heart was so bent up over Tasha, he didn’t think he could do the dating scene again. With a resolved sigh his thoughts turn to a more serious point, when is he ever going to see Tasha again, as far as she is concerned he is scum who left her when she needed him the most. Shelly’s voice assaults his senses once more a pleading note to her tone “Alex, Alex are you there?” Sighing he presses the receiver against his ear once more “yea Shelly sorry I was checking my schedule, sure, I can do dinner tonight.” The sound of her voice is triumphant as it rings in his ear, “Oh that’s wonderful darling, I will send the limo at eight sharp see you later lover”.

The day seemed to speed by for Alex, unfortunately… He was in NO rush to have dinner with Shelly; he knew she was going to have her hands all over him, before he would have enjoyed it…now it was a whole other story. Shelly was kinky too she had weird tastes in sex, sometimes too weird for his tastes, but he did things anyways to bring her to sexual satisfaction. Her favorite thing was to be hogtied while he took her, her arms and legs strung up behind her back…she came like a freight train when he did this and she seemed insatiable at times. He sighs looking back to his paperwork the files on the Fucilla case seeming never ending; he had come into work today to find new evidence about Frances. He had been right in his assumption Frances had been pumped full of Vioxx, usually a drug associated with arthritis but when used in large doses caused fatal to near fatal heart attacks. In Frances case, it had been fatal and most likely excruciating, how he wished he could tell this to Tasha, but would it soothe her to know her husband had been murdered.

Alex tried to let his mind drift away from Tasha as he dressed for the evening, knowing Shelly’s tastes he put on a black tuxedo, the pants clinging to his buttocks perfectly. The white shirt accentuating his broad shoulders and wide chest a simple black bow tie adorning his neck the suit coat slung neatly over his shoulders. He appraises his reflection and runs a finger through his thick black curls to make them a bit messy little ringlets curving up about his neck. Satisfied he turns forcing himself to look at the clock, Five minutes to eight, stepping out of his door, and locking it, his gun scraping against his ankle concealed easily by the long black slacks he steps into the elevator giving a curt nod to its attendant. Looking out of the double glass doors, he sees the long black limousine and sighs dreading exiting his building. Steeling his nerves, he steps into the cool night air feeling it drift over his hair ruffling it further. The window of the limousine lowers and he sees Shelly, in all her repulsive beauty.

She was indeed a gorgeous woman, in the standards of high society at least. She had high cheekbones that were always brushed over with powder and blush to make her skin appear creamy and alive, he had honestly never seen her without makeup, and she even slept with the disgusting stuff on. Her hair was thick blond ringlets and she never had a curl out of place it was sprayed with so much hair spray and so gelled it did not move, not even when she was thrashing in his arms. Her breasts amazingly enough were real and she was admired for them, she had large abundant mounds which she often showed off with low décolletage dresses and shirts. The nipples that peaked these hefty mounds were a soft brownish pink color and they stiffened delightfully when suckled on. She had lush full lips that always beckoned to be kissed and he had given in to their call many times. She was beautiful on the outside but on the inside, she was a cold hearted manipulative spoiled bitch who would do anything to get her way, which is what repulsed him.

Alex forced himself to smile as he stepped into the limousine and sat beside her, she instinctively sidled up against him craving his constant attention…As usual. Her breasts crushed up against his forearm and he lifted it over her bare shoulders to avoid the undesired sexual contact. Unfortunately, she took this as an initiative to move closer to him he steels his reserve and rests an arm on her shoulder trying to be as affectionate as he can without enticing her. The limousine pulls to a stop in front of the restaurant just in time her voice purring in his ears whispering about all the things she desires to do to him later. He smiles and gets out of the limousine walking around to her side to open the door for her; she steps out placing her arm in his elbow as all proper ladies do. He scoffs inwardly, if anyone knew this bitch like he did they wouldn’t call her a lady. Opening the restaurant door, various delectable scents assault his nostrils and he feels a growling in the pit of his stomach, realizing that in his obsession with work he neglected to eat.

The maitre de seats them in a private back room of the restaurant and Alex peers around noticing a chaise in the corner, he sighs thinking that this is awfully secluded for a simple supper between friends. He knows Shelly; she set this up, to fulfill her fantasy of having sex in public, when anyone might walk in and catch them in the act. She stands from her chair and moves towards the chaise turning to face him whilst standing in front of it, her fingers move to the back of her dress the soft rasping of a zipper filling the air as she drops the top of her dress down. Her breasts stand free in the air unfettered by a bra, her nipples growing taut and erect caressed by the cool air and his gaze, Alex looks away “Christ Shelly, can’t a man eat first” His stomach thrums with nervousness hoping this will dissuade her…for at least now. A huff escapes causing her breasts to bounce delightfully, He is a man after all, and he cannot help but enjoy this sight, regardless of how much he despises this woman. “FINE Alex, suit yourself we will eat first”, she pulls her dress back up covering her breasts and he breathes a sigh of relief inwardly and turns his attention to the menu.

The waiter knocks quietly on the door and peeks in at them seeing them both quiet and studying the menu he slips in. He is delicate and frail and cannot help but feel intimidated and aroused as he stares at the wide shouldered man sitting in the room with Miss Shelly, He refers to her this way because he was instructed to by his boss and he has been trained to do whatever he is told. Shelly looks up from her menu and then to Alex, “is you ready to order Darling?” Alex nods briefly, “Filet Mignon for both of us, a side salad for us to split, a large platter of mashed potatoes, and a loaf of wheat bread as a appetizer, I want a bottle of your finest wine brought into us along with the bread.” The boy nods overwhelmed by the power Alex radiates and he rushes to do his bidding, feeling his erection pressing against the soft cotton slacks hidden beneath his pristine apron.

Carrying a tray the waiter enters their room once again Alex looks up expectantly seeing the wine in a tub of ice two crystal glasses placed daintily on the tray. Placing the wine in front of Alex the boy gives him a shaky smile and looks over to Miss Shelly, placing the bread in the center of the table. Alex smirks an evil idea racing through his mind, knowing Shelly will obey anything he says….He looks at Shelly…then to the waiter. “Boy, go stand over by the lady, .Shelly, Undo his pants and take out his cock… I want to watch you blow him.” Shelly looks at him in shock as does the boy “But, Alex, he’s just a servant, why should I pleasure him, HE should be pleasuring me!” A smirk crosses Alex’s lips,” You’re going to blow him Shelly, because I told you to, and you’re not going to argue…” Alex stands grasping his growing erection, the idea of making this bitch slut do what he tells her to arousing. “You’re going to do this Shelly, because if you don’t, you won’t get any of this.” Her eyes widen noticing his arousal pressing through the black slacks her sex growing moist at the idea of his large shaft taking her repeatedly. The acrid smell of her arousal greets Alex’s nostrils sending a tremor down to his shaft making it twitch within his pants.

Shelly gulps turning to face the waiter her hands moving to his back to untie and toss aside his apron. Her fingers move deftly to his pants unbuttoning and unzipping them quickly, Alex sits back his fingers sliding open his own zipper pulling out his erect manhood watching them. Her lips part in a soft gasp as she pulls free the boys aroused shaft, the scent of the boy’s manhood assaulting her nostrils with his masculine aroma. Shelly darts her tongue out to trace over the bulbous cap before thrusting her head forward the erect length filling her mouth and throat. Alex leans forward taking in the vision of her crimson tinged lips devouring the pulsing cock before them the boy’s member disappearing so far within her throat that Alex can see the bulge within her esophagus. His fingers slide slowly up and down his own shaft, the whole idea of him doing this based on the hope that he will get off and be unable to have sex with her.

He watches the boy’s expression the gaunt look on his face as he stares at Alex, sensing something, Alex thinks about the boy’s reactions to him. The realization sinks in that the waiter is not attracted to Shelly but to him, that he is erect because Alex is watching and pleasuring himself. Keeping this in mind Alex moves his chair over a bit giving the boy a full view of his large erect manhood looking into the boys eyes and licking his lips as his hands move up and down the silky length of his cock. Dropping his eyes to Shelly, he notices that she is noting that Alex attention seems focused on the boy, his fingers moving deftly over the tip of his member stroking the small slit which his release will jet from. Saliva glistens on the boy’s shaft a husky moan escapes him as his thighs begin to tremble from the pleasure Shelly’s lips are giving him his thoughts racing to the large muscular man watching this pleasuring himself while observing the odd pair.

With a twitch and a groan, the boy strains trying to make this pleasure last longer his eyes locked on Alex’s erect shaft as his hand pumps the thick length. Alex groans feeling his climax swiftly approaching, with a gasp the boy watches droplets glisten on the head of Alex’s manhood. His fingers dig into Shelly’s hair as his orgasm races through his body his seed jetting down her throat white cream sluicing out of the corner of her mouth. Seeing this Alex grunts his own seed shooting into the air… the boy jumps towards Alex his hot awaiting mouth encircling Alex’s cock head seed shooting down the greedy boy’s mouth. With a low growl, Alex buries his fingers in the boy’s hair pushing his head down hard on the jetting manhood feeling the boy’s mouth suckling the seed from him hungrily. A satisfied sigh escapes Alex as the last bits of his juice trickle down the boys chin and Alex leans forward taking a sip of the cool wine. “Thank you boy, I believe you should return to the kitchen and see about my dinner, I find myself ravenous for some reason” Alex turns and gives a triumphant smile to the sulking Shelly.

The remainder of their dinner was strained; Shelly was pissed because Alex had orgasmed with out her and with a mans mouth around his cock no less. She made his supper so very worth it though with her dirty looks and snide comments, the waiter blushed every time he came into the room with them. Alex cleaned the last piece of steak from his plate and sat back with a contented sigh, Shelly picked up her phone and called the limousine around while he stepped into the main area and paid the bill on her credit card. He held the door as she stalked out and opened the limousine door for her to get in, moving around he got in beside her and she promptly moved to the opposite seat looking away from him. He couldn’t help but smile inwardly as the limo pulled in front of his building, he leans across brushing a kiss over her cheek murmuring into her ear “thanks babe I had a great time.” Getting out of the car, he heard her curse and chuckled as he stepped through the glass doors of his building his destination for the remainder of the night being his bed, for a long hopefully dreamless sleep.

The week flew by in a torrent, Alex laid on his bed staring at the ceiling, and the women seemed to be coming out of the wood work since the incident with Shelly. He had never touched so much female flesh in all of his times single before. He rolled over onto his stomach his eyes flicking closed, he was tired of this, women fawning over him left and right just to get in his pants. He didn’t want to be a sex toy to rich women; he wanted the woman who haunted his dreams. She came to him every night in his sleep her arms wide open her body soft and pliant her words of love filling his ears making his heart swell with emotion. Then when he finally got her in his arms, she pulls away her voice and heart growing cold, she was tormenting him, and he deserved it. He had left her to strangers, to change her life, to take from her what comfort he had offered her the disdain she showed him was deserved. He closes his eyes willing his body to sleep sinking into the mattress the pliant material cushioning his aching body.

He woke with a start in the darkness of the evening the moon beginning to appear between the soft grey clouds that drift lazily across the sky. He stretches languidly enjoying the moments as his body awakes, noticing his muscles feel a bit better after his rest. He stands staring up at the night sky admiring the close knit family of stars dancing in the black and blue sky. Looking at his clock, he shakes his head seeing that it’s only nine pm, and wonders how he’s going to get to bed tonight. Feeling fully rested he steps into the bathroom ruffling his hair a bit and making sure he looks passable. He walks through the dark apartment not bothering to turn on the light heading for his front door. He steps into the elevator the high tones of music flooding the tightly confined space as it jolts sending his stomach down to his ankles. Looking over at the elevator attendant, he gives a curt nod as the bell chimes over his head and steps into the main lobby.

The woman caught his attention almost immediately her thick hair shimmering tinted red flowing down around her waist. She was about Tasha’s height and builds her waist slender taping out to curvaceous hips and a bottom that was an attention grabber. Could it be her...? No, they would have changed her hair color, they wouldn’t bring her back here either that would be stupid. He couldn’t help but stand there and watch her like an raving idiot waiting for her to turn; his heart fell as she did turn. No this woman’s beauty didn’t even come close to matching that of Tasha’s. He was stupid to sit here and get excited over the similarities, who was he kidding he wasn’t ever going to see Tasha again. He sighs his body shaking from the emotional build up getting in his car he pushes his head down against the steering wheel. “Tasha, where are you? I don’t think I can keep going like this…” tears wrack his body and stream down over the leather steering console his whispered words dying out over the purr of the engine.

© Copyright 2005 Scarlettfox (scarlettfox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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