Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1017679-Prologue
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Adult · #1017679
Love story/erotica/action suspense/drama

On the outside, she looked like your typical model type woman, long flowing hair, a slender waiflike form full breasts and startlingly green eyes. They tended to be the first of her features anyone noticed, her eyes; they had haunted him for three years now. He had first noticed her in a bar and had done his best at approaching her nonchalantly she brushed him off as if he didn’t exist. It burned, no one brushed off Alexander Deliege He was the most eligible of all bachelors in Boston charming, intelligent, and he was a statue of a man with chiseled cheekbones that tapered into a firm square chin evincing sheer power with his six foot five frame. Woman of all shapes and sizes loved to drape their arms around his powerful neck and rake their fingernails down his wide shoulders when in the throes of passion. Well he wasn’t one to brag, but he was a very skilled lover and hadn’t yet met a woman he was unable to satisfy. He stared at her a bit longer bemused by his desire to wrap her up in a protective embrace. He wanted to protect her after all that was a portion of his job, to serve and protect the public.

Shaking his head, he brushed a thick black wavy strand of hair from his eyes turning his gaze back to her and squeezing his chin thoughtfully. She was surely intelligent you could see the glint in her eyes of intelligence beyond the woman he usually dated. He tended to lean towards the dumb blonde ones because they meant less commitment, fuck them and leave them that was his motto. She turned towards him as if sensing him staring at her brushing a thick auburn curl from her eyes he looked down feeling stupid for staring so blatantly.

Tasha was curious as to why he kept staring at her, she had seen him before it always seemed that wherever she was he was, She pondered the possibility of him stalking her but quickly blew off that idea. Why would a man as obviously sexy and desired by the general female population have any interest in a plain Jane like her? She looked around the small packed café and sipped her mocha latté enjoying the hot creamy froth sloshing around in her dry mouth, noticing women sitting at the booths and the tables near by darting their eyes to the handsome man who appeared to be fixated on her. Shrugging her shoulders, she tugs the loose chiffon shirt off her
bit uneasy she returns to the photocopied tax documents before her bemused by transactions she doesn’t recognize. Her late husband Francis was impeccable with his taxes keeping every receipt known to exist for years on end, it didn’t explain the lack of information, large amounts of money being transferred to accounts she didn’t have the bank books from. Raking her fingers through her hair, she can’t help but wonder if Frances was involved in something illegal.

Shuffling through the papers once more, she packs them into her briefcase, drops a five on the table for the congenial waitress, and walks towards the door. Her head swimming with equations and figures she wonders if she should contact the executor of Frances will and see what information he might have. Stopping at her car, she reaches to open the door but a tanned large hand makes it there first, turning on her heel her eyes dart upwards clashing with Alexander’s bright blue ones.

“Allow me,” A smile curves his full masculine lips his voice a purr using sexuality.
“Thank you” she stammers a little caught off guard by his rapid appearance her heart racing against her breastbone.
“Would you like to join me sometime for coffee?” His eyes linger on her face gauging her reaction to his question.
“Sure “she answers quickly handing him her card with her work number on it. “ I have to go now though, or I will be late getting back from lunch.”

Nodding he closes the door behind her, as she settles into the driver seat of her black sedan the leather seats making a soft scraping noise as her weight settles down. Putting the key in the ignition, she turns the car on and it starts with a smooth cat like idle roaring to life. She pulls into traffic and heads down shaking her head at the persistence of that man, she didn’t even get his name, and she agreed to go out for coffee with him. Shaking her head her teeth gnawing on her bottom lip she considers her audacity, Frances has only been dead for a year, is that a respectable mourning time. She was never in love with Frances; she just married him to get away from her father.

She met Frances shortly after high school she was attending a local community college in downtown New York for information technology a challenging degree but rewarding as well. She worked third shift at a Dunkin Doughnuts to pay her tuition and to avoid her father as much as possible. It never seemed to help it was if he waited every night for her to get home so he could scream at her and tell her how worthless she was, how ugly she was, and how no man would ever want to marry her because her mother was a depraved whore. Her mother had left them when she was four leaving a drunken man to tend to Tasha as she grew up. It seemed like she could do nothing right in her father’s eyes and he beat her daily to remind her of that fact. She learned to do wonders with makeup covering bruises and welts so that her school wouldn’t get suspicious. Then one night after college classes got out, she was making a coffee at Dunkin Doughnuts and Frances came in. He always seemed to radiate happiness and nothing ever could bring him down, not even cancer. Sighing in the memory fogged parts of her brain she turned into the parking lot of her job and stopped her car shutting the engine off.

Brushing her hair from her eyes, she opens the car door checking her appearance quickly in the rear view mirror, satisfied she walks up Congress Street to her office corporate building and heads in, entering the elevator and pushing the button for the third floor.

Alexander looked at the building Tasha entered wondering which floor she worked on, what she did, shaking his head, he wondered inwardly why he was so obsessed with her. A squawk from his hip brought him to attention, lifting his radio he pressed in the button “This is Detective Deliege what’s going on?” A female voice answered him, “It appears we may have a lead on the Fucilla case some information about the overseas bank accounts you were watching has been given to us by a source named Frances Velinichi.” Rubbing his chin Alexander thought over that last name, it sounded so familiar, where had he heard it before. Lifting his radio to his mouth he spoke into it “Alright I will be right in” Getting into his unmarked car he heads to the downtown Boston police office and goes straight for his office settling into the comfort of his plush yet ragged chair. Reaching down and pulling out his desk file drawer he rifles through looking for the last name Velinichi, finding the file he pulls it out and flips it open. The picture that was in the folder made him bite his bottom lip, Tasha Velinichi wife of Frances Velinichi. Grabbing his phone he calls his secretary, “Dot, bring me in the information for the overseas account and a phone number where Frances Velinichi can be reached please.” A pause greets his ears as his secretary hesitates, “Well Mr. Deliege I can bring in the file, but I am afraid Mr. Velinichi passed away last year, the files were brought in by his widow, Mrs. Tasha Velinichi.”

Tasha fingered the picture of Frances that sat on her desk in a silver frame looking up hearing a stir in her doorway; she once again locks eyes with Alexander. Clearing his throat and crossing the room in long strides he stops in front of her desk and holds out his hand. “Mrs. Velinichi my name is Detective Deliege, and I am afraid my business with you is not about my invitation to take you out to coffee.” She nods slightly and gestured to the seat in front of her desk, “Yes Detective, please have a seat, I suspect your business is in regards the files that I gave your secretary this afternoon before we saw each other at the café”. Nodding his head, he settles in the chair before her leaning back slightly, looking at her seriously, he sighs and leans forward resting his elbows on the desk. “Mrs. Velinichi I need to…” putting her hand up she interrupts him, “Please call me Tasha. “. Tilting his head slightly he restarts his sentence feeling honored inwardly that he would let her call her by her given name.

“Tasha, I need to know how you got the documents you provided me, they are involved in a very serious embezzlement operation we are watching very closely it has a lot to do with the mob and you may be in danger.” Looking at him her eyes widening slightly a hint of fear in the soft azure lights of her eyes her voice very quiet and hesitant “ Why would I be in danger Detective Deliege? His eyes locked on her face, he leans forward his voice hushed. “We believe the mob may be keeping tabs on you Tasha, and please call me Alexander, I have spoken to my boss, and he believes it best to take you out of the area and into protective custody.” Nodding her head her thick curls a soft auburn veil over her eyes, “I understand Alexander, I will pack my things, when do we leave.” Sighing he leans back in the chair rubbing his chin, “We will leave tonight, after dark.”

Sitting in his office the room darkened by night fall only a single lamp lit on his desk he shuffles through the tax documents, making notes on a sheet of paper. Pulling his calculator out he punches in numbers totaling the amount sent to overseas accounts at over fifty million dollars. Looking into the files sent to him by the head office, he calculates that about three million dollars were taken from each large corporation, well known names on his list, Microsoft, Dell, AT&T the list going on and on each company reporting funds missing and unaccounted for. Sighing he rubs his chin a common habit of him when he is frustrated, cursing as his thoughts revolve once again to Tasha. Such a beautiful forlorn woman drawn into a dangerous web by her now deceased husband, hating Francis for the trouble he has caused this beautiful intelligent woman. Did she love Francis, was that why she was so sad, was she still mourning this man that had put her life in danger. "Fuck it,” he curses, and stands’ heading out of his office slamming the door behind him. He heads for Tasha’s to see if she is ready to start the long car trip.

Tasha folded the last piece of clothing, puts it in her suitcase, and looks around her small yet cozy condominium. Going to the window, she looks out it one last time neglecting to notice the shadow of a man hiding behind the tree next to the small koi pond. Opening the patio doors to let in some cool air she steps back inwards drawing the filmy curtains closed just enough for some privacy and steps into the bathroom to pack up her toiletries. The man seeing her disappear from her bedroom slinks to the patio and steps over the railing quietly pausing as his black sneaker makes a soft squeak against the cement. Slowly he crept into the bedroom not seeing the headlights pulling into the driveway as he closed the curtains behind him. Hearing a car pulling into her yard Tasha walks back into the bedroom and heads towards the living room. Screaming as a large masculine hand wraps around her body and slams her backward roughly the muzzle of a gun nudging in between her shoulder blades. “Don’t move bitch or I will kill you, you have caused a lot of trouble for my boss, and I am here to…dispose of you.” Pushing the gun tip harder into her spine he moves forward indicating with a rough shove he wants her to walk forward.

Alexander pulled into Tasha’s yard just in time to notice a man garbed in black sneak into her house via the patio. Pulling his gun from its holster in his hip he walks silently to the patio window where the man had entered pushing the curtains to the side slightly he looks into her bedroom. He watches as she enters her bedroom after hearing him pull in and sees the man grabbing her from behind the glint of silver revealing the gun in the abductors hand. Crouching slightly Alexander slipped through the curtains when the gunman had his back facing Alex. Moving quickly he darts quietly behind the man pressing the barrel of his own gun into the back of the gunman’s head. Hissing in his ear Alexander whispers “Put the gun down and let go of the girl, or I will pull the trigger” The man snarls under his breath, “you wouldn’t take that risk detective, she is too valuable to you in more than one way, while you watched her, I watched you both”. Alexander bit down on his bottom lip and pulled back the hammer his gun cocking with a soft metallic click. “Try me scumbag, she isn’t going to be the one who gets hurt, you are.” A soft thud sound echoes in the deathly silent room the revolver lying on the floor at Alexander’s feet. Crouching slowly he picks it up and steps back keeping the barrel trained on the intruders head pulling his cell from his pocket he speed dials the police.

The police officers finished packing up their equipment and led Tasha’s would be abductor to the door in handcuffs. “Don’t you worry Detective, he’s not going anywhere but a jail cell for a while. I will fax you paperwork at your office when the prosecution is ready to begin the case.” Shaking the police officers hand Alexander nods, “Thank you officer Calhoun, please tell your wife Marion I said thank you for the cookies she sent in the other day.” With a big, smile the police officer grins and heads out the door leading the cuffed man out in front of him.

With a sigh, Tasha slumps to the couch her breath escaping in a long blown out sigh of relief. Looking up at Alexander his eyes broodingly piercing hers dark and stormy almost appearing to storm in swirls of blue as he stares down at her.
Growling he grabs her hand and tosses the remains of her clothing from the bed to her bag, not caring if its folded or not his voice low and terse “lets go Tasha.” She nods as he pulls her up and grabs her keys with trembling fingers, He squeezes her hand reassuringly and they head out the door, slamming her front door behind them she turns and locks it looking up at him a bit angered he slammed her door. She shakes her head thinking to herself that it is stupid to be angry about a simple door slam when someone just tried to abduct her. Looking from her door, she realizes that he is standing at his unmarked police car. The dark blue sedan seeming menacing right now, taking her from her home the place she has lived since Frances died. She slips into the car nestling into the smooth leather seat feeling the cushions support her aching back, with a quiet slam, he gets in the seat beside her, the car roaring to life purring like a tiger, ferocious and cruel. As the car pulls away she looks back at her home, tears filling the bright green eyes and spilling to her cheeks, its over, she cannot come home safely again.

The car ride progressed in the darkness, they sat in silence, neither of them knowing exactly what to say to one another in this nights events. Alexander leaned forward and turned on the radio soft melodic jazz music filling the small confines of the car, turning as if to say something to her, he notices her eyes are closed and her breathing is steady. He smiles; she has found some form of peace on this trying night. Turning his eyes back to the road, he focuses on the blurring lines humming along with the music trying to keep awake. A soft sobbing sound somehow finds its way to his ears over the music he turns looking at her watching as her body curls up almost as if trying to get into the fetal position, her eyes scrunched closed tears forcing their way beneath her clamped lids. He reaches over his fingers moving gently to stroke her sweat beading brow feeling her relax beneath his caress a barely audible sigh escaping her lips as she falls into a more peaceful sleep.

Tasha woke with a jerk her eyes fluttering open sunlight beaming into her sleep sensitive eyes. Looking over at Alexander watching his face as he drives a steely focus etched within the set lines of his face. Hearing her stir he looks over and smiles “Morning sleepyhead,” smiling groggily she murmurs, “Morning yourself”. He sighs reclining back a bit against the drivers seat his fingers gripping the steering wheel in a relaxed grip, “How bout we pull over at that motel, and you can grab some breakfast while I catch a few Z’s” She nods hearing a loud rumble coming from her stomach, “yes that sounds good,”. Pulling the car over she watches as he goes in and pays for a room, coming out with two sets of keys she grabs her overnight bag from the back seat of the car and heads into their shared room to freshen up a bit, stopping as she notices there is only one bed. Biting her lip she looks towards the closed bathroom door and back at the bed…the very…LARGE bed… her breath catches envisioning her body strewn atop it her clothes crinkled Alexander’s mouth feasting on her. The bathroom door opening with a bang as it hits the back wall she looks up startled from her fantasy flustered her cheeks blushing pink. “The johns all yours Tasha”... Alexander strides across the room and stands next to the bed beginning to unbuckle his pants, Tasha tries to look away as they slide down around his ankles his boxer briefs clinging to his well formed buttocks an outline in the front revealing…looking away she scurries to the bathroom and shuts the door quickly trying to catch her breath.

Splashing water through her hair, she reaches into her over night bag pulling out her hair brush pulling the loose elastic from her thick locks feeling dirty she looks towards the shower. Turning the water on unable to resist the need to cleanse her body of all that has happened she sits on the toilet while the tub fills her face buried in her palms thoughts racing through her head. How can she desire this man, this devilishly sexy man who brings the most carnal thoughts from her, her husband has only been in the grave for a short time. Shaking her head she stands tugging her shirt over her head full breasts cupped in a lacy white bra, releasing the clasps her creamy orbs falling free. She moves her hand to her jeans flicking open the button and pushing them down her hips her soft cotton panties following. Dipping a toe into the hot water, she gasps slightly and sinks her body in reveling in the sizzling sensation as it laps in gentle waves over her flesh.

Alexander tossed on the bed his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he listened to the tub fill, His mind racing with thoughts of her supple form basking in steaming water. His eyes closing willing himself to sleep his imagination still overwhelming him with visions of her ample breasts rosy nipples peeking from the glistening center of the heavy mounds. Groaning feeling his boxers begin to strain his erection pushing at the cotton aggravated and further aroused by the sensations of the fabric as his hips move. Panting softly he hisses “Get it together Alex, you can’t go and ravish this woman the night after she was almost abducted.” Grunting he sits thinking trying to concentrate on baseball and football willing his aroused body to go down trying to keep his imagination from straying to the picture of water splashing to the floor as her body thrashes in the throes of orgasm.

Tasha slides out of the tub satisfied and feeling better now that her body is clean, Grabbing up the towel she dries off her flesh and looks in her overnight bag for clothes. A low curse escapes her realizing, that she did not put any in the bag, just make up, and shower necessities groaning she looks at the floor at her soaked dirty clothes. She steels herself, “I am going to have to go out there, in this towel,” she thinks, “he’s probably asleep already he won’t even notice”. Slowly and quietly opening the bathroom door, she peeks into the room.

Alexander tries not to startle feigning sleep. His eye opens just a crack as she slips into the room apparently trying to be quiet, his arousal throbs, as he realizes, she is in nothing but a towel. Trying not to groan as his erection pushes against the mattress, Tasha looks at him letting free a sigh of relief seeing him asleep and moves to her bag pulling out clothes. Slipping her hands underneath the towel, she crouches pulling her panties up, turning her back to face his sleeping form she slips on a black lacy bra and hooks the clasps. Turning to face the bed his eyes still closed she bends down grabbing her jeans, his breath catching as he catches a glimpse of her breasts straining beneath the black lace.

He jerks upright and she jumps back against the wall startled as he lunges from the bed at her grasping her hips his fingers cupping her panty clad bottom, his eyes dark ferocious and hungry as his lips descend upon hers forcing her compliance her own hunger surprising her. Her arms instinctively lift to wrap around the back of his neck feeling his warm hard form pressing into hers a large pulsing bulge straining against her stomach through the thin fabric of his boxer briefs. She groans huskily her breath escaping her in a gasp realizing how badly he wants her from the physical evidence pushing insistently against her.

He pulls back raggedly panting his eyes boring down into hers as if seeing the passion burning within her very soul. Her flesh pinked with her own desire the cotton crotch of her panties moist as her sex betrays its hunger for the straining length of him buried within his briefs. Gulping she lifts her eyes from his arousal, assured by this vision encased in cotton, that he is most definitely larger than her deceased husband is. His hands drag through his thick black curls obviously distraught in his arousal, wanting to take her so badly but not wanting to rush this wanting to be able to spend hours feeding on her delectable body. Looking at her, he whispers, “I am sorry, we have to stop, I don’t want it to be like this between us, I want us to have time if we are going to go further.” She looks down, nods, and quickly pulls on her jeans and t-shirt sliding on a pair of sandals she rushes from the room.

Wiping tears from her cheeks, Tasha curses inwardly “how could she be so stupid to think that a man as attractive as Alexander would be interested in her”? Yet, it had been there, it had been so obvious he WAS interested in her, he was aroused and stimulated, by her body…Shaking her head she pulls open the diner door soft bells chiming over her head. Inside the diner, the air conditioner rattles loudly straining to cool off the multiple bodies within it, heavy scents of beef and other various processed meats assaulting her nostrils. She finds a booth off to the back of the room and slides onto the vinyl seats wincing at the noise as her jeans make contact, settling back she closes her eyes waiting for the plump ample breasted server to make her way over.

Sensing a presence she looks upwards her eyes clashing with Alexander’s, “May I join you Tasha?” She nods her voice husky “of course, I thought you were going to try to rest though? The server chooses that particular moment to show up Alexander smiles ruefully and flips open the menus she unceremoniously places in front of him, waiting with impatience for them to order. Looking up at the server Tasha smiles politely, “could you please give us a few minutes to look over the menu?” The portly server shrugs and leaves them to decide on their meal. Tasha looks down at her menu, not wanting to look at Alexander, her hand trembling slightly on the laminated paper booklet, she feels a warm large hand take hers, and she lifts her eyes to his.

“Tasha, when I said that we had to stop, I was doing it out of respect for you, I felt wrong taking advantage of you, when you are so vulnerable, when, if we do this, I want it to be done because we both desire it, not because one or the other is vulnerable. She looks down, understanding his words knowing inwardly that he is right, looking up as the server returns they both order breakfast, she orders a fruit salad and a cup of yogurt, with an orange juice, and he orders black coffee, with three eggs and sausage patties with toast. They eat in silence neither knowing what to say their bodies and minds both exhausted, after finishing off breakfast they return to the hotel room and both stand just within the doorway staring at the large bed wondering about sleeping arrangements.

Alexander looked at the bed, and then at Tasha a battle raging within her body and his wanting to sleep together in the bed and comfort each other, but also knowing they may not be able to stop from touching each other. “Lets sleep in the same bed, and if….we starts anything, we will separate, I really need someone to hold me right now Alex.” Her voice rung out in his ears, husky and soft pain filled words. He nods and moves to one side of the bed, sliding his pants down over his hips his white boxers shining against the bronzed tone of his flesh. Trying not to look behind him, listening as Tasha moves to the other side of the bed, the rustle of her jeans as they hit the floor, the zipper of her bag.

Turning slowly to look at her his breath catches in his throat, her body encased in a shimmering tunic of sea foam green lace flowing over her curves like the waves of water on a beach so naturally. Her eyes meet his and he looks down slipping the coverlet from the bed for her to slide beneath the warm embrace of the comforter, his body slipping in beside hers. She sighs softly her eyes closing so confused on how Alexander makes her feel yet needing him so badly right now. She feels his arms as they wrap warmly around her waist pulling her soft body back into his firm one. His eyes close and he inhales the soft scent of her hair basking in her feminine warmth and body as it curls so delicately against his, he leans forward pressing a soft kiss in the thick locks of hair hearing her sigh. Drifting off to sleep Tasha turns nestling her face into the crook of his neck, the scent of his flesh, clean and masculine soothing her, making her feel protected allowing for a deep and peaceful slumber. Alexander sighs feeling her body relax into the welcome of sleeps arms his own eyes growing heavy as her warmth and presence relaxes him. Sleep greeting him swiftly his exhausted body melding into the mattress and her warm gentle arms, cuddled together as if they had been lovers forever not strangers that had only met one day before.

The sunlight streamed into the windows of their motel room, Tasha stirred slightly pushing back into the warm embrace of the arms around her. In her dream, she was wrapped up in Alex’s arms his fingers tracing over her flesh strumming her desire like a well-tuned guitar. Her hips push backwards rocking back and forth against his growing erection feeling the evidence of his desire begin to pulse against her bottom. A groan escapes from Alex his sleep-fogged mind not comprehending what was going on, just knowing that soft buttocks were grinding against his aroused man hood. His fingers slide upwards over the curves of her body fingers reaching instinctively for the soft breasts that have eluded him in his dreams. His fingers plucking at the soft nipples feeling them tighten into fat erect buds achingly straining through the silky fabric. A soft husky moan escapes her throat feeling the thick masculine fingers toying with her sensitive nipple bringing it to a turgid state her hips pushing back more insistently seeking the thick shaft that her body is aching for. Turning in his arms her breasts push against his chest her sex arching forward pushing against his aroused member feeling the tip of it against her belly.

Gasping his hands slide down her back digging into her supple buttocks kneading the soft pliant flesh feeling his aroused flesh straining at the thin cotton briefs, her fingers slide down over his stomach fingers pausing above the waistline of his underwear.
He shudders feeling the fingers stroking his abdomen so close to the length of his desire, her skin burning against his like founts of lava. Unable to withstand the seductive torture of her flesh any longer his fingers grasp her hips lifting her and rolling her atop him. His fingers guiding her night dress up as hers push frantically at his boxers. His thick aroused shaft springs free of its cotton entrapment pushing upwards in the air; his fingers lift her hips poising her against the tip of his aroused manhood. Her thighs tremble her eyes flickering open looking down at him lust burning within her belly her center hot, and moist wanting him. His fingers push her downward and she feels the very tip pushing against her…looking down in realization. “Alex NO stop!” his eyes fly open, looking up at her realizing what he was about to do, gasping putting her beside him on the bed. “God, I am so sorry Tasha, I was asleep, dreaming,” she nods softly, “I know, I was too.”

Trembling Tasha looks in the bathroom mirror trying to apply makeup with shaky fingers. The morning had been so tumultuous her and Alex came so very close to making love. Looking at her reflection wryly, making love, is that what she was beginning to feel for him, her body shook whenever he was close, her heart jumped when he spoke. Was this love? Shaking her head she goes back into the bedroom closing the bathroom door as Alexander loads the rest of their things in the car.
Getting in the car the silence between them was strained, they both were thinking so many different things, and Alex went to close the trunk and looked into the car seeing her sitting in the passenger side. What had he been thinking, sure he was dreaming but subconsciously some part had to know it was Tasha, he was supposed to be protecting her, but who was going to protect her from him. With a sigh, he walks to the driver’s side and gets in closing the door and turning the key, the engine roaring to life. A wry smile crossing his lips as he looks over to Tasha, “it’s not long now, before we will be there”, With a nod Tasha looks out the windshield focusing on the road before them.

Mile after mile passed as Alex drove on steadily watching the signs with an unsettling focus, neither of them had spoken since they first got in the car. He turns looking at her as she stares out her window at the scenery speeding by, as if she feels his gaze she turns her eyes meeting his briefly before quickly looking away. A soft sigh escapes him wanting so much to talk about what occurred between the two of them. She looks over at him, “Alex…” her voice soft, husky, and expectant. He swallows hard, “yes Tasha?” she looks down at her hands folding and unfolding them in her lap. “Tell me Alex what is going to happen, when we get to this place that we are going to?” He bites his lip truly not wanting to think about this. With a soft sigh Alex pulls the car off to the side of the road in a small turnabout, he tilts his body towards hers his eyes meeting hers. “Tasha, when we get there, you will be put into protective custody, your appearance will be altered, you will be given a new name, and I will leave, having never seen the new you, when we get there…it will be goodbye, forever.”

Tasha’s stomach lurched hearing his words her heart felt as if it had fallen into her stomach. She looked at him tears welling up in her brilliant green eyes; he looked into these soul-searching orbs trying to swallow his own anguish. How could he just let her go, when he felt like this, the answer was simple… it was his job. He looked away unable to hold her pained stare any longer, this feeling inside of him was horrible he felt as if he was losing himself. A soft whisper reaching his ears biting back his own tears at her hurt tone…”No Alex, you can’t do that…you can’t…” His voice husky and ragged “I have to Tasha, I am so sorry; I never wanted to hurt you.” Tasha steeled herself willing her feelings to shut off and she looked at him coldly “just drive Alex, lets get this over with.” With a sigh, he pulls back onto the road the tires squealing as they hit pavement once more his heart feeling as if it was underneath those tires, at the sound of her voice, so cold…resentful.

The blinker of the blue sedan flicked on indicating a turn to the left, and the car tires bumped over the gravely road dust flicking up behind the wheels. Alex swallowed as the silver building came into view its countenance dark and foreboding to him, in a few minutes, after the car had been shut off its engine popping and cooling, Tasha would be gone from his life for good. He looked over at her, her eyes staring at the building as well a sense of realization racing through her knowing this building was where her entire identity would be recreated, and Alex would leave her to this grisly prison. Driving up to the door had to be the hardest thing he had ever done, he shut off the engine and steps from the car going to the trunk, looking up as she steps from the car her eyes dark and cold boring into his heart, as if saying how can you do this to me Alex. Looking at the ground unable to look into those angry green eyes sparks flying out of them as if daggers, shooting straight for his already breaking heart. Pulling her bags from the trunk, he walks over to the silver door punching in the designated code leaning forward to speak into the box, “Agent Alex with the green eyed condor” a raspy voice returning “Send her in Agent, and then be on your way to headquarters to be debriefed.”

Turning he looks to Tasha, “well Tasha, they are ready for you, so… I guess… this is goodbye.” The look in her eyes was unsettling but did not hurt nearly so much as her cold formal reply “Goodbye Agent Alex.” He looked at her hearing the scorn dripping from her voice, pure malice directed straight at his head. Turning, he walks away from her stepping into the sedan and firing up the engine, watching her as she strides purposely to the door opening it and disappearing from his gaze. Wiping the tears from his eyes whispering to the silence of the car “Goodbye Tasha, I love you.”
© Copyright 2005 Scarlettfox (scarlettfox at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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