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Hear, Hear Hence Thee O’ Raven and Song I am the Raven Hear me cry! I am the sparrow Hear my song! A song, A song, Sung to thee For guidance and love, Sung for thee who falls From above. The raven’s tears sprout The grave. The cardinal’s call Lulls the dead. Making them Smile again… The blue jay’s rapture Captures all. Still the raven’s howl Calls us home. Home, Home, To Home the Raven does call. In nights black hour Silent above, Call I do to he… Come home with me, Come home with me Come home with me O’ Raven. For you must sing, O’ shrilly sing, Our mourning tears away… Return to me My love, My love. Return to me my darling. Fall down to me my silent maiden. I wish One wish, To hold thee again… O’ sing to me My nightshade. My blackened, Tattered, Renegade. O’ sing to me your war time song That tale of tales that lingers on Your tale, Your tale, Of which is sung For only then Will I be whole Once and again… My dream, My love, My dear marauder, The one I hunt and call for. That lovely bird of Shadowed tale The one I sing of my heart for. To you my life Is all in debt, My silent, faithful specter. O’ weave your golden syllable Cadence Upon a fair blonde thread. Mournful messenger, Heart of hearts, Beauty of beauty’s sister! My faithful aficionado Call to me. Come pour to me those tattered lines Of which they all do fear, Cry my name Into the night... Peal away my vicious fears! O’ sing to me my beloved lover So I may be whole Once again. Pour into my veins Your odorous lines, Love and sorrow tales. My gentle lover Come sing to me For I wish to be whole Once again… O’ ragged tale, O’ patient traveler, My affection is placed on thee. My lovely, little nightingale The Raven of Misery. O’ Hum, O’ Hum, O’ please do hum, Your desolate But loving tale Of two sweet lovers Who slept together And died together too, Those cooing lovers Who loved each other As I Do love You… Please, O’ please, Do sing your tale, Though it is long Passed two For I do wish To drift away With your placid Lovely tunes, To dream the dreams Of which only kings do dream In this silent, Fading silence. To me you must call Your lines and songs, Always, forever to. Laughing, crying Ever dieing, Long surviving, Pale and gracious Under a Shadowed moon… |